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Toujeo vs Lantus - What's the difference between them?

Medically reviewed by Carmen Pope, BPharm. Last updated on Jan 17, 2024.

Official answer


Both Toujeo and Lantus are long-acting insulins that contain glargine, however Toujeo is more concentrated containing 300 units per mL of glargine, compared to Lantus’s 100 units per mL.

Researchers discovered that concentrating insulin makes it last longer in the body with less variability in blood levels over time. This translates to a lower risk of hypoglycemia (low blood sugar levels), especially at night. Some reports have stated the risk of hypoglycemia may be up to 30% less with Toujeo compared to Lantus.

However, it is important to realize that concentrated does not mean stronger, it just means that there is more insulin per volume of liquid. Because the pen has been calibrated in such a way as to draw up smaller volumes, the dosage conversion from Lantus to Toujeo is still 1:1. For example, if your doctor prescribed you 22 units of Lantus and you changed to Toujeo, your initial dose would be 22 units of Toujeo.

In reality, though, some people may require dosage changes when switching products because it takes a while for your body to adjust to new insulin medication. In clinical trials, many people switching from Lantus to Toujeo required a higher dose of Toujeo compared with their previous Lantus dose.

Toujeo is sold in a packet of 3 cartridges at a cost of approximately $415 for 4.5 milliliters ($92.29/mL). Lantus is sold as a packet of 5 cartridges at a cost of approximately $453 for 15 milliliters ($30.23/mL). Toujeo works out only slightly more expensive than Lantus if you take the fact that it is three times more concentrated into consideration (real cost value $30.76/mL with Toujeo vs $30.23/mL with Lantus).

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Comparison Chart of Toujeo and Lantus

Toujeo Lantus
Insulin glargine glargine
Type Long acting basal insulin Long acting basal insulin
FDA approved 2015 2000
Dosage form Pen Pen, vial
Concentration (units/mL) 300 100
Onset of action (hours) 6 1-3
Duration of action (hours) 24+ 24
Time to reach steady state At least 5 days 2-4 days
Administration Subcutaneous Subcutaneous
Frequency of injection Daily Daily
In-use storage 56 days at room temperature 28 days at room temperature
Long-term storage Refrigerator Refrigerator
Approximate cost $415 (3 cartridges) $453 (5 cartridges)

See also: Toujeo vs Tresiba

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