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Symptom Checker

Step 4: Read and complete the decision guide to learn more about your symptoms.

Fever in Adults

You could have heat exhaustion or heat stroke.

Typical symptoms of heat exhaustion include:

- Prominent sweating with cool skin

- Dizziness or feeling faint

- Muscle pain, cramping, or weakness

- Nausea

- Thirst

Heat stroke may cause:

- Confusion, hallucinations, or blacking out

- Warm, dry skin

- Rapid breathing

- Very high body temperature (up to 105 degrees F or higher)

For heat exhaustion, drinking lots of cold fluids and getting rest usually brings things back to normal pretty quickly. But heat stroke is more serious and requires immediate medical attention!

Okay -- on to the next question:

Does it hurt or burn when you urinate?

Yes, I have pain or burning with urination.

No, I have no pain with urination.

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