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OxyContin for Pain User Reviews (Page 2)

OxyContin has an average rating of 8.8 out of 10 from a total of 184 reviews for the treatment of Pain. 86% of reviewers reported a positive experience, while 4% reported a negative experience.

Reviews for OxyContin

  • Agathi
  • Taken for 2 to 5 years
  • December 13, 2022

"I was diagnosed with stage 4 breast cancer less than a month after my 35th birthday. I was stage 1 at age 33, and after surgery I was cancer free until it came back in my breast again, but this time in my lymph nodes as well as my bones. Breast cancer in the bones (both of my hips, my sacrum and the t6 vertebrae of my spine) is an indescribable type of pain. I am 3 years and 4 months into this stage 4 cancer stuff and am so grateful that this medication is available to me. OxyContin has a bad reputation, I know, but for people like me who are living with terminal cancer, it is a miracle. Without this medicine, I would be in so much pain I doubt I would want to keep living. OxyContin helps my quality of life which is the most important thing when living with terminal cancer."

10 / 10
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21 Report
  • ROCKB...
  • September 18, 2008

"I have been in severe pain for 25 years. I have tried just about everything for a back injury and my doctor finally put me on 20mg OxyContin twice a day and Hydrocodone 10/650 every 8 hours for breakthrough pain. I've finally got my life and my family back. God bless the makers of OxyContin."

10 / 10
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108 Report
  • Green...
  • Taken for 2 to 5 years
  • June 30, 2012

"I've been on the 60mg twice a day for over 2 years now with Roxicodone 30mg every six hours for breakthrough pain, works better for me than Avinza. High dose Norco, and even the Fentanyl Patches 25mcg-75mcg. It has given my life back. I do recommend you talk to your doctor and get on this medicine. The old version that had OC and 60 was a lot better than the newer OP/60, but eventually your body gets used to it. Just be careful take it as directed. The only side effect is constipation, but otherwise a God-Send!"

10 / 10
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79 Report

Frequently asked questions

  • kawa-...
  • Taken for 5 to 10 years
  • July 11, 2012

"OxyContin gave me my life back. I have taken literally every pain medicine combination known to man. This medicine is the one that has given me my ability to walk again without pain. My case was a very bad coal mining accident back in 2006. I have had five knee and leg surgeries, both shoulders reconstructed and my hips operated on three times. So I lived a very miserable life until I was put on this medicine by my family doctor. All the doctors at the pain clinic I was going to had me on medicines like Opana or Fentanyl and lots more."

10 / 10
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75 Report
  • Mike_...
  • June 17, 2008

"I've been taking OxyContin now for about two years. I've been through just about everything else you can think of due to the 5 ruptured discs I have. Pain blocker, nerve deadening, etc., and even physical therapy but I haven't found anything as useful as OxyContin. It's been relatively side effect-free for me, and I can function pretty well day-to-day because of it."

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Are you taking this medicine?

  • HARLE...
  • November 2, 2011

"Life is livable again. I have had no side effects. I stay very aware of the possibility for abuse so am very careful. I count my pills throughout the month and have to give a urine sample every couple months at the pain clinic. I have been on the same dose, 60 mg every 12 hours for approximately 5 years. I cannot go back to life before I was placed on this medicine. There has been and always will be people who will abuse pain medicines and I can understand why doctors are so afraid to prescribe them, but someone has to stand up and treat people like myself so we can get out of bed and face the day."

10 / 10
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77 Report
  • Anonymous
  • June 2, 2009

"I too believe that this is a great drug. OxyContin has given me my life back. There is no way I would be able to work without taking it daily 60 mg x2 daily. I hate hearing how bad this is for you. I don't want anyone to know I take it because people think you are an addict."

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More FAQ

  • Orego...
  • Taken for 1 to 6 months
  • November 18, 2015

"I was in a near-fatal car accident when I was 18. I was on morphine for 6 months. After 30 years, it is catching up to me. I am in some pain now most of the time. With oxycodone, I am able to make it through the day and work. Caution during use, if used for over 90 days, dependency could occur easily. Please be aware of this."

9 / 10
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53 Report
  • Anonymous
  • September 25, 2008

"I have been on OxyContin for about eight years now, and I rate it as life-saving. I can assure you that with four spinal surgeries and a failed hip replacement, no other drug, including morphine, has given me back the quality of life that OxyContin has."

