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Xolair User Reviews & Ratings (Page 5)

Xolair has an average rating of 7.6 out of 10 from a total of 216 reviews on 68% of reviewers reported a positive experience, while 18% reported a negative experience.

Reviews for Xolair

  • Yo yo
  • Taken for 1 to 2 years
  • June 6, 2019

For Urticaria "I have had CIU (chronic idiopathic urticaria ) on and off for about 20 years. I had a long span of many years where the hives disappeared, but then one day, they returned. I have been on Xolair for about a year, and it worked....until 2 weeks ago. Now I am having aggressive hives after having virtually none this past year. Xolair clearly worked when I started the medication, so am am sticking with it for now. I have zero side effects from Xolair. I am concerned it seems to have stopped working however. I will have to do some research on vit D and CIU"

6 / 10
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  • Tulsi
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • September 15, 2019

For Asthma, Maintenance "Xolair was prescribed to treat my severe asthma and chronic urticarias, but after my first shot I had an anaphylactic reaction. They brought me to the emergency room and was was able to go back home 5 hours later, but unfortunately I had another delayed anaphylactic reaction and had to stay in the hospital for 3 days and during this time I had 4 more episodes. I was excited about Xolair because I read so many positive reviews and my doctors also told me that was going to help me a lot. But didn’t work for me."

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  • Hives...
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • April 6, 2017

For Urticaria "I have suffered with hives since I was pregnant with my first child - 7 years ago! I tried everything! Seen an allergist, omitted foods, drinks, soaps - everything. Multiple trips to the ER and steroids. I suffer from migraines but can't take any ibuprofen/advil/tylenol/motrin because they give me hives so bad that my hands swell up nearly to my elbows now. I discovered Xolair and just had my first 2 injections yesterday! Took a while for insurance to approve it. So far I feel fine other than a sore throat, but not sure if that's an actual side affect or my daughter sharing her cold hehe. I read so many of these positive posts and I am so excited to have started treatment!!"

8 / 10
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Frequently asked questions

  • lmora...
  • November 23, 2009

For Asthma, Maintenance "My son's life is a lot better now that he is receiving this treatment. Why is this medication so expensive? We are on a scholarship through a hospital. My son started treatment in Feb 2009, and his absent rate has gone down. We were in the emergency room too many times. The schools in LA County were going to call the D.A., even with legal doctor's notes. This medication has helped us, and my son went from a 'D' to an 'A' and honor roll!"

10 / 10
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  • ROK
  • March 5, 2018

For Urticaria "I had experienced severe frequent episodic urticaria for approximately two years. I'd been tested for allergies and spent a year working with my dermatologist attempting to isolate an allergen without success. He ultimately suggested we try Xolair. All symptoms were gone within 24 hours of the first Xolair injection (300mg - 150mg in each thigh subcutaneously). There were four treatments at four week intervals followed by two 150 mg treatments at four week intervals. There is no research to guide the decision of when to discontinue the drug and no incentive for the manufacturer to conduct the trials. I've not had an injection for 8 weeks and remain symptom free."

10 / 10
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Are you taking this medicine?

  • Grate...
  • Taken for 2 to 5 years
  • January 10, 2018

For Asthma, Maintenance "My experience with Xolair was life changing. I struggled with chronic asthma and allergies my whole childhood and teen years. My allergist prescribed this shot to me, so I could eventually be healthy enough to receive allergy shots. I started Xolair at age 13 and received my last dose of it when I was 16. Xolair was worth the pain, time and money. The serum is extremely thick and I received 3 shots of it every 2 weeks, but nothing compares to the quality of life I have now. I recommend this drug to anyone who has exhausted all options, who has maxed out on maintenance medication, who frequently finds themselves on Prednisone and antibiotics for the common cold, and can't remain healthy enough to receive allergy shots."

