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Botox for Migraine Prevention User Reviews (Page 3)

Botox has an average rating of 6.1 out of 10 from a total of 137 reviews for the treatment of Migraine Prevention. 53% of reviewers reported a positive experience, while 36% reported a negative experience.

Reviews for Botox

  • Stayi...
  • Taken for 1 to 6 months
  • December 30, 2019

"First round of Botox was life-changing for my migraines; I couldn’t be happier. That is until the second round of Botox. Since then I’ve had severe pain, pressure, and burning behind my eyes that doesn’t go away. I’m in pain every second that I’m awake. I have been to an ophthalmologist to check my vision and eye pressure, and everything is fine. I’ve had an MRI done, and everything is fine. My neurologist gave me steroids, but they didn’t help, not even a bit. He doesn’t believe it’s the Botox since severe eye pain is not a common side effect, and they are pushing towards a third round of Botox."

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27 Report
  • Very...
  • November 8, 2016

"Within six hours of receiving the injections, the side effects began to take control over my body. Every side effect mentioned, I had it, including the migraine headaches. The medications should wear off by the next three weeks. To date, I am still feeling the side effects. I would not recommend Botox for two reasons: 1. The medication does not freeze the nerve as stated. 2. It is extremely expensive. The pharmaceutical company should be sued!"

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  • PDog
  • October 2, 2017

"I had a numerous set of 35 shots of Botox for headaches. Started with 100 units, then 150 units, then 200 units. This is over a period of 1 and a half years. I had pain in my neck, shoulder, and injection site pain, it did help with the headaches but didn't take them away completely. So the doctor gave me 300 units of Botox. That was the biggest mistake of my life. Seven hours later, my head started feeling very weird, I started having bad anxiety. I called the doctor, he said it had to run its 90 days, then it would get better. It's been almost 2 years. It isn't any better. I'm exhausted, the weird feeling and anxiety are worse. I have no life. One doctor at the ER told me the problems I'm having are definitely caused by the Botox. Do your research before you take Botox, it's ruined my life!!"

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Frequently asked questions

  • Kellsza
  • Taken for 1 to 6 months
  • October 22, 2015

"I have been a chronic migraine sufferer since a child. I have tried everything and still maintain my daily medication. However, my specialist decided to refer me to another neurologist who performed Botox, and I thought, why not! I was scared, and it was painful, yes, but the results for me are amazing: no more stints in the hospital, no daily headaches, but yes, still migraines, however, they no longer last 3-4 days, and that is awesome. I can handle and maintain a migraine that lasts 24 hours and only occurs twice a week, yay. That's a bonus. Going back tonight for my second round, hoping for a better outcome this time around :)"

8 / 10
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42 Report
  • Aj2240
  • Taken for 1 to 6 months
  • March 9, 2018

"Absolutely terrible. Has had no effect or positive impact on preventing my chronic migraines. Awful side effects no one warned me about: extreme hair loss (it falls out in clumps), constant nausea, hot flashes, depression & lack of energy... just to name a few. I’m 23 and have never felt worse. Highly recommend a different treatment."

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Are you taking this medicine?

  • Saman...
  • Taken for 6 months to 1 year
  • July 19, 2016

"This is the only treatment that has cured my migraines, and I've tried everything from oral medications to trigger point injections, cervical injections, and anything else in between to relieve constant life-changing migraines. The headaches diminished by the next day, and until the Botox wears off, about 12 weeks or so, I don't have any, which is a miracle. I only wish I was given this sooner. It also only cost $80.00 out of pocket every three months. Another nice bonus or perk is any wrinkles you may have on your forehead, in between your eyes, etc. are gone as well. This isn't a permanent medication either, with minimal side effects, better than most of the pills out there. If it doesn't work, it can just be stopped and not injected again."

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39 Report
  • Amesme
  • Taken for 1 to 2 years
  • January 27, 2017

"I have been getting the injections for over a year. Takes about 4-7 days to kick in. Take it easy the first few days or your neck will hurt! I will say that after a year of it working with no headaches, I have started to get mild headaches again. Everyone should at least try it if you have bad migraines, it saved me."

9 / 10
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More FAQ

  • Grianne
  • September 23, 2015

"I started getting migraines my last 2 years in the Army. I tried a lot of oral medications, but nothing worked. I'd literally had daily migraines for months at a time. I was miserable. I went to a VA neurologist who tried oral one time and said he would like to try Botox if I was willing to take 31 injections to my face, head, neck, and shoulders. I jumped at the chance because I'd heard that some migraine sufferers got relief. The first time I got the injections, my headache was gone before I left his office. He thought it might be psychosomatic because it usually will take a week or so to notice a difference. But I went 12 weeks and got only 3 migraines. I believe I'm on my 6th or 7th round of treatments, and they're working great."

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41 Report
  • Cora
  • October 18, 2019

"This is an update from a June review: it's taken 7 months since my first and only round of Botox injections for migraine, that actually caused chronic migraine. Botox changes to my nerves also caused nausea for some of those months, but that's nearly ended as well. I still don't recommend Botox for migraine."

