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Calcium Salts (Monograph)

Brand names: Alka-Mints, Calci-Chew, Calci-Mix, Caltrate, Chooz, ... show all 13 brands
Drug class: Replacement Preparations
- Antidotes


    Pharmacy Bulk Packages
  • Pharmacy bulk packages are for preparation of IV mixtures only.g

  • Not for direct IV infusion.g


Calcium salts are used as a source of calcium, an essential nutrient cation.b

Uses for Calcium Salts

Dietary Requirements (oral therapy)

For maintaining an adequate intake of calcium to support the development and preservation of bone mass at a level sufficient to prevent fractures associated with osteopenia or osteoporosis in later life and of other calcified tissues (e.g., teeth).112 126 129 147 153

Life long intake of adequate calcium is necessary for good bone health at any age; calcium requirements may increase among older individuals.147 148

Adequate intakes of calcium can be accomplished through changes in food consumption behaviors, consumption of nutrient-fortified foodstuffs, use of dietary supplements, or a combination of these.112 147 153

In the US and Canada, calcium principally is obtained from dairy products.112 Other principal sources include fruits, vegetables, and grain products.112 In addition, many healthy individuals take dietary supplements containing calcium.112

For specific information on currently recommended Dietary Reference Intakes (DRIs) of calcium for various life-stage and gender groups, see Dosage under Dosage and Administration.b

Hypocalcemia (parenteral and oral therapy)

Calcium salts are used as a source of calcium cation for the treatment or prevention of calcium depletion when dietary measures are inadequate.b Conditions associated with calcium deficiency include hypoparathyroidism, achlorhydria, chronic diarrhea, vitamin D deficiency, steatorrhea, sprue, pregnancy and lactation, menopause, pancreatitis, renal failure, alkalosis, and hyperphosphatemia.b

Some clinicians consider IV calcium chloride the calcium salt of choice to prevent hypocalcemia during transfusions with citrated blood.b In addition to being irritating, however, the chloride salt is acidifying and generally should not be used when acidosis coincides with hypocalcemia (e.g., renal failure).b

The calcium glycerophosphate and calcium lactate fixed-combination injection is used IM to increase serum calcium concentrations.142

Administration of certain drugs (e.g., some diuretics, anticonvulsants) may sometimes result in hypocalcemia, which may warrant calcium replacement therapy.b

Calcium is administered in long-term electrolyte replacement regimens.b

Use of calcium salts should not preclude the use of other measures intended to correct the underlying cause of calcium depletion.b

Vitamin D analogs may be administered concomitantly with oral calcium salts for the treatment of chronic hypocalcemia, especially when caused by vitamin D deficiency.b

Calcium salts may be used orally for the treatment of hypocalcemia secondary to the administration of anticonvulsant drugs.b

Hypocalcemic Tetany (IV therapy)

IV calcium gluconate is considered the salt of choice for the treatment of acute hypocalcemia.b

Calcium salts are used to treat acute hypocalcemic tetany secondary to renal failure, hypoparathyroidism, premature delivery, and/or maternal diabetes mellitus in infants, and poisoning with magnesium, oxalic acid, radiophosphorus, carbon tetrachloride, fluoride, phosphate, strontium, or radium.b

Hypoparathyroidism, Chronic (oral therapy)

Calcium salts may be used for treatment of chronic hypoparathyroidism.b

Latent Tetany (oral therapy)

Calcium salts may be used for the treatment of latent tetany.b

Osteoporosis (oral therapy)

Calcium salts (e.g., calcium carbonate, calcium citrate) are used as supplements in the prevention and treatment of osteoporosis when dietary intake of calcium is insufficient.147 148

Adequate intake of calcium and vitamin D (which increases absorption of calcium) is universally recommended for all individuals to diminish age-related bone loss and prevent osteoporosis.147 148

In addition to lifestyle modifications (e.g., regular weight-bearing exercise, avoidance of excessive alcohol and tobacco use), the National Osteoporosis Foundation recommends a daily calcium intake of 1 g in men 50–70 years of age, and 1.2 g in women ≥51 years of age and men ≥71 years of age.147

The combination of calcium and vitamin D has been shown to reduce risk of fractures.147

Glucocorticoid-induced Osteoporosis (oral therapy)

Calcium salts are used for prevention of glucocorticoid-induced osteoporosis.622

The American College of Rheumatology (ACR) recommends optimizing dietary intake of calcium (1–1.2 g daily) and vitamin D (600–800 units daily) in all patients receiving long-term glucocorticoid therapy (defined as a daily dosage equivalent to 2.5 mg of prednisone or greater for ≥3 months).622

Because of concerns about potential harms (e.g., cardiovascular risks), ACR states that additional study is needed to determine potential benefits versus risks of calcium and vitamin D supplementation in patients receiving glucocorticoids.622

Osteomalacia (oral therapy)

Calcium salts may be used for treatment of osteomalacia.b

Anticonvulsant-induced Hypocalcemia (oral therapy)

Calcium salts may be used for treatment of rickets, latent tetany, and hypocalcemia secondary to the administration of anticonvulsant drugs.b

Rickets (oral therapy)

Calcium salts may be used for treatment of rickets.b

Hyperphosphatemia in Chronic Renal Failure (oral therapy)

