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MiraLAX for Bowel Preparation User Reviews

MiraLAX has an average rating of 6.1 out of 10 from a total of 45 reviews for the treatment of Bowel Preparation. 53% of reviewers reported a positive experience, while 40% reported a negative experience.

MiraLAX rating summary

6.1 average rating out of 10.
45 ratings from 46 user reviews.

Compare all 49 medications used in the treatment of Bowel Preparation.


Reviews for MiraLAX

Commonly mentioned side effects
  • ano...
  • May 23, 2020

"If you've got IBS-C and motility issues like me, this should be a good read. I was terrified because I know how horrendous the cramping/abdominal pain can be when taking laxatives, even ones as 'gentle' as MiraLAX. While the feelings of fullness and slight nausea persisted, this prep wasn't painful and I didn't experience cramping. I'm thin, small, and VERY sensitive to even small doses of meds, so I thought this bowel prep was going to wreck me. But it absolutely didn't. Remember, people only post reviews when they've had an experience SO far out of the norm, they felt the urge to warn others. The grand majority of us -- even with IBS and motility issues - get through this with moderate discomfort, yes, but no vomiting, cramping, or spasming."

9 / 10
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199 Report
  • Lil...
  • Taken for 6 months to 1 year
  • January 17, 2021

"I'm about to have my 15th colonoscopy. I'm only 53 but due to cancer, I have one a year. I've tried every prep under the sun. The last colonoscopy was January of 2020. I used Dulcolax, Magnesium Citrate, and MiraLAX. Now I've learned from experience, I stop eating meats a week before the procedure. I only eat soft foods, and 2 days before, I switch to just liquids. I did great with the cleansing. The only problem I had was with the Magnesium Citrate, once I drank that bottle, I vomited for almost an hour. Not nice—it was coming out of both ends. I only drank half of the MiraLAX and was clean. I mixed mine with apple juice, I can't stand Gatorade. Wishing everyone luck with the cleansing!"

10 / 10
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109 Report
  • Ruf...
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • May 18, 2022

"I have a paralyzing fear of vomiting, which caused me to delay getting a colonoscopy for several years, even though I had suspected I had hemorrhoidal bleeding. My doctor prescribed MiraLAX with Dulcolax along with an anti-emetic (Zofran). I was so anxious I popped an Ativan before starting. I took (2) Dulcolax followed by 32 ounces of Gatorade mixed with 1/2 bottle of MiraLAX a couple of hours later. Early the next morning I drank the second 32-ounce bottle mixed with the remaining MiraLAX. I was instructed to take the Zofran 30 minutes prior to each dose. What a breeze! No bad taste, no nausea, no cramping. Just chills for a few minutes once things got going. I did not feel sick at all. I followed a low-residue diet for three days prior to my liquid-only day and had an excellent cleaning. I only wish I would have known about this option sooner. They discovered I had Stage 3 colorectal cancer. It took nearly a year of treatment, and I nearly lost my life. Please don’t delay."

10 / 10
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73 Report

Frequently asked questions

  • Ang...
  • September 4, 2020

"I used the MiraLAX in preparation for a colonoscopy. I'm 23 years old and a female. I was so scared that this was going to make me throw up as I have a severe fear of vomiting. This was a split dose mixed in with Gatorade, and it wasn't as bad as I thought it might be. No need to be anxious! I took my first dose at 5:30 pm and was on the toilet at 7:30 pm. No vomiting, just a lot out of the other end. Be prepared to run to the bathroom multiple times and have good soft toilet paper on hand. Other than that, this was a good experience for prep!"

10 / 10
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92 Report
  • not...
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • June 29, 2021

"Was prescribed Miralax & Dulcolax combination for colonoscopy prep. I was in tears, hyperventilating from the horror story reviews in this forum. I came here to say: IT IS NOT THAT BAD. I’m 23 years old and (still) have a horrible fear of vomiting. I was petrified to take the doses prescribed because of some of these reviews. I forced myself to do it for the sake of getting this thing over with. Took 4 Dulcolax at 4 pm along with an anti-nausea medicine, followed by the Miralax solution starting at 5 pm. A couple of normal bowel movements within the first hour, then water-like bowel movements every 20-30 mins until about 11 pm/midnight. No pain, no vomiting, no nausea. Just diarrhea as intended. You’ll be a little chilly but NOTHING unbearable. You got it."

