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Effexor User Reviews & Ratings (Page 3)

Effexor has an average rating of 5.6 out of 10 from a total of 414 reviews on 45% of reviewers reported a positive experience, while 32% reported a negative experience.

Reviews for Effexor

  • Anonymous
  • December 1, 2010

For Autism "This is a great medicine for those it helps. It really changed my life around. It has helped me so much to be more comfortable with having Asperger's Syndrome and to deal with all the associated issues (OCD, depression, etc). It's literally saved my life. I do recommend trying this medicine as if it works for you, it's worth trying."

10 / 10
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108 Report
  • Autum...
  • Taken for 1 to 6 months
  • September 10, 2016

For Depression "I have been on 75mg ER of Venlafaxine HCL for over 3 months now and I really feel wonderful. It's working very well for me. I have plenty of energy, lost about 20 pounds of weight and I do feel very content and calm. I do have vivid dreams that are interesting and long. I socialize and react very well with people now and no longer have any fears of socializing with groups of people. Again, this antidepressant has so far worked very well with me and I am happy that my doctor switched me from 20mg of citalopram, which made me very tired and gained way too much weight, to 75mg Effexor ER (Venlafaxine). Everyone's system is a bit different and what may work well for someone may not work well for someone else. I wish you all the best."

10 / 10
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71 Report
  • Gc6644
  • Taken for 1 to 6 months
  • May 22, 2014

For Depression "I started this medication about 4 months ago after being on Prozac for 5 months. Antidepressants react differently for everyone, and I am happy to say I have had a very good experience with this medication thus far. I have much more energy, will to live, and my anxiety has also decreased immensely. I have not experienced any side effects with this, however, I strongly recommend staying away from alcohol. After a night of drinking, I would fall into a depressive state or have a panic attack. This never happened to me before taking this medication."

9 / 10
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83 Report

Frequently asked questions

  • Stacy...
  • Taken for 1 to 2 years
  • July 9, 2016

For Major Depressive Disorder "I've been on antidepressants for 16 years. From Celexa, to Prozac, to Paxil with none ever truly taking away my depression and anxiety. I suffer from major depressive disorder, PTSD, anxiety and I'm bipolar as well. Since starting Effexor, my life has dramatically changed for the better. I'm honestly the happiest and calmest I've been since the age of 15. I started with 37.5mg 2x daily and I'm now up to max dosage. I've zero side effects and can function fully without benzodiazepines for my anxiety thanks to this medication. I HIGHLY recommend giving it a try, especially if no other antidepressants have truly made you feel 100%. It's possible to beat depression with the right medication, just keep on trying and hang in there!"

10 / 10
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70 Report
  • herbo...
  • September 8, 2007

For Depression "My girlfriend has been on Effexor XR for almost seven years now. We just found out two weeks ago she is pregnant. The doctor told her to lower doses from the 300mg she has been on to 150mg, then three days later drop to 75mg, then three days to 37.5mg, then you're done. The doctor said that there might not even be any withdrawals if it is done this way. I wouldn't wish these bad withdrawals on anyone."

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119 Report

Are you taking this medicine?

  • Anonymous
  • September 28, 2011

For Obsessive Compulsive Disorder "I was walking the streets at night before I started Effexor. Diagnosed with obsessive-compulsive disorder. Been on it for over 10 years. Once in a while, I try to wean myself off and I start to have those terrible feelings again. I will stay on it the rest of my life. I can live normally."

10 / 10
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95 Report
  • Mike
  • Taken for 6 months to 1 year
  • December 10, 2015

For Major Depressive Disorder "I'm currently on venlafaxine, 300mg/day, and have been on it for 6 months now. This stuff works beautifully for me. I had/have MDD, GAD, SAD, and took Paxil for 10 years, which worked quite well until 8 months ago. I was scared of switching because of the fact that not all antidepressants work for everyone, and I was terrified of fully reverting back to my suicidal, petrified old self. My psychiatrist was able to convince me after a couple of months to go for it. On the venlafaxine, I feel calm, happy, able to concentrate, mildly euphoric, and better than I did in my early days of taking Paxil. This stuff is hit or miss for different people, but don't be scared to try it if you haven't. And give it time to work."

10 / 10
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71 Report
  • Anonymous
  • September 22, 2008

For Depression "I was on Effexor XR for 8 years and I recently went off. I gave the drug 8 out of 10 because overall my anxiety and depression were greatly improved. I didn't have any sexual side effects and only felt dizzy when I did not take the medication at exactly the same time every night. I did lose a lot of my energy and was prescribed Wellbutrin to help out with that. However, the withdrawal, as others have mentioned, is terrible. My doctor prescribed a low dose of Prozac (20mg) to ease the withdrawal, and it really helped. If you are going off Effexor, do it with Prozac. I tried without it twice before, and it was such a horrible experience that I went right back on."

