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Alprostadil (Systemic, Local) (Monograph)

Brand names: Caverject, edex, Muse, Prostin VR Pediatric
Drug class: Direct Vasodilators

Medically reviewed by on May 10, 2024. Written by ASHP.


  • Apnea reported in 10–12% of neonates with congenital heart defects receiving IV or intra-arterial alprostadil; usually occurs during first hour of IV or intra-arterial infusion, particularly in neonates weighing <2 kg at birth.

  • Use in neonates only when adequate treatment facilities for assisted ventilation are readily available; monitor respiratory status throughout therapy.


Vasodilator and platelet-aggregation inhibitor; a naturally occurring prostaglandin E1.

Uses for Alprostadil (Systemic, Local)

Erectile Dysfunction

Used to facilitate attainment of a sexually functional erection in males with erectile dysfunction (ED, impotence).

Intraurethral therapy generally preferred over intracavernosal vasoactive therapy because it is less invasive; however intracavernosal therapy is most effective nonsurgical treatment for ED.

Consider intraurethral therapy for patients with inadequate responses to or who are not candidates for selective oral PDE type 5 inhibitor therapy.

Effective in patients with organic (neurogenic and/or mild to moderate vasculogenic) ED or with psychogenic ED.

Experts recommend a selective PDE type 5 inhibitor as first-line therapy for ED unless contraindicated.

Manufacturers state that safety and efficacy of alprostadil in combination with other vasoactive therapy for erectile dysfunction not established and currently not recommended. However, American Urological Association (AUA) and other clinicians state that combination therapy with other intracavernosal vasoactive agents increased efficacy and decreased adverse effects relative to alprostadil alone. Combined therapy with intraurethral alprostadil and vacuum constriction device or oral selective PDE type 5 inhibitor increased efficacy relative to alprostadil alone.

Adjunct to other vascular testing (e.g., duplex ultrasonography, cavernosometry/cavernosography, angiography, radioisotope penogram) in differential diagnosis of ED and evaluation of hemodynamic status of erectile tissue.

Ductus Arteriosus-dependent Congenital Heart Disease

Palliative treatment in maintaining patency of ductus arteriosus in neonates with various ductal-dependent congenital heart defects (e.g., pulmonary atresia, pulmonary stenosis, tricuspid atresia, tetralogy of Fallot, interruption of aortic arch, coarctation of the aorta, transposition of great vessels).

Used to provide adequate circulation and oxygenation and prevent or correct resultant acidemia until corrective or palliative surgery can be performed.

Do not use in neonates with respiratory distress syndrome.

Alprostadil (Systemic, Local) Dosage and Administration



Ductus Arteriosus-dependent Congenital Heart Disease


Administer by continuous IV or intra-arterial infusion to maintain patency of ductus arteriosus in neonates with congenital heart disease.

Administer by intracavernosal injection for treatment and diagnosis of ED or by intraurethral suppository for treatment of ED.

IV and Intra-arterial Infusion

To maintain patency of ductus arteriosus, administer by continuous IV infusion into a large vein (peripheral or central); preferred route of administration.

Alternatively, may administer through an umbilical artery catheter placed at the ductal opening.

If flushing occurs during intra-arterial infusion, reposition catheter.

A controlled-infusion device (e.g., an electronic volumetric controller, volumetric IV infusion pump) or other apparatus to ensure precise control of the flow rate should be used; inadvertent rapid administration could result in toxicity (e.g., apnea). (See Boxed Warning.)

Standardize 4 Safety

Standardized concentrations for IV alprostadil have been established through Standardize 4 Safety (S4S), a national patient safety initiative to reduce medication errors, especially during transitions of care. Multidisciplinary expert panels were convened to determine recommended standard concentrations. Because recommendations from the S4S panels may differ from the manufacturer’s prescribing information, caution is advised when using concentrations that differ from labeling, particularly when using rate information from the label. For additional information on S4S (including updates that may be available), see [Web].

Table 1: Standardize 4 Safety Continuous IV Infusion Standard Concentrations for Alprostadil249

Patient Population

Concentration Standards

Dosing Units

Pediatric patients (<50 kg)

5 mcg/mL

10 mcg/mL

mcg/kg per minute


Alprostadil injection concentrate must be diluted prior to IV or intra-arterial infusion.

