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Symptom Checker

Step 4: Read and complete the decision guide to learn more about your symptoms.

Acid Reflux Symptoms

Typical Symptoms of GERD

Refluxing acid can irritate the lining of the esophagus, and it can also irritate the throat or airway structures if it contacts these areas. Symptoms may be worst in the mornings (after you have been lying down) or after meals. Common symptoms of GERD include

  • sharp or burning chest pain behind the breastbone (heartburn)

  • chest heaviness

  • regurgitation of partially digested or sour tasting stomach contents

  • difficulty or pain with swallowing

  • nausea

  • excessive saliva production

  • sore throat

  • persistent cough

  • a feeling of a lump in your throat

  • hoarse or lost voice

  • a need to repeatedly clear your throat

  • asthma.

What would you like to do next?

Review my risks for coronary artery disease.

Proceed with the treatment portion of the guide.

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