Silodosin for Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia User Reviews
Brand names: Rapaflo
Silodosin has an average rating of 5.9 out of 10 from a total of 111 reviews for the treatment of Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia. 42% of reviewers reported a positive experience, while 26% reported a negative experience.
Reviews for Silodosin
- Fla...
- Taken for 1 to 2 years
- June 26, 2014
Rapaflo (silodosin) "I'm 40 years old and was diagnosed with Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia last year. I was my Urologist's youngest patient. BPH was so bad I was not emptying my bladder and was getting up at 4-5 times per night. It made work and home life miserable. I had the TURP surgery, coupled with a daily dose of Rapaflo, and I cannot believe the results! If I get up once during the night, that's a lot. Now... for the side effects... I'm not too pleased with them at all. I have a very active sex life with a high drive. While I'm able to have an awesome erection and orgasm, I cannot ejaculate whatsoever!"
- Sal...
- Taken for 1 to 6 months
- July 5, 2014
Rapaflo (silodosin) "Fifty-six-year-old male. Obese but otherwise healthy. Rapaflo 8mg once a day for symptoms associated with BPH. Rapaflo efficacy is measurably effective. Serious downside is decreased ejaculation intensity and retrograde ejaculation. Dry as a bone. Talk about affecting quality of life."
- Jon...
- October 24, 2009
Rapaflo (silodosin) "My urine flow improved within just a few hours after the first dose. However, although I have somewhat of a climax during sex, there is no ejaculation, just totally dry, a weird feeling. Also, after a couple of days, I noticed nasal congestion. This is my first medication for BPH, so I must decide if the treatment is worse than the cure. One thing for sure, this could be the first real male contraceptive to hit the market!"
- Mik...
- May 25, 2010
Rapaflo (silodosin) "66 years old with moderate urinary difficulty, up a couple of times a night. Tried Flomax for a few months, but did not like the stuffy nose, light-headedness, sore muscles, and crazy dreams. Now taking Rapaflo, with only slight stuffiness. Seems to work consistently well. It does cause complete anejaculation (no ejaculation), slight to somewhat diminished climax remains, which feels a little strange but okay. Overall, Rapaflo works well and the pluses outweigh the minuses - much better for me than Flomax."
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- February 2, 2013
Rapaflo (silodosin) "I have a prostate infection with an enlarged prostate and urinary issues. I was given Flomax (30 days) initially with antibiotics, but the Flomax made me dizzy and had a bad stuffed-up nose. I was then given Rapaflo to help treat the benign prostate hyperplasia and felt only a slight stuffy nose and, of course, the most common side effect, no ejaculation. These side effects are common. This medication is important in treating BPH and infections. I now have no discomfort and urinate freely. I still have two weeks to go. I won't stop taking it until the 30 days are up per doctor's orders. For those people who are worried about the no ejaculation side effect, I have to say stick through and win the war. It will come back. Skipping or less sex for a month is worth it to get back to normal."
- Ada...
- Taken for less than 1 month
- February 9, 2013
Rapaflo (silodosin) "I have a problem with frequent urination, especially at night. I started taking Rapaflo with the following effects: 1- Urinary symptoms improved somewhat. 2- No orgasm. 3- No ejaculation. 4- Stuffy nose. 5- Muscle ache. So, I decided to address frequent urination and stopped taking Rapaflo."
- Wei...
- Taken for less than 1 month
- May 8, 2013
Rapaflo (silodosin) "I was recommended to take Rapaflo due to a kidney stone my body was trying to pass. I took 1 pill and passed 2 stones in 2 days. That was wonderful! However, not being told about the dry ejaculation freaked me out completely. I thought it was broken for good now or that maybe another stone had lodged, preventing anything from coming out. Googled it and began to relax, but the other issue is my heart rate dropped so much I thought my heart was broken too and in a really bad way. My energy level crashed, and after a full night's rest, I had to lay down before heading out to work. The stuffy nose was irritating, to say the least. Loose stools, slight upset stomach, but not bad, and terrible leg cramps. It's been 2 days, still the same symptoms."
- Ale...
- December 6, 2014
Rapaflo (silodosin) "I am 55 years old. Had a very hard time sleeping at night. Going to the bathroom 10-20 times a night due to my prostate problems. Tried Rapaflo. Totally amazing results. After the first dose of medication, I slept through the night just like a baby. HOWEVER, absolutely no ejaculation."
- Spy...
