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How to inject Benlysta with the autoinjector?

Medically reviewed by Carmen Pope, BPharm. Last updated on June 18, 2024.

Official answer


Before using the Benlysta autoinjector on your own, or giving it to your child or a person you are caring for, get training from your healthcare provider.

  1. When you are ready to inject your Benlysta autoinjector, remove one sealed tray containing an autoinjector from the refrigerator and peel back the film of the tray and remove the autoinjector.
  2. Check the expiration date on the autoinjector and do not use it if the expiration date has passed. Look in the inspection window and check that the Benlysta solution is colorless to slightly yellow in color. Do not use it if the solution looks cloudy, discolored, or has particles. It is normal to see one or more air bubbles in the solution.
  3. Place the Benlysta autoinjector on a flat surface and allow it to come to room temperature. Do not warm the autoinjector in any other way, such as by putting it in the microwave, hot water, or direct sunlight.
  4. Choose an injection site. This could be your stomach area (but not within 2 inches of your belly button) or the top outer area of your thigh. If you need 2 injections to complete your dose, leave at least 2 inches between each injection. Do not inject into the same site each time or in areas where the skin is tender, bruised, red, or hard. Wipe the injection site with an alcohol swab and allow it to dry.
  5. Wash your hands. Remove the Ring Cap by pulling or twisting it off in either a clockwise or counterclockwise direction. Hold the autoinjector comfortably so that you can see the Inspection Window while you are giving the injection. This allows you to see that the purple indicator is moving while you are injecting and that it stops when the dose is complete.
  6. Hold the autoinjector straight over your injection site at a 90-degree angle. Make sure the Gold Needle Guard is flat on the skin. Firmly press the autoinjector all the way down onto the injection site and hold it in place. This will insert the needle and start the injection. You may hear a “first click” at the start of the injection and see the purple indicator moving through the Inspection Window. Hold the autoinjector down until the purple indicator stops moving. You may hear a “second click”. It may take up to 15 seconds to complete the injection.
  7. When the injection is complete, lift the autoinjector from the injection site and throw it away in a sharps container.
  • Benlysta Package Insert. Revised 05/2024.
  • Benlysta Medication Guide. Revised 05/2024.

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