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Xolair User Reviews & Ratings (Page 3)

Xolair has an average rating of 7.6 out of 10 from a total of 216 reviews on 68% of reviewers reported a positive experience, while 18% reported a negative experience.

Reviews for Xolair

  • Abee
  • October 30, 2018

For Urticaria "I have had 2 Xolair shots. I took a month break in between to think about how I felt about the experience. After the first shot, I experienced severe sugar cravings and felt starving for about 8 days. My joints hurt as well, but by the second week, things got better. The hives came back about 8 weeks after the first shot, more painful and swollen than before, so I decided to get the 3rd shot. Now, 2 weeks in, I am still starving and craving sugar. I have gained weight, but the hives are gone. Had anyone else experienced the cravings? I did notice it in one review here but would like to know if there are any others. My doctors don’t believe me. Frustrated."

6 / 10
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  • Locust...
  • Taken for 1 to 6 months
  • September 19, 2019

For Urticaria "When I read Itchyallover’s review, it was as if I'd written it myself. It took effect 2 weeks before the 5th injection, but 10 days later it stopped. The clinic nurse said it often wears off a few days before the next one is due. It took effect again 3 days after the 5th injection but I've already had two bouts of CIU since then. I can’t rely on Xolair yet, that’s why I gave it a 6. I'm due for my 6th injection in 10 days & I’ll review again if things improve. Only acupuncture plus a Chinese bitter herb drink twice a day has kept me sane. I avoid all dairy products, reduced sugar, & only drink green tea or water. Like “Itchyallover”, I have run through all my savings for acupuncture 3 times a week & the cost of herbs. I also take Warfarin, so I can’t take Prednisone. Give me the pain of every surgery I’ve ever had (ten), than 1 hour of itching; it reminds me of a biblical plague. My daughter describes it as "a plague of locusts - under the skin"! There has been some research showing patients with chronic urticaria have low vitamin D levels and studies show taking high doses Vitamin D3 can reduce it, some research on it the study is "Relationship between vitamin D and chronic spontaneous urticaria: a systematic review""

6 / 10
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  • Gus
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • July 15, 2018

For Urticaria "I had chronic urticaria for over 13 years, and I had been trying every kind of medicine, and nothing was working for me. No doctor here in the USA, Jordan, or Colombia could help me with it. The only medicine that was helping me was prednisone. I was so disappointed because no one could help me. Till my last hope, I visited another doctor, and he explained to me about Xolair. I had my first shots in June, and the same day, my urticaria was gone. I could not believe it. I am so grateful for your medicine and my doctor who recommended it. I am happy that I found this doctor and your medicine. I will complete my injections, and THANK YOU SO MUCH! Now I am a new man after these first injections. I don’t have the words to thank you. I feel like I am a new man. Thanks a thousand times."

10 / 10
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Frequently asked questions

  • lybou
  • November 14, 2011

For Asthma, Maintenance "This is my 1st shot, but I noticed a marked improvement. From 20 attacks a day down to 6. Was scared to try this medicine because I'm allergic to a lot of medicines, food, etc. After the shot, I experienced itching at the injection site, sleepiness that lasted for 4 hrs. After that, I felt energetic and a lessening in all-over body pain. That night, I slept through without any asthma attack, it appears to also be suppressing my Lupus. It is so great not to constantly have pain and an inhaler in my mouth and be able to walk more than 3 ft and stop for breath. Can't wait for my 2nd shot, I almost feel back to normal. Thank you for creating this medicine, just wish it was cheaper."

10 / 10
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  • feeli...
  • June 8, 2015

For Urticaria "I had head-to-toe hives for the last 3-4 years. Antihistamines did nothing. After my first shot of Xolair, the hives went away for about 3 months. Then, after the 4th shot, they came back and stayed with me for another 3 months. I just had my ninth shot, and I've been hive-free for 3 months. I've put on weight that I can't explain, and I'm having more foods give me gas. These are not good side effects, but better than the constant itching."

10 / 10
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Are you taking this medicine?

