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Xifaxan for Irritable Bowel Syndrome with Diarrhea User Reviews

Xifaxan has an average rating of 5.8 out of 10 from a total of 64 reviews for the treatment of Irritable Bowel Syndrome with Diarrhea. 50% of reviewers reported a positive experience, while 42% reported a negative experience.

Xifaxan rating summary

5.8 average rating out of 10

64 ratings from 70 user reviews.

Compare all 8 medications used in the treatment of Irritable Bowel Syndrome with Diarrhea.


Reviews for Xifaxan

  • Thumper
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • June 3, 2020

"I had terrible nausea all the time that was worse about 2 hrs after eating, my stomach would swell up with gas, I was belching but could not throw up, retaining water and terrible gas pain below my sternum. I have heart issues requiring water pills and blood pressure meds. I was stopping taking meds because of nausea and watery and gassy diarrhea, thought it was the end of me. Took all tests which were normal, probiotics made it worse. Finally convinced my Dr to try Xifaxan because read about SIBO on internet. The first 14-day course gave me 80% relief and felt much better, after 3.5 months symptoms came back so had another 14-day prescription. Felt good, now it’s been 3.5 months and symptoms are coming back. Is this possible? Can you stay on Xifaxan long term with 3-4 month intervals? My Dr is unavailable because of COVID virus. Any advice please... thanks"

10 / 10
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125 Report
  • Jano
  • November 11, 2020

"I've struggled with IBS a good portion of my life, making it hard to eat a lot of things or even do normal things with friends or go to work all the time. It's always causing an inconvenience in my life. I finally had a doctor prescribe Xifaxan and she admitted she hardly does, because it's so expensive, the majority of people can't afford it or their insurance won't cover it. After struggling with my insurance company for weeks, it finally got approved. This was the best thing that has ever happened to me, I cried! I felt normal! No more pain! I also felt so terrible for everyone who has the same problems and can't get this medicine... I was very fortunate and it's seriously life-changing! I've struggled with weight loss my whole life, and having IBS makes it worse... now I can eat what I want when I want and I feel normal! I'm gaining weight and I've never felt better. It's a miracle. Have not yet experienced any side effects."

10 / 10
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110 Report
  • MsD
  • November 5, 2016

"I have suffered from IBS-D for over 15 years. I tried numerous medications and nothing has ever worked. I went to a new doctor and was recently prescribed Xifaxan, and it has changed my life completely. In the first 24 hours, I felt immediate relief. I am now able to eat again and not always turn to find the nearest bathroom. I don't have to wake up two hours before work anymore because my stomach is not upset. I have not felt 'normal' in years, and it's such a great feeling. I feel I can live a normal life with this medication. I am hoping some of you who suffer find relief. IBS is horrible, and no one actually understands what it is like unless you have it. Thank goodness something worked."

10 / 10
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145 Report
  • Mick
  • July 8, 2019

"So far, this Xifaxan is a miracle drug. I have been on the drug for 4 days now and I am able to eat/drink items that I have not enjoyed in years (carbonated drinks/sweets/greasy foods). On a typical day, I would go to the bathroom at least three times each morning. Each morning I am having a solid stool one time! One time! I am hoping this medication continues to do its trick. Maybe even for the long term... fingers crossed."

9 / 10
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106 Report
  • Anonymous
  • February 9, 2010

"I absolutely am amazed by Xifaxan. After suffering from IBS symptoms for years (you know, wake up with a flat stomach, go to bed looking 7 months pregnant, in addition to painful cramps, horrid gas, etc.), the Xifaxan eliminated my symptoms in a matter of days. My bad flatulence disappeared. Bloating gone. Lost a few pounds to boot. Unfortunately, after two rounds in Sept-Oct, my symptoms were back in December. If I could, I would take Xifaxan every day. Insurance is not cooperative. After 24 hours on this latest round, my bloating is well diminished and my low back pain is better (maybe because when IBS symptoms aren't bad, I can more easily contract my abdominals)."

10 / 10
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179 Report

Are you taking this medicine?

  • Surv
  • October 17, 2019

"I have SIBO/dysbiosis and was prescribed and took Xifaxan 3 times a day for 2 weeks. I felt nothing. No die-off or herxing. Then, several weeks later, after completing the dose and still experiencing SIBO symptoms, I became seriously ill. I had no gut motility, could not eat or drink, and experienced excruciating pain every time I took a breath, while having severe pain throughout my body. I had chills so bad that I was shaking. I don't even remember the first several days of the onset. A friend said that I called (I don't remember this) and stated that I thought I was dying. She said I sounded terrified. Here's the thing: If you have a leaky gut, this drug does not stay in the small intestine. So, it had a systemic effect in a bad way. I am still recovering many weeks later and am not at baseline. Actually, I feel worse than I did before I took Xifaxan. BEWARE... right now I have stomach pain, and I didn't have this before. Most likely, it killed the good bacteria. Leaky gut should be a contraindication."

