Valacyclovir User Reviews & Ratings (Page 4)
Brand names: Valtrex
Valacyclovir has an average rating of 8.4 out of 10 from a total of 492 reviews on 81% of reviewers reported a positive experience, while 12% reported a negative experience.
Reviews for Valacyclovir
- Anonymous
- Taken for 1 to 6 months
- October 3, 2021
Valtrex (valacyclovir) for Herpes Simplex, Suppression "Did not work, actually seemed to make it worse, if that's even possible. Also, had the worst side effects - made me incredibly tired. Acyclovir works better for me, but I'm still getting multiple outbreaks a month (short-lived) while on suppressive therapy. I can see I'm not the only one. If anyone reads this, I've read about a possible therapeutic vaccine that's actually going to hold human clinical trials in the UK soon. To push for more therapies or vaccine studies, we have to reach out to government officials insisting that there be more effective treatments. Either the virus has become more virulent or the drugs have become less potent...who knows."
- NoR...
- November 11, 2013
Valtrex (valacyclovir) for Herpes Simplex, Mucocutaneous/Immunocompromised Host "I was infected with HSV-2 about two weeks ago in the genital area, pubic area to be exact. Only took 2 days before typical symptoms showed, but I waited 4 days before going to the ER, thinking the OB was folliculitis. I was prescribed Valtrex 1 g 2 times a day for ten days. After 2.5 days, I noticed that the herpes stopped spreading and the pain was gone. After 5 days, it was already healing/drying up. After 10 days, it is almost completely healed, with a few scabs left. This drug is very effective, but you have to take it on time every 12 hours or as instructed by your doctor. Side effects were fatigue, dry skin, dry eyes/slight redness at times, mood swings, hives, and sleeplessness."
Frequently asked questions
- What are the most common skin conditions? (with photos)
- What would be the benefits of taking valacyclovir vs acyclovir?
- Anonymous
- Taken for 6 months to 1 year
- March 14, 2013
Valtrex (valacyclovir) for Cold Sores "I'm 27 years old and have been a cold sore sufferer ever since I can remember. I've tried everything under the sun to keep my outbreaks under control, but nothing seemed to work. I went to my dermatologist, and he prescribed this medicine. I usually get about four cold sores a year, and since I have been prescribed this medicine, I literally have not had one! I take two pills when I feel it coming on, and it stops it dead in its tracks. This medication is a miracle to me, as we all know how embarrassing having a cold sore is. It has saved me from many Friday nights spent in bed hiding my face while all my friends are out and having fun. 10 out of 10!"
- Hyb...
- September 9, 2016
Valtrex (valacyclovir) for Cold Sores "I wouldn't believe it if I didn't see it for myself. So maybe you'll have to take my word on it. But this medicine is absolutely a lifesaver. This is my third cold sore. My first time was years ago, I had no idea what it was, or when I did, it was too late and I had to deal alone. The second time was a year ago, I called my doctor, who prescribed a round of Valtrex. Because I caught it kind of early, it still progressed but was nothing like the first time. So my third time is happening right now. But since my last outbreak, I begged my doctor for a daily script. Wednesday, I woke up with a small lump and I knew. I took 1000 mg and watched it slightly raise, and I could see the pustules under the bump. I took another 1000 at night. It never progressed past that."
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- October 16, 2014
Valtrex (valacyclovir) for Cold Sores "This medicine is a miracle. Sore clears up within 3 days and faster when I take it as soon as I see the onset of the sore. I take 2-500 mg on the first dose and one as directed. Do not hesitate to have these on hand in case a flare-up occurs. Unbelievable, and I pass this info on to others I know, and they are so grateful."
- Lor...