Add 1 mL of alprostadil concentrate to 0.9% sodium chloride or 5% dextrose injection to provide solution containing 2–20 mcg/mL of drug, depending on controlled-infusion device employed and needs of neonate.

When using a device with a volumetric infusion chamber, add appropriate volume of diluent to chamber first and then add 1 mL of drug concentrate to diluent.

The following table lists sample alprostadil dilutions and infusion rates when a dosage of 0.1 mcg/kg of body weight per minute is employed. This dosage is commonly used for initiation of alprostadil therapy to maintain patency of the ductus arteriosus.

Dilutions and infusion rates to provide a dosage of 0.1 mcg/kg per minute

Add 500 mcg (1 mL) alprostadil (Prostin VR Pediatric) to following diluent volumes:

Resultant approximate concentration (mcg/mL)

Infusion rate (mL/min per kg of body weight)

250 mL



100 mL



50 mL



25 mL



Intracavernosal Administration

Administer by intracavernosal injection into the penis.

Vary injection site to minimize adverse effects related to repeated local injection.

Prior to administration using Caverject impulse dual-chambered syringe system, set dose to be delivered by slowly turning the end of the plunger rod clockwise until the number visible in the dose window matches the appropriate dose of the drug (in mcg).

Reconstituted solutions of alprostadil for intracavernosal injection are intended for single-use only. Properly dispose of single-use delivery device and any remaining solution following use.


Caverject: Reconstitute vial labeled as containing 20 or 40 mcg of alprostadil powder with 1 mL of bacteriostatic or sterile water for injection (with benzyl alcohol) supplied by manufacturer, to provide a solution containing 20.5 or 41.1 mcg/mL, respectively, and delivering 20 or 40 mcg/mL. Use a 3 mL syringe with a 27- to 30-gauge, 0.5-inch needle. Swirl contents of vial gently until clear solution obtained. Withdraw desired dose of reconstituted solution into same syringe prior to administration.

Caverject impulse dual-chambered syringe system: Reconstitute by turning plunger rod clockwise until rod meets resistance to force diluent (sterile bacteriostatic water for injection) into chamber containing sterile powder. Mix contents of syringe thoroughly by turning device upside down several times until solution is clear.

edex dual-chambered system: Place cartridge containing alprostadil lyophilized powder into edex injection device and push plunger of device until 2 gray rubber stoppers touch to force diluent (1.075 mL of 0.9% sodium chloride injection) into upper chamber containing drug powder. Gently move injection device back and forth until solution is clear. Do not use if cartridge is damaged or cake of drug powder is substantially <(3/8) inch in thickness.

Intracavernosal Injection Technique

Hold head (glans) of penis (if uncircumcised, pull back foreskin initially) between thumb and forefinger, and stretch lengthwise along thigh while sitting upright or slightly reclined. Inject into a corpus cavernosum of the penis (underneath the tunica albuginea along dorsolateral aspect of proximal third of penis) using a steady motion. Avoid blood vessels, corpus spongiosum, subcutaneous tissue, urethra, and dorsal neural vascular structures as injection sites.

Inject dose slowly (over 5–10 seconds); apply pressure to injection site with alcohol swab for 5 minutes (or until bleeding stops) after needle is withdrawn. If bleeding continues or recurs, abstain from intercourse.

If solution does not inject easily or if a burning pain at injection site occurs, reposition needle by moving needle slightly or partially withdrawing needle until solution can be injected easily and painlessly.

If needle bends severely at anytime during reconstitution or injection, discard needle, and replace with new unused needle.

Rate of Administration

Inject slowly (over 5–10 seconds).

Intraurethral Administration

Administer intraurethrally as a suppository.

Urinate immediately prior to administration and gently shake penis to remove excess urine. Microsuppository (medicated pellet) is designed to dissolve in small quantity of urine remaining in urethra after urination.

Insert intraurethral suppository according to manufacturer’s instructions. After insertion, inspect applicator to confirm that urethral suppository is no longer in applicator tip. If some residual medication is left in applicator, repeat insertion procedure. Urination or dribbling immediately following intraurethral administration may result in loss of drug from urethral area.

After insertion of suppository, hold penis upright, and stretch to its full length. Roll penis firmly between hands for ≥10 seconds to ensure that drug distributes adequately along walls of urethra. If a burning sensation occurs, roll penis for additional 30–60 seconds or until burning subsides.