Calcium acetate and calcium carbonate are considered the salts of choice for chronic renal failure.113 126

In addition to providing a source of calcium, calcium acetate or carbonate sequesters phosphate in the intestine by forming insoluble phosphates that are excreted fecally, thus reducing serum phosphate concentrations and secondary hyperparathyroidism.b

Calcium carbonate partially corrects metabolic acidosis which may occur in chronic renal failure.b

Because of the risk of aluminum accumulation and resultant neurotoxic and osteomalacic effects, most clinicians no longer use aluminum hydroxide to inhibit phosphorus absorption; instead calcium acetate or carbonate and/or non-calcium-, non-aluminum-, non-magnesium-containing phosphate binders (e.g., lanthanum carbonate, sevelamer hydrochloride) currently are used.127 130 131 132

When taken with meals, calcium acetate or carbonate can contribute to controlling hyperphosphatemia in chronic renal failure by binding to and inhibiting absorption of phosphates in the GI tract.113 127

Exercise caution in patients undergoing chronic hemodialysis to prevent hypophosphatemia.b

Patients with end-stage renal failure may develop hypercalcemia when calcium is administered with meals; do not give calcium supplementation concomitantly when calcium salts are used to control hyperphosphatemia in such patients.113

Progressive hypercalcemia secondary to overdose of calcium salts can occur and may require emergency treatment measures.113

Chronic hypercalcemia also may lead to vascular and other soft-tissue calcification;113 126 periodic (e.g., twice weekly) monitoring of calcium concentrations is recommended during the initial dose adjustment.113 One manufacturer recommends that the serum calcium times phosphate (Ca × P) product should not exceed 66.113 Radiographic evaluation of a suspected anatomical region for early soft-tissue calcification may be useful.113

Advanced Cardiovascular Life Support (IV therapy)

Because of the lack of demonstrated benefit and potential for detrimental effects, calcium should not be used routinely during cardiac arrest unless there is documented hypocalcemia, calcium-channel blocker toxicity, hypermagnesemia, or hyperkalemia.196 400 401 403 When used in this setting, either calcium chloride or calcium gluconate may be administered.403

Aminoglycoside Neuromuscular Blockade (IV therapy)

Calcium salts are used to antagonize neuromuscular blockade [off-label] resulting from the use of aminoglycoside antibiotics (e.g., gentamicin, kanamycin, neomycin) with or without agents possessing neuromuscular blocking properties (e.g., gallamine triethiodide).b

Magnesium Intoxication (IV therapy)

Calcium gluconate may be used in the treatment of magnesium sulfate overdosage.196 c

Myasthenia Gravis (oral therapy)

Calcium salts are used as adjunctive treatment of myasthenia gravis.b

In general, any oral calcium salt may be used for chronic replacement therapy.b

Medullary Thyroid Carcinoma (IV therapy)

Calcium infusions (“calcium challenge”) are used in medullary thyroid carcinoma [off-label].b

Acid Indigestion (oral therapy)

Calcium carbonate or phosphate may be used for self-medication for the relief of acid indigestion, heartburn, and sour stomach.d

Colic, Renal, Biliary, Intestinal, or Lead (IV and IM therapy)

Calcium salts have been used IM or IV as adjunctive therapy to reduce spasms in renal, biliary, intestinal, or lead colic.b

Zollinger-Ellison Syndrome, Diagnosis (IV therapy)

Calcium infusions (“calcium challenge”) are used to diagnose the Zollinger-Ellison syndrome [off-label].b

Eaton-Lambert Syndrome (oral therapy)

Calcium salts are used as adjunctive treatment of the Eaton-Lambert syndrome.b

In general, any oral calcium salt may be used for chronic replacement therapy.b

Insect Bites and Other Sensitivity Reactions (IV therapy)

Calcium salts have been used IV as adjuncts to relieve muscle cramps in the treatment of insect bites or stings (e.g., black widow spider) or to decrease capillary permeability in sensitivity reactions characterized by urticaria or angioedema and in allergic conditions, including nonthrombocytopenic purpura, dermatitis herpetiformis, drug-induced pruritus, hay fever, and asthma.b

Preeclampsia (oral therapy)

Although some evidence suggested a beneficial effect of calcium supplementation on preeclampsia,117 118 125 a large, well-designed study did not confirm a beneficial effect of calcium supplementation in preventing preeclampsia during pregnancy.117 However, these findings do not obviate adequate dietary calcium intake during pregnancy nor do they address whether adequate or increased calcium intake can affect blood pressure favorably in pregnant women.105 118 125

β-Adrenergic or Calcium-channel Blocking Agent Overdosage (IV therapy)

Some experts state that calcium salts may be considered in the treatment of calcium-channel blocking agent-induced toxicity.403

Also may be useful in the treatment of β-adrenergic blocking agent toxicity in patients with shock refractory to other treatment measures.196

Diuresis (oral therapy)

Calcium chloride, an acid-forming salt, has been used to promote diuresis, however, because it is irritating and loses effectiveness after a few days, it is rarely used for this effect.b

Calcium Salts Dosage and Administration


Administer calcium orally (as acetate, carbonate, citrate, gluconate, lactate, or phosphate salt) or IV (as chloride or gluconate salt).b j

The fixed combination of calcium glycerophosphate and calcium lactate is injected IM.142

