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Camila for Birth Control User Reviews (Page 4)

Camila has an average rating of 4.7 out of 10 from a total of 93 reviews for the treatment of Birth Control. 37% of reviewers reported a positive experience, while 52% reported a negative experience.

Reviews for Camila

  • jemkru
  • September 22, 2017

"There's a lot of bad reviews on here, so I thought I'd offer my experience to balance it out. Camila has been fine for me. Switching from estrogen-based birth control to progestin-only I have noticed a few negative side effects. I have slightly more acne/greasier skin. I also have a lot more breast pain/tenderness when I PMS than I did before. I hate having to remember it every day, and given the side effects, would go back on estrogen in a heartbeat. Since that's not an option, this has worked out fine for me. I haven't noticed any weight gain or moodiness"

6 / 10
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  • Awill
  • Taken for 1 to 6 months
  • November 2, 2018

"I’ve been on Camila for a month now & I’m not sure how to feel. As of now my period is a week late & no I’m not sexually active. I’ve never had a period this late so I’m not sure what’s going on. I haven’t noticed any side affects from this medicine though so that’s a good thing. I also make sure to take my medicine the same time everyday !"

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  • Mxdgrl
  • Taken for 1 to 6 months
  • January 16, 2019

"So I have been taking this pill for about 3-4 months now. I started taking it because I was and am sexually active and I wanted extra protection. However, It has caused my period to come every 2 weeks. Previously it would come at a normal rate, once a month. I do not understand why this is happening at all. I have had mood swings and issues concentrating while on my period that I did not have prior to taking this pill. The worst has honestly been the cramps. The cramps that being on this pill are absolutely terrible. I did not really have really bad cramps before, they had been pretty subtle, never too much. However the cramps in combination with the excruciating back aches it has caused, well all I can say is, you may want to call in sick that day. I have honestly considered just stopping taking the pill without even asking my doctor, since I haven’t been able to get in contact. Honestly if it keeps up I’m just going to stop taking it. Absolutely terrible."

3 / 10
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  • Alecia
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • October 19, 2018

"My doctor prescribed Camila because I was 5 weeks postpartum and still breastfeeding. After taking the pill for the first 3 days at the same time I started spotting, by day 4 into day 5 I started having heavy bleeding. It didn't affected my milk supply but I could not deal with the heavy bleeding so I stopped talking the pill."

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  • Jackie
  • Taken for 1 to 2 years
  • September 2, 2020

"So I have experienced being on both Camila and Mylan brand. Camila was the first birth control I was prescribed. For the first few months, my hair was falling out. But within a year, it grew back. Other than that, it is an amazing birth control. Better than all of the others I've tried in the past. Best of all, I didn't get a period, which I have a history of extremely painful periods. But due to insurance reasons, I recently was switched to Mylan brand. I'm 2 months in and am requesting to go back on Camila. I get periods again, but the pain is terrible also cramps, acne, depression, sore breasts, and really bad muscle pain that keeps me up at night. Don't get sucked into believing that generic vs brand name drugs are the same. There are inactive ingredients that many people experience with generic. This isn't the only medication I have problems with the generic version of."

10 / 10
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  • Anonymous
  • December 23, 2017

"First day on the new pill and already experience horrible bloating not to mention the massive amount of mood swings. I cried at least 3 times for no reason at all and snapped at my boyfriend which I’ve never done and we’ve been dating for almost 2 years. Not to mention the super depressive thoughts. I refuse to take it a day longer. Give me my old pack back please!"

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  • Ashley...
  • Taken for 1 to 6 months
  • August 10, 2017

"Was on the combined pills before that made me crazy. But this pill actually doesn't do any of that for me. Sure I've gained like 20 pounds in the few months I have been taking it. I have a few more cramps then usual. No abnormal bleeding. I got a little bit more acne then usual. But this pill does the trick for me."