After administration, increase blood flow to penis by sitting, standing, or walking for 10 minutes. Lying down (especially on back) immediately after administration may reduce penile blood flow and subsequent development of erection. During sexual activity, use positions that favor blood flow into penis.


Pediatric Patients

Ductus Arteriosus-dependent Congenital Heart Disease
IV and Intra-arterial Infusion

Neonates: Initially, 0.1 mcg/kg per minute. However, adequate clinical response reported with 0.05 mcg/kg per minute in some neonates.

If response inadequate, may increase dosage gradually up to 0.4 mcg/kg per minute. However, dosages >0.1 mcg/kg per minute generally have not produced additional benefit.

After therapeutic response achieved, reduce infusion rate to provide the lowest possible dosage that maintains response; progressively taper dosage from 0.1 down to 0.05 to 0.025 to 0.01 mcg/kg per minute until lowest effective dose reached.

Continue therapy until surgical repair is complete, usually ≤24–48 hours after initiation.

If complications occur, consider lower infusion rate or discontinuance of infusion. (See IV and Intra-arterial Infusion: Rate of Administration under Dosage and Administration.)

If apnea or bradycardia occurs, discontinue infusion and initiate appropriate treatment. In some cases, reinitiate infusion cautiously if continued therapy considered necessary.


Initiation and Titration for ED of Neurogenic, Vasculogenic, Psychogenic, or Mixed Etiology
Intraurethral Suppository

Initially, 125 or 250 mcg. If no response, increase subsequent doses in a stepwise manner to 500 mcg or 1 mg, as needed, on separate occasions. Use ≤2 urethral suppositories within 24 hours.

Initiation and Titration for ED of Pure Neurogenic Etiology
Intracavernosal Injection

Caverject vials and single-use, dual-chambered injection device: Initially, 1.25 mcg. If no response, double second dose to 2.5 mcg after ≤1 hour. Do not administer >2 doses within 24 hours. If additional dosage titration required, administer 5 mcg during next 24 hours. Increase subsequent dosage in 5-mcg increments, with each incremental increase separated by ≥24 hours, until optimum response achieved. (See General: ED, under Dosage and Administration.)

edex reusable dual-chambered injection device: Initially, 1.25 mcg. If no response, double second dose to 2.5 mcg after ≤1 hour; if still no response, increase to 5 mcg after ≤1 hour. Increase subsequent dosage in 5-mcg increments, until optimum response achieved. (See General: ED, under Dosage and Administration.) If a partial response observed at any point in dosage titration, wait ≥1 day before resuming dose titration.

Initiation and Titration for ED of Vasculogenic, Psychogenic, or Mixed Etiology
Intracavernosal Injection

Caverject vials and single-use, dual-chambered injection devices: Initially, 2.5 mcg. If partial response observed, double dose to 5 mcg after ≤1 hour. If no response, increase second dose to 7.5 mcg after ≤1 hour. Administer ≤2 doses within ≤24 hours. If additional titration required, increase dosage in increments of 5–10 mcg at intervals of ≥24 hours until optimum response achieved. (See General: ED, under Dosage and Administration.)

edex reusable dual-chambered injection device: Initially, 2.5 mcg. If no response, increase second dose to 7.5 mcg after ≤1 hour, followed by increments of 5–10 mcg at intervals of ≤1 hour until a response occurs. If partial response observed with 2.5 mcg, wait ≥24 hours before doubling dose to 5 mcg, followed by increments of 5–10 mcg at intervals of ≥24 hours until optimum response achieved. (See General: ED, under Dosage and Administration.)

Maintenance (Self-administration)
Intraurethral Suppository

Initially, self-administer dose determined as optimal during titration in a medical setting (e.g., physician’s office); administer ≤2 urethral suppositories within a 24-hour period.

Intracavernosal Injection

Initially, self-administer dose determined as optimal during titration in a medical setting (e.g., physician’s office); administer no more frequently than 3 times weekly with >1 day elapsing between each dose.

If required, adjust dosage only after consultation with a clinician (not independently by the patient), following the same initial titration guidelines.

Diagnostic Use
Intracavernosal Injection

Adjunct to other vascular testing: Use single dose that produces firm erection.

