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Symptom Checker

Step 4: Read and complete the decision guide to learn more about your symptoms.

Treatment of Warts in Children

Warts don't always need to be treated in healthy children. Over time, they will usually get better. If and when treatment is used, most therapies will be very effective in children with healthy immune systems. That is because all of the treatments seem to work by stimulating the body's immune system to get rid of the wart.

Does your child's wart do any of the following

  • cause pain, itching, or burning

  • bleed when rubbed or bumped against something

  • bother your child?

Is the wart large or are there many warts?

Are you worried that the wart will spread elsewhere on your child or to another child?

The answer is yes to one or more of these questions.

The answer is no to all of these questions.

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