8 / 10
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  • Jujubee
  • Taken for 2 to 5 years
  • November 2, 2019

"When I first started on Camila in 2014, yes, I bled a lot over several months. I was going through a divorce and had a lot of stress anyway. I had lost 10 lbs in two months when I first started. I thought that was appropriate, since the estrogen pills made me gain it. I stayed like that for about three years. Then, all of a sudden, it seemed like the formula changed. The packaging sure changed. I started gaining weight and bleeding again. I am a marathon runner and also gym rat who watches what she eats, so I didn't understand the weight gain. I don't know if I can get back on this one, but I have been trying others of the same active ingredients (trying each for at least four months). The weight gain just won't stop and I will do anything to have Camila work like it used to. All the reviews are so mixed. I am onto Heather to see if it will take the weight off. If not, I don't know what I will do...."

8 / 10
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  • Falmo...
  • April 19, 2017

"Awful pill. I threw away this month's pack and I am only on week 2. My face broke out like CRAZY and I became so irritable I wanted to put my fist through the wall constantly. I started having really bad depressive thoughts and I gained weight as well. Oh yeah, and I have no sex drive at all. Don't take this pill. I'm getting an IUD."

1 / 10
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  • bowie
  • Taken for 1 to 6 months
  • April 7, 2021

"starting this off with am on Camila as a hormone blocker due to being transgender. This is the first birth control I have ever been on, and I was told it would stop my period. The first month I was on it I was on a very low dose and it postponed my period for a week, and then it happened anyways. I normally have heavy periods, but I have never had cramps. Camila made my period even heavier than normal AND painful!! My doctor upped my dose, and now, on my second month, I have been having light to moderate bleeding for a week and a half now (starting during ovulation) and in the past 3 days cramps so painful I haven’t been able to move around and haven’t been able to attend school. Everybody’s body is different, sure, but I think that I should have been warned of these possibilities before starting, because looking here, it seems more common than I would expect!!"

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  • MarMar
  • April 30, 2016

"I have been on this pill for over a year now and hate it. I used to be on an estrogen one but my dr said my blood pressure was a bit too high so she switched me (every other time I get my blood pressure checked it's completely normal). I have heavy periods which in my job where I can't just get up and go to the bathroom when I need sucks. I didn't have my period at all during the summer but then it came back with a vengeance. I have had it roughly every two weeks for the past 5 months. I also never know when it's going to start so I am wearing a pad more often than not now. I am going to be telling my dr to take me off this pill when I next go in."

2 / 10
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  • Ballca
  • Taken for 6 months to 1 year
  • December 5, 2017

"I am 40 years old and was put on Camilla 7 months ago due to high blood pressure. My periods were spotty at first, and then they might last 7 -10 days. I even had 2 periods one month. (I think due to missing a dose, but I made it up the next day.) Today, I’m worried I’m pregnant because my period is 2 weeks late! I’m hoping it’s just part of the irregular cycle Camilla creates. I have experienced some hair loss, but I wouldn’t say in clumps. I just seem to see more strands of hair on my comb and hands after I wash my hair. I have lost weight on Camilla, but I have been actively trying to, counting calories and walking 2 miles a day. My mood on Camilla has been better or stayed the same. The weight loss has probably helped with that also."

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  • Anonymous
  • January 25, 2018

"I see so many bad reviews on here but I really have enjoyed being on this pill. Only a few negative side effects but they are definitely manageable. My skin got significantly more oily in the first few months, but with the right skincare routine and waiting it out, everything’s settled down. My period has been irregular, I now get my period every 2-3 months. The unpredictability of it is kinda annoying, but not unmanageable. When I do get it, it is still average duration and flow. Give it a chance, and wait at least 6 months for your body to adjust to it."