  • DaniB
  • August 16, 2019

For Asthma, Maintenance "I have been on Xolair for 4 years now. I am currently 38 yo. Prior to starting injections, I was in the hospital 6-8 times a year for pneumonia, low O2 levels, pleurisy, you know - the usual asthma nonsense. I had been taking prednisone (the only thing that semi-worked) and was at the point of 120 mg of that to breathe and be able to function. I ended up with Cushing's disease from the steroids. This was the most miserable time of my life. Xolair took about 8 months of injections to work. I continue to go monthly for 2 injections, and I can honestly say that this has been life-saving. I can play all the sports I used to, run a 5k again, chase my kids around, and haven’t even had so much as a cold in 3 years. That’s saying a lot - I’m a kindergarten teacher! Miracle drug!"

10 / 10
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  • pfboi...
  • October 11, 2016

For Urticaria "I suffered from UCI for close to a year. Nonstop hives with no relief other than steroids. After many allergists, one finally suggested Xolair. It was covered by my insurance (BCBS). I had 3 shots, 1x per month for 3 months. It's been a year with no issues, and I no longer need Xolair. Thank you to the people who created Xolair. It changed my life!!"

10 / 10
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More FAQ

  • Merfle
  • May 2, 2016

For Urticaria "I'm on Xolair for chronic idiopathic urticaria. This shot has changed my life! I just had my 6th one today, I only get breakthrough hives about once a week, and it's not very bad. My dermatographia and angioedema are completely gone. I've been able to get off most of my antihistamines and prednisone as well."

10 / 10
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  • Jcoop
  • Taken for 1 to 2 years
  • March 7, 2016

For Asthma, Maintenance "I've been in this injection since August 2014. It really has improved my quality of life. Before it, I was in and out of the doctor's office or ER every week. But now I rarely need to go because of this medication. I have tried so many different medicines, and this is the only one that worked for me. It's scary when you see your lung function decreasing over time, but Xolair has given me hope. I get the shot every 2 weeks. Sometimes the side effects suck: muscle weakness and extreme fatigue, but it's better than not breathing."

9 / 10
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  • Chris...
  • November 29, 2017

For Urticaria "I am beyond disappointed that Xolair had no effect on my chronic urticaria. For 18 years, I have suffered with the disabling disease. My hives are so bad, I cannot even wear clothes because anything touching my skin causes unbearable pain, swelling, redness, and my eyes become bloodshot/swollen, and pus comes out of them. I also have full-blown lupus, and I am human leukocyte antigen (HLA) B27 positive (HLA-B27 positive). My life is completely ruined and over. Can't work, have zero support from anyone, live in poverty (thank you, SSD), lost my home... horrible situation. Xolair did nothing. Not one thing! Pain, redness, swelling, itching still there after two months with two treatments of two shots a month. Beyond depressed. It is hard to live like this."

1 / 10
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  • Lendy...
  • March 21, 2017

For Asthma, Maintenance "I was diagnosed with asthma and allergies 15 years ago. I am now 65. In the beginning, before Xolair injections, my asthma would act up, and I would cough for weeks until I had such a sore throat, broken blood vessels around my eyes, and was just miserable. Around 7 years ago, my doctor recommended I start Xolair injections every 2 weeks. What a difference, like night and day. I don't have any side effects either. I seldom have asthma flare-ups and very little allergy problems. I still use an inhaler morning and night and carry a rescue inhaler with me, which I seldom use. What a lifesaver Xolair injections have been. I have my life back."

10 / 10
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  • Gigi
  • March 19, 2016

For Urticaria "I have had hives since 1997 on a daily basis. I have tried every drug and combination there is. The only thing that ever worked was prednisone, and we all know how hateful that stuff is. My doctor told me about Xolair a while back, and we waited on my insurance to approve it. It has been the best thing that has happened to me. I started 1 1/2 years ago and haven't had a hive since my first injection. My injections were every 4 weeks for a year, and now they are every 6 weeks. I do get all-over muscle soreness for a week after injections, but that goes away, and it's far better than having hives. I finally feel normal again!"