- Taken for less than 1 month
- August 6, 2019
For Herpes Zoster "I'm a 56-year-old woman in great health. I had some weird on-and-off annoying stabbing nerve pain on my right side, followed by an itchy, welty rash. I had no idea what it was, but I decided to see my dermatologist because I wanted to make sure it wasn't from spiders or bedbugs or worse. He knew what it was right away-the dreaded shingles-and got me started on Valtrex. I guess I started taking it early enough because it stopped the progression in its tracks. I had no pain, and the blisters never surfaced. I'm going to ask for a refill so I can have it on hand just in case it ever flares up again! My pharmacist said to make sure to take Valtrex with lots of water as it could cause kidney stones."
- D M...
- Taken for less than 1 month
- May 22, 2013
Valtrex (valacyclovir) for Varicella-Zoster "At the age of 61, I had shingles. This medication helped with the pain as well as the blisters. After only 3 or 4 days on Valtrex, my blisters began diminishing. I would estimate somewhere between 40 to 60 percent of the blisters were gone. It is now day six, and I am looking forward to a complete recovery soon."
- Joa...
- April 12, 2017
Valtrex (valacyclovir) for Herpes Simplex, Suppression "This drug has been 100% effective. I first started taking 500 mg and had just had mild outbreaks, decided to up the dose to 1 mg a day and had no outbreaks since then. Highly recommend taking it for those who experience more than 12 outbreaks a year."
- Sam...
- Taken for less than 1 month
- November 19, 2019
For Herpes Simplex, Suppression "I took Valtrex at the beginning of symptoms of blister, 500 mg, dose of 2 pills per day for 3 days, and it worked, but symptoms came back after a month or so. I got some advice from an alternative medicine doctor, he recommended dropping red and white meat, actually no animal protein, mostly vegetables and grains. I did it, and it's been about 6 months I have not seen any symptoms or breakouts, no pills either. It worked great for me so far. Meat has high levels of arginine protein, which the virus needs to replicate, so avoiding it helps stop the virus - you can also take lysine, which helps too."
- Cin...
- November 17, 2016
Valtrex (valacyclovir) for Herpes Simplex, Suppression "I had my first outbreak at 19 and maybe 1-2 minor outbreaks. At 38, my outbreaks became noticeable and frequent, as soon as the itching subsided, it would appear again 3 days later. Then my anus started to itch. After a visit to my gynecologist, I walked away with a prescription for 500 mg of valacyclovir to be taken daily. One week later, I had an outbreak similar to my first, except now my buttocks and thighs were included. I had a 1-inch lesion on my inner buttocks, and my vagina was swollen and weeping (the itching was unlike anything I've ever experienced). I stopped the valacyclovir after about 20 days. The symptoms abated 3 days later."
- La ...
- January 16, 2014
Valtrex (valacyclovir) for Cold Sores "I got cold sores since I was a kid. I'm 24 years old now and get them about 4 times a year due to stress or if I get sick or something. I got prescribed Valtrex 3 years ago, and it has done wonders. Once I feel the tingling, I would take a pill, and literally, the cold sore would stop in its tracks. Even if it starts to show a little, such as a deep red, I just take a Valtrex, and it would stop, and then I would get some makeup and cover the redness, and you wouldn't even be able to tell."
- Liv...
- Taken for 1 to 2 years
- August 2, 2018
For Herpes Simplex, Suppression "Amazing drug, been using it during outbreaks for 2 years. Clears up within 3 days normally, and I never get open sores while taking it. This drug has made my life so much better during outbreaks. If you don't have insurance, though, it can cost you $300 plus for a bottle. My advice is to shop around pharmacies first. I started out 1000 mg 3x a day the first time. Now I only take 500 mg 2x a day for 3 days and I'm good to go. All hope is not lost just because you were unlucky enough to get genital herpes. Each year, the outbreaks happen less and less and are never as bad as the first two. It gets better, stay positive."
- blk...
- August 8, 2008
Valtrex (valacyclovir) for Herpes Zoster "I was able to take Valtrex within 14 hours of the onset of the rash, and I feel that it helped suppress what could have been a disaster. It has been three days on Valtrex, and I am beginning to feel myself. The rash suppressed its growth and is beginning the second and third cycle of healing."
- Lig...
