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Sertraline for Anxiety and Stress User Reviews

Brand names: Zoloft

Sertraline has an average rating of 7.4 out of 10 from a total of 848 reviews for the off-label treatment of Anxiety and Stress. 65% of reviewers reported a positive experience, while 16% reported a negative experience.

Sertraline rating summary

7.4 average rating out of 10.
848 ratings from 939 user reviews.

Compare all 11 medications used in the treatment of Anxiety and Stress.


Reviews for Sertraline

Commonly mentioned side effects
  • Fea...
  • Taken for 1 to 6 months
  • January 26, 2020

"I would literally reread the high-rated reviews of sertraline every day. I had them saved on my phone. Reading them while I cried, thoughts racing, heart hammering, I was depending on people's experiences for my life. Sertraline is not easy initially. It has literally saved my life. My brain is quiet. I haven't had any panic attacks. I am so so so happy and positive and amazed at what this tablet can do. For you who is going through the tough bits, please have hope that it is worth it. STICK WITH IT. Because I was in the same position as you. I was SO worried the tablets were not working, but actually they were. You are so brave and strong. I know it doesn't feel like it, but you are. Don't give up because believe me, while I write this, I can remember myself thinking that I was going to. You are going to be OK. It is all normal to feel worse before you feel better, so unbelievably better. I can now be a friend, work colleague, daughter, wife, and dog mum. Sertraline is incredible. A true life-saver."

10 / 10
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3527 Report
  • Pat...
  • April 10, 2021

"Read this! I have had anxiety my whole life. But then I had my first baby, and it all escalated. I couldn’t sleep. I could take a big dose of oxazepam and still be awake. After 14 days of constant fear and panic attacks, I said: I am not okay. I needed to go away from the baby. So I went to my mom. I started sertraline, and the first 5 weeks were terrible. I could only lay in bed with a heart rate of 100bpm, feeling anxious and didn't eat for 2 weeks. After 5 weeks, I wanted to stop because I had never felt so horrible in my life. 2 days later, it happened. I woke up, and I didn’t feel that bad anymore. And the next day again. And so on. January was the worst month of my life, by far, but now everything is different. I can enjoy my daughter, and sertraline did that. So again, for whatever reason you are here, sometimes we cannot do this on our own. You are not weak to start medication. And please, continue the first few weeks. They are horrible. But come back and read this story again. Trust the process."

10 / 10
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1370 Report
  • Kri...
  • June 6, 2020

"SERTRALINE WORKS! I have been on Zoloft for about 2 weeks now like the doctor said. At the beginning, it was horrible. Really bad anxiety, depression, suicidal thoughts got worse. I felt so hopeless. I didn't want to get out of bed. My stomach hurt, and I stopped eating. I lost around 15 pounds and had issues sleeping. I get really tired and drowsy and take a nap in the morning. Now all the side effects are gone. The next week I felt really calm. Felt like I had no emotion. It was hard. It was more depression than anxiety. But now it's been 2 weeks, and I'm doing fun things and laughing and smiling again. It's like my anxiety is gone. It's great. I still get a moment of it, but it's not all day like before. This really works, and it's rough at the beginning, but it will pay off in the end! You got this!"

10 / 10
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1080 Report

Frequently asked questions

  • You...
  • May 11, 2021

"I have been taking sertraline now for around 9 weeks to treat anxiety I've struggled with for a few years. I started on 50mg, and the first week was very tough - you really do get worse before you get better. But do stick with it as it will get better. At around week 2, I noticed some benefit, but into week 3, I felt back to how I was feeling before, this continued on a good week, bad week rotation until about week 8. At 8 weeks, I made the decision to go up to 100mg, the best decision I have made in a long time. No noticeable side effects for increasing the dose, and within a couple of days, I was feeling considerably better. If you are struggling still on the 50mg dose, definitely try going up as it made a huge difference to me. I haven't felt this good in a long time - if you are reading this unsure whether to go on the medication, I would say go for it, the only regret I have is that I didn't make this decision sooner. Good luck all, you will get yourself feeling better!"

10 / 10
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680 Report
  • Fra...
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • July 6, 2021

"I started Sertraline at 25mg 3 weeks ago. I've had every side effect. I was on the verge of quitting every day. Nausea, tremors, uncontrolled anxiety, sweats, no sleep. This website kept me going. If you have nausea and related symptoms, you must eat if you want to survive this period. I ate my first full meal in weeks yesterday. I slept a full night. My mind is not racing today. Maybe I am over the nightmare stage. So God help me and help you all. Fight."

