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Symptom Checker

Step 4: Read and complete the decision guide to learn more about your symptoms.

Nutrition Assessment for Infants and Toddlers

It's great that you have been able to breastfeed your baby for this long!

Breastmilk is excellent nutrition for older babies. However, babies who are exclusively breastfed need vitamin D supplements. To prevent rickets and vitamin D deficiency, it is recommended that all breastfed babies take a vitamin D supplement (200 IU per day), starting within the first two months of life. This supplement should be continued until your baby is drinking at least 16 ounces per day of vitamin-D fortified formula (or milk, which can be started after one year of age).

Are you planning to wean your baby before a year?

Yes, I plan to wean my baby before a year.

No, I am not planning to wean my baby before a year.

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