9 / 10
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71 Report

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  • Dia...
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • April 28, 2021

"I've used MiraLAX in the past for occasional constipation, and it works well. For a recent colonoscopy, I had a problem with unusual constipation, so the doctor wanted me to do extra prep, so he had me drink seven glasses of MiraLAX the morning before the procedure. Later in the early evening, I had to start the regular foul-tasting prep drink. I can barely get that stuff down. MiraLAX has no taste. I was able to mix it with plain water and drink it with no problem. It's the easiest colonoscopy prep there is. The next time I have a colonoscopy, I'm going to insist that MiraLAX (along with Dulcolax tablets) is the only prep I have to drink."

10 / 10
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48 Report
  • Aan...
  • March 1, 2019

"Prep: From 5 PM until 7 PM, it went down fine with the Gatorade. Around 7 PM, I was doing a lot of tooting. At 7:30 PM, I started with three bouts of semi-solid stools. At 8 PM, I had a few room-cleaning toots and felt like I was going to throw up from all that liquid I had to drink alongside the prep (I ate Jell-O and drank a lot of clear broth to keep my strength up.) I completed the prep mixture as instructed. Then, nothing but watery, murky sludge from 8:30 PM until 4 AM in 15-minute spurts. Your butt will start firing off some lava sludge after the first few bouts. It is a normal part of the prep, and it causes a definite rash where your external sphincter is. I slept from 4 AM until 9 AM and did one more sludge bout, but the sludge was more yellow, and only a few flecks were visible. I felt like I was going to go again on the ride up, but no more sludge happened when I went to use the bathroom before my procedure. The doctor was satisfied with how clean my colon was for the procedure."

8 / 10
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55 Report

More FAQ

  • Not...
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • November 19, 2019

"I used this MiraLAX prep last week along with Dulcolax, and I will NEVER use it again. After the third dose, I still had not had a bowel movement. Then, all at once, I broke out into a profuse cold sweat and felt as though I would pass out. I headed for the bedroom to lay down, and after about 3 minutes, a wave of nausea hit and I barely made it back to the bathroom before projectile vomit occurred. This was my 3rd colonoscopy/endoscopy, and NEVER AGAIN WILL I USE THIS PREP. After I vomited the poison from my system, I felt better and continued with the process. I was able to have the procedure, but I told my doctor what happened, and he said from now on he would use MoviPrep or Suprep."

2 / 10
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47 Report
  • Amy...
  • November 29, 2018

"I drank the MiraLAX in 64 oz Gatorade for colonoscopy. No other laxative used. Drank the entire prep between 7 PM and 11:30 PM. Nothing happened until 12:30 AM. Was up the entire night on the toilet until my colonoscopy at 6:30 AM, including at the doctor's office. However, my prep was super clean, and I don’t need another for 10 years, so it was worth staying up all night for. I recommend - it wasn't that hard to drink, no cramping or pain, just a bloating feeling. Tasted fine."

10 / 10
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52 Report
  • Dee...
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • April 28, 2022

"This is my 3rd colonoscopy in 2 years. Here are my experiences: 1st one - I used Suprep liquid and thought I was going to die. The taste was rough, but the chills, cramping, and the inability to move 2 feet from the toilet for hours almost did me in. It took days to recover. 2nd - I tried Suprep pills. They were SUPER expensive but easier to get down. Still had major chills, nausea, and cramps, and the result was much the same. The pills seemed to take longer to work, and I was worried that it would not finish in time. 3rd - the MiraLAX prep was the best! Gatorade made the flavor tolerable. I was able to drink it with no problem. I kept waiting for the drama, but it never came. I did the suggested soft foods the week before and included the 2 Dulcolax tabs at the beginning and 2 in the middle. The bathroom time was as expected, but no cramping or chills. Zero issues, procedure was flawless, and I feel great."

10 / 10
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29 Report
  • lil...
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • November 8, 2022

"I wonder if people recounting stories with vomiting and terrible cramping are also using the MiraLAX prep with Dulcolax, which can be known to cause these issues. I've been prescribed MiraLAX ONLY prep (no Dulcolax or other laxatives) now twice: once for a colonoscopy, once for abdominal surgery. Both times it is the easiest prep I have ever done, as someone who has had 3 colonoscopies prior and had to take other prep. I, like many of you, am in my 20s and still have an intense fear of vomiting. There is absolutely no nausea for me taking the MiraLAX-only prep. 14 caps in 64 oz, so a LOT of liquid, which helps as it draws water to the bowel and cleans you out. I was never advised to do split prep, so all in under two hrs. When mixed with Gatorade, pretty easy to get down, not the best tasting but a breeze in comparison to other colonoscopy preps I’ve had to do. No cramping or pain, the only discomfort I feel is the bloating and fullness from the amount of liquid consumed!"

