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Venlafaxine for Anxiety and Stress User Reviews (Page 4)

Brand names: Effexor, Effexor XR

Venlafaxine has an average rating of 6.6 out of 10 from a total of 166 reviews for the off-label treatment of Anxiety and Stress. 54% of reviewers reported a positive experience, while 23% reported a negative experience.

Reviews for Venlafaxine

  • oldxbbc
  • Taken for 1 to 6 months
  • April 17, 2023

"I am 75 and have always been anxious. A couple of events pushed me over the top. Thought death was the best option. Turns out I had severe anxiety and OCD. Tried a couple of meds but too many side effects. Started on 37.5 mg Venlafaxine on Thanksgiving. Increased to 75 mg in early Feb., then 112.5 mg on April 7, and now to 150 mg as of April 14. I have a ways to go with both issues but am remarkably better. I feel at this point Venlafaxine has saved my life. I am hopeful as time goes things get better as I have only been on Venlafaxine 150 mg for a few days. Have never slept well and am sleeping better now, take the drug in the morning. A positive experience for me so far."

9 / 10
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8 Report
  • Anonymous
  • Taken for 2 to 5 years
  • January 15, 2020

"I was diagnosed with depression and was prescribed venlafaxine and found that I had so many side effects, bad headaches, nausea, suicidal, self harming and the list goes on, it made my depression worse. I wouldn’t recommend this drug to anyone."

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20 Report
  • Anonymous
  • March 13, 2009

Effexor XR (venlafaxine) "I have found that Effexor XR is the most effective drug for my anxiety disorder and depression. I have had basically no side effects from the medicine and it has helped control both issues. I have noticed withdrawals even if one dose is missed. I have been taking 150 mg daily for three years and overall am very pleased."

8 / 10
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50 Report

Frequently asked questions

  • nabsy
  • December 15, 2008

Effexor (venlafaxine) "I have been on Effexor for over a year and my dosage has been 37.5mg daily. The drug has worked wonders for me but I have had some side effects of sweating, strange dreams and dizziness when I forget to take it. "

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  • Benjo
  • Taken for 1 to 2 years
  • May 9, 2021

"I started it for anxiety attacks that were really bad from everything going on. I decided to not do any research into it and just go in. It did help my anxiety, but as I continued to take it my depression kept increasing. It went to crippling depression and suicidal thoughts almost continually. I know they say it usually only happens at first. I was almost at a year with it getting worse. I would much rather have run of the mill anxiety and regular depression over that thank you."

3 / 10
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Are you taking this medicine?

  • mytwo...
  • Taken for 6 months to 1 year
  • August 7, 2016

"Switched from Citalopram to 75 Mg and then onto 225 Mg Venlaxafine Worked great to be honest. Got me out and more social That was until I started getting hives and horrid allergic reactions. Swelling eyes / mouth and breathing problems. I denied it to myself initially that it was the pills because I thought they where working so great and I didn't want to give them up. Had to face reality though eventually. Pushed my luck and I got stung. Awoke one morning unable to breath + swelling badly. I ended up having 2 go I had to give them up. Didn't think withdrawal would be tough to be honest. I thought that I done this many a time on other AD'S and done fine. Oh boy was I wrong. The vertigo and brain zaps r by far the worst!"

9 / 10
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29 Report
  • Xbele...
  • Taken for 1 to 6 months
  • September 26, 2020

"This was very effective for me when in regards to treating major depressive disorder. I have MDD, PTSD, GAD, and OCD. However, when the dosage increased to 75mg ER daily I started experiencing more negatives. I had very strange and vivid dreams, tremors, and began to always be in fight or flight. Overstimulated and sensitive. Unpleasant orgasms. My appetite decreased and I became more anxious overall."

4 / 10
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16 Report
  • Anonymous
  • September 2, 2009

Effexor XR (venlafaxine) "This medication changed my life. I'm sorry I waited so long to admit I needed it. It's wonderful to be able to cope with all of the daily challenges of life and yet still feel happy to be alive. If you're feeling out of control, don't waste your life out of fear of asking for help. Side effects like loss of sexual drive are minor compared to the benefits."

10 / 10
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44 Report
  • Druid...
  • November 26, 2011

Effexor (venlafaxine) "It works well. I did gain weight with it since it does affect the regions of the brain associated with this but I simply try to stay fit by exercising (which helps my condition as well) and eat healthy foods. Be religious in taking your daily dose, though! The side effects are quite debilitating. This includes being completely useless for anything, sleeping, really weird dreams and the vertigo described (quite accurately) here as an electrical zapping sensation. Any time you move your head or eyes and it feels like a bzzzzt. Also heed the warning of interaction with alcohol. ONE very occasional glass of wine or beer but that's it! Mixing this medicine and any alcohol beyond the occasional drink and you'll get seriously messed up."

