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Iclusig for Chronic Myelogenous Leukemia User Reviews

  • Kci...
  • January 7, 2015

"I have used Gleevec, Sprycel, and both the above mentioned with Hydrea added. Gleevec made me nauseous, but it worked for a while, for about 1.5 years. I then was switched to Sprycel, which didn't make me nauseated and lasted 3/4 of the year. Now I'm taking Ponatinib, which sometimes upset my stomach, but it was controlling the CML and the T315I mutation. I did develop thrombocythemia, in which thrombocythemia is being difficult to control. But the CML was being kept at bay. This lasted for less than a year. I liked the Ponatinib, little side effects, and it was controlling the CML and the mutation, but it caused the high platelet count. All medicines were great, and I do recommend them in hopes to control the CML."

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