- Taken for 1 to 2 years
- September 22, 2013
Rapaflo (silodosin) "Started to work immediately to improve urine flow and frequency. However, the side effect of retrograde ejaculation became extremely bothersome. I did stop taking it for a few weeks, and the side effect was completely reversed, however, the urine flow issue was too much of a problem, so I restarted taking the Rapaflo again. Same issues which I tolerated for a while but finally decided to go back to the Urologist, and he started me on a new medicine."
- bbb...
- July 3, 2014
Rapaflo (silodosin) "Started taking Rapaflo about a month ago after experiencing horrible side effects with Flomax. I find that it only works well if I take it every few days, and then it only works for about 24 hours. Taking it every day does nothing for me after the first 24 hours. However, when it does work it reduces my nightly urinations from 20 to about 10, doubling my sleep. The ejaculation side effect is completely awful though."
- MVF...
- Taken for 1 to 6 months
- May 13, 2015
Rapaflo (silodosin) "I'm 65 and have had weak flow for years. It seems I've tried every drug available, but not much relief. The first dose of Rapaflo gave noticeable improvement within hours. I thought I had found the solution until the diarrhea started. I cut the dose to the 4 mg capsule once per day, and diarrhea was solved, but sexual problems set in. No ejaculation. Judging from this site, this is not a minor side effect, but almost a guarantee. After a few weeks, I began to have increasing difficulty reaching orgasm at all. My sex life is fading fast. Rated +10 for effectiveness and 0 for side effects."
- 65...
- Taken for 6 months to 1 year
- August 29, 2013
Rapaflo (silodosin) "Difficulty urinating. Given a sample of Rapaflo by my urologist and warned about possible side effects - no ejaculation. Have been experiencing mucus and coughing and learned that this may be another side effect. Flow is much better and if you can get over the need to ejaculate, the medicine seems to achieve required results. Used Flomax for a kidney stone in the past with success but only short term. One incident of bladder infection which was treated with Cipro by my family doctor. Any idea what to do about the stuffiness or must I live with it? Also on Lipitor and blood pressure lowering medicines (cautioned the Rapaflo in conjunction with it might cause dizziness but it hasn't yet)."
- Lar...
- February 17, 2017
Rapaflo (silodosin) "BPH, 2 acute urinary retention episodes in less than a month. Started with Avodart (0.5 mg) daily (in the morning) and Rapaflo (4 mg, before going to sleep). This combination seems to be working for me after 3 weeks (no waking up at night to pee, no urgency). Avodart shrinks the prostate (it may take up to 6 months to see improvement) and Rapaflo relaxes the prostate gland and the bladder's neck to make it easy to urinate. Rapaflo also gives me very strong erections (not sure why), and I do have retro ejaculation, but I prefer that to the inconvenience of having a catheter in, which can also cause UTI. Every man's prostate is different. Just keep trying to find the right pill for you."
- Vox...
- January 5, 2014
Rapaflo (silodosin) "Have been taking an 8mg dose pre-bedtime for the past 5 days. Symptoms of weak flow and seemingly incomplete voiding improved markedly within 24 hours. Only, though significant, side effect is retrograde ejaculation, of which I had been forewarned, but had never been previously aware. Doesn't seem to make a great difference to the sensual experience while providing built-in birth control!"
- Mau...
- Taken for 6 months to 1 year
- October 17, 2012
Rapaflo (silodosin) "Tried Terazosin but failed due to lethargy. Next, tried Flomax but failed due to extreme constant headache. Next, Uroxatral which had fewer side effects aside from a bit of nasal congestion. Had some mild constant pelvic pain so Urologist suggested Rapaflo. Very low nasal or lethargy side effects, but this medicine gave me retrograde ejaculation and took away most sex drive. This medicine would be fine if I were older and not having sex. But I am 50 and my girlfriend is starting to wonder."
- And...
- March 24, 2013
Rapaflo (silodosin) "Been on 8mg of Rapaflo for five days. Diagnosed with moderate Benign Prostate Hyperplasia but a PSA score of 0.8. So we don't assume cancer. Rapaflo has worked well for me, increased flow, more complete emptying and a full night of sleep. Side effects were dry orgasm but no loss of sexual desire or capability and a stuffy nose/sinus-type headache easily managed with a routine OTC sinus medicine."
- 30s...