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  • Brown...
  • June 1, 2022

For Urticaria "I don't recommend. I developed severe side effects after third month of injections 300mg when changed to the abdomen. Side effects too severe to continue treatment. Limited space so will list all symptoms but some were severe skeletal, muscle and joint pain, severe muscle tightness, intense fatigue, severe insomnia, rapid weight gain, debilitating GI distress, tightness of bilateral achilles tendons, dry and prickly skin, dry eyes, hair loss, tooth ache, ear ache, hot flashes and stop menses"

1 / 10
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More FAQ

  • a_nic...
  • January 18, 2017

For Urticaria "I'm a male in my mid 30's. Had hives for 3-6 month stretches with 3-6 month breaks since I was 15 years old. Symptoms were as bad as most people on here, but never needed a hospital visit. Got on Xolair shortly after it was approved by the FDA, around 2-1/2 years ago. Hives were gone within 24 hours and usually the only hive I see is if I'm over-extending my time between shots. Started at 2 shots per visit (300 mg total) every 4 weeks. Now taking 300mg every 6 weeks. Works like a charm. Wish they could get the cost down. Even with insurance and assistance programs I still end up paying a large amount out of pocket. All in all a VERY effective medication that I wish had been available years ago!"

10 / 10
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19 Report
  • Hnb
  • Taken for 1 to 6 months
  • August 18, 2016

For Asthma, Maintenance "Awful...was on it for 3 months made my asthma worse...I think if your ige levels are lower than 700 than maybe it could work, but for me mine were so high it didnt. Luckily I didn't have enough to pay buy it cost 10k a mo and I had to spend every other week at the dr"

1 / 10
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  • Moogy...
  • November 3, 2016

For Urticaria "Im 58 and female. After a hive free life I left my home in the S J Valley where the air is terrible (pollen and allergens are bad) to go to Hungary. I had no problem there but soon as I got back I had lost all immunity to the valley and hives came. After 9 mnths of hives, huge and tiny, itching, burning swelling hands, bottom of feet itch and swell, 2 trips to ER for anaphylactic shock, epi pen, prednisone, Benedryl, 2 Kenelog shots, Singulair, Zantac, Xyzol, Zyrtec and Xanax, after much research, I found Xolair is the only med approved for hives.I FINALLY got started.I am getting 150mg every 2 weeks rather than 300mg p/mo. It seems slow but gradually better. Still get rash, hives shrunk size and amount, only need 2 pills/not 12. Hopeful.."

8 / 10
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  • HonestC
  • June 12, 2018

For Asthma, Maintenance "Highly recommend Xolair. Was in the clinical trials for Xolair well over 10 years ago. Before Xolair, I was a severe asthmatic who could be found in the hospital almost monthly due to allergic asthma. I received 2 injections every 2 weeks . . . until I became allergic to it. The company requested - and received - my DNA in order to help them understand why I became allergic, and to help others in the future. Xolair was a miracle drug for me - and still is. We don't know why but it seems to have had a residual effect of some sort with me. A year after stopping the injections I was stung 2-3 times by yellow jackets. I would have immediately gone into anaphylaxis without the residual effect of the Xolair. Instead, I drove myself to the ER (Epi-Pen ready to use) without any problems. There was a "typical" reaction of swelling and pain around the site of the stings with no other reactions."

9 / 10
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  • Dawne
  • March 5, 2017

For Urticaria "I started my Xolair shots May 2016 after suffering hive out breaks for 5 plus years. The shot worked immediately. I had 9 injections once monthly. Then I had a new insurance provider which requires me to start the regime Allegra, Zantac and Hydroxyzine HCL two times daily then adding Singular. Two days on Singular I had horrible outbreaks called my Allergy Dr. continued on with other meds waiting to get approved for Xolair. The shot cant come soon enough. Now I just hope I can afford it."

10 / 10
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  • pbano
  • November 19, 2019

For Asthma, Maintenance "I have been taking the Xolair shots for 4 months now and I have really bad leg pain and feet hurts headaches and dizziness. When I said something to my DR about it he said I must have hurt myself no side effects of the shots. I'm tired all the time. It really has helped me but I'm tired of the side effects."