Prescribing Limits

Pediatric Patients

Ductus Arteriosus-dependent Congenital Heart Disease
IV or Intra-arterial Infusion

Maximum: ≤0.4 mcg/kg per minute.


Initiation and Titration
Intraurethral Suppository

Maximum 2 suppositories within 24 hours.

Intracavernosal Injection

Caverject vials and single-use, dual-chambered injection devices: Generally, maximum 60–65 mcg. Administer maximum 2 injections within 24 hours.

edex reusable dual-chambered injection device: Dosages >40 mcg not evaluated. If a response occurs, allow >1 day interval between doses.

Maintenance (Self-administration)
Intraurethral Suppository

Maximum 2 urethral suppositories within a 24-hour period.

Intracavernosal Injection

Maximum frequency ≤3 injections weekly with ≥1 day elapsing between each dose.

Cautions for Alprostadil (Systemic, Local)





Risk of respiratory depression and apnea in neonates with congenital heart defects. (See Boxed Warning.)

GI Effects

Risk of gastric outlet obstruction secondary to antral hyperplasia in neonates receiving alprostadil injection for arteriosus-dependent congenital heart disease; associated with prolonged therapy (e.g., cumulative dose and duration of therapy).

Closely monitor neonates receiving recommended dosages for >120 hours for evidence of antral hyperplasia and gastric outlet obstruction. During prolonged therapy, carefully weigh possible risk of gastric outlet obstruction against potential benefits.


Possible prolonged erection (persisting for 4–6 hours) or priapism (erection persisting for >6 hours).

May result in penile tissue damage and permanent loss of potency if not treated immediately (e.g., aspiration of cavernosal blood, intracavernosal injection of an α-adrenergic agonist or dopamine).

Minimize risk of prolonged erection by slowly titrating to lowest possible effective dosage. Consider decreased dosage or discontinuance in patients who develop priapism or prolonged erection. (See General: ED, under Dosage and Administration.)

Cardiovascular and Cerebrovascular Effects

Risk of symptomatic hypotension and syncope in patients using intraurethral alprostadil; monitor patients during dosage initiation and titration for manifestations of such effects.

Hypotension and/or dizziness reported following intracavernosal administration; may result from increased peripheral blood levels of prostaglandin E1, especially in patients with significant corpora cavernosa venous leakage.

Possible hypotension and bradycardia in neonates receiving IV or intra-arterial therapy. If bradycardia occurs, discontinue infusion and institute appropriate therapy; (See Dosage: Pediatric Patients under Dosage and Administration) if hypotension occurs, reduce infusion rate and institute appropriate therapy, if necessary. (See IV and Intra-arterial Infusion: Rate of Administration under Dosage and Administration.)

Morphologic changes in ductal and pulmonary arteries observed in infants receiving short- or long-term IV or intra-arterial therapy at usual recommended dosages.

General Precautions

Respiratory Distress Syndrome

Do not use in neonates with respiratory distress syndrome; closure of ductus arteriosus is necessary to prevent overload of pulmonary circulation in such neonates.

Prior to initiating therapy in neonates, make a differential diagnosis between neonatal respiratory distress syndrome (hyaline membrane disease) and cyanotic heart disease (restricted pulmonary blood flow). If full diagnostic facilities not readily available, use cyanosis (evidenced by PO2 <40 mm Hg) and radiographic evidence of restricted pulmonary blood flow as indicators of cyanotic heart disease.

GU Effects

Penile fibrosis, including Peyronie’s disease, reported following intracavernosal administration.

Examine patients (e.g., every 3 months) for any changes in penis and assess therapeutic benefit. Discontinue therapy in any patient who develops penile angulation, cavernosal fibrosis, or Peyronie’s disease during therapy.

Assessment of Patients with Erectile Dysfunction

Thorough medical history and physical examination recommended to diagnose erectile dysfunction, determine potential underlying causes, exclude potentially reversible or treatable causes, identify underlying disorders that might preclude use, and identify appropriate treatment.

Examine cardiac fitness of patient prior to treatment initiation, particularly in patients with underlying cardiovascular disease.

Sexual Preference

No experience with use in homosexual men or for sexual activities other than vaginal intercourse.

Concomitant Therapy

Safety and efficacy of combination therapy with other treatments for erectile dysfunction not established; combined use not recommended by manufacturer.