9 / 10
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38 Report
  • Cali
  • May 6, 2017

"Started Venlafazine 37.5mg - 150mg over a 6 weeks period for Anxiety and PMDD but had to stop. Previous to this I was on Mirtazapine 15mg to help with sleep and appetite but it did nothing for my 'feelings'. VENLAFAXINE- PROs- Slightly more confident, didn't blush, more energy, less body pain. CONs- INSOMNIA, no appetite at all started losing weight, muted feelings, had no empathy anymore, like a I don't give a shit attitude, NO LIBIDO and couldn't orgasm! I decided to quit this garbage and return to the mild Mirtazapine for good. Some of the weeks I was on venlafazxine I actually also took the Mirt (the combo known as Californian rocket fuel) so I could get some sleep although doctors did not allow me to do this! Effects after stopping Venlafaxine -3days"

4 / 10
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25 Report
  • Polly
  • Taken for 1 to 6 months
  • May 20, 2022

"Was on lexapro for 2 years at a dose of 15mg. It helped my anxiety but did nothing for my depression and I was extremely lethargic and felt like a zombie. I did a straight swap onto valanfaxine and already feel much better in my mood, mind is clearer, energy better, anxiety is fine and I can think clearly. I am currently on 75mg and I have no side effects whatsoever. I'm surprised as I read so many bad things about side effects. For me I've had nothing but positive.... even the straight switch from lexapro to valanfaxine caused no side effects don't let all these bad reviews u read put u off. I nearly did but wanted to see for myself and so far it's the best thing I did was switch onto it from lexapro esp for my depression and energy levels"

10 / 10
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10 Report
  • Anonymous
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • February 6, 2016

"It was the worse experience ever. I took it and couldn't sleep all night. I cried for hours and even called the emergency hotline. I had muscle stiffness, excessive yawning, nausea, and twitching. So far the worse medication I've ever taken"

2 / 10
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27 Report
  • Anonymous
  • March 20, 2010

Effexor (venlafaxine) "I have used a few different antidepressants over the years, but when I started getting panic attacks my Dr put me on Effexor. It works well for me. Missing a dose is the worst thing though. If I wake up in the morning feeling hung over and dizzy and useless, I know that I forgot my pill the day before. It takes several hours after taking it to begin to feel better. I recently switched to taking it at night because then if I miss a dose the horrible side effects will come at night and I can just take a pill and go to bed, but am finding that if I don't take a sleep aid, I am up after 3 hours (like right now) and end up having to take a nap the next day. I am thinking that I better go back to taking them in the morning."

8 / 10
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40 Report
  • Helpl...
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • January 18, 2016

"I have been prescribed Effexor for over 6 years. Initially it worked great. Now they have made me go on a generic version venafaxine hcl ER. The manufacturer is TEVA. And I have had major anxiety, hives, headaches, can't sleep, night sweats just to name a few. I have heard from others they can not take the generic form. However, when I requested the Name brand my insurance wouldn't cover it. In going to fill my prescription it was going to cost $963 to fill. I was shocked. What is a person to do? Is there any help for those of use who can't take the generic format. And how to we find out what is actually in this to know what we are allergic to? Any help is appreciated..."

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  • Anonymous
  • March 26, 2012

Effexor (venlafaxine) "I've suffered from anxiety my whole life. I've been on an off so many different medicines I can't even count. At first, Effexor seemed like a heaven send. Recently though I've realized that if I merely skip a day or more.. The withdrawals are indescribable. I shake constantly. I throw up. I sweat. I get headaches. "

5 / 10
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35 Report
  • Clair...
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • July 4, 2021

"Help, I've been taking venlafaxine 75mg slow release for 8 days today I was on citalopram 40mg for 15 years, someone please tell me I'm not going mad! The last few days I wake up with like an internal shake feeling right through me like a bad panic attack and I feel really weird can't really describe, it's like I'm having an out of body experience I can see and feel everything but it feels like I'm looking down on myself - weird I know and so light headed very panicky and feeling so scared and fearful and generally unwell off this med, will this pass? Should I stop? Please help x"

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12 Report
  • JJG...
  • January 5, 2016

"I've been taking this for about 5 years and it has helped with stress and depression, though more so for stress. I started taking Wellbutrin about 8 months ago as well due to depression getting worse, and the combination has helped tremendously. I have had "brain zaps" when I haven't taken my morning dose by about noon the following day, and have been out for a few days so they were even worse, but I feel the benefits outweigh that. While one side effect can be constipation, venlafaxine has actually helped as I used to have the opposite problem. Overall I think both mess are great."

