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Champix for Smoking Cessation User Reviews (Page 5)

Champix has an average rating of 8.7 out of 10 from a total of 350 reviews for the treatment of Smoking Cessation. 85% of reviewers reported a positive experience, while 7% reported a negative experience.

Reviews for Champix

  • Bumba...
  • July 4, 2014

"Smoked 25 a day for 28 years and lost count of the number of times I've tried to quit and failed. Now I've been smoke free for 9 months (feel GREAT)! Life on Champix was VERY Tough. Started off with the usual half tablet and things were fine but within a couple of days of being on the full dose the suffering began. Bloated, constipated, angry, vivid, nasty dreams, no sleep, lethargic and so so emotional I burst into tears over nothing. In the end I cut back to half the usual full dose and eventually stopped taking Champix altogether after 6 weeks. Took some time after this for the symptoms listed above to disappear completely but eventually they did. "

9 / 10
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  • Sick
  • Taken for 1 to 6 months
  • October 1, 2018

"I feel so so sick and so depressed...but I did stop smoking on my first week of taking the drug as I felt to sick to smoke. I'm now on my last month and I want to stop taking Champix but I'm scared if I don't finish I will start smoking again. The meds have made me so confused I can't think properly. I have all the side affects they say you can get BADLY! I feel like I have the worst hangover ever! But I'm a non smoker and I'm loosing so much weight. Just hope I can get through the last month. All I can say is I will never ever smoke again and I can't go through this again!"

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  • Steve...
  • Taken for 1 to 6 months
  • November 11, 2015

"At 11.55pm on Saturday the 6th of September 2008 I finished my 50th Cigarette for the day. It was also the last cigarette I have had since that time. (Over 7 Years) Thanks to Champix!! I had smoked since I was 14 years old and had just turned 50 when I decided it was time to give up. I started on Champix after discussing several options with my doctor and after being on the tablets for 2 weeks I stopped. Over the next 8 weeks of the program I had some extremely stressful events take place in my life but even with those events I managed with the help of Champix to stay off the cigarettes, and I am still off them now!! My personal experience of Champix was great, I had no side effects at all and I have not had even one cigarette since I quit."

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Frequently asked questions

  • Hazz
  • February 20, 2019

"Day 12 on champix side effects : stomach cramps and bloating (few hours after a meal) you can deal with this by having a snack Tiredness (less than 1 hour a day) to avoid this drink plenty of water No more side effects than the two mentioned above, you can deal with them in different ways as you will adjust to the situation with time. on the other hand , after 10 years of smoking, I have been smoke free for 5 days and have 0 craving and 0 withdrawal symptoms. Good sleep, highly energised and happy. I Highly recommend the drug, it is worth it. feels like never been a smoker my life."

8 / 10
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  • Kat
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • August 20, 2018

"I desperately wanted to quit. I was on 20 a day. But the anxiety I felt at the thought of not having my four fags on the way into work and back filled me with fear. I started champix three weeks ago. No major side effects, slight nausea, hilarious dreams, and the feeling that it was doing something but I wasn’t sure what. After day three on the tablets I tested myself. Had wine one evening without a fag....felt ok. Travelled to work with no smoking on the journey and felt ok. Cigarettes started to taste odd...but I continued until my quit day which was day 8 for me. Not quite sure what the tablets do but my fear, my crutch, the evil longing just subsided. I’ve not had a cigarette for 11 days now and I’m down to two 0.5 tablets a day. Feeling fairly smashing. Cannot believe I’m doing it to be honest. So going to continue keeping on going. Good luck everyone giving it a go. Hope it works for no one needs these in their lives!! X"

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Are you taking this medicine?

  • Anonymous
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • January 21, 2023

"I was a 40 a day smoker for nearly 50 years - smoking never made me feel bad in any way - and my main reason for giving up was a) cost and b) never being able to go to cinemas or events because I didn't know when I was going to be able to smoke. I tried patches, 2,3,4 it didn't matter how many - they were useless. My best friend gave up with Champix, another friend said they couldn't cope with it. But I went to the smoking cessation service and told them that it needed to be Champix. Was it nice, no it makes your mouth feel terrible but you just have to keep going. However my advice is do not pick a date to stop - you will focus on it and get terrified as the nearer that date comes - just keep going, follow the rules however horrible it feels. Finally I just couldn't cope with one more drag and miraculously I just didn't smoke. It is not fun, it is not easy, but it really works - I'm smoke free for 6 years"

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9 Report
  • Kiwic...
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • September 30, 2019

"Resorted to champix on day 15 still smoking but not enjoying and just had my last cig and decided not to carry on taking this medication. Pluses and minuses to these tablets on the positive side no cravings and smoking a lot less, downside effects for me have been very short tempered, tired and drowsy all the time plus times where I've felt sick. I'm not a person who takes a lot of medication. So my overall thoughts on champix and the reason I've given it stars is that it's a good start for me and now starting from tomorrow am mentally prepared to stop. I was smoking around 12 a day today down to 3 so I'm now ready to do this cold turkey as I can't deal with side effects especially at work.Good Luck everyone, feeling very positive "

