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Lurocaine (Canada)

This treatment applies to the following species:
Company: Vetoquinol


DIN 01987909

Lidocaine Hydrochloride Sterile Injection, Mfr. Std.


Local Anaesthetic

Active Ingredients

Each mL contains:

Lidocaine (as hydrochloride monohydrate)

20 mg



1 mg/mL

INDICATIONS: Lurocaine is a fast acting local anaesthetic agent which can be used for infiltration or conduction (nerve blocking) anaesthesia. It is twice as potent as procaine hydrochloride and produces more prompt, longer lasting and more extensive anaesthesia than the latter preparation.

Dosage and Administration

When Lurocaine is used for infiltration anaesthesia, as small a volume as possible should be used. The anaesthetic should be injected into the skin and deeper tissues but not at the site of the operation because of the possible delay in healing. Administer the injection slowly.

NOTES: Lurocaine is acidic and can react chemically with the metallic parts of syringes. Injections should be made immediately after withdrawal from the bottle.


Volar and plantar nerve blocks: 5 - 10 mL. For surgery of the extremities of the feet and the diagnosis of lameness.

Infra orbital nerve block: 8 - 12 mL. For surgery of the upper lips and nostrils, trephining of the maxillary sinuses and extracting upper incisor and cheek teeth.

Mandibular nerve block: 10 - 20 mL. For surgery of the lower lip, mandible and lower molar and incisor teeth.

Median and ulnar nerve block: 15 - 20 mL. For surgery distal to the carpus and for diagnosis of lameness.

Posterior digital nerve block: 3 - 5 mL. For diagnosis of navicular disease.

Epidural anaesthesia (standing animal): 4 - 10 mL. For surgery of the tail, anus and rectum, vulva, vagina and perineum. Anaesthesia of the hind legs and lower abdomen can also be achieved with larger epidural injections. For such operations, the animal must be cast.

Infiltration anaesthesia: 2 - 50 mL. Subcutaneously or intramuscularly. For suturing wounds, minor surgery and therapeutic cautery.


Epidural anaesthesia (standing animal): 4 - 8 mL. For surgery of the tail, anus, rectum, vulva, vagina and perineum; relaxation of the penis; counteracting excessive straining during replacement of the prolapsed uterus or vagina; removal of urethral calculi in feedlot steers.

Infiltration anaesthesia: 5 - 100 mL. Subcutaneously or intramuscularly. For major surgery and suturing wounds.

Cornual nerve block (dehorning): 10 - 15 mL. For dehorning of bulls.

Paravertebral block: 50 - 80 mL. For laparotomy.


Epidural anaesthesia: 3 - 10 mL.


Local infiltration for minor surgery and suturing wounds: 2 - 10 mL.

Tail amputation: 0.5 - 5 mL.


Local subcutaneous infiltration for minor surgery: 0.5 - 4 mL.

Dosage dependent on size of animal and area to be anaesthetized.


Epidural anaesthesia is contraindicated in dogs which are highly distressed, due to danger of shock. Use should be restricted to calm animals. Use with extreme care in animals with severe shock, heart block, neurological diseases, spinal deformities, septicemia and severe hypotension or hypertension. Avoid injection at the actual surgery site since it may delay healing. Do not inject into areas of sepsis.

CAUTIONS: Do not administer intravascularly. Overdosage may result in adverse reactions. Do not use pentylene tetrazole as an antidote. Transient drowsiness may occur in animals receiving large doses of lidocaine. Convulsions and shock may occur in sensitive animals if large doses of the drug are given intravenously (inadvertently) or intrathecally. This may be treated by injecting a short acting barbiturate intravenously to control central nervous system stimulation and immediately administering artificial respiration or oxygen.


Milk taken from animals during treatment and within 96 hours after the latest treatment must not be used as food. Treated animals must not be slaughtered for use in food for at least 5 days after the latest treatment with this drug. This drug is not to be administered to horses that are to be slaughtered for use in food. Keep out of reach of children.


Store between 15°C and 25°C. Protect from light. Keep from freezing.

PRESENTATION: 100 mL vial.

Vetoquinol N.-A. Inc., 2000, ch. Georges, Lavaltrie, QC, Canada J5T 3S5




100 mL


457376 0219 D

CPN: 1234041.7

Commercial Division

Telephone:   450-586-2252
Order Desk:   800-363-1700
Fax:   450-586-4649
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