7 / 10
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13 Report
  • itchy
  • Taken for 1 to 2 years
  • September 26, 2017

For Urticaria "I have been receiving xolair injections for about a year and a half for chronic hives. It has gotten rid of it about 90 percent. Once in awhile I still need one or two 25mg benadryl tabs but overall it seems to be working. I get 150mg injections every 2 weeks. Only side effect is every time I get an injection, within a few days I get 1 hive about 5 inches below injection site. It itches and resembles a bug bite. I know it's from Xolair because I switch arms and it always happens on whichever arm. I have noticed fatigue and exhaustion but not sure that is Xolair related. Sometimes still get pressure hives from underwear where elastic hits but overall much better. Had an insurance problem missed a month hives returned but ok now."

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  • Jacob
  • Taken for 6 months to 1 year
  • May 8, 2023

For Urticaria "I have had Chronic Hives since they randomly appeared one day when I was about 8. I have been taking Allegra and Zyrtec for years and that has helped a bunch but still got flare-ups now and then. Finally, my doctor recommended Xolair. At first, it seemed to work at least for the first two weeks. Then my hives started to flare up covering my whole body and becoming unresponsive to any medicines. MY doctor increased my dosage but that has only made them worse. I have them every day. They are more painful and itchy than before I started taking Xolair. Side Effects: for me I have noticed that I am constantly tired. I used to be a night owl and now I can barely make it past 9pm. I sleep 12 hours and wake up feeling exhausted. Have noticed some bone and muscle pains too. I feel a lot weaker overall. And I’m only 20. In conclusion, this drug might work for some, but for me it only made THINGS WORSE."

1 / 10
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5 Report
  • MrsSu...
  • Taken for 2 to 5 years
  • June 30, 2017

For Urticaria "I'm taking Xolair for Idiopathic Chronic Urticaria (UCI) after a few years of random allergic reactions (unknown origin) despite 3+ years of allergy shots. My allergist & I have never been able to identify the cause. He recommended Xolair because I have severe asthma as well (allergic, exercise induced and environmental) which was not responding well to 3 inhalers, Prednisone, nebulizer treatments (multiple types), allergy meds/shots, etc. Since starting Xolair over 2 years ago, my UCI has virtually disappeared and my asthma is dramatically better. I can actually go weeks without using Spireva, Dulera, Qvar, albuterol, etc. "

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  • Sharkie
  • October 15, 2016

For Urticaria "Had gives for 4 1/2 years. Multiple doctors and medications, this is the only one that worked and gave me my life back. The side effects( hard time losing weight) are worth not being covered in thousands of hives."

9 / 10
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  • Mimi
  • Taken for 2 to 5 years
  • December 12, 2019

For Urticaria "I have been on Xolair for the past 2 years for idiopathic urticaria (IU) and it worked great UNTIL we switched to the Prefilled vials. Now they do not work at all. I will be going back to see if the medication starts to work for me again, I do not want this drug to stop working as my IU was fairly under control . I am so miserable . I hope that I do not have to go on Steroids. Has anyone asked about using Dupixent? I think I am going to ask at my next app."

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  • 70inFL
  • Taken for 1 to 6 months
  • August 29, 2017

For Asthma, Maintenance "At the age of 67 I developed allergic asthma after moving to SW Florida. I've had chronic sinusitis for years but controlled it with O/C medications. The multiple asthma attacks (with lack of breath) were daily. I had to use inhalers and a nebulizer. After 2 years of trying different medications the Allergist said "we're going to try Xolair." Used it for 6 months and no change. Have now been changed to Nucala. Too early to tell its effects. An inhaler called QVAR seems to be keeping me in good health until the Nucala does its job."

2 / 10
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  • VC Pa...
  • Taken for 6 months to 1 year
  • December 19, 2023

For Urticaria "I felt less hives and itchy after a couple of weeks. I was ready for another injection by the time I was scheduled for my 4-week follow-up. Still hives and itchy, but as time goes on and it's been close to a year, I have improved a lot. I have side effects with muscle pain and swelling in my veins. The itchy burning hives are much worse without the Xolair. I can tolerate the pain with Advil. I am now on a 6-week schedule to see if I can be weaned down. This will be my second month waiting for my next 6 weeks. I am having fewer breakouts and use prednisone spray to control the itching. I do get pressure hives and I have to be careful what I wear due to the type of material which causes itching, and if I scratch, I will break out with small hives. They will spread if I get anxious. All in all, I think this medication saved me from going crazy. I have had some really good days and a few that were a bit itchy. I have had several days that I had no hives. I'm thinking positive and praying for none."

