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Symptom Checker

Step 4: Read and complete the decision guide to learn more about your symptoms.

Recurring Abdominal Pain

If your pain is provoked by abrupt pressure in your abdominal cavity (as is caused by a cough or sneeze), it is possible that you have a hernia. A hernia is an area of bowel that can become pinched as it pushes through an accidental opening in the abdomen, such as a tear in your muscular abdominal wall.

Some hernias create a bulge in the naval area, the middle of the abdomen, or on one side of the groin, but hernias can also occur without a visible bulge.

Hernias can be difficult to diagnose, since the bowel usually appears normal on tests that are done between attacks. If a hernia is considered likely, your doctor might choose to begin your evaluation with a series of x-rays taken after you swallow a liquid named barium ("upper GI series") or with a computed tomography scan (CT scan).

Some problems in the back can cause pain in the abdomen. If you have back pain with your abdominal pain, a back problem should be considered.

Common problems that can be sensitive to cough, sneezing or straining in the abdomen and can result in abdominal pain include

  • abdominal (ventral) hernia or umbilical hernia (including abdominal hernia, umbilical hernia, or inguinal (groin) hernia)

  • inguinal hernia (hernia in the groin)

  • muscle strain

  • vertebral disk disease (bulging or ruptured disk)

  • vertebral fracture.


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