8 / 10
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109 Report
  • DFV
  • July 28, 2020

For Major Depressive Disorder "I have many labels: depression, anxiety, tinnitus, chronic pain, insomnia, dissociation, anorexia ... 16 years ago. I was a single mother and broke. All meds led to weight gain, taking forever to lose. I realized 'you can't medicate a crappy life away.' I moved to the ocean, reconnected with nature, and found a trauma psychologist. EMDR and exposure therapy helped me manage symptoms. I was pharmaceutical-free until a minor relapse and was prescribed Effexor (105 mg/day). In 2 months, I stopped being active, social, had headaches, dry mouth, constipation, and gained 20 pounds! I went off cold turkey. Within a few days, I felt like myself again (minus weight gain depression). Now, a week off Effexor, sleep better, eat less, and returned to beach walks to increase dopamine. I hope that it's not going to take long to lose the weight. I'm more depressed and have lower self-esteem when I lose touch with my body. This was my experience."

1 / 10
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40 Report
  • kamv
  • August 8, 2009

For Depression "I gave this a high score because I got lucky. I went for years struggling with depression, weary of Big Pharma, self-medicating. Finally, a friend took me to a doctor. The first drug she prescribed was Effexor. I was prescribed the 75mg capsules. I found it to be too much for me, so I take one every other day. The only side effects I feel are from withdrawals if I skip a few days, and 'ditziness' if you will. Other than that, managing my depression has changed my life. My weight has even dropped because I used to self-medicate with food. I do recommend taking only the lowest dose possible for your symptoms. I am not a big fan of prescription drugs, but this was a lifesaver for me."

10 / 10
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104 Report
  • Anony...
  • September 20, 2019

For Depression "I was on apparently the lowest dose of 37.5 mg for anxiety, and I had the worst experience of my life. I had severe gut pains every day and felt hypoglycemic all the time. I thought my liver was going to give out, it hurt so much. I was not myself. I was more anxious and depressed on the meds than I was off them. I couldn’t take it anymore and took myself off. Quitting cold turkey probably wasn't the best idea, but make sure you go to your doctor to get tapered off properly first to avoid major withdrawal symptoms. I do not recommend this medication, it’s not worth the risk."

1 / 10
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45 Report
  • j1ano
  • Taken for 1 to 6 months
  • October 13, 2014

For Depression "Celexa stopped working, and I was put on Effexor. My panic attacks are worse than they have ever been, my depression is totally off the charts, and I physically shake all the time. The irritability is by far the worst part for me. I'm forever angry now on this medication. My friends and family have noticed a big difference in my personality. I'm definitely getting off this medication!"

1 / 10
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75 Report
  • Blueb...
  • Taken for 10 years or more
  • June 1, 2019

For Major Depressive Disorder "Having suffered from chronic low mood for years, I was prescribed Venlafaxine (Effexor) by a psychiatrist in the UK. Initially 225 mg, but didn't find that much of a change. Then on 300 mg, I suddenly felt better. That was over 10 years ago. I am now 45 years old and have had no further periods of depression since and have continued taking it. That is despite being almost permanently depressed before taking it. Yes, I have low moods now occasionally, but they are due to situational stress and a normal reaction to rubbish things happening. And I have not suffered from any major side effects, certainly nothing that would stop me from taking it. Night sweats are probably the worst. And I do suffer from withdrawals if I forget to take the medication for 24 hrs. Overall, a very positive and life-changing drug. Btw, I also have done CBT and self-help alongside taking medication, which has helped, but the drug definitely made the main difference."

10 / 10
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47 Report
  • Anonymous
  • August 29, 2011

For Bipolar Disorder "Effexor has saved my life. I had depression and anxiety so bad, I couldn't function and was suicidal. Couldn't leave my house, I wouldn't leave my bedroom or eat for days at a time. Since taking Effexor, I can't believe how much better I feel. I feel 100%, doing the things that I should be doing, just like everyone else."

10 / 10
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91 Report
  • Sunset
  • August 25, 2011

For Depression "I've struggled with depression since I was a teenager (and attempted suicide then). In college, I started having panic attacks. A few years later, I was put on this new medicine called Effexor (after getting no relief from Paxil nor Zoloft) and for the first time in my life, I felt relatively normal! I've been on Effexor - 150 mg/day for 20 years now, and it has REALLY helped me to function at a high level. I have gone off it several times - VERY slowly, but each time, a few months after being completely off, BANG - unbelievable depression, and I'd go back on. I'm at peace knowing I'll most likely be on it for the rest of my life. Helps with depression AND anxiety. No problems drinking while taking it, had three healthy kids while on it."

10 / 10
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91 Report
  • GinaGee
  • October 20, 2013

For Depression "I have been on Venlafaxine XR for 8 years (first Effexor XR then generic without problems). Started at 150, then plateaued after about a year, went up to 225 and plateaued again. I have been on 300mg dose for over 5 years. I like this prescription a lot. I haven't tried other antidepressants, I was started on this because it worked for other family members. I know it's a high dose and some people are shocked, but I find this offensive and more or less stigma about mental illness and meds. I started Adderall about 4 years ago and that combination has been incredible for my depression (and ADHD). My sex drive recovered 3 months into VFX. The only complaint is when I miss a dose, in which case I have a lot of complaints: migraines, dizzy, tremor, hypersomnia"

9 / 10
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79 Report
  • The...
  • October 23, 2014

For Depression "I started this medicine in nursing school. Very much so needed. I started seeing myself with less worry, and a more 'whatever' type of mentality. I figured that worked for me. However, my biggest problem has been the weight gain. Before I knew it, I gained at least 25 lbs. I'm a very active person and I watch what I eat, especially since I am a cardiac nurse. Also, make sure you NEVER miss a day of the medication. My side effects would be vertigo and shooting nerve pains in my head. I just upped my dosage to 150mg hoping it will increase my energy and help with weight loss. I was really bad off emotionally before, so besides everything above, I have my life back."

