Sovaldi User Reviews & Ratings
Sovaldi has an average rating of 7.7 out of 10 from a total of 47 reviews on 71% of reviewers reported a positive experience, while 14% reported a negative experience.
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Hepatitis C | 47 reviews for Hepatitis C | 25 medications |
Reviews for Sovaldi
- mag...
- Taken for less than 1 month
- May 14, 2014
For Hepatitis C "I cannot rate the medicine yet. I am only taking it for 2 weeks, I am tired all the time and weak. I have cirrhosis, and I am going into stage 4 Hep C, which I believe is end stage. I will not stop taking it, but my wife is complaining that all I do is lay around and sleep. I mean, I am exhausted. I am a businessman of 70 years old, and I always get up at 5 AM and run until 9 or 10 PM. If this medicine knocks out the virus, I will take it for 6 to 8 months like the doctor said. As far as having no side effects goes, it may not be as bad as interferon, but it does have some side effects. They are tolerable. The worst part of taking Sovaldi is the cost."
- Ble...
- Taken for 1 to 6 months
- July 31, 2014
For Hepatitis C "I am a 52-year-old female. After giving birth to my first son in 1982, I required blood due to complications from my son's birth, I was 21 years old. Last year, around October 2013, I went for a colonoscopy because I had been feeling very tired and just a generalized sick feeling to the point of feeling like I was dying. I have been taking Enbrel for RA since 2002, and with all the side effects and warnings, I was convinced I most probably had some form of cancer. I found out I had been infected with the Hep C virus when I received the blood transfusions in '82, and although I have a liver panel blood workup every three months since starting Enbrel, my liver panels all came back normal. I started Olysio and Sovaldi, cleared the virus in 27 days."
Frequently asked questions
- What is the difference between hepatitis B and C?
- What are the new drugs for the treatment of hepatitis C?
- Does Sovaldi cure hepatitis C?
- How well does Sovaldi work?
- Lar...
- May 23, 2014
For Hepatitis C "I've been on Sovaldi, Interferon, and Ribavirin treatment for 5 weeks. My doctor says my viral load is ZERO! I still need to take it for 7 more weeks, but I am EXTREMELY happy! Yes, I am wiped out, I can't work, but the reward is HUGE!"
- Kat...
- Taken for 1 to 6 months
- July 3, 2014
For Hepatitis C "I am 10 weeks into the 12-week treatment with interferon, ribavirin, and Sovaldi. This is my second time around on treatment. My first was with interferon, ribavirin, and Victrelis. I relapsed the first time and was very, very ill during the entire 7 months. This treatment with Sovaldi is a cakewalk. The side effects are so minimal compared to last time. I am ill, weak, have insomnia, bone pain, and fever, but I can do this for 12 weeks if it means a cure. I am so thankful for Sovaldi. I was very hesitant to start treatment again, but I am so glad I did. My insurance covered some, and Sovaldi covered the difference up to $5 per month. Thank you."
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- Taken for 1 to 6 months
- September 5, 2015
For Hepatitis C "My husband took the Sovaldi/ribavirin combination. He is free of hepatitis C now but is having major side effects still. My husband feels worse now than before treatment. He has severe bone and joint pain throughout his body. He has itchy, rashy skin, 30 lb weight gain, his thyroid is messed up and is now having to take medication for it, chronic fatigue, and has to nap daily. He has severe depression, difficulty dealing with people, explosive personality, difficulty concentrating, and more. He is unable to work due to the pain, inability to fill out paperwork or anything due to concentration issues. He has lost interest in things he loved to do. He naps several hours a day. We have been to different doctors with no one able to help..."
- Anonymous
- Taken for 1 to 6 months
- April 3, 2015
For Hepatitis C "I took Sovaldi with Ribavirin. I have to say this combination is fantastic! I took the meds for three months, and I didn't experience any side effects aside from a little drowsiness. Most of it is mental. I took the pills as directed and just acted as if they were vitamins. My hep C was undetectable after just one month, and my blood tests still remain that way. I am blessed to have found this medicine. I would recommend to anyone who wants to take this medication to do so. Absolutely no reason not to! Good luck!"
More FAQ
- What is the cost of Sovaldi? Why is it so expensive?
- What is the difference between Sovaldi and Harvoni?
- Lad...
- Taken for 1 to 6 months
- April 9, 2015
For Hepatitis C "After 4 weeks on Sovaldi and Ribavirin, my viral load is '0', not detected! I'm due for my 8-week test and hope that it will reveal the same, and maybe only have to be on it for 12 weeks. No side effects whatsoever, in fact, I feel great!"
- kla...
