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What are the benefits of taking Strattera at night?

Medically reviewed by Kristianne Hannemann, PharmD. Last updated on July 2, 2024.

Official answer


Key Points

  • Strattera (atomoxetine) is an oral medication used to treat attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD).
  • Strattera is taken as a single dose in the morning, or as divided doses in the morning and late afternoon or early evening.
  • The effects of Strattera last for 24 hours, whether it is taken in the morning or evening.
  • Morning dosing might work better to improve certain ADHD symptoms, but evening dosing might be better tolerated for some patients experiencing side effects.

There isn't strong evidence suggesting a particular benefit to taking Strattera (atomoxetine) at night. However, research indicates that the timing of Strattera doses can be adjusted to suit individual needs and potentially minimize side effects.

Is it better to take Strattera at night?

Research has shown Strattera works just as well whether it’s taken once a day in the morning or twice a day (morning and evening). Symptom improvement lasts for 24 hours, regardless of what time it is taken. This allows patients and their healthcare providers to be flexible on a dosing schedule that works for them.

A study looking at patients taking Strattera in the morning, in the evening, and patients taking a placebo showed that both morning and evening dosing improved ADHD symptoms compared to placebo. Morning dosing worked better for some symptoms compared to evening dosing, suggesting Strattera may be slightly more effective when taken in the morning. The same study also showed that evening dosing was associated with less side effects compared to taking Strattera in the morning.

Common side effects of Strattera include nausea, stomach upset, and feeling tired. If you are experiencing these side effects after taking a morning dose of Strattera, trying to take your dose in the evening or at bedtime might help. On the other hand, if you are taking Strattera in the evening and have trouble sleeping at night, switching it to the morning time may work better for you.

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How to change the time you take Strattera

Do not make any changes to your Strattera dosing schedule without consulting with your prescriber first. They can help you determine if taking Strattera at night would be best for you, and give you instructions on how to change your medication routine.


Block, S. L., et. al. (2009). Once-daily atomoxetine for treating pediatric attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder: comparison of morning and evening dosing. In: Sage Journals. DOI:

Fu, D., et. al. (2021). The Mechanism, Clinical Efficacy, Safety, and Dosage Regimen of Atomoxetine for ADHD Therapy in Children: A Narrative Review. In: Frontiers in Psychiatry. DOI:

Lilly investors. (2005). New Data Suggest Once-Daily Atomoxetine May Provide Symptom Relief for Up to 24 Hours. Accessed 07/02/2024 at

Strattera [package insert]. Revised 01/2022. Eli Lilly and Company -

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