Calcium chloride also may be administered by intraosseous (IO) injection [off-label] during pediatric resuscitation; onset of action and systemic concentrations are comparable to those achieved with venous administration.403

Oral Administration

Administer acetate, carbonate, citrate, gluconate, lactate, and phosphate salts of calcium orally.b

Administer most oral calcium supplements 1–1.5 hours after meals or with a demulcent (e.g., milk).112 b However, calcium carbonate powder generally should be administered with meals, since mixing the powder with food for administration is recommended.b

Calcium salts used to bind dietary phosphate in patients with end-stage renal disease should be administered with meals (e.g., 10–15 minutes before, or during, the meal).130

IV Administration

Calcium chloride or gluconate may be administered IV.b j

Calcium gluconate usually is administered IV as a 10% solution and calcium chloride as a 2–10% solution.b j

When injected IV, administer calcium salts slowly through a small needle into a large vein to avoid too rapid an increase in serum calcium and extravasation of calcium solution into the surrounding tissue with resultant necrosis.b

Following IV injections, the patient should remain recumbent for a short time.b

Close monitoring of serum calcium concentrations is essential during IV administration of calcium.b

Children: Calcium salts should not be administered through scalp veins; oral administration of calcium supplements or calcium-rich foods should replace IV calcium therapy as soon as possible.b


Usually, administer IV undiluted.a b c

Parenteral calcium salts also may be administered in a compatible large-volume IV infusion fluid.b

Pharmacy bulk packages are for preparing IV admixtures only.g

Rate of Administration

Administer IV calcium injections slowly at a rate not exceeding 0.7–1.8 mEq/minute.b

Stop the injection if the patient complains of discomfort.b

Pharmacy bulk packages must not be infused IV directly.g

Administer pediatric dose for CPR by slow IV injection over 10–20 seconds.b

IM or Sub-Q Injection

Calcium chloride should not be injected IM or into subcutaneous or perivascular tissue, since severe necrosis and sloughing may occur.b

Although other calcium salts may cause mild to severe local reactions, they generally are less irritating than calcium chloride.b (See Cautions.)

Although some manufacturers previously stated that calcium gluconate could be injected IM when IV administration was not possible,b manufacturers of calcium gluconate currently state that the drug should not be injected IM or into subcutaneous tissue because of the potential for severe local reactions.140 141

The fixed-combination of calcium glycerophosphate and calcium lactate is injected IM.142


Dosage of the oral calcium supplements usually is expressed in g or mg of elemental calcium and depends on the requirements of the individual patient.b

Dosage of parenteral calcium replacements usually is expressed as mEq of calcium and depends on individual patient requirements.b

One mEq of elemental calcium is equivalent to 20 mg.b

The calcium content of the various calcium salts is approximately:b

Calcium Salt

Calcium Content

calcium acetate

253 mg (12.7 mEq) per g

calcium carbonate

400 mg (20 mEq) per g

calcium chloride

270 mg (13.5 mEq) per g

calcium citrate

211 mg (10.6 mEq) per g

calcium gluceptate

82 mg (4.1 mEq) per g

calcium gluconate

90 mg (4.5 mEq) per g

calcium glycerophosphate

191 mg (9.6 mEq) per g

calcium lactate

130 mg (6.5 mEq) per g

calcium phosphate dibasic anhydrous

290 mg (14.5 mEq) per g

calcium phosphate dibasic dihydrate

230 mg (11.5 mEq) per g

calcium phosphate tribasic

400 mg (20 mEq) per g

Oral calcium supplements usually are administered in 3 or 4 divided doses daily.b

Optimum calcium absorption may require supplemental vitamin D in individuals with inadequate vitamin D intake, those with impaired renal activation of the vitamin, or those not receiving adequate exposure to sunlight.112 116

Pediatric Patients

Dietary Requirements

Dietary reference intake values for elemental calcium currently recommended by the National Academy of Sciences (NAS) in healthy children are as follows.153 Adequate intakes (AIs) are given for infants <1 year of age because of inadequate data to establish recommended daily allowances (RDAs) in this age group.153

Infants <6 Months of Age:

AI of 200 mg daily (presumed to be met by human milk).153

Infants 6–12 Months of Age:

AI of 260 mg daily (taking into account additional intake of calcium from food).153

Children 1–3 Years of Age:

RDA of 700 mg daily.153

Children 4–8 Years of Age:

RDA of 1 g daily.153

Children 9–18 Years of Age:

RDA of 1.3 g daily.153


Calcium gluconate usually is administered IV as a 10% solution and calcium chloride as a 2–10% solution.b j

Calcium replacement requirements can be estimated by clinical condition and/or serum calcium determinations.b


Neonates: Usually, 50–150 mg/kg of elemental calcium daily; do not exceed 1 g daily.b

Children: Usually, 45–65 mg/kg of elemental calcium daily.b

Treatment When Prompt Elevation of Serum Calcium Is Required

Infants: <0.93 mEq of calcium; may be repeated every 1–3 days depending on the patient’s response.140 141 b

Children: Usually, initial dose of 0.93–2.3 mEq of calcium; may be repeated every 1–3 days depending on the patient’s response.140 141 b

Alternatively, one manufacturer recommends a pediatric IV calcium dose of 0.272 mEq/kg, up to a maximum total daily dosage of 1.36–13.6 mEq, in the treatment of hypocalcemic disorders.138

