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Symptom Checker

Step 4: Read and complete the decision guide to learn more about your symptoms.

Vaginal Pain or Discomfort

There are several possible explanations for your vaginal pain. You will need to visit with your doctor so that your pain can be evaluated.

If you are an older adult, particularly if you have ever given birth, it is possible that your pain is coming from a shift in position of your uterus. If the uterus is not fully supported by the ligaments and muscles that hold it in its usual position in the pelvis, the uterus can "slump" downwards into the vagina. This problem is named uterine prolapse. The pain that is associated with uterine prolapse is often described as "heavy," "aching," or "pulling."

Some skin conditions affect the entrance to the vagina and can cause vaginal pain. An example is the skin change, "lichen sclerosis." Your doctor can inspect your skin in the genital area for changes that might offer an explanation.

You have reported that you have pain at times other than during or close to your menstrual cycles. It is possible that you have a condition named endometriosis, even though your pattern of pain is not typical. Endometriosis occurs when the type of tissue that lines the uterus is also located in places outside of the uterus. This tissue enlarges during prior to menstruation and it can create irritation in your pelvis or lower abdomen.

Pain from the lower abdomen or kidneys can sometimes be felt in the vagina. This type of pain is called referred pain, and it can occur when there is no problem within the vagina itself. A hernia or a kidney stone are examples of problems in the abdomen that can cause pain in the vagina.


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