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Oxycodone for Pain User Reviews (Page 5)

Brand names: OxyContin, Roxicodone, Xtampza ER, Oxaydo, Oxyfast, RoxyBond, Oxydose ETH-Oxydose Endocodone Dazidox …show all brand names

Oxycodone has an average rating of 8.3 out of 10 from a total of 431 reviews for the treatment of Pain. 80% of reviewers reported a positive experience, while 9% reported a negative experience.

Reviews for Oxycodone

  • JStep...
  • April 18, 2009

OxyContin (oxycodone) "I've had 2 back surgeries in the last 6 months (herniated disc). I still have back pain but the nerve pain all up and down my right leg is unbearable. I take 30mg of Oxycontin twice daily. I also take Percocet 10/325 four times a day for breakthrough pain. I would not be able to stand or sit if not for this medication."

10 / 10
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  • Chels...
  • October 17, 2016

"I take these occasionally for breakthrough pain, but I am prescribed tramadol for everyday chronic pain. I get almost instant relief from oxycodone and when its been about 30 minutes its completely effective, the pain is completely gone, which is a little different than tramadol. Tramadol takes about an hour to kick in. In my own experience I strongly suggest you understand the extreme risk of addiction of this drug, I know too many people that decided they were done with oxycodone for something more potent, and develop some dangerous (and very sad) habits. If your doctor wants to prescribe it, ask questions about the drug and don't take more than prescribed by your Doctor."

10 / 10
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  • Manic
  • Taken for 1 to 6 months
  • November 5, 2017

Roxicodone (oxycodone) "I recently had 3 very painful surgeries within 3 weeks. It's been a month & one week since my last surgery & I've been on Oxycodone IR 15mg every 3 hours (max 8 pills per day) ever since. I am a recovering heroin addict so this is a very slippery slope however i am now being tapered down VERY SLOWLY by one pill every 2 weeks until I can be off of them completely. I have a very patient & understanding pain mgmt dr. This med works extremely well as a pain reliever & is also very calming. I see the potential for addiction & the only downside is how fast tolerance develops. After a month & a half I feel like I need 30mg every 3 hours to do what 15mg did before but still it eases my pain & that is all that counts. I have zero side effects too!"

9 / 10
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Frequently asked questions

  • Grizz...
  • Taken for 1 to 6 months
  • May 16, 2022

Xtampza ER (oxycodone) "Do not expect Xtampza to relieve pain similar to an Percocet. I had severe knee arthritis bone on bone grinding, but needed to continue working as a lab technician. So I was on my feet walking 50% of my day. After 3 weeks of Xtampza and the pain just continuing I went back on to Percocet. I was taking 13.5mg Xtampza twice a day with little to no pain relief. Went back on to 7.5 percocet three times a day as needed and I was able to continue working for 6 months while waiting for knee replacement surgery"

2 / 10
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12 Report
  • shadow
  • April 8, 2023

"Was prescribed KVK brand 5 mg oxycodone for kidney stones. The medicine is of very poor quality. It was as if I was taking nothing stronger than Ibuprofen. I have had other post-op pain medication prescribed and the difference in efficacy is dramatically different. I have taken a survey (unofficial) with family members friends and acquaintances and every single one that was prescribed the very same KVK meds have all said the same thing. Little to no relief for the condition they were treated for. It either is a poor quality of oxycodone or the fillers interfere with the absorption rate of the medication. All but 2 of the people that I've asked about this particular med were not opiate dependent nor accustomed to taking pain meds of any kind OTC or Rx. They all reported the same terrible experience. Please look into the formulation of this drug. There's something very wrong with this picture."

1 / 10
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Are you taking this medicine?