Hypocalcemic Tetany

Neonates: May be treated with divided doses of calcium totaling about 2.4 mEq/kg daily.b

Children: Usually, calcium dose of 0.5–0.7 mEq/kg administered IV 3 or 4 times daily or until tetany is controlled.b

Exchange Transfusions of Citrated Blood

Neonates: 0.45 mEq of calcium concurrently with each 100 mL of citrated blood.b


If calcium is indicated during pediatric resuscitation for treatment of hypocalcemia, calcium-channel blocker overdosage, hypermagnesemia, or hyperkalemia, experts recommend a dose of 0.272 mEq/kg administered slowly using calcium chloride.403 In critically ill children, calcium chloride may provide a greater increase in ionized calcium than calcium gluconate.403


Dietary Requirements

Calcium replacement requirements can be estimated by clinical condition and/or serum calcium determinations.b

Prophylactic administration of calcium supplements may be necessary in some patients in order to maintain serum calcium >9 mg/dL.b

The RDAs of elemental calcium for healthy adults are:

Adults 19–50 Years of Age:

RDA of 1 g daily.153

Adults 51–70 Years of Age:

Men 51–71 years of age: RDA of 1 g daily.153

Women 51–70 years of age: RDA of 1.2 g daily.153

Adults >70 Years of Age:

RDA of 1.2 g daily.153

Pregnant or Lactating Women:

Generally, the usual RDA of calcium appropriate for their age.153


Calcium gluconate usually is administered IV as a 10% solution and calcium chloride as a 2–10% solution.b j

Calcium replacement requirements can be estimated by clinical condition and/or serum calcium determinations.b


Usually, about 1 g of elemental calcium daily.b


Usually, 1–2 g or more of elemental calcium daily.b


Usually, 0.8 mEq of calcium as the calcium glycerophosphate and calcium lactate fixed-combination preparation 1–4 times weekly or as directed by a clinician.142

Treatment When Prompt Elevation of Serum Calcium Is Required

Usual initial dose of 2.3–14 mEq of calcium; doses may be repeated every 1–3 days depending on the patient’s response.136 137 138 139 140 141 b

Hypocalcemic Tetany

4.5–16 mEq doses of calcium, administered until therapeutic response occurs.b

Exchange Transfusions of Citrated Blood

About 1.35 mEq of calcium concurrently with each 100 mL of citrated blood.b


If calcium is necessary during cardiac arrest, a dose of 0.109–0.218 mEq/kg (repeated as necessary) using calcium chloride has been recommended.175 Alternatively, 7–14 mEq of calcium as calcium chloride has been given.b However, routine use not recommended.400 401 403 (See Uses.)

Hyperphosphatemia in Chronic Renal Failure

Usual initial dose of 1.334 g of calcium acetate (338 mg of calcium) with each meal;113 increase dosage gradually according to serum phosphate concentrations, provided hypercalcemia does not occur.113

Manufacturer states that most patients require about 2–2.67 g (about 500–680 mg of calcium) with each meal.113 However, some experts recommend limiting dosage of calcium provided by phosphate binders to ≤1.5 g daily and limiting total calcium intake (including dietary calcium) to ≤2 g daily; dialysis patients who remain hyperphosphatemic despite such therapy should receive a calcium-containing phosphate binder in combination with a non-calcium-, non-aluminum-, non-magnesium-containing phosphate binder.130

Monitor serum calcium concentrations twice weekly during initiation of therapy and subsequent dosage adjustment; also monitor serum phosphorus concentrations periodically.113

If hypercalcemia occurs, reduce dosage or withhold the salt.113 If severe hypercalcemia occurs, specific measures (e.g., hemodialysis) for the management of overdosage may be necessary.113

Zollinger-Ellison Syndrome, Diagnosis

Usually, 0.25 mEq/kg of calcium per hour for a 3-hour period; serum gastrin concentrations are determined 30 minutes before the infusion, at the start of the infusion, and at 30-minute intervals thereafter for 4 hours.b

In most patients with Zollinger-Ellison syndrome, preinfusion serum gastrin concentrations increase by more than 50% or by greater than 500 pg/mL during the infusion.b

Magnesium Intoxication

Initially, 7 mEq of calcium; adjust subsequent doses according to patient response.b

Medullary Thyroid Carcinoma, Diagnosis

Usually, about 7 mEq of calcium over 5–10 minutes; in patients with medullary thyroid carcinoma, plasma calcitonin concentrations are elevated above normal basal concentrations.b


For prevention and treatment of osteoporosis, the National Osteoporosis Foundation recommends a calcium intake of 1 g daily in men 50–70 years of age, and a calcium intake of 1.2 g daily in women ≥51 years of age and men ≥71 years of age.147

Special Populations

Hepatic Impairment

No specific dosage recommendations for hepatic impairment.a b c

Renal Impairment

No specific dosage recommendations for renal impairment.a b c

Geriatric Patients

No specific geriatric dosage recommendations.a

Cautions for Calcium Salts




Use calcium salts cautiously, if at all, in sarcoidosis,b renal or cardiac disease,b or patients receiving cardiac glycosides (see Digoxin under Interactions).b

