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Sertraline for Post Traumatic Stress Disorder User Reviews (Page 3)

Brand names: Zoloft

Sertraline has an average rating of 7.0 out of 10 from a total of 170 reviews for the treatment of Post Traumatic Stress Disorder. 64% of reviewers reported a positive experience, while 24% reported a negative experience.

Reviews for Sertraline

  • Nikiana
  • February 24, 2017

Zoloft (sertraline) "Most notable change is my appetite. I've been athletic my whole life, but gained 40 pounds in one year of from compulsive binge eating. I thought I was just being a pig, which perpetuated the horrible cycle of depression and anxiety. Turns out I was just really, really low on seratonin. The cravings / irrational food addiction went completely away at around 75mgs. Now I have to make an effort to eat enough to fuel an active lifestyle. Stress and anxiety and depression subsided gradually. They're not completely gone, but they're manageable now. Combined with a healthy life style and some intense therapy, I'm able to overcome bouts of anxiety and depression, and those bouts are shorter and less severe. A tool, not a magic pill."

9 / 10
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38 Report
  • JTano
  • Taken for 1 to 2 years
  • October 14, 2019

"Im a veteran of the Iraq war. I did multiple deployment over there. I have been on sertraline for a little over a year now for PTSD. I take a 100mg dose every morning. It took some time to get the dosage right but once we did it was like a dark to daylight difference. Driving was a huge issue for me after Iraq. Crowds were and are still a problem for me. Massive anxiety and panic attacks that struck about three to four times a week are no down to happening only two or three times a month. Some months are different given events that happened. But it still helps. I would definitely recommend sertraline. It took some time working with my doctor over time to get my dosage right but when we did my quality of life changed significantly. I really hope this helps someone."

8 / 10
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27 Report
  • Justa...
  • Taken for 1 to 2 years
  • March 12, 2023

Zoloft (sertraline) "Here is my 2-year experience with Zoloft. I went on it in February 2020 during a particularly bad breakup. Started taking 50mg once per day. Helped a lot with the mood swings. Felt more relaxed overall. Helped ALOT with social anxiety - I could talk with people easier and asking people on dates was easier too. My creativity improved. The meds lifted the self-critic and I could flow much better with writing and painting. Some less-than-ideal effects, experienced more 'brain fog'; some sexual effects (harder to reach orgasm), and the lessened anxiety made me more impulsive which ramped up my drinking to problematic levels. I got off it in 2022. Not a bad experience overall. Glad I tried it"

8 / 10
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10 Report

Frequently asked questions

  • Cali...
  • Taken for 1 to 6 months
  • November 12, 2015

Zoloft (sertraline) "As someone that HATES crowds & dealing with people in general, Zoloft seems to be helping. I have also tried Lexapro, which caused horrible weight gain & total numbness when it came to feelings. Zoloft has been doing the appetite is pretty much non-existent. So far, I wouldn't say I'm having any major side effects & im overall happy with everything."

8 / 10
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41 Report
  • Che...
  • Taken for 1 to 6 months
  • March 17, 2013

Zoloft (sertraline) "I suffer from Post Traumatic Stress Disorder, panic attack, aggression, paranoia. I started with Sertraline a few month ago 100mg. Before that I used Citalopram for a year 30mg which caused head pressure so I wanted to stop with it. 100mg Sertraline made me and zombie like, low concentration so after two months I lowered it to 50mg day. My aggression came back but I had more concentration and willing to get out of the house. At one stage I felt like this medicines is not helping so I decided to quit and I began to take 1/3 of the 100mg tablet a day (approx 35mg). I've read that one is never to go cold turkey with SSRI's (side effects). My paranoia came back with vengeance! So I went back to 50mg and paranoia went away. I think I will try 100mg again."

7 / 10
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Are you taking this medicine?

  • Trent
  • November 12, 2021

Zoloft (sertraline) "Can’t recommend this medication highly enough. After suffering from panic disorder and a bit of PTSD symptoms for years I really lost myself and was becoming suicidal and severely depressed. I took lexapro for years and worked well for a long time but began to stop working for me as well as it had in the past. Switching to Zoloft saved my life. Intrusive thoughts have diminished and even if they do pop up they hold no weight like they used too. Panic attacks are gone and my general mood is back to normal. Side effects were pretty minimal. Upset tummy for a couple weeks and aside from that nothing. Sex drive is as healthy as ever which I know some people get concerned about. I'm on 50mg at the moment and am happy to increase if things change and I need some more help. Took close to a month for me to feel the full affect. Don’t be afraid to take this medication as side affects are minimal and really subside after a few weeks. I hope this helps someone struggling."