8 / 10
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653 Report

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  • Ano...
  • March 1, 2020

"I have had anxiety issues my whole life, but I was able to keep it at bay most times. Before quitting my job, I had a particularly debilitating episode of intense anxiety and panic attacks. I was not able to eat or sleep. After about a month, I decided to seek help and was put on 50mg sertraline and beta blockers. I didn't have any side effects apart from difficulty falling asleep. The beta blockers kept the panic attacks away, but my anxiety got only slightly better after 2 months. The effect was minor, and I was disappointed. I decided to stick to it anyway and finally saw an effect after 3 months. After 3 and a half months, not only is my anxiety gone, but I am able to deal beautifully with tough situations. For example, I have never thought one could be as relaxed as I was during an interview. I was reading reviews on this website when I was desperate, so I hope this helps someone. Probably good to mention that my appetite has increased a lot and I suddenly developed a sweet tooth."

9 / 10
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765 Report
  • har...
  • February 14, 2020

"I have been struggling with anxiety for over 3 months now. The doctor put me on sertraline for the first two weeks. Oh, it makes you really ill and I had every side effect that the medicine gives to you. I went back to the doctor, and he said that with anxiety they will take 6 weeks to kick in. After two weeks, things started to get a little better but still very anxious up to the 6th week. After 6 weeks, I am very good. Please stick with it, guys. It will help you 100%. For some people, it may take a little longer if they have very bad anxiety or stress, but in the end, I think that it will definitely help you. Be strong because you are stronger than you think. I feel for everyone that has this issue but stick with the sertraline as it will help you 100%."

10 / 10
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753 Report

More FAQ

  • AKa...
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • October 13, 2020

"32-year-old female - I was prescribed sertraline 50mg for anxiety and depression. Before taking it, I was crying constantly. The day after taking it, I already felt better and on day four now, I feel like a new person. I recommend taking it at night. Don't let all the bad reviews scare you, just take it."

10 / 10
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569 Report
  • Der...
  • Taken for 1 to 6 months
  • November 9, 2020

"Sertraline has literally changed my life. I took months to start over fear of side effects but once I took a stand and made that jump, it has changed my life. The first few weeks are hard (headaches, fatigue, bad stomach, increased anxiety) but honestly push through it and when it kicks in, it's worth it. I've found myself controlling my thoughts better, sleeping better, and just overall better mood. I haven't felt this good in over 10 years after struggling with anxiety and panic attacks. I also recommend downloading the DARE app. Good luck, warriors."

9 / 10
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495 Report
  • Geo...
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • December 29, 2021

"Been on this med for 2 weeks and it is terrible. But because of this site I'm sticking with it, much to the disgust of my partner who is thinking I'm weak. Honestly, most people have no idea how excruciating depression and anxiety are. Thank you guys for giving me hope."

6 / 10
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375 Report
  • 246...
  • February 13, 2020

"I’m 45 years old and have left my marriage experiencing anxiety. I have also experienced social anxiety, regardless of being a teacher and generally an outgoing person. After a discussion with my GP about sleep problems, she said I fit the criteria for depression. I hadn’t seen myself as depressed as I was able to enjoy life. After feeling desperate one too many times, I began the medication, reluctantly. I experienced about two weeks of shakiness, nausea, extreme tiredness, blurred vision, all of these symptoms were manageable for me as long as I had that time off work. I increased the dose gradually and took 6-8 weeks to feel the full effects. Every problem now seems surmountable, I feel confident, strong, more energised and inspired in life and I haven’t looked back. I am so grateful for that conversation with my GP. I’m writing this review for all those out there that can relate, and aren’t sure if they’re ‘bad enough’, only to find that they can benefit immensely."

9 / 10
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526 Report
  • Ann...
  • Taken for 1 to 6 months
  • June 14, 2021

"I had depression and panic attacks a year ago and started Citalopram, but had a bad reaction. I avoided SSRIs after that and used books by Claire Weekes, which got me well after about 3 months by passing through the panic. In December, I overdid things and had a relapse, but recovery was harder due to bad depression from January to March. I was a mental and physical wreck and could hardly walk to the car. I was desperate and started on Sertraline 25mg for one week and then 50mg for 8 weeks. The first few weeks were very hard for my mind and body, but reviews on this site kept me going. I’ve been on 50mg for 2 months now and am happier than I’ve been in years. I can walk 4 miles a day and am back at work again. I can care for my grandkids and have peace and joy in my life. I would advise anyone struggling with the side effects to try hard to last at least 8 weeks. It took that long for me to truly feel like my old self again, and I am so glad I didn’t give up."