Because it is acidifying, use calcium chloride cautiously in cor pulmonale,b respiratory acidosis,b renal disease,b or respiratory failure.b

Non-lipid-soluble drugs (e.g., calcium) may injure the airway; avoid endotracheal administration.403

Calcium Monitoring

Frequently perform determinations of serum calcium concentrations.b

Maintain serum calcium concentrations at 9–10.4 mg/dL (4.5–5.2 mEq/L).b Some clinicians prefer to maintain serum calcium at slightly lower concentrations.b

Usually, do not allow serum calcium concentrations to exceed 12 mg/dL.b

Determinations of urine calcium are generally unreliable and hypercalciuria can occur in the presence of hypocalcemia.b Forcing fluids may produce increased urine volume and thus prevent the formation of renal stones in patients with hypercalciuria.b

Citrated Blood Transfusion

Administration of calcium in patients who have received transfusions of citrated blood may result in higher than normal total serum calcium concentrations.b In these patients, however, most of the excess calcium is bound to citrate and is inactive; therefore, serious toxicity usually does not result.b

Discontinuing calcium when hypercalcemia occurs usually is sufficient to return serum calcium concentrations to normal.b

Local Effects

Calcium salts are irritating to tissue when administered by IM or sub-Q injection and cause mild to severe local reactions including burning, necrosis and sloughing of tissue, cellulitis, and soft tissue calcification; venous irritation may occur with IV administration.b (See IV Administration and also see IM or Sub-Q Injection, under Dosage and Administration.)

IV Injection Effects

Extravasation of calcium solution into surrounding tissues during IV injection can cause necrosis.b

Patients may complain of tingling sensations, a sense of oppression or heat waves, and a calcium or chalky taste following IV administration of calcium salts.b

Cardiovascular Effects

Rapid IV injection of calcium salts may cause vasodilation, decreased BP, bradycardia, cardiac arrhythmias, syncope, and cardiac arrest.b

Inadvertent injection of calcium into the myocardium during attempted intracardiac injection into the ventricular cavity can result in lacerated coronary arteries, cardiac tamponade or pneumothorax, and intractable ventricular fibrillation may result.b

GI Effects

Orally administered calcium salts may be irritating to the GI tract.b

Calcium salts are constipating.b

Calcium chloride, by any route of administration, produces more irritation than the other calcium salts and has been reported to cause GI hemorrhage when taken orally.b


Hypercalcemia is rarely produced by administration of calcium alone, but may occur with large doses in patients with chronic renal failure.b

Avoid overtreatment of hypocalcemia since hypercalcemia may be more dangerous than hypocalcemia.b

Mild hypercalcemia may be asymptomatic or manifest as constipation, anorexia, nausea, and vomiting, with mental changes such as confusion, delirium, stupor, and coma becoming evident as the degree of hypercalcemia increases.113

Mild hypercalcemia usually is readily controlled by reducing calcium intake (e.g., decreasing the dose of or avoiding supplemental calcium); more severe hypercalcemia may require specific management (e.g., hemodialysis).113

Dialysis patients with chronic renal failure receiving calcium salts may require adjustments in calcium concentrations in the dialysate to reduce the risk of hypercalcemia.113 126

Long-term effects of chronic calcium administration (e.g., for hyperphosphatemia in chronic renal failure) on progression of vascular or soft-tissue calcification is unknown.113 127

Renal Calculi

High dietary intake of calcium has long been suspected as contributing to the risk of renal calculi, and restriction of calcium intake (i.e., low-calcium diets) had long been considered a reasonable measure in an attempt to prevent calculi formation in patients with idiopathic hypocalciuria.122 123 124

Recent evidence indicates that high dietary intake of calcium actually decreases the risk of symptomatic renal calculi, while intake of supplemental calcium may increase the risk of symptomatic stones.122 123 124

General Precautions

Use of Fixed Combination

When used in fixed combination with other agents, consider the cautions, precautions, and contraindications associated with the concomitant agents.

Specific Populations


Category C.c i


Manufacturers state that it is not known whether calcium salts are distributed into milk,a c and to observe caution with parenteral therapy.c

Calcium is an important component of human milk in women not receiving supplemental calcium salts,112 and maternal calcium supplementation does not substantially affect milk calcium concentrations since the principal source is from maternal bone resorption.112

Pediatric Use

Give calcium cautiously to children by IV route.PDH

Geriatric Use

Calcium absorption (after oral administration) may be decreased in geriatric patients.PDH

Common Adverse Effects

Constipation, nausea, vein irritation.PDH

Drug Interactions

Consider the possibility that other drug interactions reported with antacids could occur.k

Specific Drugs and Laboratory Tests

Drug or Test



Bisphosphonates, oral (e.g., alendronate, etidronate, ibandronate, risedronate)

Concomitant administration may result in reduced bisphosphonate absorption150

Separate administration of the drugs150


Inotropic and toxic effects are synergistic and arrhythmias may occur (particularly when calcium is given IV)b


Iron preparations, oral

Concomitant administration may result in reduced iron absorption149

Advise patients to take the drugs at different times, whenever possible149


Calcium carbonate may form insoluble chelate with levothyroxine, resulting in decreased levothyroxine absorption and increased serum thyrotropin concentrations143