10 / 10
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  • Dazzer
  • June 15, 2019

"I have been taking sertraline for about 18 months for PTSD now at a dosage of 200mg. At first I had a lot of side effects, insomnia, thoughts of wanting to die, bad stomach cramps and severe headaches. After about 3 months of taking them what came to me what I describe as the second wave of side effects, which was sleeping almost all day and all night, and sweating a whole lot of the time. The way I now look at the second wave of side effects is that it is not a side effect at all, but my body and mind relaxing and getting rid of the built up anger, aggression, stress and the pain of PTSD, and as all that gets released from my body it caused me to sleep. I have noticed myself not flying off the handle anymore, the suicidal thoughts gone, and the living parts of my past over and over again causing all this as I could not cope with reality slowly going. PTSD is an illness that I ignored and refused to believe I had. The sleeping all the time has now gone. For me sertraline worked."

10 / 10
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More FAQ

  • Sly
  • October 9, 2011

Zoloft (sertraline) "I had a traumatic experience with an ex-boyfriend of mine three years back and I've been fine. I am now deployed and doing missions in Iraq and have seen a few explosions and what not and I think that's what triggered my Post Traumatic Stress Disorder. I was hesitant about trying medicines but they said I could take them and still go out on the road. So far they seem to be helping lighten my mood and actually want to get out of bed in the morning and not worry or get irritated and paranoid at random times like I normally would. I am also taking it with clonazepam, which is helping a lot! No side effects yet, hopefully none to come! "

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47 Report
  • October 5, 2014

Zoloft (sertraline) "I started taking it after my husband passed away; he had a cardiac problem and I tried to unsuccessfully help him. I did call the emergency services, they tried but were unable to help him. After that I could not get thoughts about the incident out of my mind and I lost in excess of 50lbs the next month. I was given Zoloft by my doctor which did interrupt my 'panic', however I only took the medicine for less than one month as I couldn't think properly. I rely on my mind, my thoughts to process how I relate to the 'world' - I decided that being sad about the situation was appropriate and a normal response. In the eighteen years since then I have not needed medication for depression - other things yes, but not mood disorders. Thank you."

5 / 10
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36 Report
  • ari
  • Taken for 1 to 2 years
  • September 16, 2022

Zoloft (sertraline) "I have been taking this medication to help with anxiety and flashbacks mostly associated with C-PTSD. Prior to being on this medication I would suffer from daily flash backs for about 5 years. Other SSRI medication did not seem to help. Zoloft gave me my life back. I'm on a high dose of 200mg which works well. I do feel that it affects my memory, not related to my flashbacks. I do not know if that is the mechanism of how it works, but it is a small price to pay in my opinion, to stop the flashbacks/dissasociation/anger/anxiety from C-PTSD. I also have noticed that if I forget to take a dose, I do experience flashbacks on that day, perhaps I am more sensitive than most? Overall very happy with this drug."

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  • JinMo...
  • February 12, 2018

Zoloft (sertraline) "I am so deeply grateful for Zoloft at this time of my life. Before I started on it, I was having constant intrusive thoughts of sexual assault. I was afraid of going outside. I was afraid of my phone. My anxiety was out of the roof. I was so easily startled, all the time, and would constantly be trying to suppress emotional flashbacks so that I could go to work or be with my partner or do menial tasks like wash the damn dishes. Now, I feel like I have mental space—like I have the choice to take care of myself and to work through my trauma. Memories which were incredibly scary for me to even think about are now memories that I am able to access (in part, sometimes) and confront. Zoloft has given me my brain back. I used to be so afraid of getting on medication because of the stigmas attached to it, but this has really been a lifesaver."

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  • PTSD...
  • March 9, 2010

Zoloft (sertraline) "I starting taking Zoloft 8 weeks ago. I was extremely stressed out and was suffering from PTSD due to a bad car accident. After about 1 1/2 wks I really noticed a difference. Not stressed anymore but I do feel a bit Zombie like. I also have a problem with memory and focusing. Also really tired at night. Overall right now I guess it is worth the trade off. Also have intestinal issues but hope it will go away."

8 / 10
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43 Report
  • Deano
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • September 1, 2019

Zoloft (sertraline) "I'm on day 5 of taking Zoloft. I have been sober for 8 months and recently diagnosed with PTSD for trauma that happened in my childhood. 4 months ago, my brother, who I loved deeply, committed suicide and it sent me spiralling into insufferable anxiety and depression. I have not been able to work my social anxiety is so bad and I am constantly afraid I'm going to die, especially at night when its time to go to sleep. Driving gives me panic attacks, my throat closed and my heart beats so hard and fast and I can't speak or breath right. So far, the medicine has not changed anything. In fact, my anxiety is way worse, I constantly have a knot in my chest, elevated heartbeat and tight throat. The nausea is debilitating, I've been in bed most of these 5 days. I am starting to lose all hope, I was really hoping an antidepressant would help me."

