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Symptom Checker

Step 4: Read and complete the decision guide to learn more about your symptoms.

Understanding New and Severe Abdominal Pain

When pain is present throughout the whole abdomen, it is usually arising from one of these sources:

1) A problem within the intestinal tract

2) A mineral abnormality, hormone abnormality, or abnormality of blood acidity that can affect the comfort of your intestinal tract

3) A problem involving the inside lining of your abdominal wall (called the "peritoneum") and any fluid that may exist between this lining and the abdominal organs.

If your pain is arising from the third source of diffuse abdominal pain we have listed -- your "peritoneum" -- then this can be a true emergency. Our first questions will help to identify if your problem is likely to involve your peritoneum or the fluid that may collect underneath it.

The peritoneum is a structure that is very sensitive to friction. If the peritoneum is inflamed, it is painful for people to have even minimal movement of their abdomen.

Do you have sharply increased pain if your abdomen is lightly jiggled? For example, do you have pain if someone bumps into the furniture on which you are sitting or lying or sharply increased pain when you cough or sneeze?

Yes, I have pain from minimal movements.

No, I do not have this symptom.

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