- Taken for 1 to 6 months
- January 24, 2016
For Hepatitis C "I have had Hep since ~1980 - never knew about Hep-C till around the late 1990s when they first could diagnose. I was diagnosed with Hep-C genotype 2 in August 2015 and began a 16-week regime of Sovaldi-Ribavirin after appeal/approval by my insurance in ~Nov. 2015. I have a small (1.4 CM) spot of cancer on my liver, which was just treated this week (Jan. 2016). I have very little fibrosis, and my MELD is 7.5. As of Dec. 2015, my HepC is undetectable - with a duplicate test this last week (Jan 2016). I am about halfway through the third 28-day supply of my 16-week regime - thus I have about another 6 weeks to go. I have had little to no side effects, and I feel blessed to have had this treatment. I think it will add quality years to my life."
- Gal...
- Taken for 1 to 6 months
- March 11, 2015
For Hepatitis C "In 2001, had a liver transplant. Still had Hep C. Received Sovaldi in a Gilead program only for Hep C with transplant patients. Free. Cured. 8 months out. No side effects worth mentioning. Didn't miss a beat. Caught from transfusions, 1981. Discovered 1995, transplant 2001, cured 2014."
- Wil...
- July 22, 2015
For Hepatitis C "I have four days left of treatment, which has been for six months. The side effects have been mental for me. Anxiety, depression, insomnia, mood swings, irritability, and rage all come and go randomly. The virus was undetected at four weeks, and this is my first treatment. I won't know until three months post-treatment if the virus will stay gone, but it's gone right now. I am genotype 3A."
- Im...
- December 1, 2015
For Hepatitis C "I am 59 years old and female. Had or have type 3. Had to take Sovaldi/Ribavirin treatment for 24 weeks. It was 24 weeks of hell, I think I had every side effect listed and then some. Seriously thought at the beginning the dose was so high I thought I would die, they lowered the dosage because my red blood cell count got so low I had to give myself shots of Epogen to fix my blood. But treatment stopped in September. And in November, the hep C is not detected in my blood. But I still have lasting side effects, don't think I'll ever be my old self again. But right now I'm still alive. My advice to everyone is, before you try it, read everything you can and talk to your doctor about side effects! No one told me anything!!"
- mha...
- Taken for 1 to 6 months
- November 18, 2015
For Hepatitis C "I had Hep C for something like 45 years before it was found in my bloodstream. I have diabetes and went in for a normal kidney test. However, when the doctor started poking around just like the old-fashioned doctors used to do, she realized that my liver and spleen were very enlarged. She proceeded to take a blood test, and bingo, she caught my Hep after all those years. A biopsy also determined that I had compensated cirrhosis, which the doctor explained to me was the very beginning stages of cirrhosis, thankfully!! But in May 2014, I started the 12-week Sovaldi Olysio treatment plan, the first time I had any treatment at all. In 4 weeks, I was undetectable, and at my request, I was tested last month, 18 months still undetectable! No side effects!"
- Amd...
- January 14, 2016
For Hepatitis C "I have Hep C genotype 2 and was prescribed Sovaldi and rib; Sovaldi once a day, rib 3 in the morning, then 3 at night. Four weeks into treatment, my viral load is undetected!!! The nurse advised that even though this is the best possible outcome, to keep up the meds for the remaining 2 months, I think, gladly!"
- Tro...
- Taken for 6 months to 1 year
- December 26, 2015
For Hepatitis C "I took the Sovaldi Ribavirin combo when it came out in 2014. I had genotype 3 of Hep C (habitual IV drug user), which has a much lower success rate than gens 1 & 2 (@ 25% lower!), so I prepared to be disappointed. But I dosed at the same time every day, did not miss a single one, and followed my doc's instructions to the letter. I pre-planned my Tx thoroughly because I have a history of very bad luck with my physical health. But in 4 weeks, I was undetectable! And felt like total crap and had hallucinations in the first month, I think that is rare, but still not fun at all! Once I acclimated to the meds, it subsided, but I still felt awful overall for the whole 6 months. I have been done with Tx for over a year and still undetectable - so it works!"
- Don...
- August 22, 2016
For Hepatitis C "I had hepatitis C type 3A. I received Sovaldi and ribavirin for 24 weeks. The side effects were mild, if any at all. I am thankful to have received treatment. After 4 weeks, the virus was undetectable. It's been almost two years since I finished treatment. I had a blood test just recently, and I was hepatitis free, undetectable. I recommend the treatment to anyone who has hepatitis C, it's well worth it."
- Ang...
- November 19, 2016
For Hepatitis C "I was unsuccessfully treated five years ago with Pegasys, interferon, and ribavirin for genotype 3a. I never recovered from the multiple side effects, both physical and cognitive and emotional. I am now on week 9 of the Sovaldi/Daklinza treatment combination. I took my first dose in the evening, and when I awoke and for the next three days, I felt unbelievably wonderful. Clarity of mind, natural optimism, and energy returned to the level of my pre-treatment days. I was stoked! However, this did not last, and since those early days, I have had muscle/joint aches, fatigue, a low mood, itchy face, unsatisfying sleep, and severe neuropathy of the hands/feet (including during the day). I will update at the end of treatment."
- Zig...