- December 15, 2011
Rapaflo (silodosin) "GENTLEMEN, YOU HAVE TO SHRINK YOUR PROSTATE!!! I've used Rapaflo for about 6 months now. It stops my urethra infections and gives a strong stream. I take it in combination with Avodart. I couldn't grip my penis well to pee straight, it was so small from lack of blood flow! Yes, there was retrograde ejaculation. However, you want to win the war (reduced prostate size and maintenance), not a battle. I'm 60% better than I was."
- org...
- Taken for less than 1 month
- May 24, 2014
Rapaflo (silodosin) "Have benign prostatic hyperplasia and tried Rapaflo for two weeks. For me, there were too many side effects to continue any longer. Here they are, starting with the most annoying: no orgasm—was completely unable to reach orgasm after the first dose; throat swelled up and had a hard time swallowing; nasal congestion; blurry vision; earache; jaw ache; increased inflammation."
- Ran...
- October 17, 2013
Rapaflo (silodosin) "I started Rapaflo 8 mg yesterday afternoon after my urology appointment. I got up to urinate only once last night - down from 3 to 4 times a night. I am impressed at how 'rapid' it worked. The stream is already stronger. The orgasm last evening was the same in intensity but produced nothing. This really surprised me as I did not know it was a side effect. I just hope intensity and drive don't decrease as well."
- jlb...
- Taken for less than 1 month
- May 28, 2012
Rapaflo (silodosin) "To make a long story short, Rapaflo worked, making it easier to urinate and cutting the frequency in half. However, if you still enjoy sex, well, there won't be any. You can forget having any meaningful ejaculation. After taking it for less than a week, there was absolutely no ejaculate. The frustration of trying to have sex is worse than the frequent urination to me. So if you're not interested in sex, it's a good drug and it works well, with little or no other side effects. I also tried Flomax and it's merely a little brother to Rapaflo, with pronounced dizziness and muscle fatigue. Neither is realistic for me. But give them a try, they may work better for you."
- cha...
- Taken for 1 to 6 months
- June 8, 2014
Rapaflo (silodosin) "I have been on Rapaflo for 6 months. Results are mixed: some nights I'm up only once and others several times. Consuming liquids in the evening makes little difference. Sexually, the only change is no ejaculation, which is okay, I guess, but not great. The doctor recommends Avodart, but the side effects of that medicine are serious in my opinion: erectile dysfunction, swollen breasts, loss of sexual interest. Not going there."
- cha...
- Taken for 1 to 2 years
- March 13, 2015
Rapaflo (silodosin) "Rapaflo taken at bedtime has reduced nighttime urination dramatically. Daytime, not so much but I do drink regular coffee, so that is an influence. Not too happy with my ejaculations while on this medicine. Orgasm is minimal in intensity and almost no semen. The ejaculate seems to be going to my bladder since it shows up when I pee. No problems with erection or performance."
- End...
- December 12, 2016
Rapaflo (silodosin) "For me, it works well, with some caveats. Take it for too long, and its effectiveness wanes around the 2-week mark. However, when you go back, it works in full force again. I also noticed it was not needed EVERY day either, skipping days worked pretty well too... the second day just had a much lesser effect but still there. Sexual effects? YUP! No ejaculate, reduced drive. All that. This is not a big deal to me. I am 50, and my wife works the opposite shift from me during the week, so sex isn't happening anyway. When you stop taking them, 24-30 hours later, you're back to normal. So I just typically take them on weekdays and deal with poor urine flow on days when sex is a possibility."
- Anonymous
- Taken for 1 to 6 months
- July 17, 2012
Rapaflo (silodosin) "I am 52 years old, and after having difficulty with urinary flow and multiple bathroom trips per night, I finally went to the doctor for the dreaded check. After no serious issues were found, my doctor suggested Rapaflo. He forewarned me about the anejaculation but said I would still have the sensation associated with ejaculation. After about a month, the sensation has ceased to exist."
Learn more about Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia
- Anticholinergic Drugs to Avoid in the Elderly
- Enlarged Prostate (BPH) Medications and Alcohol Interactions
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- During pregnancy
- Drug class: alpha blockers
- En español
Rapaflo (silodosin) "My symptoms were severe. Got to the point where I got up to urinate three or four times but could not go for 20 or 30 minutes and then very little volume. Took Rapaflo and it began working in minutes! Same side effects with no ejaculate and minimal satisfaction. I began to experiment and took it every other day. The relief remained the same and the ejaculate returned. Best of both worlds."