10 / 10
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  • PKano
  • March 19, 2018

For Urticaria "I have a urticaria hives for almost 7 years. I have tried Zyrtec, Claritin & all other medicines. No luck. Finally I found Xoliar. It really worked well for a while. I was amazed to have that injection every time. No hives, Itching. redness. Yeah I got what I needed. But after a year I realized my elbow, and palm was getting muscle pain & joint pain in fingers. And also if I got cold it will take time to recover even I had the Cold and Cough syrups. I use to have the cold for more than 10 days. Sneezing, coughing, running nose. You can say "It might be a allergies". Yes I tried Zyrtec for allergies also, nothing worked. Xolair destroys our immune system totally whatever we built from our childhood. Some time when you get a cold, people will have fever tablet also for precaution. But after had the tablet only, they will feel fever. Same here, Slowly you will be like Asthma patient after getting Xoliar even you don't have Asthma. No Xoliar. Avoid sugar whenever possible (sugar will lead to being itchy). Good Luck."

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  • Eboni
  • Taken for 1 to 6 months
  • July 1, 2016

For Urticaria "I began to experience hives and angioedema really, really bad. Every morning I would wake up, my body would be covered, from head to toe. My face would be 10x its normal size. It was devastating and painful to have your hands and feet swell due to hives covering them. My allergist placed me on prednisone, but that is a very mean drug! I was on 3 antihistamines: Allegra, Zyrtec, and Singulair. I was on 2% hydrocortisone, and nothing helped! Until my insurance approved Xolair. It literally changed my life! After day 3 of my first injection, hives disappeared! The only downfall was the horrible headaches and joint pain I experience after the injections. I also have fibromyalgia, and it just intensifies the pain for a few days."

10 / 10
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  • Wendy...
  • July 14, 2017

For Asthma, Maintenance "I can't really rate the drug itself, since I've never taken it. I don't even meet the criteria to be on it, that of the maker or of my insurance. But, the pulmonologist was pushing me to get on it. He called me on the phone, but only told me the name, and that the insurance would cover it. I looked it up, I've only been in the hospital once for asthma, for 2 days, in my life (at 60), no ER trips for it for years, not on ICS because I can't use them due to severe side effects in me. I told him he must be thinking of another patient. Then he tried using the result of the IgE test, and fact I have pets, which I don't even react to. He exaggerated everything about my history. Some sort of Kickback is all I can figure, here. "

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  • Hallu
  • Taken for 1 to 6 months
  • September 30, 2015

For Asthma, Maintenance "As my conditions are unstable and rare. Professors have never seen anything like me. Episodes started early January 2013 in serious effects, leading me into ICU in September 2013. Since then, I've had every test under the sun and they are still no closer to finding out why I have these episodes. So they decided to put me on the Xolair injection, but they said, 'this may not work', it's trial and error with you. So I'm due for my 3rd injection on the 8th of October. I have to stay at the hospital up to 3 hours per injection. I've had episodes on this injection. I don't like the side effects, so this will be my last injection."

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  • LAB_2...
  • February 6, 2017

For Urticaria "I was a very healthy 52-year-old female until my first Urticaria attack in June of 2013. I was taken to the emergency room and treated with IV Benadryl. I was back in the ER with the same symptoms 24 hours later. Like many of the posts I read here, I went through prednisone, cyclosporine, lotions, potions, etc., and about 5 prescription antihistamines a day from June of 2013 to October 2013 trying to get relief. Nothing worked, and I was miserable-not to mention drugged. I found a very good doctor who introduced Xolair to me. I received my first Xolair injection in October 2013 (prior to FDA approval for CIU) and am still on it as of Feb 2017. It's a miracle drug."

10 / 10
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  • Dligh...
  • June 14, 2018

For Urticaria "I started getting large, itchy and painful hives 5 years ago. I have had multiple allergy tests. I was put on Xolair and it worked wonders. I lost my insurance so now I can not afford xolair without insurance. My condition has worsened. This past month I have gone to ER. The hives are the least of my concerns now. My tongue, lips, throat swell and I go into full blown anaphylaxis. The only thing that helps is epinephrine, a steroid, an antacid and Benadryl all given intravenously. It’s sad. I will keep searching for help. A nurse in one ER spoke with me once I had stabilized. He recommended that I read a book called eating for your blood type as well and histamine intolerance. I now avoid fast foods, and all sorts of pickled and cured foods as well as any foods that sit around because they contain additives and preservatives. I’m afraid to eat now and I’m craving sugar like mad. I believe I am histamine intolerant and may have some mast cell condition situation "

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  • Kingb...
  • December 30, 2015

For Asthma, Maintenance "Got sick (flu) or so I thought. I went to work. Went home, next morning, could barely walk. I went to urgent care, got a wheelchair. Doc said I had a bad asthma attack. Admitted me to the hospital for a while. Seen a pulmonologist, who suggested I try Xolair. That was over 2 years ago, it changed my life. I get shots every 2 weeks."