6 / 10
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73 Report
  • Aymie
  • May 13, 2014

For Major Depressive Disorder "I give this a 7 because it does work. BUT be very cautious of the side effects. I was on it for 2 years, first started on the regular dose, then switched to extended release as the medicine would 'wear off' throughout the day. While it helped tremendously with my depression and anxiety (it was almost non-existent) the side effects alone were debilitating. I gained 20 pounds, would fall asleep midday (we're talking I had to pry my eyes open to keep from passing out in the middle of a conversation), I was tired ALL DAY. I sweat PROFUSELY and the dizziness I experienced from missing a dose by only a few minutes, plus the heart palpitations were enough for me to stop."

7 / 10
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75 Report
  • Greg
  • August 10, 2019

For Depression "It ruined my life. Was on it for 13 years and tapered off it in March 2018. Every day intense cognitive problems, intense headaches, and stomach problems. Even if I missed a dose, I felt incredibly sick. I am disabled because of it. I'm 29."

1 / 10
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44 Report
  • Andy...
  • March 13, 2012

For Depression "I have been on Effexor for 15 years, 150mg per day, except for a 1-year period ending about 6 months ago. It is very effective for me. It made me tired when I first started it, but it was worth sticking through that. For my time not taking it, I was on Zoloft which didn't work as well. Effexor has kept me from depression, but it does other things for me. First, it reduces my inattentiveness to near nothing. Therefore, I am very productive at whatever I do. Second, it greatly reduces anxiety. Stress does not cripple me any longer while on this medication. Going off the medication has a weird withdrawal symptom that isn't painful, it's just odd. Do not go off the medication without a doctor assisting."

9 / 10
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86 Report
  • feeli...
  • September 1, 2010

For Anxiety and Stress "I've been taking Effexor for about 20 months and it's my MIRACLE! I'm 34 and began taking medicines since I was 18. I tried Paxil, Zoloft, Buspar, Wellbutrin, and finally Effexor. I am so genuinely happy and jubilant, I just can't believe it. I'm sure part of it is maturity, life experience, and such but WOW. I plan to continue taking it forever as my anxiety is not situational in some cases. I have a chemical imbalance that will require medicine forever so this is the one! I've never been happier!"

10 / 10
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92 Report
  • Plugcov
  • October 22, 2016

For Depression "I am extremely disheartened in reading the negative reviews. I have taken Effexor since 1993. I began taking 37.5 mg and later lived for one year in a private psychiatric hospital for a suicide attempt. My psychiatrist, then the President of the American Psychiatric Association, increased my dose to 600 mg per day. This miracle drug kept and still keeps me alive some 23 years later. I have experimented with not taking this or any medication. I never presented with any withdrawal symptoms. However, like clockwork, on the 3rd day w/o it, I begin to cry tears over nothing. By the 4th day, I find myself in the midst of severe depression. Within an hour of beginning my regimen again, I am back to my normal. Do not be afraid to try this medication."

10 / 10
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60 Report
  • Lela
  • Taken for 2 to 5 years
  • May 19, 2020

For Major Depressive Disorder "Effexor has got to be the worst of the worst to try to come off of. I am still trying to come off this completely after taking 225 mg daily for 3 years. I still cannot get through the withdrawal symptoms, they are horrific. If anyone has any suggestions on how to help, please let me know."

8 / 10
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38 Report
  • Happy...
  • February 25, 2015

For Major Depressive Disorder "I switched to Effexor after taking Prozac for years, and it just didn't seem to be working for me anymore. I'm so glad my doctor suggested I switch to Effexor. I've been taking it for about 2 years, and it seems to be working great for me. I very rarely have a down day. You must take it as directed and not miss dosages. I can't miss more than 1 day's dosage, or I will get nauseous and dizzy."

10 / 10
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67 Report
  • Anonymous
  • July 17, 2019

For Depression "I have finally had the courage to go through withdrawal symptoms, agitation. Headaches, nausea, electric shock in my head. I am free of this drug, and for the first time in years, I feel like a human being. I am alert and feel a range of emotions. I was feeling nothing, numb for many years. This drug should be taken with great caution. I feel it is dangerous."

3 / 10
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42 Report

Reviews may be edited to correct grammar/spelling or to remove inappropriate language and content. Reviews that appear to be created by parties with a vested interest are not published. This information is not intended to endorse any particular medication. While these reviews may be helpful, they are not a substitute for the expertise, knowledge, and judgement of healthcare professionals.