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26 Report
  • RIDiv...
  • Taken for 2 to 5 years
  • October 9, 2015

"Botox has been my salvation. I went from having daily 24/7 migraines to having only 1-2 migraines a week using Botox injections every 3 months. I know that sounds like a lot, still - but believe me - when you're having migraines from the time you wake up until you manage to drop off to sleep, having some relief more days than not AND being able to actually treat the ones you do get with triptans and having it WORK is absolutely HUGE. I feel as though I've gotten my life back. I went from having to take at least a day off a week for migraines to rarely having to take a day off. My supervisor has noticed and mentioned several times how little sick time I take now! I've gotten my LIFE back!"

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  • Kay
  • December 5, 2015

"This treatment has been truly transformational for me. I'm on round 2, and already have gone from 24/7 chronic migraine with horrid aura to 4 days a week with the first round and now 2 days a week with this second round. My migraines are super short now... only an hour for the pain, and aura is much shorter lived at minutes to hours instead of days. The intensity of my aura is really, really low now (instead of debilitating vertigo 24/7), and my pain is usually a 0-3 now with the occasional 5 instead of 5-9, where it was before. It feels like I'm on vacation. I was really skeptical to try Botox, but I had tried so many meds prior and was desperate. Now I'm working again, spending time with my family, and enjoying life. Try it if you can afford it."

10 / 10
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  • smack
  • Taken for 1 to 6 months
  • March 6, 2019

"Oh my God, I wish I had never tried Botox for migraine! After my first set of injections, my migraines were exactly the same, and I had extreme neck pain for about a month. I should not have gone through with the second set of injections, but I was desperate to take control of the migraine problem. Two weeks after my last Botox, I have no relief whatsoever for the desperate migraines, plus my neck feels totally broken. I cannot bend over to put on my shoes, unload the dishwasher, make my bed, etc. Agony. And the headaches are the same, if not worse. I can't wait for that neck pain to pass again. It works for some people, I know, but not everybody."

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  • ADS
  • May 26, 2016

"Have had a mixture of Trigeminal Neuralgia and Cluster Migraines (Chronic Paroxysmal Hemicrania) for 14 years. Have tried every single medication available and even had a Caudal Neuroplasty done 1 month ago. Nothing worked. Had severe pains up to 8 times a day, all lasting around 40 minutes. Two weeks ago, I had Botox injections. I have been pain-free for 5 days. There are side effects like a very stiff neck and shoulder muscles, a slightly tight throat on swallowing, blurred vision from time to time, and a slightly puffy right eye. Beyond that, the Botox works for me, and I have no regrets. I can live with the discomfort I have now as I have a life again and do not get the chronic pains all day."

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  • Jenn...
  • Taken for 1 to 2 years
  • November 21, 2015

"My first time we did my neck and trapezius along with my head. I recommend staying away from the neck area due to a very sore neck for several weeks. Now we just do 31 injections, all in my scalp and back of head. No problems, and I have been doing this for over a year or two now. Reduced my headaches from 4 per week to maybe 1 or 2."

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36 Report
  • Nakka
  • Taken for 1 to 2 years
  • January 26, 2017

"Have had classic migraine (with and without aura) since I was 8 or 9 years old. 30 years of regular intense pain. They increased until I was having 8 major migraines a month with about 20 days of pain each month. I have been on Botox injections (31 every 3 months in forehead, scalp, and shoulders) and had only one 'big' migraine in the 3-month cycle! Probably down to 5 days of noticeable pain a month, i.e., need to lie down or sleep. Has been amazing for my migraines. I guess it doesn't work for everyone, but it's worth discussing with your neurologist."

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32 Report
  • Aem
  • Taken for 6 months to 1 year
  • November 5, 2019

"Very painful on my forehead (most painful of my migraine spots due to a MVA TBI) but relieving overall. My shoulders don't do well with the shots, but I believe it's due to my multiple conditions. I'm now having terrible charlie horses on my legs, arm pain AND the worst is major hair loss!"

4 / 10
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23 Report
  • GoodO...
  • October 19, 2019

"After three treatments I’d say it has helped quite a bit. The most surprising change has been the reduction of the chronic neck pain I use to suffer. After my first treatment I had numbness and a sensation of heaviness in my scalp, neck and forehead- it wasn’t unpleasant especially considering I was use to constant pain in those areas. The one negative side effect is that I feel consistently awful for about 1-3 hours after the injections. My neuro treated me like I was crazy when I mentioned it to him. About 15 minutes after the treatment I get a slight sensation that I can’t swallow. In the next few hours I feel tired, a bit light-headed and have a fluttery- type feeling in my chest. I had my third treatment yesterday and had the same exact symptoms. It’s frustrating that the doctor - who was presumably trained by pharmaceutical companies on these drugs - won’t believe me. All in all however the good of 85% migraine reduction outweighs the bad and I’ll continue to get the treatments."

