Cialis for Erectile Dysfunction User Reviews
Cialis has an average rating of 8.7 out of 10 from a total of 427 reviews for the treatment of Erectile Dysfunction. 84% of reviewers reported a positive experience, while 8% reported a negative experience.
Reviews for Cialis
- MFG...
- Taken for less than 1 month
- January 3, 2020
"OK. Started dating again after being a single parent to 2 kids for several years. I started dating someone much younger than I. Our first time intimately, I could get it up but not last too long. I told her it's been a while... Went to the doctor the next day and got a script for the generic version. I took 10mg before our dinner plans so I knew that would be about 2 hours. The only side effect happened within minutes of taking the pills, which was my face was flushed and warm. It went away in a few minutes. Over dinner, I had a little anxiety about side effects, but that's the only one I had. We pretty much had sex all night long with a couple of cool-down naps. After sleeping in and some brunch, we had sex the rest of the day. She kept commenting on how hard I was and she couldn't get enough. I still felt the effects after 36 hours. Couldn't believe it. Basically gets hard when you want, not all day."
- Jim...
- Taken for 2 to 5 years
- December 26, 2019
"I've been using Cialis for about 3 years. I'm now 73. I cut a 20mg tablet into quarters (about 5mg) and take one every 3rd day. I have erections whenever I wish, and I feel great. I must say that I sincerely believe that this use makes me way more horny than ever in my life."
Frequently asked questions
- Cialis vs Viagra - What's the difference between them?
- Does Cialis lower blood pressure?
- Why does Cialis take at least 12-14 hours to work?
- Cialis: 7 Important Things to Know
- Rea...
- April 20, 2021
"A gym buddy told me about Cialis. Started with a 10mg but moved up to the 20mg. Takes usually about an hour to work, and I like taking it on an empty stomach with lots of water. It works so well that you need to be sure you want an erection because your erection might not just go away very easily. I've found that it's almost too easy to get an unintentional erection, like in the shower. That can make for longer showers. Also after climaxing, you're pretty much a quick reload so I've sort of learned to treat it like a loaded gun. Don't brandish it, don't point it in the wrong direction. Treat it like it's loaded. Another plus is that it makes my penis fuller when it's not erect, and there is something really nice about that. It hangs bigger. No weird side effects. This sounds sappy, but I'm seriously thankful to God for Cialis. It makes me feel like a young man again."
- Raz...
- Taken for 1 to 2 years
- January 3, 2021
"I'm 40 years old, mild ED past few years. First 5mg dose I took, it was solid as a rock within 1/2 hour, felt very full and stayed hard as long as I wanted, didn't want it to stop, was like a new toy. Was able to j/o 3 times that day and then get down to it with the other half that night with the same rock-solid hardness every single time. I j/o a lot as I have a higher sex drive. Definitely makes it look bigger when flaccid and the slightest bit of arousal can get it solid if I want it to. Incredible morning wood every day. Headache and lower back ache when taking for the first 3 months but now 12 months of use and no side effects."
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- November 23, 2014
"I lost my wife to cancer three years ago. Recently, I have found a new partner who is even more interested in sex than myself. I am 80 years old, and my partner is 82. I have found it increasingly difficult to get an erection, and when one does occur, it's difficult to retain. I have scoured the net for an answer to my problem, trying numerous products with no success. But at last, Cialis has answered our prayers. I take Cialis 10mg, and the effect lasts for at least 36 hours. Rock-hard erections that last as long as required, I feel like a 'real man' once again. My partner and I are a pair of very, very happy 'golden oldies.'"
- WAS...
- Taken for less than 1 month
- March 18, 2021
"68 Year Old Male: Wow, this drug was awesome and worked fantastic the first time I used it (10 mg). I was so happy, and my wife was as well. I would have rated it a 10! However, after the third time I took the drug, I developed the most severe back and leg ache I've ever experienced in my life. It was so bad, I could not sleep. I took pain medication up to and including Tramadol and NO EFFECT. After 48 hours, it finally subsided. I cannot describe how bad the pain was--I'll just say it was excruciating! I'm so disappointed because the product works so well--VERY WELL to be exact. But, now I'm afraid to take it. I may try an even lower dose--5mg or 2.5 mg? I certainly want to give it a try because it was amazing at first! But, I must admit I'm now very apprehensive."
More FAQ
- MMa...