Increased propensity for bleeding with intracavernosal use in patients receiving concurrent anticoagulants (e.g., heparin, warfarin).

Risk of urethral abrasion resulting in minor bleeding or spotting with improper intraurethral use, particularly in patients receiving anticoagulant therapy.

Musculoskeletal Effects

Risk of cortical hyperostosis of long bones associated with prolonged IV or intra-arterial therapy in neonates and infants. Cortical hyperostosis regresses with therapy withdrawal; carefully weigh possible risk of cortical hyperostosis of long bones against potential benefits.

Hematologic Effects

Bleeding reported rarely following IV or intra-arterial infusion; carefully weigh risk to benefit of therapy in neonates with bleeding disorders.

Risk of urethral abrasion resulting in minor bleeding or spotting with improper use of intraurethral suppository.

Risk of hematologic complications (e.g., intracorporeal hematoma, ecchymosis, hemorrhage at the site of injection) with intracavernosal therapy, especially in patients receiving concomitant anticoagulant therapy. If bleeding continues or recurs after applying pressure to injection site, abstain from intercourse.

Specific Populations


Category C. Not indicated for use in women.

Intraurethral suppository: Embryotoxic in animals; use condom during sexual intercourse with pregnant woman.


Not indicated in women.

Pediatric Use

Intracavernosal injections or intraurethral suppository not indicated for use in children.

Safety and efficacy of IV or intra-arterial infusion established in infants and neonates.

Geriatric Use

No substantial differences in safety and efficacy relative to younger adults, but decreased sensitivity (e.g., increased dosage requirements) cannot be ruled out.

Common Adverse Effects

IV or intra-arterial infusion: Apnea, fever, seizures, flushing, bradycardia, hypotension, tachycardia.

Intraurethral suppository: Penile or testicular pain, urethral burning, urethral bleeding and/or spotting, minor urethral abrasions.

Intracavernosal injection: Penile pain, prolonged erection, penile fibrosis, injection site hematoma.

Drug Interactions

Specific Drugs




α-Adrenergic agonists

Possible antagonism of erectile effects

Anorexigenic agents

Possible antagonism of erectile effects

Anticoagulants, oral

Increased risk of bleeding after intracavernosal or intraurethral use

Pharmacokinetic interaction unlikely

Intraurethral suppository: Consider risk-benefit ratio with concomitant use

Antidiabetic agents

Pharmacokinetic or pharmacodynamic interaction unlikely

Antihypertensive agents

Possible increased risk of hypotension with intraurethral use

Intraurethral suppository: Use concurrently with caution

Cardiac glycosides

Pharmacokinetic or pharmacodynamic interaction unlikely


Possible antagonism of erectile effects


Pharmacokinetic or pharmacodynamic interaction unlikely


Prolongation of PT, thrombin time, and partial thromboplastin time

Potential for bleeding

Intracavernosal injections: Use concomitantly with caution

Intraurethral suppository: Consider risk-benefit ratio with concomitant use


Safety and efficacy of alprostadil not affected by concomitant use

Alprostadil (Systemic, Local) Pharmacokinetics



Absolute bioavailability about 98% following intracavernosal injection.

Approximately 80% absorbed ≤10 minutes following intraurethral administration.


Erection usually occurs within 2–25 minutes after intracavernosal injection.

Erection usually occurs within 5–10 minutes after intraurethral administration.


Erection may persist approximately 1 hour up to several hours following intracavernosal injection.

Erection may persist approximately 30–60 minutes following intraurethral administration.

Special Populations

In patients with hepatic impairment receiving alprostadil IV infusion, increased peak blood concentrations of drug and metabolites compared with healthy individuals.

In patients with renal impairment receiving alprostadil IV infusion, decreased peak blood concentrations of drug and increased peak blood concentrations of metabolites compared with healthy individuals.



Following intraurethral administration, distributed from mucosal cells of urethra into corpus spongiosum, corpus cavernosum, and pelvic venous circulation. Some drug may distribute from corpus spongiosum directly into pelvic venous circulation bypassing corpus cavernosum.

Following intracavernosal administration, no appreciable binding to erythrocytes or WBCs.

Plasma Protein Binding




Following intracavernosal or intraurethral administration, principally metabolized locally in corpus cavernosum or urethra via oxidation and reduction. Portion of drug released into systemic circulation and metabolized by lungs.

