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Mirapex User Reviews & Ratings (Page 3)

Mirapex has an average rating of 7.2 out of 10 from a total of 120 reviews on 63% of reviewers reported a positive experience, while 23% reported a negative experience.

Reviews for Mirapex

  • Franky...
  • December 29, 2012

For Periodic Limb Movement Disorder "I had terrible side effects on this medicine. I was overactive and couldn't stop making things, knitting, etc., all through the night. I couldn't sleep, and my balance was off. I fell in the shower and hurt my neck. This was a terrible time for me."

1 / 10
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37 Report
  • John
  • Taken for 10 years or more
  • June 18, 2018

For Periodic Limb Movement Disorder "I have had RLS for approximately 20 years. I have been taking Mirapex but only in the evenings before I went to bed. Part of what I attributed to RLS was in fact PLMD. During a sleep study for sleep apnea I kicked an average of 96 times an hour. My RLS remained under control by taking it in the evenings but my PLMD has gotten much worse to the point that I cannot even close my eyes and rest during the day without my legs kicking. I now have to take Mirapex at mid day , again in the late afternoon and then before bedtime. Without it I would be a crazy person."

10 / 10
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23 Report
  • hv2mi...
  • Taken for 1 to 6 months
  • April 15, 2015

For Restless Legs Syndrome "I was taking Clonazepam, then my doc suggested Pramipexole, as it is non-habit forming. It certainly took care of my restless legs, but I woke up with headaches and went to sleep with headaches. Indigestion was also a side effect, so much so that I was constantly very bloated and did not feel well for the month I took Pramipexole. The positives were that my RSL was non-existent, and I did not feel tired in the a.m. As a matter of fact, I was able to get up 2 hours earlier every day. Don't know why that happened, but it was nice to not feel so sleepy in the morning. Now I'm back on Clonazepam, and I'm not sure if I'm that happy with it this time around. Is there anything else to try?"

5 / 10
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Frequently asked questions

  • Anonymous
  • January 1, 2011

For Restless Legs Syndrome "I've had restless leg syndrome for about 15 years and have tried several medications. Gabapentin worked most nights, but left me practically catatonic the next day. Klonopin did nothing to help my symptoms. Requip made me feel like I was going insane and really scared me. I gave Mirapex a high rating because it has completely eliminated all my symptoms. Unfortunately, I have severe nasal congestion as a side effect, which also keeps me up all night. If I don't take it, I can breathe, but my legs are jumping and jerking all night. If I do take it, my nose feels like it's filled with cement. Either way, I can't sleep. I guess it's back to the doctor to try something else."

9 / 10
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38 Report
  • Anony...
  • March 13, 2009

For Restless Legs Syndrome "I take half a pill around supper time so I can sleep. My restless leg syndrome usually kicks up right before bed. I wouldn't be able to sleep without it. It has been wonderful to just go to bed and really rest."

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Are you taking this medicine?

  • Anonymous
  • September 16, 2008

For Restless Legs Syndrome "Mirapex is a godsend. Before Mirapex, sleep was non-existent unless I took a sleeping pill. Now I get peaceful night's sleep. The only drawback is, it's expensive, and insurance barely covers any of the cost. But I can't live without it."

10 / 10
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42 Report
  • Margo...
  • Taken for 1 to 6 months
  • March 18, 2016

For Periodic Limb Movement Disorder "My husband had PLMD and Restless Legs for decades, and it continued to get worse. He was given Mirapex, and the first night it was as if a miracle had happened. It completely stopped all the crazy movements that we both had endured. Life-changing."

10 / 10
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26 Report
  • gbeagle
  • August 10, 2015

For Restless Legs Syndrome "I have had RLS for 25 years, and within the past two years has gotten much more uncontrollable. Ten years ago I took Requip for awhile, but the drowsiness during the day was a bother, and the RLS wasn't much improved. Last month I started on Mirapex and the relief from RLS was almost immediate. I'm currently taking .250 mg. two hours before bedtime. The only bothersome side effect has been some increased urination urges during the night. I haven't noticed any problems with dizziness but I do have occasional Benign Positional Vertigo anyway, so it certainly isn't any worse. Overall, I would say Mirapex has done the trick."