10 / 10
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21 Report
  • Anonymous
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • December 19, 2022

"I just had my first colonoscopy, and I, like many others, was terrified of the prep. I was prescribed a split dose, which involved 2 Ducolax tablets an hour before drinking 32 ounces of prep the night before the procedure and 32 ounces 6 hours before my procedure. I am here to tell all of you that may be worried, it was a BREEZE! I started my low-fiber diet 6 days prior to my prep and followed the instructions given to me by my doctor exactly, which included taking a cap full of MiraLAX before bed 3 days prior to my prep. I took 2 Ducolax 2 hours before I started my prep and 1 Zofran (for nausea) and 1 Gas-X (for bloating) an hour before I started drinking the MiraLAX solution and was done cleaning out in less than 2 hours. For the second round, I did exactly the same thing and sailed right through. I am here to tell you not to be afraid. Go get your colonoscopy - it could save your life."

10 / 10
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20 Report
  • Sta...
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • April 5, 2023

"Rare side effect (high blood pressure spike) encountered: My doctor recommended that I use MiraLAX to prep for my colonoscopy. The instructions were to take 8.3 oz (roughly 15 doses) the day before and then another 4 doses four hours before the procedure. Everything went as expected until I got to the appointment, and as they were getting me checked in and ready for the procedure, discovered I had dangerously high blood pressure (i.e., over 200/100). I wasn’t nervous about the procedure and had just had my BP checked a week earlier, and it was around 150/80, still not the best, but nowhere near where it was after my prep. The only thing that had changed between the lower reading and the higher one was the colon prep with MiraLAX. WebMD lists it as a rare side effect, so likely it happened to be one of the rare cases. I wanted to share in case anyone else runs into this and can’t figure out why their BP went sky-high after using a high dosage of MiraLAX."

1 / 10
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18 Report
  • The...
  • Taken for 10 years or more
  • September 16, 2020

"I have always used MiraLAX, plain with water, I just drink and get it over with. The Dulcolax tabs work too, so I don't ever have problems, but the magnesium citrate 6 hours before the procedure, for me, is the worst. That 10 ounces of bitter saltwater taste takes forever to finish - I'm already clean and still have to drink it. I tried MoviPrep, and the pain, stomach cramps were awful. But with colon cancer years ago, I'm grateful each time the colonoscopy is fine, and a little night of MiraLAX is nothing."

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33 Report
  • Mar...
  • June 8, 2023

"I am 74 years old, and today was my 5th routine colonoscopy. MiraLAX was the easiest prep that I have ever consumed. I mixed it with Crystal Light, and it was just like drinking lemonade. There was no additional taste, flavor, or consistency to the Crystal Light. I had no nausea, gas, cramps, or any side effects. My doctor said my colon was clean and easy for him to see inside. The only negative is you must consume 32 ounces at 2 different times. I found drinking through a straw helped me drain it quicker than drinking from a glass. I have never tried the pills. I did not want to consume 32 large pills. Compared to Suprep and other liquids I have had, MiraLAX was hands down the best liquid prep for me."

10 / 10
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16 Report
  • Eas...
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • November 20, 2021

"I used this for my first colonoscopy prep this past week. I was so happy with the experience after hearing horror stories. I followed a low-residue diet for four days, then a clear liquid day. Mixing the Miralax in Gatorade was tasteless and very easy to drink. I was able to do a split prep, so even the volume I had to drink was tolerable. I had no cramping, no pain, no nausea. My doctor rated my prep as “excellent.” Would highly recommend this prep approach."

10 / 10
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25 Report
  • Ano...
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • June 25, 2020

"I tried the MiraLAX colonoscopy prep about 3 weeks ago because I didn't want to have to drink the traditional prep, and it sounded less awful. BIG mistake. I did exactly as I was supposed to, liquid diet, etc., and this made me so sick, I was up with diarrhea and vomiting all night. Not only that, my 8:30 AM colonoscopy had to be canceled because I was nowhere near clear, even though I had taken all of it per instructions. It has taken me 3 weeks for my bowels to become normal again, and I'm getting ready to do a 'make-up' colonoscopy using the traditional yucky drink. At least the yuck will work. MiraLAX as an occasional laxative is fine, but never for colonoscopy prep, at least not for me."