Following systemic administration, rapidly and extensively metabolized principally in the lungs via β- and ω-oxidation.

Elimination Route

Following IV administration, excreted principally in urine (88–90%) as metabolites and in feces (10–12%).


Intraurethral suppository: 30 seconds to 10 minutes, depending on body compartment measured and physiologic status of individual.

Intracavernosal injection: 9–11 minutes in healthy individuals.

Special Populations

In patients with hepatic or renal impairment receiving alprostadil IV infusion, terminal half-lives of drug and metabolites unaffected.




Powder for Injection

edex: 25°C (may be exposed to 15–30°C). Do not freeze; protect from excessive heat. Use reconstituted solution immediately; discard unused solution.

Caverject With 20-mcg vials, ≤25°C. Do not freeze; protect from excessive heat. With 40 mcg vials, 2–8°C until dispensed; thereafter ≤25°C for 3 months or expiration date, whichever comes first. Do not freeze; protect from excessive heat. Use reconstituted solutions within 24 hours when stored at ≤25°C; do not refrigerate or freeze.

Caverject impulse: 25°C (may be exposed to 15–30°C). Do not freeze; protect from excessive heat. Use reconstituted solutions within 24 hours when stored at ≤25°C; discard unused solution.

Intraurethral Suppository

Refrigerate at 2–8°C; protect from light and excessive heat (temperatures >30°C). Store in unopened foil pouches until use. May be stored at <30°C for ≤14 days prior to use.

Injection Concentrate for Infusion


Discard unused diluted solutions after 24 hours.


Advice to Patients

Erectile Dysfunction

Additional Information

The American Society of Health-System Pharmacists, Inc. represents that the information provided in the accompanying monograph was formulated with a reasonable standard of care, and in conformity with professional standards in the field. Readers are advised that decisions regarding use of drugs are complex medical decisions requiring the independent, informed decision of an appropriate health care professional, and that the information contained in the monograph is provided for informational purposes only. The manufacturer’s labeling should be consulted for more detailed information. The American Society of Health-System Pharmacists, Inc. does not endorse or recommend the use of any drug. The information contained in the monograph is not a substitute for medical care.


Excipients in commercially available drug preparations may have clinically important effects in some individuals; consult specific product labeling for details.

Please refer to the ASHP Drug Shortages Resource Center for information on shortages of one or more of these preparations.



Dosage Forms


Brand Names



For injection concentrate, for IV infusion

500 mcg/mL

Alprostadil Injection

Prostin VR Pediatric


For injection, for intracavernosal use

10 mcg

Caverject impulse (available as disposable prefilled dual-chambered cartridges with bacteriostatic water for injection diluent with benzyl alcohol 4.45 mcg; needle and alcohol swabs)


edex (available in cartridges with one compartment of dual-chamber containing diluent [bacteriostatic 0.9% sodium chloride] and with reusable injection device, needles and alcohol swabs)


20 mcg

Caverject (available as single-dose vials with sterile water for injection diluent with benzyl alcohol 8.4 mcg)


Caverject impulse (available as disposable prefilled dual-chambered cartridges with bacteriostatic water for injection diluent with benzyl alcohol 4.45 mcg; needle and alcohol swabs)


edex (available in cartridges with one compartment of dual-chamber containing diluent [bacteriostatic 0.9% sodium chloride] and with reusable injection device, needles and alcohol swabs)


40 mcg

Caverject (available as single-dose vials with sterile water for injection diluent with benzyl alcohol 8.4 mcg)


edex (available in cartridges with one compartment of dual-chamber containing diluent [bacteriostatic 0.9% sodium chloride] and with reusable injection device, needles, and alcohol swabs)




125 mcg

Muse (in a polyethylene glycol vehicle; with applicator)


250 mcg

Muse (in a polyethylene glycol vehicle; with applicator)


500 mcg

Muse (in a polyethylene glycol vehicle; with applicator)


1 mg

Muse (in a polyethylene glycol vehicle; with applicator)


AHFS DI Essentials™. © Copyright 2024, Selected Revisions May 10, 2024. American Society of Health-System Pharmacists, Inc., 4500 East-West Highway, Suite 900, Bethesda, Maryland 20814.

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