1 / 10
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76 Report
  • IBS...
  • September 8, 2008

"I have IBS and recently my doctor had me try Xifaxan. After 3 days, I felt like my life had returned to normal. My bloating and diarrhea were under control. I didn't experience any unwanted side effects either."

9 / 10
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182 Report
  • GottaGo
  • September 20, 2016

"This drug has a higher efficacy if several things are also implemented at the same time. 1. eliminate foods you are intolerant (3 months to indefinitely) 2. while healing (3 months min) eliminate gassy, hard-to-digest foods like cruciferous, onions, beans, alcohol, sugar alcohols, etc... 3. replete zinc - diarrhea depletes zinc and zinc deficiency perpetuates diarrhea 4. take a gentle fiber like acacia 5. take a high-potency probiotic (vsl#3 and florastor) along with the fiber in between Xifaxan doses and continue this while healing (at least 3 months) or longer. 6. address motility issues and hypochlorhydria and poor digestive enzyme production - if you aren't digesting properly, it facilitates s.i.b.o. 7. NO TOBACCO!!"

8 / 10
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108 Report
  • Suffe...
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • July 26, 2019

"I took a two-week course of Xifaxan for IBS-D and suspected SIBO. I had side effects the first two days and then tolerated it well; however, it did nothing for my IBS symptoms. The real trouble started the day after I stopped taking Xifaxan. I now have severe abdominal pain, bloating, and gas and can hardly eat anything. This has also resulted in my doctor ordering blood tests and an abdominal CT because there is no information about the adverse effects of Xifaxan, and he feels the need to rule out other things. I’m happy for those people who have had success with this drug, but I’m not one of them. Completely miserable; much worse than before the drug!"

1 / 10
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70 Report
  • Jacob
  • May 20, 2009

"This drug saved my life. I have severe irritable bowel syndrome for 20 years, and it completely stopped all my symptoms for 4 months. My doctor recommended that I repeat the treatment every 3-4 months."

10 / 10
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142 Report
  • vnldo...
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • December 7, 2016

"I used the 14-day dosage...for those 14 days, I suffered extreme gas & bloating with gas pains from my rectum into my shoulders. I was absolutely miserable but carried through, completing the prescription...for the next month or so, I continued to suffer with the extreme gas and pains, which gradually subsided. I suffered with occasional diarrhea, but rare and some constipation, until it all settled down. I have now been 2+ months with normally formed bowel movements. I do rarely have some urgency but the stools are formed, not liquid. This medication has been life-changing for me...I can now sit and enjoy a meal with friends and family without constantly having on my mind that I am, at any point, going to need to rush to the bathroom."

9 / 10
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84 Report
  • Kmiz
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • December 14, 2018

"Do not take this drug! It made my symptoms of Small intestinal bacterial overgrowth (SIBO) TEN TIMES WORSE. Before taking the drug I had very mild symptoms, just some light feelings of hunger after eating. Now, 6 days after finishing a 2 week course, I’m doubled over in pain, severely constipated, severely depressed, unable to sleep, and in a constant state of emergency. I’m worried that now I have IBS. Please do not take this drug."

1 / 10
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64 Report
  • Cindy
  • December 20, 2019

"I have had IBS-D for so many years I cannot remember not having to deal with it. About 3 years ago, I entered a research program with a blind study of Xifaxan. When I started taking the real drug, I could tell a major improvement in less than a week, and after the 14 days, I had no signs of IBS-D. This lasted for about 4 months, and slowly the IBS-D started back. I have been on a 14-day, 3x a day of 550 mg for the past 2 years, and this last time has lasted me 9 months before symptoms started coming back. I will speak with my doctor to get another prescription."

9 / 10
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53 Report
  • KB1111
  • January 30, 2016

"I took this 5 years ago after a colonoscopy for my extreme IBS issues. It totally changed my life so much. I've been having issues again lately so I'm trying it again for a 2nd time to reset my system. I still have occasional issues, but NOTHING like it used to be. This stuff has been a miracle for me!"

9 / 10
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82 Report
  • Anonymous
  • August 17, 2008

"This medicine saved my life. I have IBS and got some virus or something that attacked my bowels and made me sick for 6 weeks until a new doctor gave me this. Within days, I was back on track. From six weeks of weakness and extreme diarrhea, it was nice to be normal again."

10 / 10
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123 Report
  • lucky...
  • June 19, 2011

"The only thing that gave me relief was this medicine. After having amoebiasis, 3 years ago, and long after killing the amoeba, I had different symptoms related to intestines. Chronic loose bowels and bloating. I read about this medicine and convinced the doctor to get me a prescription for this (it wasn't as yet FDA approved for irritable bowel syndrome). Within 3 days, I began to normalize, after 1 week was symptom-free for 6 months. Slowly I am beginning to have problems again. I started my first dose again today and hope to normalize again. Wish it didn't seem to return."