- Taken for less than 1 month
- September 4, 2020
"I shared with my doctor (a woman too) my ED situation for the last 6 months. So she recommended Cialis after asking all the right questions about heart problems if any in my family history, etc. All was good. But I personally felt scared about using this, so I cut a 5mg in half and woke up the next morning with an erection. So, took the 5 mg about three hours before having sex with my wife, and I have to say it was wonderful. She was surprised, and I was too. It's something we have been missing for months, although we have been intimate in other touching ways. But to have sexual intercourse that is satisfying for my wife and me is a bonding that makes us even closer. I'm in my late 60s, and it's something in our marriage that we had so good in the past, but for the last 6 months and many times even later than that sexual intercourse just didn't happen. She was very understanding, but I felt it necessary to try this. It worked and is great. I will continue and try it again soon. Thanks!"
- Jfb...
- Taken for less than 1 month
- September 16, 2019
"Took 5mg on Saturday for the first time. I suffer from soft erections and premature ejaculation at times. 7 hours after taking, had a very hard erection and went two times over 1.5 hours. Partner very happy. Lasted a long time both times. Slight problem reaching ejaculation second time but gave my partner plenty of time to get fully satisfied. No side effects, still working after 48 hours. Very happy."
- Gra...
- September 14, 2014
"Didn't see any reviews from a woman, so here goes: my husband and I are elderly, and we still like sex! However, due to the effects of aging, our sex life has been less than satisfactory in recent years. After his annual physical last week, he talked about his erectile dysfunction with his MD. Long story short, he got Cialis, second day of taking it, we had the best sex we've had in years! No side effects, two very happy over 70's, and this is for real."
- Gen...
- Taken for 2 to 5 years
- June 7, 2019
"Brand name versus generic. I have always had great success with brand name Cialis. Just one 5mg tablet works for 5 to 7 days. Now that there are generics available, the price is way down but look out for fakes. My first generic price was Prasco brand. This is made in the USA by Eli Lilly. It's the same stuff as brand name. Even the egg-shaped tablet is the same with the C5 stamp and it works well. Then a pharmacy refilled my script with BurelPharma brand. This 5mg Tadalafil tablet is smaller and an oval shape. They're imported by Burel Pharma, a US middleman. The actual manufacturer is Aurobindo in India. Do not buy these or accept them, they are absolute junk. They do not even work at twice the dose! I made the pharmacy refund the purchase."
- DGC...
- October 23, 2016
"I am a 36-year-old male with a high-pressure career. I exercise 5 times a week, eat strictly organic foods, etc. I had some issues concentrating during sex where I might lose my erection or not feel the desire when I should. If I was alone and masturbating, no problem. Hard as a rock. Due to work stress, the ED then added to the stress. I went to the doctor, and my issue was psychological ED. After some trial with the dosage, I find that 15mg on a night that I know I'm going to have sex is a win. Best erections I've ever had, if my mind wanders, the erection stays, and I get focused again. Also, seems to have a little blood in the penis at all times which helps with initial stimulation and a bigger look all the time. I get a headache sometimes."
- woo...
- January 20, 2015
"At 62, I began to notice lazy erections. Tried many self-directed strategies including no alcohol, changes of venue, positions, etc., with little success. At 63, I got Cialis prescription for 20 mg. First weekend was great... woweezowee. The least thought of loving had my 'buddy' very attentive. My wife was also amazed. The wood stuck around for the entire event and returned in earnest very soon after. Try this, guys, you'll like it. Some flushing and a small backache but Ibuprofen took care of that."
- hor...
- Taken for less than 1 month
- May 5, 2021
"I am turning 50 this year. My wife and I have been together since we were 17. We have always had a great sex life, but in the last two years, her sex drive has exploded. My buddy has had trouble keeping up, and it has caused me anxiety because sometimes I could not go the second or third time. I got the prescription this weekend, and holy cow, like my 20's again, with 50-year-old experience. Let's just say the wife could not be more happy. We went at it at least 15 times this weekend... oh, it may be that I wasn't getting full erections, but it made it bigger, both when limp and hard... she liked that very much..."
- You...
- Taken for 6 months to 1 year
- September 20, 2019
"Age 54. Started experiencing inconsistent erections and overall less rigidity a couple of years ago. Overall good health and my T results are in the normal range. Likely stress from job and marriage breakdown combined. Made me anxious about performance, especially dating someone brand new after a long-term marriage break-up. Talked to my doc. He suggested Cialis. It’s simply brilliant! In a relationship now with a woman almost 20 years younger and we enjoy long intimate sessions for as long as we like and up to 3 times a day when we are on vacation. Wonderful!"