  • Heath...
  • March 7, 2010

OxyContin (oxycodone) "I have three bulging discs, arthritis, and sciatica in my lower back and also was just recently diagnosed with fibramyalgia. I have been on Oxycontin for about a year now, and yes it has been increased about three times within that period of time. I am now on 80mg 4x's a day. It works great with the pain relief, but it makes me sweat so uncontrollably that I have to keep a fan on my on a constant basis. I am also on about 8 more kinds of medicines, so I'm not sure which ones are causing the dizziness. But when I wake up every morning, I can barely walk, and it takes about 45 minutes for the pain to subside. And then I start the sweating. But I can handle the sweating if it helps me walk so I can keep up with my four year old son. Truly a life saver."

9 / 10
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49 Report
  • Anonymous
  • September 4, 2009

Roxicodone (oxycodone) "I was taking Oxycontin after 2 shoulder surgeries, then I was in a bad auto accident. Even upping me to 80mg 2 x daily wasn't enough. My doctor suggested the Oxyfast for breakthrough pain, so I tried it. This was the only combination that took away all my pain, so I could work and care for my family. Then Oxyfast was removed from the market and my doctor put me on roxicodone. It doesn't work nearly as fast as the Oxyfast which worked in under 10 minutes, this takes 30 minutes and works almost as well. At 29 yrs old I thought my life was over, but these medications gave me my life back. If it wasn't for these medications I don't know where I'd be now (10 yrs later). I have kidney and liver function tests done 2 times a year with no changes from day one."

10 / 10
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More FAQ

  • rholl...
  • Taken for 10 years or more
  • October 9, 2022

"I find Oxycodone works well when taken as prescribed. I find some brands work better than others, filling pain prescriptions can be a challenge so you are better off staying with one pharmacy and pharmacist that is not judgmental against pain medication if possible. However in todays climate it can be difficult to find a doctor willing to prescribe enough medication to manage your pain 24 hours 7 days a week. Under treatment is an issue due to the politics of today. Mallinckrodt 30 mg are one of the most consistent I have been fortunate enough to be dispensed. These have helped me so far over an extended release formulation with few side effects. Without pain medicine I would not be able to live any kind of quality life, visit with grandchildren, take short walks with my wife, I would be totally house bound. I hope this answers some questions. Good luck and keep the faith!"

9 / 10
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10 Report
  • John...
  • Taken for 1 to 6 months
  • August 7, 2023

OxyContin (oxycodone) "As an elderly man having significant shoulder pain that gets little or no relief from over-the-counter pain medications, I have used 20mg OxyContin with wonderful results. It removed my pain and allows me to sleep and recover. It also works well when I suffer during the day. I do not like the lost feeling of the excitement I lose for crazy or creative things, but the relief of severe pain is most welcome. And nothing could steer me to becoming an addict. I am too happy with an alert life."

10 / 10
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6 Report
  • loving...
  • November 5, 2011

Roxicodone (oxycodone) "My husband has degenerative disc disease. He has had a two level spinal fusion on his L5 and S1 discs as well as two rods and six screws of hardware in his spine. He was only 27 years old when this injury happened. I totally feel for anyone who has to suffer from back pain. It changed his life forever. Normal activities that people take for granted everyday were almost impossible for him to do. He's been through numerous doctors and has tried every pain medication out there. He now takes 30mg roxicodone 6 times a day. It has totally been a lifesaver for him and given him his quality of life back. He still has some pain and bad days but nothing like before. "

10 / 10
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42 Report
  • Cezanne
  • August 28, 2009

OxyContin (oxycodone) "I have had 3 major life-saving surgeries in 11 months, and have tried a number of pain medications. While grateful to be alive, the constant pain had reduced my quality of life to just about zero. I now take Oxycontin 20 mg 2x a day, vicodin 10/325 4 times a day for breakthrough pain. This "recipe" has literally given me my life back! Occasional constipation is the only real side-effect I've experienced. 6 months ago I spent most of my life in bed. Now I am able to participate in all the activities I enjoyed before the surgeries, and take care of the day to day responsibilities of housekeeping, etc, without help. "

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46 Report
  • Congo
  • September 3, 2008

OxyContin (oxycodone) "I fractured my L1 in 2/08 and have had chronic back pain since, in addition I have had 7 knee surgeries. My doctor is recommending knee replacements, but I'm only 36 and in no hurry to have it done. I've tried every kind of pain medicine there is. I found that Norco 10mg worked well but only lasted 3 hours or so and I was developing a tolerance to it. My family doctor finally referred me to a pain management doctor and he suggested oxycontin. I was hesitant at first becuase of the stigma associated with it but decided to give it a try. What a differance it's made in my quality of life. I take 1 x 20mg tablet in the morning and 1 in the evening and live pain free. I still take the Norco for break through pain, but don't need it often."