Administer oral levothyroxine and calcium carbonate ≥4 hours apart143


Concomitant administration of calcium salts and some fluoroquinolones (e.g., ciprofloxacin) may reduce oral bioavailability of the fluoroquinolone151 152

Recommended timing of fluoroquinolone administration relative to the calcium dose may vary depending on the specific fluoroquinolone preparation used151 152

Test, corticosteroids (Glenn-Nelson technique)

Transient elevations of plasma 11-hydroxycorticosteroid concentrations with IV calcium, but concentrations return to control values after 1 hourb

Test, magnesium (serum and urine)

False-negative values as measured by the Titan yellow methodb


Calcium complexes tetracycline antibiotics rendering them inactiveb

Do not give the 2 drugs together orally nor should they be mixed for parenteral administrationb

Thiazide diuretics

Risk of hypercalcemiaPDH

Avoid concomitant usePDH

Calcium Salts Pharmacokinetics


Oral bioavailability of calcium from nonfood sources and supplements depends on intestinal pH, the presence or absence of a meal, and the dose.112

Calcium is actively absorbed in the duodenum and proximal jejunum and, to a lesser extent, in the more distal segments of the small intestine.b

Degree of absorption depends on a number of factors; absorption from the intestine is never complete.b

Absorption requires a soluble, ionized form.b

An acidic intestinal pH is necessary for ionization of calcium; thus an alkaline pH impedes absorption.b 112

Vitamin D, in its activated forms, is required for calcium absorption and increases the capability of the absorptive mechanisms.b

Decreased absorption with hypocalcemia secondary to deficiency of either parathyroid hormone or vitamin D.b

IM or IV administered calcium salts are absorbed directly into the blood stream.b

Glucocorticoids and low serum concentrations of calcitonin may depress calcium absorption.b


When a 250-mg dose of calcium is administered with a standardized breakfast, average oral bioavailability in adults ranges from 25–35% with various salts; under the same conditions, absorption from milk is about 29%.112

Extent of calcium absorption from supplements is greatest when taken in doses ≤500 mg.112


Calcium absorption is decreased in the absence of a meal.112

Calcium absorption is retarded by certain anions (e.g., oxalates, phytates, sulfates) and by fatty acids which precipitate or complex calcium ions; however, an intestinal pH of 5–7 facilitates maximal dissolution and dissociation of these complexes.b

Calcium may be poorly absorbed from foods rich in oxalic acid (e.g., spinach, sweet potatoes, rhubarb, beans) or phytic acid (e.g., unleavened bread, raw beans, seeds, nuts, grains, soy isolates).112

Although soybeans contain high concentrations of phytic acid, calcium absorption is relatively high from this food.112

Plasma Concentrations

Following IV injection of calcium salts, serum calcium concentrations increase almost immediately and may return to previous values in 30 minutes to 2 hours.b

Normal total serum calcium concentrations range from 9–10.4 mg/dL (4.5–5.2 mEq/L), but only ionized calcium is physiologically active.b

Serum calcium concentrations are not necessarily accurate indications of total body calcium; total body calcium may be decreased in the presence of hypercalcemia, and hypocalcemia can occur even though total body calcium is increased.b

Of total serum calcium concentration, 50% is in the ionic form and 5% is complexed by phosphates, citrates, and other anions.b

Hyperproteinemia is associated with increased total serum calcium concentrations.b

Hypoproteinemia is associated with decreased total serum calcium concentrations.b

Acidosis results in increased concentrations of ionic calcium, while alkalosis promotes a decrease in the ionic serum calcium concentration.b

Special Populations

Fractional calcium absorption varies with age as follows:

Infancy: about 60%.112

Children, prepubertal: about 28%.112

Early puberty: about 34%.112

Young adults: about 25%, although it increases during the last 2 trimesters of pregnancy.112

Fractional absorption declines with aging, decreasing on average by 0.21% annually in postmenopausal women.112 Similar declines with aging in men.112

Absorption is decreased in certain disease states such as achlorhydria, renal osteodystrophy, steatorrhea, or uremia.b

Efficiency of intestinal calcium absorption may be increased when calcium intake is reduced and during pregnancy112 b but not lactation (maternal bone resorption is principal source)112 when calcium requirements are higher than normal.b


CSF concentrations of calcium are about 50% of serum concentrations and tend to reflect ionized serum calcium concentrations.b

Calcium enters extracellular fluid and is incorporated rapidly into skeletal tissue.b Bone contains 99% of total calcium; 1% is distributed equally between the intracellular and extracellular fluids.b


Following absorption, calcium first enters the extracellular fluid and is then rapidly incorporated into skeletal tissue.b

Bone formation is not stimulated by calcium administration.b

Plasma Protein Binding

Approximately 45%; for a change in serum albumin of 1 g/dL, serum calcium concentration may change about 0.8 mg/dL (0.04 mEq/dL).b

Calcium crosses the placenta; reaches higher concentrations in fetal than maternal blood.b 112

Calcium is distributed into milk.b


Elimination Route

Excreted mainly in the feces as unabsorbed calcium and that secreted via bile and pancreatic juice into the GI tract lumen.b

Most of the calcium filtered by renal glomeruli is reabsorbed in the ascending limb of the loop of Henle and proximal and distal convoluted tubules.b Only small amounts of the cation are excreted in urine.b