8 / 10
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27 Report
  • wazzup
  • Taken for 2 to 5 years
  • July 4, 2015

For Restless Legs Syndrome "I have had RLS since I went through my last growing spurt at the age of 14. I am now 35 and have tried every over the counter drug, herb and supplement known to man. Nothing helped. I tried Mirapex and though it did not always fully work, it worked sometimes, and if you have RLS you know that sometimes is pretty awesome. I started taking tramadol for back pain and for the last year me RLS is completely gone. The only problem is that tramadol was like taking cold medicine and down right horrible most days and the withdrawal can be life-threatening in my opinion. As we all know, any opiate taken right before bed completely cures RLS. But if you stop taking it, your RLS will be 100 times worse, of course the time spent sleeping is worth it!"

6 / 10
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27 Report
  • Anonymous
  • September 1, 2011

For Restless Legs Syndrome "I have had restless leg syndrome all my life. I can remember when I was about 5 or 6 telling my mom my feet tickle... didn't know how else to explain it at that age. Today I am 39 years old and am only alive because of Mirapex. My RLS has become so severe that without this medication I would not sleep. One time I was without my medication and was up for 3 days straight. Ended up in the emergency room many times when I didn't have any medication just to get some form of relief. I currently take Mirapex 1 mg at night, but sometimes will have to take a half during the day. My RLS will bother me mid-afternoon at times and when it's really bad will go into my hands and forearms. I am eternally grateful for Mirapex despite the side effects of nausea, tired, and weak."

10 / 10
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35 Report
  • kasia...
  • March 17, 2009

For Restless Legs Syndrome "I took Mirapex for moderate RLS for about a year, and it worked like a charm. Then I began to develop side effects bad enough to force me to quit. Eventually, within 30 minutes of taking Mirapex at night, I would experience severe nausea and vomiting that would last for hours."

5 / 10
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38 Report
  • Anonymous
  • September 6, 2011

For Restless Legs Syndrome "Truly a godsend. You don't feel like you've run a marathon all night. Other comments are true about running out of a prescription or not taking it for a few days. You can tell! I just have one question --- if it feels like you've run a marathon all night, how come you don't wake up skinnier?"

10 / 10
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32 Report
  • Robert...
  • September 2, 2014

For Restless Legs Syndrome "I have taken this medicine before and it made my Restless Legs Syndrome much worse. For over 25 years I have taken Percocet. I may have to back to that. I read some where that side effects can last for up to a year, I hope not."

1 / 10
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26 Report
  • March 18, 2010

For Restless Legs Syndrome "I have been taking Mirapex for a number of years for RLS. I originally took 0.125 mg once a day. After a few years, it was increased to 0.125 mg twice a day as my symptoms were rather severe. I have remained at the same dosage since then and have developed no side effects to the medication. I would seldom be able to sleep except for this medication."

10 / 10
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34 Report
  • syon
  • October 3, 2009

For Restless Legs Syndrome "My wife had frequent leg movements throughout the night. Mirapex immediately stopped the leg movements. She continues to take the drug daily, and restless leg syndrome has not returned. Very effective drug."

10 / 10
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34 Report
  • Anonymous
  • November 5, 2009

For Restless Legs Syndrome "After using Mirapex for approximately a year, it slowly became less effective. Although I had been without any symptoms of RLS, I now began to experience increasing episodes of RLS. With the help of my doctor, I have used different combinations of medicines (including Mirapex) until we found the right one. It seems prolonged use of some medicines can make them less effective. Sometimes changing the regimen with professional help can keep RLS at bay."

7 / 10
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33 Report
  • jalari
  • February 20, 2010

For Restless Legs Syndrome "Since taking it for RLS, I have not had a single problem with my legs or arms trying to run a marathon while I try to sleep. The only problem I have is it makes me dream like crazy. I sometimes wake up and almost think the dreams were real. It is very strange, and it happens almost every night. I have gotten used to it though. For the relief it has provided me, the dreaming is worth it."