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22 Report
  • Jay
  • January 27, 2019

"Hi. I'm day 1 of my Champix. Bit nervous and apprehensive....but I'm going to go with it and will make sure I eat before and drink plenty. I not looking forward to any bad dream though but I will still go with the flow. Good luck luck to all of you and it would be great to hear your feed back ..x"

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24 Report
  • surpr...
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • October 19, 2014

"Besides a little nausea & jitters for the first week everything went smooth for me. I have smoked heavily for 25 years, with no real intentions on quitting. My health had gone downhill past couple years and after a friend was successful with Champix I thought "why not?" Within 2 weeks I was smoke free (surprisingly). A week later I was off the pill! That easy! Thank you Champix."

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37 Report
  • Bruce...
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • May 14, 2019

"Did champix stop me smoking? Yes. I think so, although surely the decision to take them in the first place is a bigger indicator of my willingness to quit. Did champix give me bipolar mood issues ? ABSOLUTELY. Did I finish the course? No. These things made me really miserable, they made me feel sick and the effects scared the hell out of me. Would I use them again, or recommend them to my friends? No. Absolutely not. Overall: steer clear."

2 / 10
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  • Gus
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • January 19, 2021

"I've been a smoker for 40 years, smoking approximately 40 plus smokes per day. Started Champix 20 days ago. After the first 3 days I went cold turkey it's been 17 days smoke free and feel the difference in such a short time. Champix worked for myself unbelievable. Minimal side affects eg broken sleep. I'm very happy and my wallet is full again. 70 dollars a packet in Australia and more.."

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  • Yazzad
  • February 23, 2017

"I was a heavy smoker for 25 years and I tried to quit that habit many times before but I couldn’t, until two months back when I was walking in the mall and I thought why not to ask the pharmacist for an advice? So I did, and she advised me to use Champix, I wasn’t really convinced but I bought it to try it, I started using it while I was still smoking, and by the end of the first week the number of cigarettes reduced, I wanted to challenge the medicine and smoke but I couldn’t, I felt bad every time I lit a cigarette. It’s been 2 months now since I quit smoking, I can’t believe it! I am a non smoker?! I feel great, I am no longer worried about my health like before, I told my brothers and sisters about it and they all quit smoking too!!"

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30 Report
  • Shell...
  • September 29, 2015

"Well, I am 55 years old, smoking since I was 19. I was up to 3 packs a day. I just finished week 3 of Champix and can't believe it. No cravings, no crazy side effects. No smoking, No weight gain!!! Amazed. I truly can't say enough."

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  • Silvia...
  • Taken for 1 to 6 months
  • May 24, 2016

"I had great results. Within a short time of taking them I had stopped smoking. Taking 2 tablets daily wasn't the best thing for me so my doctor recommended only taking one and that was prefect. I only took them for about two months then stopped. I've been smoke free for about 7 months and it's been the best thing ever. I also was and am able to around smokers without dying inside for a smoke."

10 / 10
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  • Gelston
  • March 23, 2015

"Got to give it a 10 as it achieves the wanted result, rating it on side effects would be nil which would be unfair and not constructive to a survey. My 3rd attempt on Champix, the 1st two attempts failed due to my own silly fault, being bored and having an overwhelming desire to be naughty. So this time I'm keeping busy and find it a lot easier. Side effects are all well documented and trust me I have thelot. Stools the size of Manchester alternating with a spontaneous tsunami and dreams so vivid I could write a novel each morning, being only a couple of a whole list of effects. Nothing I was not expecting or that can't be endured for the sake of being smoke free after 45 years. Good luck to all on Champix."

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  • Cherie
  • March 5, 2021

"I’ve just finished day 7 of Champix and I haven’t smoked for four days. I smoked for 30 years about a packet of 25’s a day. Costing about $40 a day so I’ll be saving about $280 a week. The first 3 days I had a little nausea and I’m having vivid dreams but they aren’t bad, I actually enjoy the dreams lol I’ve been missing the habit and ritual or routine of smoking but not the smoking itself. I found a packet in my car yesterday with 7 cigarettes in it so I scrunched them up and chucked them in the bin. I would recommend Champix to everyone. I couldn’t get past day 3 when I tried cold turkey, repetitively, so I’m feeling good now, only hours away from day 5. I have no desire to smoke and no cravings, strangely. Just occasionally missing the habit. But not enough to want one."

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  • mayan...
  • Taken for 1 to 6 months
  • June 9, 2015

"So far so good, I had been smoking for around 19 years, left smoking last month, its been 25 days, few side effects like excessive sleep, earthquake like feeling, slight irritability in the evenings, rest all is fine. All those old time smokers should try it, the side effects mentioned in lots of google forums are not true and more important...all of them don't occur to one person. Compared to the side effects the benefits are better...."