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  • Ann
  • Taken for 2 to 5 years
  • August 31, 2019

"I’m 58 years old. I have suffered migraines since I was 21. After years of multiple meds that helped but didn’t prevent the migraines, I tried Botox. My migraines have cut down from almost daily to only about 2 per month. The only negative side effect I’ve experienced has been some minor neck stiffness. The positive effects have been life changing! I don’t go around in life (every day) worrying that I will get another headache, or wondering when it’s going to strike again. They’ve cut down significantly! I’m so happy Botox has helped me. Neck stiffness is NOTHING compared to a migraine. I go every 3 months for the procedure, usually the headaches I get now are just before I’m due for my next visit. I guess I was ready to try anything and I got lucky that the Botox treatments work wonderfully for me. I would recommend any migraine sufferers to talk to their doctor about the possibility of Botox. It just may change your life too!"

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  • Social...
  • June 4, 2019

"I am now 65 and suffered migraines since age 19. I have tried every drug as it hit the market. The last two years my headaches increased to the point to where I thought I would have to retire from my job because nothing was really controlling and totally eliminating my headaches. I have a needle phobia so it was very hard to consider Botox but when pain is bad enough, you are open to anything that might help. I went to neurologist who immediately suggested I consider this. I finally agreed to try as a last ditch effort to save my career since I am not quite ready to retire. The results have been truly amazing with minimal problems with side effects. I consider myself to be very lucky and this treatment has been a blessing to me. It is amazing to feel normal in my head again! It has been so long. I just went for my 3rd round. I can only speak for me but, it has saved life and my sanity."

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24 Report
  • Cora
  • Taken for 1 to 6 months
  • June 6, 2019

"I tried Botox to rid of the 9 remaining migraines I'd get each month after Aimovig reduced my original 15/month. I'd tried several TCA's but couldn't tolerate the side effects; Topamax caused vomiting. Unfortunately it's been almost 3 months since my first and only round of Botox injections and my migraines have worsened in intensity and number. The first month I had 30 migraines--not even a 10-day course of prednisone decreased them. The second month I had 16, thanks to Aimovig and 100mg Nefazodone (which I started because I couldn't use a daily triptan), but in this 3rd month which isn't over yet, I've had 12 migraines in 13 days and Aimovig hasn't made a dent this time. Obviously I worry that my migraines & frequency are now worse because of the Botox, but I'm trying to be optimistic that this horrible change isn't permanent. I can't recommend Botox."

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  • Elle
  • Taken for 6 months to 1 year
  • July 31, 2019

"The good: my migraines went from 12-15/month to 2/month. Completely changed my life. The migraines I had were less severe and easier to treat. The Bad. Took 3 rounds to get full effect. Had a migraine for 5 days after the first round, 3 days after the 2nd, none after the 3rd. Have sensation of head fullness when bending over and neck muscles feel strained. Migraines kick back in after 10 weeks, so it’s a struggle until the next round at 12 weeks. The good outweighed the bad for me. So many more headache free days."

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  • Anonymous
  • October 25, 2019

"I had a Botox treatment back in August 2019 the treatment only lasted two weeks and then it made my migraines 5 times worse I was in the hospital 5 times since and I’m still not right not even close I will never ever have Botox again I almost lost my job over this don’t risk it it’s not worth the money for little relief that you get!!!"

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22 Report
  • Never...
  • Taken for 1 to 6 months
  • July 2, 2019

"I have New Daily Persistent headaches and have tried every med imaginable. 15 months ago I gave Botox a try. Severe migraines for a week following with the most debilitating neck/shoulder pain/weakness of my life. I really struggled, it was tremendous. Headaches did not improve and I continue to experience neck pain. Just leaning over to tie my kids shoes... I can only tolerate bending over for a minute now. This has become a neck chronic problem. My neurologist doesn’t take this side effect seriously either."

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  • Anonymous
  • Taken for 1 to 2 years
  • October 21, 2015

"I started using Botox as a prophylactic treatment for migraines last year. It has saved my life. I was having headaches 15-20x/month, now I may have 1-4 with much less intensity. It has been such a drastic change."

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34 Report
  • Rosa...
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • October 24, 2015

"My first experience with Botox for neck pain and migraines did not go well. A year later, the doctor convinced me to try again; migraines had gotten worse. So I had a series of injections of Botox done only in the neck area about 8 days ago. Yes, I'll admit I haven't had a migraine, but the neck and muscle pain is intolerable; such a stiff neck, it hurts to move it, weakness in the left arm down to the hand. Hard to hold my head up or turn. Muscle relaxers don't help, heating/cold pads don't help, already on pain meds, no relief. Moving head exercises only cause more pain. Driving me crazy to be in so much pain and discomfort. Hoping it goes away soon, or is this the trade-off?"

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Reviews may be edited to correct grammar/spelling or to remove inappropriate language and content. Reviews that appear to be created by parties with a vested interest are not published. This information is not intended to endorse any particular medication. While these reviews may be helpful, they are not a substitute for the expertise, knowledge, and judgement of healthcare professionals.

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