4 / 10
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19 Report
  • NoName
  • Taken for 6 months to 1 year
  • May 19, 2017

Zoloft (sertraline) "I've been taking Zoloft for about half a year now on 200mg. I'm not taking it for depression, it's being used in conjunction with other things for rage and anger, hypervigilence, as well as dissociation. I've been pretty lucky with this medication because I experience absolutely zero side effects, in fact I could probably take a higher dose right now although I'd rather stick with the minimum and use coping techniques. I still feel like "me" on Zoloft. In fact I feel more like myself then I have in a long time. I still feel my emotions and everything, although I experience them in a healthy, normal way. I don't experience all of the irrational, exaggerated, awful feelings and sensations I used to, in a good way. I feel normal again."

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25 Report
  • Not...
  • Taken for 1 to 6 months
  • September 26, 2015

Zoloft (sertraline) "I suffer from PTSD and Panic Disorder. I have given Zoloft a good 3 months. I started at 25mg and worked up to 150mg. Although it did seem like it took the edge off my suffering temporarily, my body seemed to be fighting the medication the whole time. At 50mg I suffered panic attacks that were much more severe than the ones I had prior to the medication. I found some tranquility at 100mg for a week, then my PCP put me at 150mg to see if things improved. They did not improve. I experienced increased agitation, tremors, shaking like my body was in fear, yet I was not, sweating, then hot flashes. My blood pressure skyrocketed. My PCP referred me to a psychiatrist who put me back at 100mg. Symptoms subsided, but after a week it became clear my body was rejecting the medication altogether. Yesterday I was on Zoloft, having hot flashes, sweating, severe panic attacks, racing heartbeat, and high blood pressure. Today, I am on 10mg of Lexapro and my blood pressure is fantastic. I have not had a panic attack all day. Sure, it's only been a day and my body may react differently after taking it for awhile, but it has been a welcome change from the Zoloft. I wished I had asked for a change sooner, but I have never been on antidepressants before."

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  • Erica
  • December 12, 2020

Zoloft (sertraline) "This is my first time ever with an SSRI. I am a therapist my self and working with severe trauma in my clients so I got burned out. I had about 8 negative side effects: inability to reach orgasm, extreme appetite, permanent jaw clenching and pain on the side of my tongue, diarrhoea, head aches at night, exhaustion to the point of going to bed at 7 pm, muscle twitching, restless legs. I had my birthday and I was having all these symptoms and couldn’t even enjoy! I wish I could just stop them in this second but I know it’s not wise and it could be dangerous. Never again. I just couldn’t believe it took away the most important thing in my life: my orgasms!!! I normally reach one in one minute with porn or my toys and I also experience multiple. The pill took this joy away completely. I see reviews that say decreased libido but I don’t see any story like mine. I would rather suffer all my life than have the best thing in life removed. What a shame!"

2 / 10
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14 Report
  • Joe...
  • May 30, 2018

Zoloft (sertraline) "One of the worst drug to give any one. The side effects are out of control. The fact that a medicine that has been approved to treat PTSD that can make you harm yourself is beyond me. Took for 3 months before the active duty navy doctors finally changed the medicine. Not only did it make everything worse (not able to sleep, depression, and feeling of hopelessness among others). On a weekly basis my spouse was concerned for my well being. Requiring her to call the ambulance about 1 to 2 times a month. After being taken off the medicine I was able to get away from the awful feelings. A new up to date study needs to be done because I am not the only one that has had this effects."

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21 Report
  • CMan
  • Taken for 6 months to 1 year
  • July 5, 2017

Zoloft (sertraline) "I've got severe PTSD, OCD and social anxiety. I started taking Zoloft to help manage my PTSD symptoms, mainly anger/rage, flashbacks and dissociation. I'm a small male, I only weigh 125 lbs. I started at 25mg and then jumped to 100mg then 200mg within 2 months because this stuff's like water for me. I've been on 200mg for about 7 months now and it's helped a lot although not enough. I still feel my symptoms when they hit me, although they're slightly toned down. Btw I don't feel like a zombie at all, I still feel like myself, just more calm. It feels as though I'm not taking anything at all most of the time. I've basically also never had any side effects except the first day or two I had a slight sore stomach but nothing close to bad."

6 / 10
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  • stormy
  • Taken for 1 to 6 months
  • April 23, 2020

Zoloft (sertraline) "Zoloft made me feel completely disconnected from my surroundings - numb. I told my doctor I felt as though someone could commit some awful assault on another person and I would stand there emotionless and then walk away. I wanted to not have the hyper alertness connected with the PTSD but this was way to far to the opposite end of the scale."