Parathyroid hormone, vitamin D, and thiazide diuretics decrease urinary excretion of calcium, whereas other diuretics, calcitonin, and growth hormone promote renal excretion of the cation.b

Urinary excretion decreases with reduction of ionic serum concentrations but is proportionately increased as serum ionized concentrations increase.b

In healthy adults on a regular diet, urinary excretion of calcium may be as high as 250–300 mg daily.b With low calcium diets, urinary excretion usually does not exceed 150 mg daily.b

Calcium also is excreted by the sweat glands.b

Special Populations

Urinary excretion of calcium decreases during pregnancy and in the early stages of renal failure.b

Urinary excretion decreases with aging, possibly because of age-related decreases in intestinal calcium absorption efficiency and an associated decrease in filtered calcium load.112

Endogenous fecal calcium excretion does not change appreciably with aging.112





25°C (may be exposed to 15–30°C).i


Tight container at 15–30°C.f


Cool, dry place at 15–30°C.e



15–30°C; do not freeze.a c j


Advice to Patients

Additional Information

The American Society of Health-System Pharmacists, Inc. represents that the information provided in the accompanying monograph was formulated with a reasonable standard of care, and in conformity with professional standards in the field. Readers are advised that decisions regarding use of drugs are complex medical decisions requiring the independent, informed decision of an appropriate health care professional, and that the information contained in the monograph is provided for informational purposes only. The manufacturer’s labeling should be consulted for more detailed information. The American Society of Health-System Pharmacists, Inc. does not endorse or recommend the use of any drug. The information contained in the monograph is not a substitute for medical care.


Excipients in commercially available drug preparations may have clinically important effects in some individuals; consult specific product labeling for details.

Please refer to the ASHP Drug Shortages Resource Center for information on shortages of one or more of these preparations.

* available from one or more manufacturer, distributor, and/or repackager by generic (nonproprietary) name

Calcium Acetate


Dosage Forms


Brand Names






667 mg (169 mg calcium; 8.45 mEq of Ca++)*

Calcium Acetate Capsules

PhosLo GelCaps


* available from one or more manufacturer, distributor, and/or repackager by generic (nonproprietary) name

Calcium Carbonate, Precipitated


Dosage Forms


Brand Names






1.25 g (500 mg calcium)

Calcium Carbonate, Precipitated Calci-Mix


Capsules, liquid-filled

600 mg (240 mg of calcium)

Liqui-Cal Softgels

Advanced Nutritional Technology


1.25 g (500 mg calcium) per 5 mL*

Calcium Carbonate Suspension


650 mg (260 mg calcium)*

Calcium Carbonate Tablets

1.25 g (500 mg calcium)*

Calcium Carbonate Tablets

Os-Cal 500


Tablets, chewable

420 mg (168 mg calcium)



500 mg (200 mg calcium)





750 mg (300 mg calcium)

Tums E-X 750


850 mg (340 mg calcium)



1 g (400 mg calcium)

Tums Ultra 1000


1.25 g (500 mg calcium)*

Calcium Carbonate Chewable Tablets



Os-Cal 500


Tablets, film-coated

1.5 g (600 mg calcium)*

Calcium Carbonate Tablets

Caltrate 600


* available from one or more manufacturer, distributor, and/or repackager by generic (nonproprietary) name

Calcium Carbonate, Precipitated, Combinations


Dosage Forms


Brand Names



Pieces, chewable

1.25 g (500 mg calcium) with Cholecalciferol 100 units and Phytonadione 40 mcg

Viactiv Soft Calcium Chews



Calcium Carbonate 240 mg with Calcium Gluconate 240 mg, Calcium Lactate 240 mg (152.8 mg calcium), and Cholecalciferol 100 units



1.25 g (500 mg calcium) with Cholecalciferol 200 units*

Calcium Carbonate, Precipitated, and Cholecalciferol Tablets

Os-Cal 500+D


1.5 g (600 mg calcium) with Cholecalciferol 125 units*

Calcium Carbonate, Precipitated, and Cholecalciferol Tablets

1.5 g (600 mg calcium) with Cholecalciferol 280 units*

Calcium Carbonate, Precipitated, and Cholecalciferol Tablets

Healthy Woman (scored)

Personal Products

Tablets, film-coated

1.5 g (600 mg calcium) with Cholecalciferol 400 units

Caltrate 600 + Vitamin D


* available from one or more manufacturer, distributor, and/or repackager by generic (nonproprietary) name

Calcium Chloride


Dosage Forms


Brand Names






10% (1.36–1.4 mEq of Ca++ and Cl- per mL)*

Calcium Chloride Injection

Calcium Citrate


Dosage Forms


Brand Names




950 mg (200 mg calcium)



Calcium Citrate Combinations


Dosage Forms


Brand Names




1.5 g (315 mg calcium) with Cholecalciferol 250 units

Citracal + D Caplets


* available from one or more manufacturer, distributor, and/or repackager by generic (nonproprietary) name

Calcium Gluceptate


Dosage Forms


Brand Names




* available from one or more manufacturer, distributor, and/or repackager by generic (nonproprietary) name

Calcium Gluconate


Dosage Forms


Brand Names






500 mg (45 mg calcium)*

Calcium Gluconate Tablets

650 mg (58.5 mg calcium)*

Calcium Gluconate Tablets

1 g (90 mg calcium)*

Calcium Gluconate Tablets



10% (0.45–0.48 mEq of Ca++ per mL provided by calcium gluconate and other calcium salt stabilizers)*

