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OxyContin for Pain User Reviews (Page 5)

OxyContin has an average rating of 8.8 out of 10 from a total of 184 reviews for the treatment of Pain. 86% of reviewers reported a positive experience, while 4% reported a negative experience.

Reviews for OxyContin

  • roxgirl
  • August 30, 2010

"I have Neuropathy in all 4 limbs. I have been on so many pain pills and the only relief I get is from the oxycodone 30mgs - 4 X a day and Oxycontin 40mgs twice a day. If not for Oxycontin. I would not be able to function at all. I couldn't get out of bed. The break-through pain is controlled with the oxycodones. If not for both of these medications I wouldn't have a life. As long as you are not abusing them you are fine. I have a Doctor who helps me and knows how much pain I am in and cannot function without them. "

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  • Anonymous
  • December 20, 2009

"I have severe chronic neck pain due to permanent spinal cord nerve damage. I was given 20mgs twice a day and it didn't give me enough pain relief. The doctor has increased the dose to 20mgs three times a day and the side effects are too much to handle. My brain is foggy, I'm more anxious, dizzy, very lightheaded, I have a nagging headache that will not go away and I have an all around ill feeling. I like the idea of a pain medicine that is timed release and spreads out over time but, this mediciation is not right for me. I can't wait to get off of the oxycontin."

4 / 10
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  • Fibro...
  • January 7, 2009

"I have been on OxyContin for 6 years now. I take 20 mg 2x a day along with a couple of other medicines. Before OxyContin, I was on 14 or more prescriptions that didn't work. I was ready to give up. Now, my pain from fibromyalgia and chronic fatigue along with several surgeries is tolerable. Every now and then I forget to take my OxyContin in the morning, and my body reminds me what life would be like without it. I don't know what I would do if it was ever pulled from the market."

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Frequently asked questions

  • papwa...
  • September 26, 2011

"Chronic Pancreatitis and Post-op pain management for Laparoscopic Pancreatic Gluconoma NE tumor Excision. With oxycodone 20mg/ 12 hours. Take exactly as directed and it works great. Able to work and play. Very rarely need 5 mg Oxycodone immediate release. Shame there is increasing stigma from abusers."

10 / 10
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  • The_P...
  • October 12, 2011

"I was prescribed this medication following a motorcycle accident (R. leg broken 4 places/L. wrist fractures both sides of joint/Broken pelvis/fractured vertebrae). I currently take 70 mg twice a day, and it helped with the pain. At 80 mg, I found everything a bit distant. So, I end up taking the 70 mg twice a day, and wow, how it helps is great. Whilst I am still in pain, I can function these days. I go to work full time (computer operator). Good medication, well worth taking."

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Are you taking this medicine?

  • Anonymous
  • January 13, 2011


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  • Anonymous
  • July 16, 2009

"As a pharmacy technician, the advice in this column recommends that unused portions of the drug should be flushed in the toilet. This is an incorrect myth. Drugs flushed in the toilet can contaminate our resources and water supply. Any drugs not used should be turned into a pharmacy so proper disposal can be taken care of. *** Editor's Note - Only about a dozen drugs, such as powerful narcotic pain relievers and other controlled substances, carry instructions for flushing to reduce the danger of unintentional use or overdose and illegal abuse. The FDA worked with the White House Office of National Drug Control Policy (ONDCP) to develop the first consumer guidance for proper disposal of prescription drugs. See"

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More FAQ

  • fallb...
  • March 12, 2009

"This is a wonderful drug. Blue Cross will cover other pain drugs but this is the only one that works for me, and I have tried them all. I take x3 80mg pills 3 times a day, with up to 8, 30mg Morphine IR, and 8 Norco 10/325. Yes this is a lot of medication but it works. My doctor knows that I, a 26 year old male, 230 lbs. needs this amount, I have no side effects other than having a hard time sleeping. MS Contin is good too, but Oxycontin is what works best for me."

