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Symptom Checker

Step 4: Read and complete the decision guide to learn more about your symptoms.

Nausea and Vomiting

One very important symptom along with fever and nausea or vomiting is abdominal pain. It is an important symptom because it can signal a dangerous infection. Pain in the abdomen can be constant (causing pain that does not ease, or pain that lasts for long stretches of an hour or more), or it can occur in repeated bursts of discomfort lasting only minutes. When pain is very episodic, it may be a sign that you are having spasms (strong contractions) of your intestine. Many viral infections can cause cramping in the abdomen with episodic pain. Pain that is long-lasting or continuous is concerning for a bacterial infection, for a gall bladder problem, or for lasting inflammation in one of your solid organs.

Have you been having pain in your abdomen or your flank (the side of your torso)? Please choose the most appropriate response:

I have crampy abdominal pain that comes in brief waves.

I have been having sustained pain in my abdomen or flank.

I do not have pain in my abdomen or flank.

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