Calcium Gluconate Injection

Injection, for preparation of IV admixtures

10% (0.45–0.48 mEq of Ca++ per mL provided by calcium gluconate and calcium saccharate or other calcium salts stabilizers) pharmacy bulk package*

Calcium Gluconate Injection Pharmacy Bulk Package

* available from one or more manufacturer, distributor, and/or repackager by generic (nonproprietary) name

Calcium Glycerophosphate


Dosage Forms


Brand Names




Calcium Glycerophosphate and Calcium Lactate


Dosage Forms


Brand Names




0.08 mEq of Ca++ (provided by calcium glycerophosphate 5 mg and calcium lactate 5 mg) per mL



* available from one or more manufacturer, distributor, and/or repackager by generic (nonproprietary) name

Calcium Lactate


Dosage Forms


Brand Names






325 mg (42.25 mg calcium)*

Calcium Lactate Tablets

650 mg (84.5 mg calcium)*

Calcium Lactate Tablets

* available from one or more manufacturer, distributor, and/or repackager by generic (nonproprietary) name

Calcium Phosphate Dibasic


Dosage Forms


Brand Names




* available from one or more manufacturer, distributor, and/or repackager by generic (nonproprietary) name

Calcium Phosphate Tribasic


Dosage Forms


Brand Names





Tablets, film-coated

1.5652 g (600 mg calcium)

Posture (scored)


Calcium Phosphate Tribasic Combinations


Dosage Forms


Brand Names



Tablets, film-coated

1.5652 g (600 mg calcium) with Cholecalciferol 125 units

Posture-D (scored)


AHFS DI Essentials™. © Copyright 2024, Selected Revisions June 10, 2024. American Society of Health-System Pharmacists, Inc., 4500 East-West Highway, Suite 900, Bethesda, Maryland 20814.

† Off-label: Use is not currently included in the labeling approved by the US Food and Drug Administration.


Only references cited for selected revisions after 1984 are available electronically.

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131. Genzyme. Renagel (sevelamer hydrochloride) capsules and tablets prescribing information. Cambridge, MA; 2000 Jul.

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133. Loghman-Adham M. Safety of new phosphate binders for chronic renal failure. Drug Saf. 2003; 26:1093-15.

135. Trissel LA. Handbook on Injectable Drugs. Bethesda, MD: American Society of Health-System Pharmacists.

136. Hospira. Calcium chloride Abboject injection prescribing information. Lake Forest, IL; 2004 Oct.

137. Hospira. Calcium chloride Ansyr injection prescribing information. Lake Forest, IL; 2004 Jun.

138. IMS. Calcium chloride injection prescribing information. South El Monte, CA; 2000 Feb.

139. American Regent. Calcium chloride injection prescribing information. Shirley, NY; 2006 Sep.

140. APP. Calcium gluconate injection prescribing information. Schaumburg, IL; 2007 Dec.

141. American Regent. Calcium gluconate injection prescribing information. Shirley, NY; 2000 Feb.

142. Glenwood, LLC. Calphosan (calcium lactate/calcium glycerophosphate) injection prescribing information. Englewood, NJ; 2008 Apr. Accessed 2008 Oct 22.

143. Abbott Laboratories. Synthroid (levothyroxine sodium) tablets prescribing information. North Chicago, IL; 2008 Mar.

147. Cosman F, de Beur SJ, LeBoff MS et al. Clinician's Guide to Prevention and Treatment of Osteoporosis. Osteoporos Int. 2014; 25:2359-81.

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a. American Pharmaceutical Partners, Inc. Calcium chloride injection, USP prescribing information. Schaumburg, IL; 2002 Apr.

b. AHFS Drug Information. McEvoy, GK, ed. Calcium salts. Bethesda, MD: American Society of Health-System Pharmacists.

c. American Pharmaceutical Partners, Inc. Calcium gluconate injection, USP prescribing information. Schaumburg, IL: 2002 May.

d. Food and Drug Administration. Antacid products for over-the-counter (OTC) human use. [21 FR Part 331] Fed Regist. 1990; 55:19859.

e. Rugby Laboratories, Inc. Calcium gluconate supplement patient information. Duluth, GA; 2004 Mar.

f. Rugby Laboratories, Inc. Calcionate (calcium glubionate) syrup patient information. Duluth, GA; undated.

g. American Pharmaceutical Partners, Inc. Calcium gluconate injection USP pharmacy bulk package prescribing information. Schaumburg, IL; 2002 May.

h. GlaxoSmithKline. Os-Cal 500 calcium supplement patient information. Research Triangle Park, NC; undated.

i. Nabi Biopharmaceuticals. Phos Lo (calcium acetate) Gel Caps prescribing information. Boca Raton, FL; 2003 Aug.

j. American Regent Laboratories, Inc. Calcium chloride injection, USP 10% prescribing information. Shirley, NY; 2000 Feb.

k. AHFS Drug Information. McEvoy, GK, ed. Antacids. Bethesda, MD: American Society of Health-System Pharmacists.

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HID. Trissel LA. Handbook on injectable drugs. Bethesda, MD: American Society of Health-System Pharmacists.