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What are the equivalent dosages of bumetanide, furosemide & torsemide?

Medically reviewed by Carmen Pope, BPharm. Last updated on April 26, 2023.

Official answer


The equivalent doses of bumetanide, furosemide, and torsemide are as follows:

  • Bumetanide 1mg is equivalent to furosemide 40mg (oral), furosemide 20mg (IV), and torsemide 10-20mg (equivalent dosage varies depending on reference source).

Note that the bioavailability of oral furosemide is only about 50% which means the IV dose is generally half the oral dose (for example, if you are giving 40mg of furosemide orally only give 20mg IV).

Trials have also reported a massive range in intra- and inter-patient variability in the bioavailability of oral furosemide (range is from 10 to 100%).

Torsemide has a longer half-life than furosemide (3.5 hours versus 1-2 hours respectively) and increased bioavailability (> 80%). References differ in what they cite as an equivalent dose but generally, the range of 10mg to 20mg of oral/IV torsemide is considered equivalent to 40mg of oral furosemide (20mg IV furosemide). Use clinical judgment when deciding on equivalent dosages.

Conversions Bumetanide to Furosemide to Torsemide simplified

  • Bumetanide to furosemide conversion: 1mg bumetanide (oral/IV) is equivalent to 40mg furosemide oral or 20mg furosemide IV
  • Furosemide to bumetanide conversion: 40mg furosemide oral or 20mg furosemide IV is equivalent to 1mg bumetanide (oral/IV)
  • Furosemide to torsemide conversion: 40mg furosemide oral or 20mg furosemide IV is equivalent to 10-20mg of torsemide (oral/IV)
  • Furosemide to Bumex conversion: 40mg furosemide oral or 20mg furosemide IV is equivalent to 1mg Bumex (oral/IV)
  • Bumex to furosemide conversion: 1mg Bumex(oral/IV) is equivalent to 40mg furosemide oral or 20mg furosemide IV
  • Torsemide to furosemide conversion: 10-20mg of torsemide (oral/IV) is equivalent to 40mg furosemide oral or 20mg furosemide IV

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