2 / 10
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  • Anony...
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • October 29, 2019

Zoloft (sertraline) "The worst experience I've ever had Zoloft made me so sick it was unbelievable. I had gastric disturbances, headaches, severe ringing in the ears. I was only one tablet from 25mg to 50mg and I became so sick had weird dreams had to come off the medication. I had hair loss chunks of hair loss, vivid weird extremely strange dreams. With all the other reviews that I've seen on it why was I losing my hair? Wh did I have every adverse effect and my symptoms got worse, there was no benefit to this drug for me only sickness and the worst dream experiences and again why were chunks of hair coming out of my head? I will never take it again do not suggest anyone to take it especially since I'm the size of a child but once again the prescriber only saw my age size needs to be taken into consideration when it comes to this drug just like every other drug "

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  • Llana
  • Taken for 1 to 6 months
  • March 3, 2020

"Sertraline has saved my life. My diagnosis is muddled - I have an official diagnosis of CPTSD and MDD but they’re debating whether I also have EUPD. Basically, my mental health was in an absolute state. Sertraline lowered anxiety so I could sleep, socialise, and just about work again. The benefits started with 50mg, got better on 75, even better on 100, and now I’m gradually upping to 150 in an effort to lessen the remaining depressive fog. Suicidal ideation is almost eliminated, I don’t hallucinate anymore, I can feel joy again. I was so scared to take it after my negative experiences with other meds but this one has saved my life. Barely any side effects - a bit of anxiety and digestive issues (both diarrhoea and constipation) when I first up the dose. Loss of libido has not occurred on 100mg but I expect it might at 150."

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  • This...
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • October 25, 2015

Zoloft (sertraline) "I was on this for 2.5 weeks. I was on a 50mg dosage and I don't know if it was too much for my body (I weigh under 110) but the severity of my panic and anxiety worsened. At first it made have insomnia and then after a week it was the complete opposite - uncontrollably falling asleep immediately about 30 minutes after taking the dose and it became incredibly hard to wake up in the morning. It would feel like lifting 400 lbs to make my legs move in the morning and I would still feel tired after 14 hours of sleep. My fearful thoughts became worse and completely clouded my head, and I had this overwhelming feeling of impending doom resulting in panic attacks. Also loss of appetite from a combination of the extreme dry/cracked mouth and nausea."

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25 Report
  • Alma
  • October 27, 2019

"I have never experienced anxiety in my life before a recent run of extremely distressing events caused me to have extreme anxiety to the point that I was unable to function. Started on 50mg and the side effects were extreme. You really need to persevere with this drug. After 2 weeks I felt a slight improvement. I knew it needed 4 to 6 weeks to really kick in but around week 3 I felt I had plateaued, slipped back even and asked the GP to increase the dose to 100mg. Once again the side effects kicked in but not as severe this time. 5 weeks on the 100mg and I have had a run of 3 good days. Feeling like myself again. Ready to resume to work. Still some bad days but they are tolerable compared to how was. I have also had CBT which I believe has helped enormously. My message would be to stick with it. It can take more than 8 weeks for some people. Take it at the same time every day. Be kind to yourself and give yourself the time you need to get better. It will happen."

9 / 10
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  • Stres...
  • Taken for 1 to 2 years
  • June 1, 2022

Zoloft (sertraline) "I have seriously terrible anxiety and depression - though anxiety is the main issue. This medication has changed my life. I still experience anxiety, but its no longer overwhelming and not over the smallest little things. I don't ruminate as much - and it allows me to function. It doesn't make me high in any way. The only side effect was having the Hershey Squirts for about a week when I first went on it, but that cleared up."

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8 Report
  • HVano
  • Taken for 1 to 6 months
  • March 11, 2016

"After back to back traumatic events in late 2015 I found myself struggling with PTSD, severe depression, panic attacks and anxiety. I was hesitate on starting this medication due to the side effects. I started off at 25 mg and gradually increased to 100mg. Initial side effects included loss of appetite, insomnia, increased anxiety and diaherra. It was a struggle to make it through the side effects but completely worth it! I noticed the full effect after 6 weeks and the side effects subsided after a month. I've never felt so great and haven't had a panic attack in over two months. This medication along with cognitive therapy has helped and made my life 100% better. If you're reading this and hesitate about starting this medication, don't be."

9 / 10
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22 Report

Reviews may be edited to correct grammar/spelling or to remove inappropriate language and content. Reviews that appear to be created by parties with a vested interest are not published. This information is not intended to endorse any particular medication. While these reviews may be helpful, they are not a substitute for the expertise, knowledge, and judgement of healthcare professionals.

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