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Symptom Checker

Step 4: Read and complete the decision guide to learn more about your symptoms.

Birth Control (Contraception) for Women

Great. You will have many choices for very effective pregnancy protection when the time is right for you. Remember that whatever you choose for pregnancy protection, you will always want your partner to wear condoms when starting a new relationship. Other than abstinence, male condoms are your best protection against sexually transmitted infections.

You can take a pill every day, wear a skin patch, get a shot once a month or once every three months, place a ring in your vagina once per week or have removable hormonal implants placed under the skin.

Or you might consider choosing a second barrier method in addition to male condoms to get extra protection against unwanted pregnancy. Second barrier methods that you can use include a diaphragm, cervical cap, sponges and spermicides. For example, a woman can insert a spermicide jelly or cream into her vagina and also make sure her partner uses a condom.

Combining two barrier methods can offer extra protection against unwanted pregnancy. For example, a male condom with a spermicide is a popular contraceptive method.

The only barrier method that can't be used with a male condom is the female condom. Male condoms should not be used at the same time with female condoms because their surfaces will rub and cause one or both to slip out of position or completely slip off.


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