Maxalt for Migraine User Reviews
Maxalt has an average rating of 8.7 out of 10 from a total of 118 reviews for the treatment of Migraine. 87% of reviewers reported a positive experience, while 8% reported a negative experience.
Reviews for Maxalt
- Tom...
- Taken for 1 to 2 years
- September 6, 2019
"Maxalt is an absolute lifesaver. Normally takes around an hour to kick in, and 9/10 times completely conquers my migraine. Only subtle side effects I experience are a little foggy-headed and my skin tingles a little. Definitely better than dealing with severe migraines."
- Kae...
- Taken for 10 years or more
- July 18, 2019
"I have chronic migraines and have prescriptions for two medications: Zomig and Maxalt. When I have a severe migraine and must go to bed, I take Zomig. But if I can catch the migraine before it hits, I take Maxalt. To me, this is a wonder drug. The only side effect is that the next day I am not as sharp as I usually am, which could also be the byproduct of the migraine. I highly recommend this product for mild to moderate migraines."
Frequently asked questions
- How often can you take Maxalt?
- How long does it take for Maxalt to work?
- How does Maxalt work and what is it used for?
- Does Maxalt have caffeine in it?
- Ano...
- Taken for less than 1 month
- June 12, 2019
"Migraine gone, severe anxiety, agitation, brain fog. Also felt light-headed and had neck and jaw pain. Two days on and still feel weird in the head. Terrible medication, would rather have the migraine all week than take this poison ever again."
- Pat...
- Taken for 10 years or more
- May 17, 2024
"I've been taking Maxalt for years because I hated the frightening way I felt after taking Imitrex, which is so much harder on my system. It made me feel anxious and afraid. Most of the time, the Maxalt works within half an hour, but too often when I take Maxalt, my migraine starts to throb more and I have to double the dose. The side effects I get mostly are my throat feels tight and I have trouble swallowing. Plus, a numb tongue, pins and needles, and it’s the only time I can actually hear my heart murmur when I am lying on the pillow. I am 73 and been taking Imitrex first, then Maxalt since I was in my 40s. The side effects are not nice, but the only alternative is a trip to emergency. Prescription pain meds do not work, so I don’t take them. When I feel a migraine coming, I immediately take 1 Maxalt, 2 Tylenol 1s (over the counter), 1 Pepto-Bismol for stomach, and rest my head on an ice pack. Usually, this approach helps. I have suffered with migraines since I was 19 years old."
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Your review helps others make informed decisions.- And...
- Taken for 6 months to 1 year
- August 21, 2020
"Maxalt works. Sometimes I still feel a pounding in my head, but it doesn't hurt. Unfortunately, it does make me insanely tired, where I cannot stay awake. Thirty minutes after taking it, if I try to stay awake, I get woozy, can't walk straight, and can't talk well. Usually resolves after two hours, but most of the time I can't stay awake and sleep for those two hours instead. Usually takes another hour for the grogginess to go away. Makes it hard to take during work hours. I will also get soreness in my muscles, which makes it difficult to work out later in the day. But hey, it works and is better than nothing!"
- Dai...
- Taken for 10 years or more
- April 12, 2021
"I have had migraines for over 30 years (it started in my teens). I have tried many types of medications. None has worked as well as Maxalt. The generic is a dissolving tab that has a soft mint smell. It works within half an hour for me and prevents the really nasty ones."
More FAQ
- Anonymous
- Taken for 1 to 6 months
- February 4, 2014
"I love Maxalt. My doctor gave it to me about 4 months ago. After years of no relief, my migraine was gone in 20 minutes! I admit I get extremely sleepy after I take it, but a 1-hour nap and I'm back in business. Much better than four days of blinding pain, that's for sure. It is very expensive, but I contacted my local clinic, and they had me fill out some forms and received a free 6-month supply, at which time I can reapply. You can also try contacting the company online, they may help depending on your income."
- Dus...
- Taken for 5 to 10 years
- September 17, 2019
"I took Maxalt for years, and it worked wonderfully most of the time as long as I took it before my migraine got too bad. Then, all of a sudden last year, I had an allergic reaction to it. My face swelled, my throat felt like it was closing, and I had hives. Had to go to the ER."
- Liz...
- January 10, 2014
"I've suffered from severe, debilitating migraines since I was 30 (I'm now 49). I've been prescribed everything under the sun, but Maxalt is the ONLY medication that works for me. First of all, it dissolves under my tongue, so I know that if I vomit, I won't throw it up. Secondly, and especially if I take it at the first sign of a migraine, it usually only takes about 30 minutes to kick in and fully eradicate my migraine. Imitrex and the others I've been on haven't worked or haven't worked as completely as Maxalt. I consider it a life saver."