3 / 10
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30 Report
  • Anonymous
  • November 2, 2011

"With my family history of colon cancer and my bout with colon cancer, I've been getting a colonoscopy every 3 years. This past April, I was told to use MiraLAX. It was the first time my prep was not sufficient to proceed with the procedure, even though I followed the instructions exactly."

1 / 10
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65 Report
  • myD...
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • April 23, 2023

"Used the whole box under the doctor's supervision for bowel preparation. The GFR (glomerular filtration rate) of my kidney function was 32 before use. Three days later, the GFR was 9. Have now been on kidney dialysis for over six months."

1 / 10
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15 Report
  • ano...
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • September 9, 2022

"First colonoscopy for me, and I was really sweating this prep. I decided against the pills and chose the MiraLAX/Dulcolax prep. Did tons of research. For 5 days prior to the 1-day liquid diet, I went on a low-residue diet and started drinking coconut water and Body Armor (not Gatorade). I'm certain this helped! Took the Dulcolax, and although not prescribed, I also took a Dramamine and a Gas-X. I did the split dose and started drinking the first 32 oz. mixture the night before (with Body Armor, on ice with a straw, 8 oz. every 15-20 mins.), and also drank chicken bone broth and coconut water in between. A little over an hour later, the games began. 4-1/2 hrs. later, I felt like I could relax. Slept like a baby. I had no cramping and only slight discomfort. Next morning, same. You will want to stay close to the bathroom! You won't be able to hold it. Doc said clean as a whistle, so I will definitely do this prep again."

9 / 10
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17 Report
  • Dr ...
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • July 10, 2019

"This is the second time I took MiraLAX and had an allergic reaction to it. I was on steroids before my last colonoscopy, so it did not bother me. The last time I took MiraLAX, the doctor could barely see, almost like a poop storm without wipers. Not good prep for me. So I have to reschedule to get another polyp out. And don't ever use the word constipation, or they will place you on a 3-day no food regimen. Then Draino."

3 / 10
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31 Report
  • Bet...
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • November 10, 2022

"I came on here to read reviews because I wanted to know what other people's experience was with this colonoscopy prep. I got so scared by reading some of these reviews that I built up a crazy amount of anxiety about my entire procedure. Obviously, everyone will have their own experience. A colonoscopy prep is designed to make you poop a lot. I had ZERO bad side effects. In fact, this prep was a pretty gentle one. Yes, I did have a sore butt, but that comes with any colonoscopy prep. Don't let the negative reviews scare you. I took 4 Dulcolax and then drank the MiraLAX mixed in Gatorade. I did 8 oz every 15 min until I finished the entire mixture the evening before. In the morning, I only had to drink 32 oz. I mixed that in water. It did have a very slight taste in water, but it wasn't bad. I did prefer it in Gatorade, but it was a lot of Gatorade to drink the night before. Anyway, all went very well. No bad side effects. I was a little cold, but seriously nothing unbearable AT ALL! Good prep."

10 / 10
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16 Report
  • Joe...
  • October 3, 2020

"I am a 190 lb man and took the MiraLAX/Gatorade bowel prep (Dulcolax and Gas-X, then 8 oz MiraLAX in 64 oz Gatorade, drink for 2 hours) starting at 6:00 AM following a day of liquid diet. By 9:00 AM, I had one normal bowel movement and one loose movement. I drank more water, felt bloated and nauseous, but by 10:45, I had no more bowel movements. I used a Fleet enema and stopped drinking because I was not allowed to drink any more 3 hours before my 1:00 PM colonoscopy. My colonoscopy was aborted midway due to inadequate prep. It is now 4 days later, and I still have diarrhea. I do not recommend this for a bowel prep."

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21 Report
  • asp...
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • December 31, 2013

"My son's gastroenterologist prescribed MiraLAX for him, stating that it would help with the discomfort caused by his extreme gasiness caused by his Asperger's syndrome. It, however, about a half hour after taking it, caused him to have severe gas pains, and he 'tooted' about 60 times before his belly felt better."

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40 Report
  • JJa...
  • January 7, 2019

"Have had many colonoscopies due to colon cancer in the family. I had used MiraLAX before with no problem. This time, after 4 doses, I started vomiting and did not stop until the MiraLAX Gatorade mixture was mostly out of my system."

2 / 10
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23 Report

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