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  • Origi...
  • October 6, 2010

"I was very skeptical about this medicine at first. But when I started on it I realized of all the medicines I've tried none worked Like this. My life was destroyed when I a traumatic injury ruined my life. Suicide, depression, whole 9 yards. I tried everything first to no avail. I decided to go the medication route. "

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  • OPs...
  • January 2, 2011

"I have a major complaint about the changing of the OC's to the OP's. I have been taking the 80mg OC's for the last 2 years for my Neuropathy from my diabetes and it seems to have been the only thing that works for the pains that I have. Now after the change of them to the OP's I have been taking them now for today being the third day and they don't do much for my pain. On top of that they make my whole body itch very bad and today discovering that I'm now passing blood in my urine. Have never done that in my life of 48 years. So what do I to do now? I understand why the changes were made with the formulation, but what about the people who use it the right way and who really need it? We are the one's who are suffering because of people who abuse it."

4 / 10
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  • Rocker
  • February 14, 2009

"Took this for intractable migraine headaches. It worked wonders. I was able to go out in the world, go to movies, go with friends, go to restaurants, etc., until the doctor pulled it and started me on continuous Toradol, which never cut the pain. This medication was a wonder drug."

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  • Anonymous
  • June 1, 2009

"The doctors have no idea what is wrong with me and we had been through nearly every strong pain killer that is possible to take when you are pregnant. I am on 80mg Oxycontin a day and find that I get short term pain relief of probably 3 hours of every 12 hours. So I guess it's back to the drawing board for me, because my mum is getting sick of pushing me around in a wheel chair. Oh yeah, I also started having funny things happen to me at night. Like talking to myself even though I was awake. And I would wake up and I would be laying in bed pretending to brush my teeth or brush my daughters hair, or spreading a piece of toast. Very strange."

6 / 10
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  • L5exp...
  • December 8, 2008

"I completely blew out L5 and crushed some nerves while I was active, and after going to my PCM (primary care manager) for almost a year and only receiving Lortab 10/500 the whole time, I was finally referred to a pain management specialist. He put me on OxyContin 20 mg ER and Fentora 200 mcg for breakthrough pain. Although the OxyContin was the least potent medication I was on, it seemed to work much better than the rest. Now I've since been discharged and have a new doctor, who is now giving me 40 mg OxyContin and Percocet 10/325 for breakthrough pain. The 40 mg are working much better and I don't have to deal with the addictive fentanyl. OxyContin has given me a quality of life that I had almost forgotten about."

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  • zoe
  • February 19, 2011

"I have used the OC for 11 years. During that time I have only decreased my dosage. Now, the OP formula simply doesn't work. I take 2-3X the breakthrough pain medicines, I have added ibuprofen and naproxen to my regimen. I am going to have to increase my OP dosage on my next visit because it simply doesn't work. Thia new formula is ineffective. I'm going to discuss switching to a different medication, but the OC used to work so well. I was able to go canoeing and walking in the woods. Now I'm back to missing work."

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  • VaGent
  • June 5, 2009

"I have had many years with pain. A combination of 3 drugs is a God send. I take 50 mg Oxycontin twice a day, 500 mg of Ketoprofen twice a day and 100 mg Tramadol twice a day. This rather strange combination has worked for me for 10 years without any problems or without having to increase the medication."

7 / 10
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  • goomba
  • January 18, 2009

"I'm now 35 years old and I have been on Oxycontin 80mg 3 per day for about 10 years now, plus breakthrough pain medication. I found it very helpful until my body gradually developed tolerance to the medicine. I inquired about going to our local methadone clinic. I took a chance and tried methadone instead. Methadone took away all the pain that the oxycodone did but there wasn't any euphoric feeling. That is what caused problems with my family and the law. Well now I function and I have pain relief, and everyone is happy. "

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  • cindy...
  • October 6, 2010

"I was just put on oxycontin yesterday 10 mgs twice a day with norco for break through pain. I was on oxycodone 5mgs 4 times a day. The only thing I don't like is the headache I got this morning and dry mouth, but I will stay with it, because it works."