- shi...
- Taken for less than 1 month
- April 12, 2013
"I have tried different medicines for migraines, all just calmed it down a little. It just had to run its three-day duration. I'm seeing another doctor, and she put me on Maxalt yesterday. My migraine was gone within an hour of taking it. I just want to go back and hug her because, after five years of trying, I just accepted my pain. It made me drowsy, but I will take drowsy over pain any day."
- Ima...
- Taken for 5 to 10 years
- June 28, 2016
"I've had ever-worsening migraines since I was in my 40s (I'm now 73). When they started, all that was available were drugs like Fiorinal and other mind-scrambling drugs. Finally, the triptans came along and saved my life. I started with Imitrex and tried the various other triptans, but Maxalt was the most effective. I would like to share one important observation: When I first started taking triptans, I had very few side effects and was able to function at a high-level job, run home with kids, etc. HOWEVER, as I got older, I realized that side effects emerged which have only gotten stronger over time. e.g. fogginess, sleepiness, nausea, etc. -- so be aware that side effects can increase with age. Still, Maxalt is a life-saver."
- Bec...
- Taken for 2 to 5 years
- January 28, 2018
"This medication seems to work the best out of the triptans I have tried. I take it as needed in addition to Topamax, which I take daily as a preventative. It usually works within an hour, and I do not need a second pill. I take the generic, it works fine for me. I get migraines from weather pressure, hormones, foods, and smells. A life changer for me."
- Ele...
- Taken for 2 to 5 years
- January 21, 2015
"I've had migraines for years and have been given everything for them. I also believe I've gone through every triptan that one could imagine. This medicine has been phenomenal in relieving really tough migraine pain. Within 30 minutes, I can get relief. Also, I like that you can get it in sublingual form. Sometimes my migraines are so bad that I'm constantly throwing up everything. When I'm nauseous, the sublingual form is wonderful, however, it also comes in a tiny tablet. I keep this with me at all times. It has saved me from multiple hospital visits in the past. Hope this helps!"
- She...
- Taken for 5 to 10 years
- July 13, 2015
"I have suffered with severe menstrual migraines for 25+ years to the point where I fantasize about amputating my head. I was on Imitrex (made me very sleepy), Relpax (worthless), generic (even worse). Maxalt is my go-to medicine. Unfortunately, it's a fight with the insurance company to get regular refills. They are trying to force me to take a generic. I used to get 12 tablets, and they changed it to 9- which 9 is not enough. When I run out, I cannot help but pray for the day I get a refill, fearing I will get a migraine before that time. When the refill day comes, I stalk my pharmacy on the phone until it is ready. Ugh... talk about 'drug-seeking'!"
- Anonymous
- Taken for 6 months to 1 year
- September 18, 2012
"Tried Imitrex and Relpax first, but had bad heart-squeezing and neck-squeezing side effects. Tried Maxalt and did not have that problem. It usually takes away the migraines, but can take 1-2 hours to get relief. I'm also very fatigued after the pain goes away, which makes the daytime onset of migraines a hassle. Also, for the 1-2 hours I am waiting for it to work, the pain actually intensifies until suddenly it lets go and the blood vessels in my head feel cold. Strange, but true."
- SUE...
- Taken for 10 years or more
- September 29, 2013
"At 59 years of age, I have been suffering from migraines since I was 21. I think I have tried every medication available in the UK. Maxalt is the only thing that has ever worked for me. Pain usually gone after 20 minutes, before I took Maxalt, I could be in bed for 2 days rolling around in agony. Only side effects are tiredness, and strangely, it makes me sneeze just once as soon as I have taken it. Maxalt has completely changed my life. Fortunate to live in the UK as I get it free on a national health prescription."
- Pam...
- February 20, 2019
"From the age of 26, suffered migraines, vomiting for days on end, had all sorts of medicines. Before Maxalt, were Cafergot suppositories - a savior but many side effects. For the past 9 years or so, have been taking Maxalt, this is excellent for me, usually one wafer, rest a little for an hour, and I feel like brand new, which is amazing considering what I have been through in the past. My brand was MSD, however, recently my pharmacist gave me APO, and I remember once before being prescribed this generic and it did not seem as effective. I conveyed this to the pharmacist, and he said they are both the same, but after not having a migraine for some time, took the Maxalt APO today, and I must say it was not really that effective. Although my migraine has subsided, it has not gone completely, it never happened with the Maxalt MSD brand, it never failed me. One could say it's in my head (excuse the pun), but I am curious about the result. The wafers taste different and dissolve at a different rate? Any comments from anyone else?"