10 / 10
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398 Report
  • Sue...
  • Taken for 1 to 6 months
  • July 20, 2021

"I have been on Sertraline for 5 weeks now and was so cautious as I have had maybe 3 SSRIs in the past. I've had nearly every side effect: nausea, headaches, panic attacks, hot sweats, hangover feelings, and was so worried it wouldn't get better. I have anxiety and pure O, and in week 5, I can honestly say my negative thoughts have been quietened down significantly. I've never taken any other medications that have ever done this, it's unbelievable. My mind is so calm I feel like a different person for the first time in years. Please don't be disheartened by the worsening symptoms in the first 4/5 weeks, it does get better, stick with it. The only thing I'd say is my emotions are a bit deadened too, but much better than searing anxiety and negative thinking. Also, remember there is always hope, get all the help you can, and I hope sertraline helps you too."

10 / 10
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370 Report
  • Fra...
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • November 21, 2019

"Like several people I've read about, I was very anti-medication for my mental health and have resisted taking anything to help with anxiety and depression for many years. About a month ago, my doctor suggested sertraline, and I said I'd think about it. Anyway, I said I'd give it a try. I am lost for words to describe how much better I'm feeling. After just two weeks, I feel I'm back to my real self. It's as if the nagging voice in the background has been silenced and that a great weight has been lifted from me. Every aspect of life is better - concentration, body aches and pains, clarity, sleep, and most of all no constant worrying about every little thing. Can honestly say it's the best decision I've made in a long time. Best wishes to all."

10 / 10
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463 Report
  • jim...
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • October 2, 2020

"I sent a review on 22nd September and thought I would give an update. I'm still on 50 mg sertraline, the 3rd week was bad and I felt as bad as before I started. I was thinking of giving up but instead rang my GP. She advised me to keep on 50mg until it leveled off for another 2 weeks. I was reluctant but did as she said. After a couple of bad days, it did level off and now I feel normal again. I've had a good few days and I'm ready to go up to 75mg next week. Better sleep although dreams are weird to say the least. Glad I stuck with it. If you're struggling, hang in there, it does get better but takes time. Give it at least 4 to 6 weeks, you can do it."

9 / 10
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388 Report
  • Sav...
  • Taken for 1 to 6 months
  • March 12, 2020

"I have been on Zoloft for 15 years. However, I started getting anxiety when I had to get a CT scan to make sure my cancer was gone. I guess the worry of the results. Then, a week after that, my close friend passed away, and I had a work situation that became stressful. I talked to my doctor, and she upped my dose from 50 to 75mg. For the next four weeks, I thought I was going crazy. I had hot flashes, a heavy head syndrome, sweats, headaches, and some nausea. Reading these reviews helped me so much. I can honestly say I have been feeling wonderful. It has taken 4 weeks and 3 days, and it’s like night and day. Stick with it. It does get better. I hope I continue feeling this way! And remember, I went through it too."

10 / 10
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373 Report
  • Bob...
  • Taken for 1 to 2 years
  • March 4, 2023

"If you're currently reading this, rest assured that there's a light at the end of the tunnel. Despite being an outgoing 29-year-old male, I have been struggling with anxiety for longer than I care to remember. However, by taking sertraline on and off since I was 23, I have found relief every time without fail. The side effects can be incredibly challenging during the first 2-5 weeks of taking the medication, with symptoms like sleeplessness, loss of appetite, low energy, dizziness, and headaches. At times, it felt like I wouldn't make it through. However, after about 2 weeks, my family and friends noticed my smile returning even if I didn't. And after 4-5 weeks, it was as if a magical spark had been reignited within me, and I was myself again. When combined with self-love and care, sertraline can help you feel like yourself again. It's important to push through the challenging times and find a new hobby or rekindle an old one alongside taking the medication. With this combination, you can feel unstoppable! I currently take 100mg of sertraline, although I started with 25mg. Remember, you are stronger than you realize, and we're all in this together!"

10 / 10
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178 Report
  • Riz...
  • February 18, 2020

"I started taking Sertraline 3 weeks ago for anxiety and panic. I’ve always been able to manage it, but it got to the point where it changed and I had no control. The first 2 weeks were horrific. I had every side effect going including exhaustion, increased anxiety, restlessness, tingling, headaches, dry heaving, shakes, nausea, increased HR, and even ended up in ER for chest pain. I decided to stick with it to see what happened. From day 17, the side effects improved, and I felt my energy increase. I also have hypothyroidism, so an increase in energy and clarity is really helpful! I’m hopeful that it may improve even more. I haven’t had any panic attacks since the first few days now, and my HR has also reduced. The only thing I’ve found is that I’ve had a tickly throat and a deep dry cough triggered by it. Has anyone else experienced this? Good luck to all of you reading this, it’s so hard living with these feelings, but we can all find a way through x"

8 / 10
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344 Report
  • SJR...
  • Taken for 1 to 2 years
  • January 1, 2021

"After finding my partner and father of our kids dead when I woke up on my birthday, I had a breakdown and just couldn't cope. I could not motivate myself to do anything, just wanted to sleep. Sertraline saved me. I've been on them for 1 year and they stopped me feeling screwed up on 50mg, but within a month, I was on 200mg which suits me. I feel relaxed and I don't stress at all. As long as my boys are okay and we have a home, then I'm happy. I was suicidal a year ago, laid in bed plotting my suicide. I cannot recommend them enough."