- Taken for less than 1 month
- July 18, 2019
Valtrex (valacyclovir) for Cold Sores "I actually am not sure if what I had was herpes, but the side effects I experienced from just taking one dose of this drug were scary. I could barely wake up in the morning, my head was hurting so much. I felt sick all day, like I was going to throw up, and I took three naps and STILL felt exhausted. I ran to the bathroom a few times thinking I was about to throw up, leaving my 4-month-old alone while I did so. And I could not eat anything all day because of the nausea."
- yog...
- Taken for 5 to 10 years
- June 8, 2022
Valtrex (valacyclovir) for Herpes Simplex, Suppression "I have had herpes 1 and 2 for more than 10 years now. Here are some tips for you. I forget I even have this. 1. Keep that area clean. 2. Drink a lot of fluids, as this is a strong drug. Don't cut out salt, you need it on this drug. Drink lots of electrolytes on this. 3. Neem oil applied on outbreaks will help you tremendously. Look up the benefits of neem on the prevention of transmission. You can even apply it before sex if you're really concerned about transmission. 4. Take your pill every day. Get a pill case. 5. Try to avoid stress. 6. You'll forget you have it on this medication. 7. I have been married many years, and my partner still hasn't got it."
- Anonymous
- Taken for 1 to 2 years
- October 31, 2016
Valtrex (valacyclovir) for Cold Sores "I had suffered through many cold sores and spent tons of money on Abreva. When my doctor prescribed me Valtrex, I was finally satisfied because within the first tingling feeling, and me taking Valtrex most times the cold sore just disappears. I can take Valtrex at the first symptom, and it's no longer an issue. Most times not even my boyfriend will see the bump, and I have to point it out. I love Valtrex and am extremely happy with my results."
- Jan...
- Taken for less than 1 month
- January 21, 2013
Valtrex (valacyclovir) for Varicella-Zoster "I am 54 years old, and I suddenly came down with shingles on my right side of my shoulder and back. When I took the Valtrex, after 30 minutes, I felt sudden relief. It didn't take away the pain, but in combination with the Percocet, I was able to live, not survive. Shingles are very painful, and I don't know what I would have done without Valtrex. I would recommend it to anyone suffering from a viral."
- ker...
- Taken for less than 1 month
- July 22, 2019
For Herpes Zoster "Valacyclovir is a miracle drug! My outward symptoms started in one little spot near my right eye, first with stabbing pain and then an itchy spot. By day 2, the outbreak had spread enough for me to start thinking it might be shingles, so in going to the clinic right away, it was caught early. I was on the antiviral immediately, and over the next couple of days, the rash spread slightly. Then, day 3, the drug really kicked in. One week later, and I'm left with just a small spot where it originally started. My prescription is for 10 days, which I'll finish. I've had none of the possible side effects."
- Art...
- December 26, 2015
Valtrex (valacyclovir) for Cold Sores "Like so many others here, I've had cold sore outbreaks here and there since I was a little kid. It was always a source of anxiety for me, either when I had one or just worrying about when the next one was coming. I'm in my 30s now. About 2 years ago, I had my dentist call in a prescription when I had felt one coming on for a few hours (the bump was forming), not knowing what would happen. He called it in. I took my first dose within an hour. It never really formed, just stayed a bump for a half day or so and then flattened out and healed quickly. Since then, I've always made sure to keep it on hand at home and at my office. I've taken it several times since at the first signal, and it's been all clear. Cannot recommend enough!!"
- The...
- Taken for less than 1 month
- July 12, 2016
Valtrex (valacyclovir) for Herpes Simplex, Suppression "I gotta say it really works - I thought I had a bad heat rash, but it wasn't clearing up. I finally asked my mom to take me to the hospital, and when they told me what it was, I said no way and how - I still wonder why it was me out of everyone I got it - makes you feel horrible inside - but it's not the end - I've got a boyfriend who supports me through all this - thankfully he doesn't have it, and doctors said I might have gotten it from a past boyfriend - but they gave me a shot in the hip and 4000 mg of Valtrex - I went home still thinking I did not have it and that it was just a basic rash - stopped putting ointments on it and stopped all treatments I did. It started to clear up - lab result later said I was positive - I cried - Valtrex does work!"