10 / 10
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  • Marie...
  • March 20, 2009

OxyContin (oxycodone) "A true wonder-drug for pain; there is nothing that comes even close. It is allowing me to enjoy my life and function in a way that was not possible for decades of maddening trips to physiotherapy and pain clinics and costly prescriptions for drugs that not only did not provide any relief, but also made me feel sick and kept me bed-ridden. Yes, the drug DOES begin to wear off before the 12 hour time-release period, but it stays strong enough to tide you over (and also remind you of how much help it is providing). I've been on the smallest amount (the doctor allows 10mg X 3 plus breakthrough oxycodone for VERY BAD days), for over 2 years; and WILL stick to that regime. Like a genie, you CAN NOT abuse this drug; if you do, it'll just stop working."

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  • Lost...
  • September 3, 2016

"My sig other was being given roxy 30s daily by his friend and partner at work. His wife and he were both prescribed 180 a mo. At first my man was flying he worked 8-18hrs a day on call for weeks at a time on top of his 40-60hr schedule. it was insane. Then his friend started smoking them and didn't have the extras very much anymore. This is where HELL came into our life. My man was addicted no script. He was miserable sick and in fear of the awful sickness that loomed constantly. He was mean. They both deteriated and lost their jobs eventually. It ripped our family apart. When my guy was let go he payday loans so deep they took his entire paycheck. His friend died on his bathroom floor last year. Our family was torn apart."

8 / 10
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  • Crohns...
  • July 26, 2008

OxyContin (oxycodone) "I have been taking this drug for two years now. I take a 20mg pill twice a day. I also have 8 norcos a day if needed for breakthrough pain. I have severe Crohns Disease and these medicines have been the best thing that has happened to me. My frequent bathroom trips are now maybe only twice a day. They also help me have an appetite. My major pain results from irreversable AVN of my elbows and knees. Before this medication I could not get out of bed due to the severe pain."

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  • Racqu...
  • Taken for 10 years or more
  • March 4, 2019

"I played Racquetball almost 50 years. Played pretty aggressively. It kept me in shape for my work level. But, I had operations on both knees, one shoulder and the other shoulder needs an operation. Racquetball is always rough on feet. It's been over 10 years since knees were operated on and they need the knee replacement operation. Oxycontin is the best pain reliever. No tylenol or advil since I have had my limit on those drugs Tylenol and Advil are a killer to the body anyway. The nurse at the PM tells me that different people will have a drug that works best. Mine is Oxycontin....the pain is relieved and you are not impaired."

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  • Jim
  • December 31, 2017

"Been on it for 28 years and it has gave me my quality of life back. I take Morphine and Oxycodone and if it wasn't for the meds I would be in a wheelchair and unable to function and in a nursing home and lose my quality of life. Best thing that I have taken that kept me going this long and able to do what a normal person can do but still have restrictions."

10 / 10
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  • Darkw...
  • June 9, 2010

OxyContin (oxycodone) "OxyContin gives me far more pain relief than all the other "pain killers" I have been given over the years. I have advanced osteoarthritis, fibromyalgia, idiopathic gastro paresis, gastritis, Irritable Bowel Syndrome, Hypermobility Syndrome, and a host of other random medical disorders. I have had crippling pain over the last 7 years, been on everything from Talacen and Darvocet to Lortab and Percocet. This is the first medication that allows me to get out of bed and clean my house and walk my dog. My quality of life is so improved. The only reason for me giving this a 9 is because it does cause a lot of constipation, in my mind this is a small price to pay."