9 / 10
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32 Report
  • Anony...
  • August 2, 2011

For Restless Legs Syndrome "I have suffered from RLS and PLMD for years. The last few years, I've been taking Sinemet, which worked great in the beginning but gradually lost its effectiveness. I was up to 3 pills a day, and the RLS was worse than ever. My neurologist just started me on Mirapex, and it is incredible. One pill at night, and I get a good night's sleep. I'm also not getting the RLS during the daytime anymore. I haven't felt this good in a long time! No side effects either."

10 / 10
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29 Report
  • Anonymous
  • September 16, 2010

For Restless Legs Syndrome "After suffering from RLS for over 30 years and trying numerous medications, to include Quinine Sulfate, this WORKS. Loss of sleep has diminished, as well as the attitude to go along with it. I can't believe that after all the doctors I saw, this one diagnosed it without me telling him. I was sitting in the office, and my legs were jumping. That afternoon, I tried the Mirapex, and presto, problem solved. No side effects I know of, dose is 0.5 mg 2x per day, some days not needed. What a relief."

10 / 10
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  • sterl...
  • September 17, 2010

For Restless Legs Syndrome "Military doctors originally put me on Klonopin for my restless leg syndrome. The medication was a total godsend! My only noticeable side effect was dizziness if I stood up too fast. Once we retired from the Army, however, new doctor, new medicines. I got stuck with a neurologist with a 'complex,' who told me I could take Mirapex and have nerve damage testing, or I could just have the nerve testing and go without. Great. So I took the Mirapex. Over about six weeks, I've gained weight (not normal for me), forgotten LARGE amounts of things. I sleep LOUSY and still have the 'twitches.' The doctor finally listened and put me back on Klonopin but didn't warn me about switching from one to the other. I've now been awake for over 24 hours, only catnapping in 15-minute increments."

2 / 10
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  • KATHY...
  • October 25, 2008

For Restless Legs Syndrome "I have been using Mirapex for almost a year now. Before that, I used Requip. I take a half dose twice a day. A single dose a day does not make 24 hours. This makes 12-hour shift work tolerable as far as the RLS."

10 / 10
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31 Report
  • Anonymous
  • January 5, 2010

For Restless Legs Syndrome "I have had disruptive RLS for all of my life. A couple of years ago, it got intolerable. I tried Requip first, but it made me exceptionally tired the next day. Mirapex works quite well, allows me to not move and get agitated, and I feel fine the next day."

9 / 10
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  • blondie
  • December 13, 2010

For Restless Legs Syndrome "I agree with it working. I had Rest Legs Syndrome and didn't sleep well for a month. After being put on other medicines that didn't work, the doctor decided to give me Mirapex. Oh my. I sleep every night and wake very clear and not groggy. I truly do not know where I would be if it weren't for this medication."

10 / 10
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26 Report
  • Twitchy
  • Taken for 1 to 2 years
  • October 2, 2020

For Restless Legs Syndrome "I have been on Mirapex for a year. Dr. put me on Gabapentin for fibromyalgia pain. It also says that it works for RLS. I found out the hard way when I forgot to refill my Mirapex that Gabapentin didn't work for my RLS. My leg twitched and jerked all night"

10 / 10
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10 Report
  • cheri
  • Taken for 6 months to 1 year
  • September 14, 2021

For Restless Legs Syndrome "This drug ruined my life. I augmented, now have dopamine agonist withdrawal syndrome (DAWS). It was great while it lasted, but not worth what may be a miserable existence for the rest of my life. I feel preyed upon by the drug company. This is no miracle. It's a curse. If you haven't started, don't. Why? Akathesia all the time in my feet. Ankles and feet always hurt and swollen. Can't sleep. Leg pain whenever I sit. I still have RLS. I've been told I'm lying by doctors who don't know all this stuff. I'm so angry. This drug stole all the enjoyment out of my life."

1 / 10
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Reviews may be edited to correct grammar/spelling or to remove inappropriate language and content. Reviews that appear to be created by parties with a vested interest are not published. This information is not intended to endorse any particular medication. While these reviews may be helpful, they are not a substitute for the expertise, knowledge, and judgement of healthcare professionals.