6 / 10
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104 Report
  • Lynne
  • October 5, 2015

"AWFUL MEDICATION. I was on Xifaxan for a week and a half when it started giving me crippling stomach cramps every time I ate. The cramps have persisted three weeks beyond stopping the medication and I can only eat plain rice/pasta and peas. It also didn't do what it was prescribed to do and I still have symptoms of IBS. All it did was give me a side effect that makes me not able to eat."

1 / 10
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77 Report
  • Anonymous
  • March 2, 2012

"It definitely helped with cramping and diarrhea, but I still did have the occasional episode of diarrhea. However, after 5 months, I'm back to where I started. I don't know how I feel about having to take an antibiotic every 5 months or if that's even recommended or safe."

8 / 10
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94 Report
  • JJay
  • March 29, 2016

"After having IBS for about 20 years, I went to a new GI doctor. After trying diets and numerous tests, he put me on Xifaxan for IBS-D. The first few days, I had a grumbling stomach, and it felt like my stomach might get worse. However, after a week on Xifaxan, my bowel movements were normal, and I no longer needed to run to the bathroom. I even ate sugar for the first time in months, and I had no reaction. I feel like my life has changed, and I can go out without worries."

10 / 10
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68 Report
  • Feldez
  • July 5, 2019

"I was prescribed Xifaxan because of symptoms of SIBO. No test done because they’re not reliable, according to the gastroenterologist. I followed everything the doctor suggested: FODMAP, Align probiotics, simethicone for gas. After 11 doses of the 550 mg three times daily, I decided to discontinue. The bloating has gotten so bad, and I am now constipated. I feel so much worse now than when I saw the doctor. It works for some lucky patients but not for me...."

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46 Report
  • MR Meat
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • December 14, 2019

"Xifaxan was prescribed to help my IBS. My stomach tolerated it for 4 days, but now I can’t stay out of the bathroom. It has destroyed my stomach, and I have been taking Pepto and Imodium to slow it down, but to no avail. Be careful, this can wreck your stomach. I regret taking it."

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41 Report
  • waverly...
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • April 3, 2016

"Since my new gastro couldn't be bothered to actually think about what might be wrong with me, she threw two weeks of Xifaxan at me because, hey, if you can't figure out what a patient has, they must have IBS. My stomach is now so hard and bloated I can't wear my clothes, I can't sleep from the pain. I'm constipated (first time in my life!), and now, from the huge bloated stomach, which never goes down, really, it just goes from horrible to 9 months pregnant, I am having problems with sleep apnea. It's a nightmare. DO NOT LET YOUR DOCTOR GIVE YOU THIS DRUG IF YOU DO NOT HAVE THE SYMPTOMS THAT THIS DRUG IS FOR. Do the research online. Protect yourself. Do not trust your doctor. I did. What a mistake."

1 / 10
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63 Report
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • August 3, 2015

"This is my third time taking Xifaxan. The first two times were 200 mg 3 times a day, 6 tablets per day for 10 days for SIBO. Just started 550 mg 3 times a day for 14 days. The cost is prohibitive: $331 copay. So far, I am not feeling much relief from abdominal pain. I was not retested for SIBO but prescribed this for IBS. I am also on a gluten-free and FODMAP diet. I have low IgA and IgG immunoglobulins. Everything seems to be just trial and error. I will continue to take it. Not very hopeful. Everything gets blamed on low immunoglobulins."

6 / 10
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55 Report
  • Anonymous
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • June 12, 2014

"This was given to me for SIBO (I've suffered from irritable bowel syndrome for years). I took it 3x/day for 14 days. Although I had no side effects from this medicine, it did not help with resolving my SIBO. I even did another test for SIBO after I took the antibiotics, and there was absolutely no change. Also, luckily my insurance covered it, so it was $70, but without insurance, it's around $900!"

3 / 10
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55 Report
  • Tired...
  • Taken for 1 to 6 months
  • April 6, 2016

"I've had IBS-D for 25 years. I was always told there was nothing the medical community could do about it. So I suffered through it and took lots of Imodium. So when I saw advertisements for Xifaxan, I was so hopeful. I saw a new GI doc, and he immediately told me that this med was the best hope for IBS and that its effectiveness was terrific. So I was so very, very hopeful this would work, and it did, for the 14 days I was on it. The day after stopping my 14-day regimen, my extreme bloating was back, and within a week, my symptoms were exactly as before. Now, after 6 weeks, my symptoms seem even worse. Going back to the doc in 6 weeks. Will see what else might help. Good luck to all of you! It's a terrible disease to have to deal with!"

3 / 10
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47 Report

Reviews may be edited to correct grammar/spelling or to remove inappropriate language and content. Reviews that appear to be created by parties with a vested interest are not published. This information is not intended to endorse any particular medication. While these reviews may be helpful, they are not a substitute for the expertise, knowledge, and judgement of healthcare professionals.

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