10 / 10
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292 Report
  • Ric...
  • Taken for 1 to 6 months
  • October 11, 2019

"I remember reading all the reviews on this site in hope and desperation of feeling better. My anxiety was through the roof. The main problem was not being able to sleep, waking up in sweats, and not being able to stay asleep through the night. The sleep deprivation was feeding my anxiety. I didn't know what was happening to me as I never had anything like this before. I am going to be honest in my review and let anyone know who is going to take Sertraline: the first few days were awful - I was getting suicidal thoughts and was very worried, but after the third day it subsided along with any other side effects. I did appreciate my appetite being suppressed as I did need to lose some weight. If you stick with it after 2-3 weeks, my anxiety eased and now I am two months in, I feel about 99% me. I would also suggest having therapy as this helped me and have someone with you those first days when it can get bad. To anyone who is suffering at the moment, please give this a try. Very best wishes."

10 / 10
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343 Report
  • Jes...
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • March 30, 2021

"I have been battling anxiety for about 6 years. I suffer from really bad intrusive thoughts. I’ve taken Zoloft (sertraline) in the past and it really works. I started to feel like the normal me again, no intrusive thoughts anymore. I decided to stop taking it, and what happened 1 year later and 3 months my anxiety came back, and my thoughts too. So, I am back on Zoloft. I am on 50mg. I’ve been taking it for 1 week and a half already. I am again experiencing side effects like anxiety spiking, sweating, insomnia, and upset stomach, but it only lasts for a couple of days. I have experienced the side effects before when I first took Zoloft. I just hope this review helps people who are going through the same situation that I am experiencing. What I do recommend is to stick with the Zoloft. The first days feel like a nightmare, but then one day you will wake up and no more anxiety and intrusive thoughts."

10 / 10
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239 Report
  • Zub...
  • Taken for 2 to 5 years
  • May 31, 2020

"What can I say... I was initially on sertraline for 3 years, and I felt the best I’d felt in a long time, so I decided to slowly come off. I came off them, and depression hit me hard last week, so I was restarted on them. My depression and anxiety are horrifically worse than before I started the medications, but past experiences and the reviews on here remind me that the first 2 weeks are horrific, then things pick up. Long-term, these are fabulous & I cannot wait till I’m back to that feeling because my days at the moment are a constant struggle of tears and anxiety. But I know, I will get there."

8 / 10
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269 Report
  • Me7...
  • Taken for 1 to 6 months
  • February 11, 2015

"I could do a commercial for this medication. It has completely turned everything around for me. I have always had anxiety, but it became significantly worse after having children. I feared being alone, ruminating thoughts, insomnia, panic over the insomnia, feeling like the worst mother, feeling like I couldn't care for myself or my children. I fought taking medication for so long. I finally gave in. I started with 25 mg and moved up to 50 mg. I began to feel better in a week, and I felt the full effects by 4 weeks. It has given me my life back. I'm happy. I'm not stressed. I feel normal again!"

10 / 10
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432 Report
  • Han...
  • Taken for 6 months to 1 year
  • November 10, 2023

"This time last year I was reading reviews on here wondering whether I should start sertraline or not. I had previously had an awful experience with citalopram, so I was scared of taking another SSRI. The reviews really put me off. People tend to voice only a negative experience rather than a positive one, and I promised I would write a review if I had a positive one with sertraline, so here we go! Sertraline has absolutely changed my life. This time last year, I couldn't leave the house. I felt constant dread, my stomach was always upset, I couldn't sleep, and I would cry all the time. After being on this medication for 11 months, I am now in university, in a relationship, see my friends, don't cry over everything (I can still cry), I don't have any issues with orgasms, and my sex drive has actually increased! I can just nip to the shop like it's no biggie! I'm loving life again!"

10 / 10
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91 Report
  • Yay...
  • December 12, 2014

"Long story short, anxiety took over my life overnight. I was experiencing looping thoughts, negative anxiety-causing ones. I am big on organic food/natural remedies, etc. I don't even like cold medicine, so I went three months battling daily attacks. Finally, I couldn't take it anymore. The doctor prescribed clonazepam and sertraline. It did take the full five weeks for me, but I gained control of my thoughts right away, within days! Amazing! I lost weight on this, but my appetite has now returned. I feel great! Totally normal, eight weeks in, and forgot I ever had anxiety in the first place. I feel 100% normal. I wish I would have gone to the doctor sooner. Hang in there, you can beat this!"

10 / 10
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409 Report

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