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Rabies vaccine, human diploid cell for Rabies Prophylaxis User Reviews

Brand names: Imovax Rabies

Rabies vaccine, human diploid cell has an average rating of 10.0 out of 10 from a total of 3 reviews for the treatment of Rabies Prophylaxis. 100% of reviewers reported a positive experience, while 0% reported a negative experience.

Rabies vaccine, human diploid cell rating summary

10.0 average rating out of 10

3 ratings from 4 user reviews.

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  • San...
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • October 6, 2024

"Got bit by a bat on my ring finger. Went to the ER and started the rabies vaccine. Right at the 48-hour mark after my first shots, I went into a semi-allergic reaction: nauseousness, joints hurt all over, low-grade fever, headache. I went back for my second dose on day three, the pain in all of my joints, especially my knees and elbows, is unbearable. Constantly nauseous and have no desire to eat, and when I do eat a little something, I feel sick on my stomach. All of my joints are hurting now that I went back for my second set of shots, which is really my third set, I guess, and I have one more shot to go in the next five days, I go back for my last shot. I’m still not doing good. I can’t hardly get out of bed, my joints are so bad and stiff and ache. I don’t know how much more I can take, but the upside, if the bat would’ve had rabies, which we'll never know, I guess I’m thankful for the vaccine. I just wished I would’ve known it was gonna be this bad."

10 / 10
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  • Anonymous
  • August 24, 2022

"I was bitten by a stray dog who later died on the 9th day of quarantine for no apparent reason. I received 2 doses of post-exposure rabies vaccine. No side effects happened until 2 weeks later. I awoke with severe pain in my shoulders, arms, and hands. I took 800 mg of ibuprofen for 24 hours. The pain went away, but my hands and fingers were stinging, burning, with pins and needles and stabbing pain. Numbness and sensitivity to hot and cold. I went to my doctor who felt these were side effects from the vaccines I was given. I am currently taking 800 mg of ibuprofen twice daily and 300 mg of gabapentin 3 times daily, but I am still extremely uncomfortable. Sometimes I feel I cannot stand this any longer. I am wondering if anyone else has had these effects and how long they lasted. I am going on 4 weeks of this. It's terrible. I work as a veterinary technician and have no dexterity in my fingers. I can no longer draw blood, give vaccinations, or implant microchips."

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  • Anonymous
  • Taken for 1 to 6 months
  • November 30, 2019

"After suffering multiple deep wound dog bites from a stray dog I rescued, I was encouraged by my ER doctor to get the vaccine. Obviously, not getting it and ending up with rabies is bad, but how I've felt for the last 5 weeks, since receiving the last of my 4th round of shots, has been truly horrible. The first 12 days was a non-stop headache that would only go away when I slept. My joints felt as if they were being tortured for the first 2 weeks, but thankfully, those are becoming much more sporadic in week 5. However, the severe nausea and stomach pains that began after week one continue to affect my daily existence; as I am unable to eat much with the severe nausea; simply pondering a grocery list for that week’s meals or cooking dinner is enough to send me running for the bathroom to throw up. I’m hoping the fact that boosters for this vaccine are required every 6 months to 2 years means I won’t feel like this forever."

10 / 10
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  • Onc...
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • March 2, 2016

"Was bitten by a raccoon four days ago. We dispatched the animal, compromising the brain which was needed for testing. Rabies has still not been verified. Needless to say I received my second dosage of Rabavert today. First shots were difficult, being injected directly into each and every puncture wound. Second dose was completely painless tiny shot in upper arm. Am experiencing muscle pain at site but nothing major. I admit to being tired, achy, and my thinking is not very clear. However, I wouldn't miss next two doses if my life depended on it, which in my case could very well be. Grateful to be fortunate enough to have medicine that may save me from certain death."

10 / 10
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