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77 Report
  • Anonymous
  • Taken for 2 to 5 years
  • May 29, 2012

"I have fibromyalgia, and I'm 31. I'm on disability now because the job I had for 10 years said I couldn't work there because I take 2 x 10 mg a day of OxyContin. At least now I can live a life, play with my kids, wash my car, etc. Before, all I did was suffer at work, and my work performance was so poor they even tried to fire me or get me to resign."

8 / 10
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62 Report
  • llawen
  • October 26, 2010

"Five years ago, I was close to suicidal with pain and found a superb pain management doctor at the Beth Israel Pain & Palliative Care Unit in NYC. I HIGHLY recommend them. Recently, I began to feel pain again of the acute variety (I am always in some chronic pain). I said to my husband, 'It is as if this drug is not working at all.' I went today for my regular two-month check-up and told my doctor. He nodded and told me that many of his patients no longer get relief with OxyContin as the new formula (meant to keep abusers from crushing it) does not work well in ER form. I had not had to use more than the same dose for five years and was in relative comfort, given my disability, and now I have to try a higher dosage or change medication."

3 / 10
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66 Report
  • Anonymous
  • October 11, 2010

"Well, I have been taking OxyContin 40 mg for 5 years now, and it has changed my life until a couple of weeks ago. Now, they don't work nearly as well as they did. They put a time release all the way through the pill, and it doesn't take the pain completely away now. I hope they change back because this has affected my life a lot!"

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66 Report
  • Jake
  • May 22, 2008

"I have scoliosis that causes severe pain. My spine is S-shaped. It's a pretty severe curve. Anyway, I've been to a number of doctors. Finally, I got a PM doc that prescribed a number of pain meds that did not work. I almost gave up until he prescribed OxyContin. What a relief! Now we have to adjust the dosage a bit, but finally got it perfect. I take 4 40mg pills a day and been on that same dose for about a year, and it is still working great. I am not building a tolerance to it at all."

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73 Report
  • buzzard
  • August 20, 2012

"I have had 13 back surgeries since 1997 after a car accident. I also have a spinal stimulator in me. I take 20 mg OxyContin four times a day and 10/325 Percocet five times a day. My pain stays about the same, some days I can't walk."

8 / 10
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57 Report
  • Hez
  • October 21, 2010

"I have been on OxyContin for 8 years now. I have many problems, and I am disabled. They've tried me on several medicines before this, and nothing worked. I am so sensitive and allergic to a lot of medicines. But then they started me on OxyContin, and it has worked for me up until last month when they changed them. They are not as effective as they once were, and now I am suffering because of it."

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63 Report
  • Duddits
  • May 9, 2009

"I started taking OxyContin over 3 years ago for chronic pain in my back, left leg, and foot. I have peripheral neuropathy, reflex sympathetic dystrophy, sciatic nerve injury, drop foot, and I have been told I have pinched nerves. All I know is that I have pain. I started taking 40 mg 3 times a day, then 80 mg twice a day, and now my doctor has me on morphine sulfate 100 mg 3 times a day. He said to do this I won't need to continue raising the dose of the OxyContin. The morphine sulfate has not helped as much as the OxyContin."

7 / 10
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63 Report
  • RSayl...
  • November 8, 2009

"As a medical doctor with a practice specializing in the management of acute and chronic pain, I find, from experience, that this medicine has sufficient pain-relieving attributes, but in return comes with a high risk of dependency."

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62 Report
  • mount...
  • January 13, 2010

"I am a 47-year-old male who has taken this drug for 10 years (300 mg per day, every day). Yes, it will ease pain, but normally after 2 to 3 years you have to increase it. I was medically dependent within months. In late fall '09, the medicines just lost their effect by at least 50%. So I was faced with a 50% increase in medicines. I said NO! So I tried a medical detox place to start. After 90 hours there, they said, 'You have done great, we are sending you home.' I was so proud till 4 a.m. the next day. I threw up 90 times in the next 60 hours. I lost 34 lbs. in 8 days and had severe withdrawal symptoms for 2 more weeks. It has been 30 days since I started this, and I will never put that poison in my body."

