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How much does Perjeta cost?

Medically reviewed by Leigh Ann Anderson, PharmD. Last updated on Aug 19, 2024.

Official answer

  • Perjeta (generic name: pertuzumab) intravenous (IV) solution (420 mg per 14 milliliters) costs $5,534 if you are paying cash. This cost could exceed $99,000 over one year's worth of treatment (given every 3 weeks) for 18 cycles.
  • This is a discounted price based on using the price guide.Your insurance may pay for this medication and your cost may vary.
  • You will receive this medication at an infusion clinic. The cost of your medication will be billed to your insurance company if you have coverage. You may have additional costs associated with administration of this medication.
  • Perjeta is approved to treat early or metastatic HER2+ breast cancer and is a member of the human epidermal growth factor receptor 2 (HER2) inhibitors drug class.

What if I cannot afford Perjeta?

If your insurance covers the cost of Perjeta treatment, you may have to pay a copay or coinsurance. If you cannot afford your co-pay, you may be eligible for the Genentech BioOncology Co-Pay Card through the Perjeta Access Solutions program. This program may be able to help you with your out-of-pocket expenses for Perjeta. Eligible patients could pay as low as $5 copay per prescription and receive a yearly savings of up to $25,000.

If you don’t have insurance or you meet certain income levels, you may qualify for a referral to the Genentech Patient Foundation. The Genentech Patient Foundation can provide free Genentech medicine to people who qualify.

Contact Genentech to learn more programs to help with the cost of Perjeta. For additional information call 855-692-6729.

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Bottom Line

  • Perjeta (pertuzumab) intravenous solution (420 mg per 14 milliliters) costs roughly $5,534 if you are paying cash. However, your insurance will be billed for this medication if you have coverage.
  • If your insurance covers the cost of Perjeta treatment, you may have to pay a copay or coinsurance. Genentech, the manufacturer, may be able to assist you with the costs of your copays and medicine if you qualify.
  • Perjeta is a HER2 inhibitor given by intravenous infusion, and is approved to treat early or metastatic breast cancer

This is not all the information you need to know about Perjeta for safe and effective use. Review the full Perjeta information here, and discuss this information with your doctor or other health care provider.


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