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  • Anonymous
  • February 13, 2012

Effexor (venlafaxine) "My doctor put me on Effexor because I didn't like Lexapro-It made me gain weight and feel numb and apathetic. It did help with my mood which is the main reason I went on BUT I put on 10lbs in 6 mos despite diet and exercise. I am anxious now because I am getting married and need to lose this weight. Despite a trainer, weight watchers, and intense workouts the scale doesn't budge. It has to be the Effexor. It has never been so hard for me to lose weight. I have always been trim and lucky in that department. Trying to get off it now."

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  • Kerri...
  • September 20, 2015

"I've been on this medication for awhile now, it was originally just for my chronic migraines, but it never ended up working for my migraines, but I've had a history of anxiety and Effexor seemed to solve my anxiety problems so my doctors have kept me on it all this time. I've noticed if I go even a little over 24 hours since I've taken my last dosage, my anxiety comes back worse than ever and I constantly throw up due to withdraw... and that's only a day of not taking it!!"

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  • Anonymous
  • November 26, 2009

Effexor XR (venlafaxine) "I have been taking Effexor XR for almost two years and I love it. I take it for anxiety, stress, and depression. I have taken Wellbutrin and Paxil and found a little relief but nothing compared to Effexor. After 10 years of emotional eating I have started losing that weight, 40 lbs in the past year and I haven't dieted, I still eat the foods I love but now I stop when I'm no longer hungry and I feel no guilt when I eat a cookie or two or go out for an indulgent dinner. Another plus, I actually want sex now. For years my anxiety kept me from having any desire but now I can't get enough. YAY!"

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  • Amber
  • Taken for 6 months to 1 year
  • December 9, 2019

"venlafaxine worked good for anxiety and stress in the beginning at a dose of 75 mg then bumped up to 125 mg and that’s when I started getting constipated and gained 15 lbs in three months and sweat horribly at night and sweat more than normal at work. Getting off of it now. Did NOT work for me."

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  • Stef
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • January 7, 2021

"I have never taken medication like this before but after that first night I'll never try again. I suffered every side effect. All of them! I'm so glad its winter so I could go outside and cool off. Possibly the worst night of my life. It almost gave me a panic attack. I hallucinated. I have diarrhea and was throwing up. I'm still jittery today but no more hot flashes... for now. I called my Dr at 5am freaking out. I'm so embarrassed. He gave me 150mg venlafaxine to take once a day with food. I took it at 9pm in case I did have side effects I could sleep through them. Bad decision. I'll probably never take depression medicine again."

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13 Report
  • Jen
  • Taken for 6 months to 1 year
  • March 26, 2020

"I was put on this drug because it really helped my sister with her depression and anxiety, but it didn’t help me at all. It didn’t do anything to worsen my symptoms of anxiety, but it also didn’t help either. However, I’m currently being weaned off of it and it’s the absolute worst nausea I’ve ever had. I’m taking my pill every other day; therefore, I get nauseous every other day. I don’t doubt that this medication helps certain people, but for me, these withdrawals are just straight up painful."

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  • Anony...
  • April 27, 2017

"This medication is very scary to take. I was only on 37.5mg for one day and my pupils dilated and one eye was bigger then the other. It felt like I had taken some illegal drug. I felt dopey and after stopping it from one day I still felt high days later. Told my doctor and was prescribed escitalopram and took only 5mg same thing happened with my pupils again and made my out of reality feelings worse. I honestly think medication is only good if you actually have a full on disorder that is bad.. but taking this to get a relief from anxiety it just masks it. It made me feel numb to my emotions.. I don't want to be masked and not feel happy or sad.."

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22 Report
  • thebo...
  • Taken for 5 to 10 years
  • April 2, 2023

"Was on this for 8 years with great success. It works!!! Decided to get off it and that was a bad idea!!! Went back on and it's working again. Great stuff for anxiety and depression. Try it and don't give up!"

10 / 10
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6 Report

Reviews may be edited to correct grammar/spelling or to remove inappropriate language and content. Reviews that appear to be created by parties with a vested interest are not published. This information is not intended to endorse any particular medication. While these reviews may be helpful, they are not a substitute for the expertise, knowledge, and judgement of healthcare professionals.