7 / 10
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3 Report
  • Olivia
  • Taken for 1 to 2 years
  • March 13, 2018

For Asthma, Maintenance "At first I was a little nervous to get Xolair, after reading a lot of info online. Let me tell you, starting the injections were the BEST decision! I was at the point that I stopped going out with my friends or doing anything at all, because my asthma drained me and I was always scared of going into an asthma attack. After starting the injections I feel like I’m able to do breathe so much better and barely ever have attacks! I think I’ve bad 1 since I started getting the injections.... My asthma is sometimes bothered but nothing like it was before. Thank god for Xolair!"

10 / 10
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  • Long...
  • June 25, 2017

For Urticaria "Chronic hives for 1 year - took all the antihistimines and prednisone. The only thing that kicked the hives was prednosolone pack that I recently took after the Xolair shot did not work. I have had 8 Xolair shots (monthly injections) and at first they were very effective. After the 6th one, I had recurring hives and angiodema return so I am back on large dose of allertec and nightly taking hydroxyzine. Xolair seems to help with the size of hives and the amount when breaking out. Weight gain is definitely noticed but due to prednisone prior to the shot, I can't be certain it is all due to Xolair. Will continue on Xolair and perhaps look at Kenalog shot."

6 / 10
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  • Aly
  • Taken for 2 to 5 years
  • June 13, 2018

For Urticaria "I had been getting hives head to toe for 3 years before trying Xolair... honestly it was so miserable. I had two allergist trying me on prednizone, singulair, doxepin, something like that (in short it was a crazy pill regimen) and that didn't even alleviate the hives in the slightest- just made me depressed and jittery. Until one day I went to a new doctor and he let me try xolair. Immediately after the first shot, my hives were 80% better, and by the second shot 4 weeks later, I was 100% no hives. My skin is super sensitive in general so sometimes I still get itchy or if i go past my 4 weeks some hives develop again, but it is soooooo much better than waking up red and blotchy and itchy every freaking day. Xolair has really changed my life. Although, I wish it was more definite when I can get off of it.. I think you kind of just have to wait for your body allergies to change (meanwhile xolair will still suppress the hives). All in all I would still get on it if I had to do it again."

9 / 10
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  • Neicie
  • Taken for 1 to 6 months
  • December 10, 2017

For Asthma, Maintenance "I have been on this drug for 6 months and I must be in that % that is doesn't work well for. I honestly feel like a guinea pig and I am going to stop taking this medicine. For all who take it and it work, I am happy for you."

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  • Itchy...
  • Taken for 1 to 6 months
  • June 24, 2019

For Urticaria "I have had Chronic Spontaneous Urticaria for 9 months. After going through all the otc drugs and prescription drugs, I was started on Xolair injections 6 weeks ago and have had 2 shots. I have experienced no change in the severity of the hives nor the itching since starting the injections. I've been told Xolair can take 12 to 16 weeks to fully take effect so I'm still hoping it will work. In the meantime, I'm losing sleep, tearing at my skin, and have become a recluse as I don't want people to see me scratching all the time. I started having Acupuncture, cupping and herbal treatment 2 weeks ago and that helps for a day or two. However, the cost of 3 - 4 acupuncture treatments a week has resulted in my savings all gone just to get some relief from this infernal itching. I have been to the ER and they can't give me Prednisone or other steroids as I'm on Warfarin."

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Reviews may be edited to correct grammar/spelling or to remove inappropriate language and content. Reviews that appear to be created by parties with a vested interest are not published. This information is not intended to endorse any particular medication. While these reviews may be helpful, they are not a substitute for the expertise, knowledge, and judgement of healthcare professionals.