- Mil...
- Taken for 1 to 6 months
- January 5, 2016
Valtrex (valacyclovir) for Herpes Simplex, Suppression "I was unfortunately diagnosed in February 2015 with HSV-2 when I experienced my first outbreak. It was horrible and devastating. I continued to get outbreaks monthly until I had enough and finally went to my doctor in July of 2015. He put me on a 1-gram dose of Valtrex daily, and I have not had an outbreak since. This drug is a total lifesaver. Couldn't be happier with the results."
- Lad...
- Taken for less than 1 month
- September 20, 2016
Valtrex (valacyclovir) for Herpes Simplex, Suppression "I can remember getting my first outbreak around 14 years old, I had suffered from chickenpox in my younger days. I didn't know what to do about these sores. I was so embarrassed going to school, would even cry. My parents never took me to the doctor for this. This continued throughout my adult life. In 2012, I went to the Bahamas for vacation. Laid out in the sun, enjoyed the ocean. Woke up to tingling...couple hours later, a gigantic blister. It was so ugly. Tried to suppress it with alcohol or Sea Breeze, that's all I had then. As I took flight, seemed like it got even bigger and the itching was unbearable. That was enough. The beginning of this year I finally sought medical attention. When I say the generic Valtrex is great...! It is!"
- Tee...
- July 11, 2019
For Cold Sores "I've been getting cold sores since I was a kid. Never bugged me until adulthood, where it became 2 weeks of feeling really sad and unlike myself. After talking to my doctor, he prescribed me valacyclovir, and I decided to keep a refill with me. This week, I woke up with tingling on Monday. Took my first dose 6 hrs after (4 caps, 500mg). Another dose 12 hrs later. While a small cluster of blisters formed, they were hardly noticeable at all. Today is Wed. evening, and the sore is pretty much flat. Never got red, bigger, or reached the weepy oozing stage. A little over 48 hrs later, and it’s literally gone. Just a small dry patch. I came across this forum the last time I had one and didn’t have access to a prescription. If that’s you, ride it out, but know a game changer is available. See your doctor ASAP & keep capsules handy. Don’t let cold sores rule your life. I never write reviews, but if this can help anyone who struggles and feels hopeless when a sore pops up, I’m happy."
- Mar...
- March 20, 2016
Valtrex (valacyclovir) for Herpes Simplex, Suppression "Had my first outbreak about two weeks ago, it was excruciatingly painful. Couldn't urinate without being in the bathtub or running water over the sores. This outbreak had been going on for a whole two weeks almost, so I went to my doctor, and she prescribed me Valtrex 500 mg, 2x a day. By the second day of taking the medication, the burning while urinating went away. I am now on day 6, and the sores are almost all gone. I have maybe one left, but there's little to no feeling in it. This was my first outbreak, and I just turned 21, it flared up right after I got the flu and had a high fever. Apparently, HSV can stay dormant in your body for some time until your immune system is shot, but I'm finally feeling normal again, and the meds for sure work."
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- Drug class: purine nucleosides
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- En español
Valtrex (valacyclovir) for Cold Sores "I've had HSV-1 ever since I was 2. I had an outbreak then and again when I was 9 or 10. I'd forgotten that I even had the virus until a week ago. I got a new lip piercing, and 3 days into the healing, my lip blistered. It had been 25 years since my last cold sore, but I remembered what those blisters meant. I wasn't able to get to the doctor until two days later. By then, the blisters had broken open and were all crusted over. I took 2 of the Valtrex as soon as I got them and another 2, 12 hours later. Within a few hours, the pain started going away. The terrible burning was gone. It's been 2 days since my last dose, and my cold sore is in its final healing stage, with the little scabs. My lip is flat again, and the only pain is from the piercing."