- you...
- January 28, 2017
"This stuff straight up works. I'm a 27-year-old who has performance anxiety issues, and this stuff is a lifesaver. Don't listen to those who say it doesn't help with psychological issues; it really does! My only two complaints are the cost, and ironically, sometimes it's TOO easy to get an erection (it doesn't take too much stimulation and it's rock hard)."
- Ric...
- Taken for 1 to 6 months
- September 28, 2020
"Prescribed Cialis 5mg and results were impressive after an initial dizziness. Incredibly hard erections with penis shaft thicker than I can ever remember - Penis head and rim larger too! When flaccid, the penis remains thicker and impressive. Love waking up with a boner each morning these days - can’t get enough sex these days, much to my partner’s delight!"
- Dep...
- Taken for less than 1 month
- January 15, 2015
"I'm 48 and love sex. Erectile Dysfunction had me at the edge of divorce. Doctor prescribed Cialis 5mg daily or 20 mg per use. Tried 20 mg 2 hours before action and WOW... Wife is happy again. No side effects. Doctor gave me a coupon for a free 30-day supply (5mg) of Cialis."
- Say...
- June 7, 2008
"An excellent drug. Brought back performance of 30-year-old. At lower doses, the effect can vary. Suggest 20 mg about two hours before sex, but will work well for long duration after that. Drink one to two glasses of water when taking to improve absorption. Exercise, relax, and enjoy."
- Cry...
- Taken for 1 to 6 months
- September 15, 2019
"I've used Viagra. After reading reviews, I wanted to try Cialis. Night and day. Cialis is my wonder drug. It works fast. It lasts for days, it seems. And I can ejaculate easier than I could with Viagra. And I'm not as rock hard. More natural. She can't even tell. She thinks I'm an 18-year-old stud. Morning wood. No problem. And I read an article that it can restore your natural erections. I think that is really true!"
- Pap...
- Taken for less than 1 month
- December 6, 2019
"ED (erectile dysfunction) kind of hit me out of nowhere as I was under a lot of pressure at work and Christmas demands were piling up. I was prescribed 20mg tablets so I cut one in half, and later that night, my wife and I were getting busy, and again it went from full mast to nothing. Frustratingly, I took the second half and went to sleep. Later that night, I woke up for the first time in a while with a hard one, and then again in the morning, I had my old friend morning wood back. I went to work that day and had a few erections, so by the time I got home, I wanted to try again, and boy did it ever kick in. We finished up, and an hour later, I was ready to go again. This stuff is powerful but may take a bit for the first dose to kick in."
- Raz...
- Taken for less than 1 month
- October 4, 2020
"It's an excellent drug. I got back my sexual confidence back with this drug. Very first day got a good result. Taking 5mg every other day, that's all I need. It has been now 1 month. Thanks Cialis for giving me a new life."
- My...
- Taken for 1 to 6 months
- October 29, 2014
"I am 44 and never needed anything until my current girlfriend. She is so hot I was actually intimidated by her and caused sexual anxiety for me. I know sounds weird. Got on 20mg and was told to take half but take the whole thing. The effects last 36 hours and hard as a rock. Also can go for as long as you want without climax. No side effects."
- joh...
- March 15, 2015
"I got a three-pill sample from my doc, 20mg a pill. I cut them in half to 10mg halves. I have experienced the stuffy nose, slight headache, and hot flashes. But man, the pill really works. Hard as a rock is an understatement."
- TNJ...
- March 1, 2015
"My wife and I are in our early sixties and having great sex. What I like the best about Cialis compared to the blue pills that I tried is that I don't get the stuffy nose issues. It is also great that if you take it on a Friday night, it lasts through Sunday morning."
Learn more about Erectile Dysfunction
- Do Erectile Dysfunction (ED) Drugs Interact with Alcohol?
- Viagra: How a Little Blue Pill Changed the World
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- Drug class: impotence agents
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- En español
"From Zero to Hero. My newly reinvigorated wife calls Cialis 'the 8th Wonder of the World!' So, from the Struggle to the Reckoning and everything in between: from Bored, Deplored, and Ignored to Lord of the Sword Restored, now Adored. She's Floored. I Scored. Hard to Afford, yet Cialis wins Top Shelf Award."