- Taken for 6 months to 1 year
- February 14, 2017
For Hepatitis C "I did Harvoni for 12 weeks, and viral load was up 2 weeks after I completed. Harvoni made me very sick. Fatigue, diarrhea, it was kind of awful... and it failed me. I am 1a type. I also have cirrhosis F4. Next, I did Sovaldi/Olysio for 24 weeks. This time, the only side effect was fatigue, but not as bad as Harvoni. The good news is I am SVR 12 weeks post-tx, although my liver function numbers have begun to rise slightly after being normal during treatment for the first time in 30 years. But here's the real problem. I am more fatigued now than during treatment. It's been 5 months, and it's not getting any better. I get up early, exercise, have a healthy breakfast, and I'm ready to get back into bed. It really sucks. Anyone else experiencing this?"
- Mar...
- July 2, 2015
For Hepatitis C "Have only been on Sovaldi (and Ribavirin) for three days now, so only have side effects to report on so far. Sovaldi seems to be causing the following: shortness of breath, acid reflux, diarrhea, and a horrible itchiness around my mouth and lips. All but the itchiness are tolerable-the itchiness is preventing me from eating or drinking much liquid, and I hate it. But I remain hopeful that this combo will cure the Hep C I have had for about 43 years now!"
- man...
- June 11, 2015
For Hepatitis C "My mother has liver cirrhosis and had no option but a liver transplant. After taking Sovaldi for just 24 days, the virus is in the undetectable range. Million thanks to Gilead and Sofia Michel, its innovator."
- Jer...
- Taken for 1 to 6 months
- June 11, 2015
For Hepatitis C "I've read a lot of forums about the Sovaldi treatment, but my experience after my 3rd week went south: difficult moving, loss of strength, vomiting, nausea, fatigue, no appetite, different muscle pains, back and side aches. At first, I said this is a cakewalk compared to the interferon. But I'm still thankful and had a clear test, one more month to go, and I'm very grateful!"
- Can...
- Taken for 1 to 6 months
- July 5, 2016
For Hepatitis C "I have had hep C for at least 25 years, would not take the old treatment. Now I'm taking Sovaldi/Daklinza. My genotype is 2A and 2C - my viral load was 28 million when I started meds. After 4 weeks, viral load was undetected. Just finished my 6th week today. I'm going through the County Hospital in Dallas, TX. Had no problems getting my meds as Medicare just approved them. So keep trying to find help. I have had very few side effects: mild headache for ten minutes, not even enough to take a Tylenol the first few days. I did itch at the start, took allergy med a few days, and every so often. I feel better taking the hep C meds, my brain fog is better, and I sleep like a baby! I take my meds at 7 PM on time every night and have to go to bed by 9 PM."
- mar...
- Taken for less than 1 month
- March 3, 2016
For Hepatitis C "This is my 2nd time on treatment, this time with Sovaldi added to Ribavirin and Interferon. I feel terrible today. I had my 2nd week injection last night, and I can't remember feeling this bad last time. I'm getting sharp pains near where my liver is, and my back is really aching. I don't feel myself, and I am up and down emotionally, thinking about death and that and not being there to see my 2-year-old daughter grow up. I'm not suicidal, though. I gotta hang in there! 11 weeks to go."
- Rai...
- Taken for less than 1 month
- August 21, 2015
For Hepatitis C "Just started Sovaldi/ribavirin. I've been through 3 courses of treatment for HepC G2 since 1992: interferon alone, peginterferon ribavirin, the same again but with increased doses. In each case, the viral load was undetectable for 3 months but then reappeared. Each time, the viral load increased from 3m to 8m to 12m to the present 22m. And each time, the percentage for a successful completion of the course of treatment goes down. I hope this time will be different, but I'm not confident it will. As for side effects, they've become old friends. (The kind you're glad to see go.) Hang in there."
- mrb...
- Taken for 1 to 6 months
- June 25, 2016
For Hepatitis C "Taken in combo with Ribavirin over a 24-week course, my second treatment since my failed Interferon/Ribavirin (24 wks) treatment 2 years prior. The Sovaldi treatment failed for me as well, and I am beginning another treatment with Sovaldi and another combo that is not Ribavirin."
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- Drug class: miscellaneous antivirals
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For Hepatitis C "I had Hep C genotype 2, and I am on week 9 of the 12-week treatment, and my labs came back last week, and the hepatitis virus was not detected. The treatment is working! I tested negative for Hep C! Wahoooooo! I repeat, the virus was not detected in my blood work. I'm taking Sovaldi and ribavirin, and the side effects for me were manageable... headaches, fatigue, and that vague, flu-like ache in the joints, but I am able to work 40 hours a week, and I gladly suffer the mild to medium side effects because I'm cured. I'm cured. The worst part about all this is my insurance only covers 80% of my extensive blood work/labs, so I'm on the hook for around $1000 so far, but I only pay $15 for doctors per visit, and $15 a month for meds."