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  • Anonymous
  • April 22, 2011

"I've been in severe pain for about 8 years and I'm only in my early 30's. Have been told by too many doctors that I have fibromyalgia but cannot function on Lyrica. Been on Oxycontin 60mg twice a day for almost 3 years now. I was able to work and take care of my child. But lost insurance and can't pay the for Oxycontin. So I haven't been able to work. "

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  • Anonymous
  • November 7, 2011

"I have been diagnosed with Lumbar Spondylosis, Lumbar Canal Stenosis and Lumbar Radiculopathy. Oxycontin helps to keep my back pain down so I can walk. I had surgery on 11-15-2010 and they put two rods in my back but the pain is still there."

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  • Exfla
  • February 23, 2011

"I was on every pain medicine imaginable and even Oxycontin for a few years. At first I thought it was the 'wonder medicine' people talk about. After a while though, it caused me more problems than it was worth. The strange thing was, if I took the normal (prescribed) dose, I would actually feel like I had more pain than if I didn't take it at all, so I was always trying to take more because if I didn't take it I had withdrawals. Then I was always caught trying to take more to avoid the pain or the withdraw. I finally got away from that and started taking methadone. A very small dose of methadone does fine with absolutely no side affects, no withdrawals if I don't need it that day, and no chasing the pain away."

3 / 10
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  • January 29, 2011

"I take 80mg 3 times a day. Before taking this medicine I spent almost two years in a bed due to the pain levels I would reach when standing or walking on my foot. After my doctor switched me to Oxycontin for long term use my whole life changed. I now have been taking this medicine for over 10 years and I don't know how I could have survived without it. "

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  • kadod...
  • May 8, 2011

"I'm 66 yrs and have had back pain for 46 yrs. My doctor had me on Percodan for about 15 yrs then he switched me over to Oxycontin when the Percodan didn't help. I'm on 10mg twice a day. I have Degenerative disk disease from L1 to L5 plus a fractured tail bone (from a fall). My doctor does not want me on them but I cannot function with the pain. Doctor is so scared that I will die if I take too many even though I would never abuse them. I have tried acupuncture, cortisone shots and most of anything that would ease the pain but Oxycontin does the job. BUT they take a long time to kick in."

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  • Nurse...
  • February 14, 2011

"I have had RSD for 20 years and was well controlled on 30mg Percocet and 30mg Methadone a day. The pain doctor wanted a change and now I am on the new Oxycontin 20mg twice a day. I took my 20mg at 7 am. It is now 8 hours later and I am at a level 7 pain. From the last few days experience when I take 20mg at 7pm, it will last until midnight then I will be at a level 8 or 9 pain. I have not slept in 3 days. I was well controlled! Why couldn't she leave it alone? "

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  • kleen...
  • September 16, 2010

"I have worked the coal mines all my life. About 5 years ago, I was in a major mine accident. After 7 orthopedic surgeries, I realized I was going to have to live with this horrible pain. It was so bad that the thought of suicide lingered in my mind so often it became my only thought. That was until I went and saw my family doctor. He started me on Vicodin, then Percocet and a list of others. I didn't have much luck with all those other medicines. Finally, he put me on Oxycontin. What a difference it made in my mental health and my physical well being. Now I take the 80 mg three times a day and I can finally live again. I still get horrible breakthrough pain at times but even with that, my life is so much better."

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  • anony...
  • March 4, 2011

"I've been prescribed them for years and they've done nothing but make my life livable, the time I can enjoy with my kids now that I'm not in constant pain, but the OP's? I got really bloated from them, the pain is the same as it would be after taking two Lortab tens. When and how can I find a pharmacy that has the OC that saved my life, my job, me existence because I'm falling apart with the allergic reactions from the new OP's like I'm allergic. "

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Reviews may be edited to correct grammar/spelling or to remove inappropriate language and content. Reviews that appear to be created by parties with a vested interest are not published. This information is not intended to endorse any particular medication. While these reviews may be helpful, they are not a substitute for the expertise, knowledge, and judgement of healthcare professionals.