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43 Report
  • Knock...
  • Taken for 1 to 6 months
  • June 17, 2024

Xtampza ER (oxycodone) "Xtampza ER 13.5 mg has worked great for me! Although it doesn't last the whole 12 hours every time, it still does the job. I also have to double the dose sometimes and take it with peanut butter. I was on oxycodone, 15 mg 5 times a day and felt I needed more. Plus, it was hurting my liver, gallbladder, and pancreas. Now Xtampza changed all that. I'm asking my doctor for a higher dose at my upcoming follow-up."

9 / 10
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  • Anonymous
  • September 11, 2010

OxyContin (oxycodone) "Have suffered chronic knee and lower back pain for 10 years severe osteoarthritis of both knees and have torn and bulging discs, age 42. I am so grateful to the locum who initially prescribed oxycontin 12 months ago (now 20mg x 2) - a prescription for the first time which has lessened the pain and at last improved my quality of life. I was very reluctant to try an 'opiate', and remain on a lower dose by choice. For me the side effects and fear of becoming dependent is far outweighed by the relief provided. All medicines can be abused, and can have side effects - its a fine balance, but genuine chronic pain suffers must not be denied an effective treatment."

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  • Anna
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • April 1, 2021

"These white pills with the R/P on one side and 5/325 on the other side made by Rhodes Pharmaceuticals, made me feel like I was dying. In fact, I wonder if I could die from taking these. I've never had a problem with other pain medications like Percocet or Oxycodone. The fillers in this pill are dangerous. I couldn't breathe and my face and mouth got puffy and weird. I couldn't see straight and felt no pain relief - just terribly sick. These should be ILLEGAL. Cancer patient here."

1 / 10
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  • Bruce...
  • December 5, 2009

OxyContin (oxycodone) "An excellent pain reliever. I did experience a few side effects though. I became irritable and would sometimes hear sounds I wasn't sure of. This drug has a high risk of dependency, but it can be controlled. To me, the side effects are worth it due to the great pain relief it provides."

8 / 10
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  • Anonymous
  • September 24, 2010

OxyContin (oxycodone) "Have been on this medication for about 1 and a half years. Severe neuropathy in both ankles and feet, degenerative disc disease in 2004\, several broken bones over the years from horseback riding. This medicine has given me my life back after suffering with chronic pain for years. Take 120mg of Oxycontin twice a day and 30 mg of oxycodone four times a day for breakthrough pain. Am able to work 12 hour night shifts and get on with my life due to this drug. Without it I would not be able to do anything other than be in misery. "

9 / 10
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  • MRSDJ...
  • February 24, 2012

Roxicodone (oxycodone) "After 11 back surgeries (cervical,lumbar) due to scoliosis,and degenerative disc disease,I finally feel almost normal again. I have complete pain relief from my 3 a day Roxy 30 mg. and Fentanyl patch 150 mg. I have actually been cutting back on my Roxy as my condition improves. With virtually no side effects (constipation, sometimes drowsimess) this has kept me comfortable through all my surgeries and recoveries. Take only as directed by your Dr,and you too can experience freedom from your chronic pain. Highly recommended!"

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  • Sparkie
  • Taken for 5 to 10 years
  • October 23, 2017

"severe lower back pain, sicatica etc. Pain management Doctor gave me injections in spine which made it worse. I finally found a great Doctor that went thru everything from lowest non narcotic to the fentynal patches. oxycodone has given me a life back, I take two 15 mg. tablets every 8 hours. they take 45 mins. to take effect for me. I can walk, do some things around house not just lay in bed.."

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Reviews may be edited to correct grammar/spelling or to remove inappropriate language and content. Reviews that appear to be created by parties with a vested interest are not published. This information is not intended to endorse any particular medication. While these reviews may be helpful, they are not a substitute for the expertise, knowledge, and judgement of healthcare professionals.