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Homatropine (Monograph)

Brand names: Homatropaire, Isopto Homatropine
Drug class: Mydriatics
ATC class: S01FA05
VA class: OP600
CAS number: 51-56-9


Mydriatic and cycloplegic; tertiary amine antimuscarinic.a b

Uses for Homatropine

Ophthalmologic Examination

Used to produce mydriasis and cycloplegia for refraction.a b However, because homatropine has prolonged mydriatic and relatively weak cycloplegic effects, other antimuscarinics may be preferred.c

Ophthalmic Inflammation

Management of acute inflammatory conditions (e.g., iridocyclitis) of the uveal tract.a b c d

Perioperative Mydriasis

Used for pre- and postoperative states when mydriasis is required.a

Axial Lens Opacities

Used as an optical aid in some cases of axial lens opacities.a

Homatropine Dosage and Administration



Ophthalmic Administration

Apply topically to eye(s) as an ophthalmic solution.a b

For topical ophthalmic use only.a Not for injection.a

Following topical application, apply finger pressure on lacrimal sac for 2–3 minutes to avoid excessive systemic absorption.a

Avoid contamination of solution container.a


Available as homatropine hydrobromide; dosage expressed in terms of the salt.a

In patients with heavily pigmented irides, higher dosages may be required.a

Pediatric Patients

Use only the 2% solution in pediatric patients.a c

Ophthalmologic Examination

1 drop of a 2% solution in the eye(s) immediately before the procedure; may repeat at 10-minute intervals as necessary.b e

Ophthalmic Inflammation

1 drop of a 2% solution in the eye(s) 2 or 3 times daily.b e


Ophthalmologic Examination

1 or 2 drops of a 2 or 5% solution in the eye(s) immediately before the procedure; may repeat in 5–10 minutes if necessary.a c

Ophthalmic Inflammation

1 or 2 drops of a 2 or 5% solution in the eye(s) 2 or 3 times daily or, if necessary, up to every 3–4 hours.a b c

Special Populations

No special population dosage recommendations at this time.a

Cautions for Homatropine




Concomitant Conditions

Consider risks and benefits in patients with keratoconus (homatropine may produce fixed dilated pupil), Down’s syndrome, and children with brain damage.a

Sensitivity Reactions

Discontinue if signs or symptoms of sensitivity occur during treatment.b

General Precautions

Systemic Effects

Excessive use, especially in children, geriatric patients, or other susceptible individuals, may produce adverse systemic antimuscarinic effects, including delirium, agitation, and coma.a b Parenteral physostigmine is the recommended antidote for systemic anticholinergic symptoms.a

Specific Populations


Category C.a


Not known whether homatropine is distributed into milk.a Caution when used in nursing women.a

Pediatric Use

Safety and efficacy not established in pediatric patients.a

Use with extreme caution in infants and young children because of increased susceptibility to the systemic effects of the drug in these patients.a b Consider risks and benefits of use in children with brain damage.a

Geriatric Use

No substantial differences in safety or efficacy relative to younger adults.a

Use cautiously due to increased susceptibility to the systemic effects of the drug in geriatric patients.a

Common Adverse Effects

Elevated IOP,b d transient stinging,a burning.a With prolonged administration, local irritationa b (characterized by follicular conjunctivitis,a b vascular congestion,a b edema,a b exudate,a b and eczematoid dermatitisa b ), thirst,a dry mouth,a increased light sensitivity of eyes.a

Homatropine Pharmacokinetics



Following topical application to the eye, mydriatic agents are absorbed systemically, principally through the conjunctiva and nasal mucosa.d


Following topical application to the eye, maximum mydriasis occurs in about 10–30 minutes, and maximum cycloplegia occurs in about 30–90 minutes.b c


Mydriasis may last 6 hours to 4 days, and cycloplegia persists about 10–48 hours.b



Distribution in ocular tissues not fully characterized.c

Not known whether homatropine is distributed into milk after topical application to the eye.a





Tight, light-resistant containers at 8–24°C.a b Do not freeze.b


Advice to Patients


Excipients in commercially available drug preparations may have clinically important effects in some individuals; consult specific product labeling for details.

Please refer to the ASHP Drug Shortages Resource Center for information on shortages of one or more of these preparations.

* available from one or more manufacturer, distributor, and/or repackager by generic (nonproprietary) name

Homatropine Hydrobromide


Dosage Forms


Brand Names





Isopto Homatropine (with benzalkonium chloride; viscous)





Isopto Homatropine (with benzethonium chloride; viscous)


AHFS DI Essentials™. © Copyright 2024, Selected Revisions August 1, 2008. American Society of Health-System Pharmacists, Inc., 4500 East-West Highway, Suite 900, Bethesda, Maryland 20814.


a. Alcon Laboratories, Inc. Isopto Homatropine (homatropine hydrobromide) ophthalmic solution prescribing information. Fort Worth, TX; 2007 Jun.

b. AHFS Drug Information. McEvoy GK, ed. Homatropine hydrobromide. Bethesda, MD: American Society of Health-System Pharmacists; 2008:2910.

c. Zimmerman CF, Hogan RN, Le TD. Mydriatic and cycloplegic drugs. In: Zimmerman TJ, Kooner KS, Sharir M et al, eds. Textbook of ocular pharmacology. Philadelphia: Lippincott-Raven; 1997:807-26.

d. Vitale A, Foster CS. Mydriatic and cycloplegic agents. In: Zimmerman TJ, Kooner KS, Sharir M et al, eds. Textbook of ocular pharmacology. Philadelphia: Lippincott-Raven; 1997:703-11.

e. Gal P, Reed MD. Medications. In Kliegman RM, Behrman RE, Jenson HB et al, eds. Nelson textbook of pediatrics. 18th ed. Philadelphia: Saunders Elsevier; 2007:2955-99.