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  • Jon
  • Taken for 2 to 5 years
  • January 11, 2020

For Asthma, Maintenance "Xolair has been a lifesaver. I’ve gone from an average of a week long hospital stay every other month and near constant use of prednisone to no asthma attacks, no use of rescue inhalers and no hospital stays! I’ve had zero side effects. Xolair is a miracle drug. I take 375 mg every two weeks. With my insurance it costs $30."

10 / 10
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  • Jane
  • December 10, 2018

For Urticaria "I have had chronic urticaria for about 10 years. Tried acupuncture which helped me reduce my allergy meds by half but not all the way. Then started Xolair 3 months ago. It helped with hives and I was able to reduce my allergy pills to just 2 Zyrtec a day. However, I have a host of negative side effects: rash on my face that won’t go away, severe irritation of lining inside my mouth, inflamed lips, and significant weight gain. I’ve decided it’s just not worth all these negative side effects so I’m stopping Xolair."

5 / 10
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  • Sam-mo
  • February 9, 2018

For Urticaria "I got my first shot in November and I’ve got a severe insomnia and I couldn’t sleep even with prescribed sleeping pills! My Dr gave me a 1 month break then lowered my dose to half and after one week of my second injection again I’m having a severe insomnia again and it’s affecting my life quality! I am going to ask my Dr to stop this as I’m suffering from a good quality sleep! I googled and figured out insomnia was one of side effects in some patients! Did anyone has the same problem?"

1 / 10
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  • Minne...
  • September 29, 2016

For Urticaria "Xolair shots are a lifesaver! I was completely covered in hives for months and tried every medication possible while still trying to attempt college. I was failing classes and hated life, I was absolutely miserable. My doctor suggested Xolair, but after seeing the price, I knew there was no way. However, my doctor got me connected to sign up for the pay assistance. Although they are high in cost, they are extremely worth it. I get two shots a month, and it took about 2 months for any difference and then about 4 until I was completely hive-free, but I have now been hive-free since then! I can never thank the Xolair creator enough!"

10 / 10
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  • Alpha...
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • March 13, 2018

For Urticaria "I'm on here because my mom takes these shots for idiopathic chronic hives. It isn't working for her unfortunatley. We live states apart and I've had some similar allergic reactions to some of you but I had some luck in discovering the foundation for it. It's a "rare" but becoming much more common allergy to mammalian meat and all mammal meat bi-products caused by a tick bite called Alpha Gal allergy. Itchy hands and feet and delayed reaction are big indicators for it. There is a simple blood test to find out and then you have to avoid mammal meat and their products like the plague. You can still eat poultry and fish, etc but for some severe cases, you have to be a strict vegan about EVERYTHING. You would not believe the amount of everyday products that use the fat from a cow or the blood of a pig, etc. pretty gross actually. Once you eliminate most to all of these, life improves dramatically! Anyways, hope this helps some of you!!!"

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  • DCinS...
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • January 30, 2017

For Urticaria "I've been experiencing breakouts for months. Have gone through everything everyone else has, so no need to rehash. I'll get to the point for those who are suffering. On January 23, 2017 I received my first injection of Xolair. In less than 24 hours I was already experiencing some mild relief. It's been a full week, not one breakout of hives. It feels like I have my life back."

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Reviews may be edited to correct grammar/spelling or to remove inappropriate language and content. Reviews that appear to be created by parties with a vested interest are not published. This information is not intended to endorse any particular medication. While these reviews may be helpful, they are not a substitute for the expertise, knowledge, and judgement of healthcare professionals.