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  • MadgeUK
  • May 17, 2015

"20 a day for 26 years. Tried e-cigs, patches, gum, even Allen Carr. Champix felt like my last chance and damn, it worked for me! Yes to nausea (even with food) and vivid dreams but no mood swings or irrational behaviour (so far) and I actually have a long history of depression and anxiety so I was really expecting that. I quit smoking on day 13 of the meds. Partly cos you HAVE to make that choice and partly 'cos it was just horrid to smoke. I can't even stand the smell now. A few cravings but easy to get over them. It's only day 18 but I do feel really confident this is it for me now. Champix might not be for everyone but if you really have tried everything else then why not?"

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  • Harryp
  • September 21, 2018

"Effective at stopping smoking, went from being a heavy smoker to stopping on day 11 and not felt the urge to smoke. Here comes the but Suffered tiredness and nausea first couple of weeks, which my GP warned me about in advance. Didn’t really cover the mental health risks, either causing or aggravating existing issues. Within five weeks of taking this drug, I had spiralled out of control with depression, and hit a really dark place. Fortunately my wife noticed all this despite me trying to hide it, and took action. Within 24hours of stopping, it was like coming up for air when drowning. The drug is very effective at stopping smoking, be very aware of the side effects. Wouldn’t advise taking this tablet if you live on your own or have existing mental health conditions, unless you are fully aware of the side effects and have some kind of support mechanism in place. I genuinely think I would have taken my own life if my wife hadn’t forced me to get medical attention."

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  • Phil
  • April 17, 2017

"I found myself almost immediately repulsed by the taste of smoking after only 4 days taking Champix. Granted, there could be some uncomfortable side effects, but the end result is well worth it. I have no desire to smoke any longer."

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  • Saints
  • August 21, 2015

"Well, I'm on day 5 of no smoking, truly amazed how I have gone from 20 a day for 30 years to nothing, I get the odd craving but sips of water works to banish them, into week 3 of taking tablets and only side effect is vivid dreams. Have tried to quit before, but champix is the best, effortless not even missing my morning fag with my coffee. If ur thinking of taking these tablets I'd say go for it. Time for an update, almost week 3 of no smoking, had lots of cravings but stuck with it and came out ok, water really helps small sips or get a jigsaw to keep the hands busy, even my non smoking husband is impressed, he's heard so many times that I'm going to quit but have failed every time apart from now and a healthier bank account."

9 / 10
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  • Cigar...
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • November 23, 2019

"I'm on day 10. I have not quit and have not really noticed much of a change in my cravings yet but I wanted to take a second a reassure those worried about the side effects. I felt a little dizzy for the first few days about 2 hours after taking the morning pill but I realized if I waited until mid morning instead of first thing that made a huge difference. I have not had any other issues like crazy dreams however I am regularly a very active dreamer so maybe vivid dreams are just the norm for me. I have been cutting back on the amount of cigarillos I smoke per day from 8 to about 4 or 5 but I'm not sure that is from the medication but more my will to quit. Fingers crossed it starts to kick it up soon."

8 / 10
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20 Report
  • Anonymous
  • August 26, 2019

"Be careful with this drug it changed my mood I was feeling depressed and angry most of the time. My taste changed which caused frustration even after stopping the drug my taste has not yet returned to normal. The drug reduced the amount of smokes I was having however after 4 weeks it increased again . Eating increased this was largely because I wanted the nasty chemical taste in my mouth gone . I also experienced heavy breathing. I think there is lots to take into consideration before using this drug"

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  • Benty
  • June 24, 2015

"Tried champix about two years ago and although I didn't want to smoke the side effects where to bad and the doctor told me to stop them, however I've since been back to Gp and I'm back on them but I only take 0.5mg twice a day instead of the 1mg twice a day and I've been smoke free so far for almost 3 weeks. They do work but yu have to find your balance like with most medication. If you have tried everything then why not try these I use to smoke 20 a day for almost 30 years."

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  • Laura
  • Taken for 1 to 6 months
  • November 16, 2018

"I have been a smoker for 27 years and have tried to quit a few times before without success I'm now 4 weeks into taking champix and I haven't smoked since day 11 had a few cravings at the start now I don't even think about it at all even when I'm around smokers. I now hate the smell on my clothes after. The only side effect I've had is the weird dreams and lack of sleep but I would rather that than smoke again. I am hoping to cut the tablets back down soon anyone thinking of trying to quit I definitely recommend these"

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Reviews may be edited to correct grammar/spelling or to remove inappropriate language and content. Reviews that appear to be created by parties with a vested interest are not published. This information is not intended to endorse any particular medication. While these reviews may be helpful, they are not a substitute for the expertise, knowledge, and judgement of healthcare professionals.