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Perflutren for Echocardiography User Reviews

Brand names: Definity, Optison, Definity RT

Perflutren has an average rating of 3.0 out of 10 from a total of 6 reviews for the treatment of Echocardiography. 17% of reviewers reported a positive experience, while 67% reported a negative experience.

Perflutren rating summary

3.0 average rating out of 10

6 ratings from 12 user reviews.

Compare all 4 medications used in the treatment of Echocardiography.


Reviews for Perflutren

  • Anonymous
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • August 14, 2022

Definity (perflutren) "I did not know that they used this until after the fact. But the test didn't last long because when I started on the treadmill, I didn't last too long. I started breathing very hard, which I have never done. I normally can run up five flights of stairs, no problem, and could probably go more if there were more to go up. Not this time, I was breathing so hard, I felt that my lungs might burst. I felt as if I couldn't get in enough air to blow out. And later that day, I had a very bad headache and was extremely tired. This was a one-time test that I didn't know they were going to use. I knew they were going to do the treadmill test and ultrasound, but not the IV. News to me."

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14 Report
  • Anonymous
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • November 3, 2022

Definity (perflutren) "I had an allergic reaction to Definity. I had immediate shooting pain in the back of my neck, my BP shot up quickly, and I broke out in huge welts all over my body. I was told no one ever has a reaction and had to argue with the nurse that I was experiencing an allergic reaction. I have had weird issues for the last three months after this reaction. Please be aware."

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13 Report
  • MMa...
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • November 1, 2022

Definity (perflutren) "I just want to share my experience because I wish I would have known the potential side effects from this medication before actually having the procedure. If I would have known, then I wouldn’t have panicked as much as I did. I went into the hospital for left arm pain. They decided I needed an echocardiogram with contrast. Everything was fine during the ultrasound until the medication started going in my IV. I started feeling lower back pain. I remember thinking I need to reposition myself because my back is starting to hurt. Within 15 seconds, my chest, arms, sides, back, and legs started hurting. I was in excruciating pain! I have never felt anything like this in my life. I began screaming in pain and scared, wondering what was happening and how long this was going to last. The nurse ran to call the doctor and immediately came in with morphine. It was a 10 out of 10 for sure! The pain finally decreased around 8-10 minutes later. It was awful!! I will never get this again."

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12 Report
  • Swe...
  • October 16, 2020

Definity (perflutren) "I had an echo treadmill test using Definity to see how the blood was going in and out of my heart chamber. I was on the treadmill 1 1/2 minutes, and I had horrible pain in my lower back. My pain level was at a 9. I asked that they stop the treadmill. My pain did not stop. I just kept walking around the room, and finally, after five plus minutes, my pain stopped. I never had pain like this in my back. It was terrible. This was the first time I had Definity. Never again. I must be allergic to it."

1 / 10
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18 Report
  • MKa...
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • May 31, 2017

Definity (perflutren) "They gave me this test in a hospital when they gave me the microbubbles, which is definitely a drug, and I went into a heart attack! My blood pressure went down, my heart rate went up. I was out for 7 hours and in the hospital for 6 days, yet it took only 30 seconds to do this to me. I did not know anything for 7 hours, but my hospital saved me, and I went home to my family. I will never be right - it damaged my heart. I was in A-Fib till December, till a great heart doctor stopped my heart and restarted it. I still have trouble with my heart racing, and there's nothing they can do about it. This happened on September 18, 2015, and in December of 2015, they restarted my heart. Still having trouble with my heart to this day. I hope this helps someone out there."

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  • 123...
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • December 22, 2022

Definity (perflutren) "Echocardiogram today, was told an IV for contrast study, but I was assured it was necessary, quick, safe, and it would quickly dissipate. I’ve never had a reaction, so no concerns other than hope it shows better details. I felt a surge of heat, my chest and throat felt constricted, face and scalp tingled. I couldn’t breathe, inhale, no air. I was burning. She immediately flushed the IV, I was bright red. Taken to ER, treated for an allergic reaction. I have no allergies, I wasn’t expecting a problem."

1 / 10
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10 Report
  • R R...
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • February 14, 2022

Definity (perflutren) "They did a test with the bubble study. Everything was alright during the test, but when I got up, I started coughing and wheezing. I couldn't take in a breath without coughing. My nose and throat were draining lots of mucus. I felt very anxious. They kept me for about 15 minutes, said that my reaction was a fluke, and sent me home. I got home and took 2 Benadryl. Things calmed down after about an hour. It seemed like an allergic reaction to me. I don't usually wheeze. I can't believe they sent me home!"

1 / 10
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12 Report
  • Bet...
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • June 17, 2023

Definity (perflutren) "I did not have pain, but after returning home, I had very bad intestinal gas and then diarrhea. My entire abdomen felt bloated and uncomfortable. Still diarrhea the next day, though the bloating has subsided. Minor compared to some reviews I’ve seen, but what bothers me is that I asked if there were any side effects, and the tech straight up told me there were NONE! Just be honest with people instead of giving the drug just because it makes imaging easier!"

4 / 10
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5 Report
  • KMC...
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • September 22, 2023

Definity (perflutren) "I've had this contrast for the 2nd time with my echo. I am 44 years old, female that has been in the healthcare field for about 20 years. Each medication may affect each individual differently, does the risk of medication outweigh the result? I felt in my case I needed the procedure done for my congenital heart defect, which will result in heart surgery. This time I needed more contrast than last, on the initial administering I immediately tasted a foul taste in my mouth. Secondly, a headache came on while lying during my echo. The sensitivity to light once leaving. Fever, my husband said he couldn't sleep next to me, I was burning up that night and the next morning. Mild cough, hoarseness, sore throat, and I have blisters on my tongue now. Good news, even though my test results are stable and it was a difficult test and this too will pass. Just wanted to share my experience to help others know the side effects that occurred this go-round for me."

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2 Report
  • Ric...
  • March 21, 2023

"My issues weren't as bad as some of the others but just as I was finishing up my echocardiogram, I could feel my intestines just twisting up with gas. It lasted several hours. Not a pleasant experience. If I ever have to do this again, it will be without this stuff."

1 / 10
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  • Anonymous
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • June 24, 2023

"Had stress test June 22, 2023. Difficulty breathing when lipids were injected during echocardiogram. My chest felt constricted and I couldn't draw in a breath so I told the nurse and they stopped the iV. My face and neck were burning. Lasted less than one minute. I think they did one more round and I didn't have the same reaction the second time."

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  • Fin...
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • June 27, 2023

Definity (perflutren) "No issues at all. Aided clarity in ultrasound of my heart."

10 / 10
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