- dfe...
- October 13, 2013
"I had a migraine for 7 days. When I finally couldn't take the pain anymore, I went to my doctor and was prescribed this medication. Within 20 minutes, my migraine was gone. It's heaven-sent. You have to take it as soon as you feel a migraine coming on. Also, it makes me very sleepy. But almost all medications do that to me. If you haven't taken it... get it. It will solve your migraine problems."
- Tow...
- August 28, 2015
"I have suffered migraines since I was 30, and I am now 51. I used to lay in bed for days and would end up in the hospital. I finally had a nurse ask me why I wasn't on prescription medication. I told her my doctor told me I would outgrow them. I took her advice and switched doctors. He put me on Maxalt 10 mg, and it changed my life!!!!! I take them now when I feel the onset of a headache, and it never develops into a migraine. It saddens me to think how long I suffered when this wonderful drug was out there available. I almost lost my job because of the migraines. I was missing a lot of work. There were times when we would be on vacation, and all I could do was lay in the hotel sick as a dog because of the migraines. Thanks, Maxalt."
- Mmc...
- Taken for 2 to 5 years
- August 19, 2016
"I have had migraines since I was 11. When people say they are not hereditary... they are wrong. My grandma, mom, sisters, and brothers all have them, they did not even skip a generation... My daughter and nieces as well get them. My physician calls mine sinus migraines. I get stomach pain, vomiting, an aura, light sensitivity. They had me on Demerol, Percocet, Phenergan, Imitrex, nothing helped. I have been on Maxalt a few years, and the one thing I have noticed is that I get pain around the upper jaw area just under the ear... then, all of a sudden, like the snap of a finger, all pain is gone in 15 to 25 minutes. It makes me drowsy. I wake up from my nap feeling great but really thirsty."
- GJ...
- May 30, 2008
"I have been using Maxalt for about 5 plus years now. I have tried other migraine meds, but Maxalt is the only one that helps the migraine pain and allows me to function. Before this med, I would have to take my usual trip to the emergency room for treatment, and a few times, I was actually hospitalized for the pain and dehydration. It was terrible, but now I can depend on Maxalt, it is a miracle."
- Jus...
- Taken for 5 to 10 years
- October 9, 2012
"I've always had 3-day migraines. Maxalt will take it away in about 35 minutes. Sometimes I would have to take another one (dissolved in my mouth) the next day. I cannot stress enough how much I love this medicine. I come from days when Darvon's were given for migraines, they didn't do anything but zombie you with the pain. I thank the scientist who figured out how to control whatever it is that is being controlled. Of course, it is too expensive. Without insurance, I would have to suffer, as they are about $32 per pill!"
- Tnt...
- September 18, 2018
"Have used Maxalt and generic versions of it for years with good results, must take at first signs of a migraine. I also have discovered that if you take it at least 1 hour before bed, it is very helpful in reducing hot flashes at night, thus, it is something I discovered on my own, but it works."
- JCD...
- Taken for 6 months to 1 year
- April 14, 2016
"I have suffered with migraine since I was 12 years old, and I'm now in my 50s. I've had every head exam and test possible, as well as tried a myriad of medications over the years for treatment. From taking preventive type things daily to treating the pain only during the headache. Nothing has given me the swift relief as this drug. It seems to give me complete relief within 30-40 minutes, without any side effects (that I've noticed). I took Imitrex for years with little relief and horrible side effects. It would make me feel dizzy, weird, and always made me nauseous. So I stopped taking it. Now with the Maxalt, I'm thrilled to know I can take it without worry of unwanted side effects. Thank you, Maxalt! Finally, migraine relief!"
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- Drug class: antimigraine agents
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- En español
"I had migraines that would last anywhere from 8 to 16 hours every 2-3 weeks once I hit my 20s. It would feel like someone injected poison into the right side of my head and neck, and the poison would pulsate every 30 seconds with blindingly sharp, icky pain. I tracked my migraines closely for 2 years and finally switched to a doctor/neurologist who worked with me on what it could be. I have issues with my serotonin levels and was diagnosed with the migraines without aura. I used all the OTC drugs for my migraines and would always feel nauseated or it wouldn't work. Finally, I tried the rizatriptan/Maxalt 10mg tablets and they worked within 30 minutes of my migraine attacks! I've never been so thankful to have this. My migraines now only happen about once a month, but this prescription has never given me any adverse side effects or pain. Hopefully others can find this prescription beneficial as I have."