5 / 10
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60 Report
  • toots
  • July 24, 2009

"I have been on OxyContin for over a year now, and it has helped me tremendously. Although I only take 30 mg XR three times a day and IR for breakthrough pain three times a day, I am not in pain most of the day. I awake in the morning feeling crappy, but take an IR, and within half an hour, I am fine. I do not feel 'high', I can function normally and even care for three grandchildren I am now raising. So, without this medication, I'd be on short-term pain medicines that do nothing but make you sleep. I was on Roxicodone for a year as well, and they took me off at my request because I needed pain medicines for the long term. I thank whoever is responsible for finding this medication for us, who depend on it, to let us lead normal (best of our ability) lives."

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61 Report
  • Anonymous
  • September 4, 2009

"I was taking OxyContin after 2 shoulder surgeries. Then I was in a bad auto accident. Even upping me to 80 mg 2 x daily wasn't enough. My doctor suggested OxyFast for breakthrough pain, so I tried it. This was the only combination that took away all my pain, so I could work and care for my family. At 29 yrs old, I thought my life was over, but these 2 medications gave me my life back!"

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59 Report
  • Anonymous
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • July 16, 2012

"I'm a little skeptical because I actually withdrew a little from MS-Contin (morphine) when I switched to OxyContin. So far, it is working, but I hear morphine is the more potent of the two. MS-Contin stopped working after 3 or 4 months. So, 5 days into this OxyContin, it seems to be helping. I'm staying hopeful."

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  • 1bazgam
  • January 11, 2010

"After a series of operations on my lower back, the nerve scarring caused chronic pain. After being prescribed one pain medication after another, I was finally referred to a pain specialist. In 2000, I was put onto OxyContin at 30 mg twice a day. After less than 3 months, I suffered very bad withdrawal symptoms after missing the morning dose. The pain during those hours seemed to increase tenfold. By 2003, the dose had increased to 60 mg three times a day. I have now been taking OxyContin for 9 years. I still have breakthrough pain that keeps me from most activities, and my heart and lungs have been affected. I would like to stop taking the medication but have bad withdrawals."

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57 Report
  • ohiop...
  • September 10, 2008

"In 2000, I had 4 surgeries to repair an anal fistula. The surgeries were successful in that they did repair the fistula, but they also left me in severe chronic pain. Pain in the rectum area is very difficult to treat. I've been to numerous doctors in Columbus, where I live, and only 2 were willing to prescribe OxyContin. When I was taking the OxyContin, the pain was much better and I could actually sit down at a desk and do a job. Then the last doctor took me off because I'd been taking them for so long, and now I can't find a doctor to prescribe them again. Consequently, I'm back to suffering with terrible pain because doctors are afraid to prescribe OxyContin in Ohio unless the patient has cancer, which I don't."

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60 Report
  • Anonymous
  • November 16, 2011

"I have been on this medicine for about 11 to 12 years and found it to be the most effective and most tolerable for me. I have had to have my dosage raised over the 12-year period and take 210 mg over a 24 hr period, which is quite high. I don't believe I will have it raised from this level though because eventually the higher dose won't work either, so I have decided that I will just have to live with some degree of pain and limit what I'm able to do. I also feel it causes erectile dysfunction and have talked to many others who say the same thing. I believe it affects many more than the 1% they claim with erectile dysfunction. Probably closer to 98% in reality."

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50 Report
  • Mikey
  • Taken for 5 to 10 years
  • March 5, 2018

"Using 20 mg OxyContin x 3 tabs a day, it's very good for pain, as good as morphine, I believe. At first, I felt sick and puked repeatedly, after 4 days, nausea settled down. I've been on the same dose for 5 years. The way I did it is to expect and live with some pain, if breakthrough occurs, then lie down, deal with that, and do not up the dose. For the most part, it works well. There are no prescribing issues as I am in the UK, and there's no problem here, and it's OC that I get and not OP. Overall, a decent painkiller if used sparingly, try to resist the extra breakthrough meds."

8 / 10
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30 Report

Reviews may be edited to correct grammar/spelling or to remove inappropriate language and content. Reviews that appear to be created by parties with a vested interest are not published. This information is not intended to endorse any particular medication. While these reviews may be helpful, they are not a substitute for the expertise, knowledge, and judgement of healthcare professionals.