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Symptom Checker

Step 4: Read and complete the decision guide to learn more about your symptoms.


Anxiety is sometimes a symptom during the period prior to menopause called perimenopause. Some women will experience depression, irritability or mood swings during this period. Perimenopause symptoms may occur up to 15 years prior to a woman losing her period completely. If these symptoms are more than a small bother, you should talk to your primary care physician, gynecologist or a mental health professional about ways to manage these symptoms.

You will probably need the help of your primary care physician to figure out if you have a medical problem that needs attention.


How can we improve the Symptom Checker?

Disclaimer: This content should not be considered complete and should not be used in place of a call or visit to a health professional. Use of this content is subject to specific terms of use & medical disclaimers.