9 / 10
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  • GG329
  • Taken for 6 months to 1 year
  • April 26, 2017

"Can I give this pill a zero rating?! I started this pill back in July because I was having migraines with auras and my doctor thought this would help. NO. This pill is awful. I had no migraines but what I experienced was worse: acne breakouts all over my body which I have never experienced before this pill, frequent spotting but no actual period, bloating and cramping all of the time, drastic weight gain, zero sex drive, foggy brain and worst of all it made me so moody. I'm an extremely bubbly person and this pill made me mean and grumpy. I had zero tolerance and frequently snapped at people. I was tired all the time and depressed. I quit this pill a week ago and I feel so much better already. I am my old self again."

1 / 10
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  • Pookie
  • Taken for 1 to 6 months
  • April 24, 2019

"Just had my son 6 months ago and I was breast feeding so my doctor recommended Camila birth control and ever since I have been taking it, my face has been covered in acne, mind you I have had none for years, and I can not loose weight even when I have been trying. Plus my periods are extremely painful so probably going to get off of this pill"

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  • MkM
  • Taken for 1 to 6 months
  • May 23, 2022

"I am 19 years old. Got on this prior to having kidney surgery because I was worried about blood pressure and clots from combo pill. I was told that I would experience less side effects. I bled for weeks and stopped taking it after about a month and a half. After kidney surgery, I felt bloated and a lot more pain that was getting worse. Went to the ER and I have a massive ovarian cyst. It wasn’t on my ultrasounds from March (it is now May). I truly believe that this birth control caused this! And I was not informed of this risk at all. I would have never taken it if I knew this could happen and I’m kicking myself for trusting the nurse who prescribed it. Now I am trying to recover from surgery with this cyst on the same side. Do not take."

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  • Missy...
  • Taken for 2 to 5 years
  • July 25, 2021

"I loved Camila was on it for 5 years however I gained 55 pounds and never gained weight ever before unless pregnant and mostly all birth control made me lose a lot of weight. Secondly I ended up with high blood pressure which led to a stroke I am 40. I was immediately taken off it so I recommend if you have history of heart disease in your family watch for your blood pressure and if it’s high get off Camila. My OBGYN ignored my high blood pressure due to my anxiety I almost lost my life for listening to dr when everyone said it was not right. I have high blood pressure. Just be careful and pay attention I don’t blame the pill it actually worked great I used to bleed bad for 10-14 days I barely got a period and it was spots here and there for 2-3 days. So it can be a benefit, I also had absolutely no sex drive my husband finally gave up trying he got so frustrated and we were very sexually active."

10 / 10
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  • SEG
  • October 19, 2017

"I’ve been on this pill for about 2 months, I wanted to try a low hormonal pill to hope for no or less weight gain. Camila by far is the worst birth control I have been on. My period is light but the duration is about 9-11 days SMH! I rather bleed heavy for 3-4! The cramps are deadly. I’ve always had bad cramps but this is different now. Oh, if you miss a pill by a few hours.. you start to cramp & bleed. I haven’t experienced any major breakouts. My mood is pretty normal, except for when I’m cramping & bloating. NOW the weight gain is no joke. I’m sure it’s all water weight & bloat.. but who wants that? I’ve gained 6lbs in one month! My appetite has definitely increased for the worst. I’m a normal healthy eater but all I want to do is snack."

4 / 10
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  • Angel
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • August 24, 2021

"I was on this pill for 2 days. On the second day I couldn't even hardly walk my legs were so swollen and my arms. It was scary. I had to elevate my legs for 4 hours before they went down. I was on my feet because I'm a hair stylist came home to see my legs were double in size. It was horrible. Only 2 days I quit taking them ASAP."

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  • Aggra...
  • Taken for 1 to 6 months
  • December 8, 2017

"I was on the combo pill before which was great but made my blood pressure go sky high. I switched to Camila to help. I’ve been taking Camila since July and the first few months were good; no cramps, no bloating, even no period. I wasn’t worried that I was pregnant since I wasn’t really having sex at the time. My period is super light but I’ve had it for almost 2 weeks now and it sucks. I also have cramps now all day long. I’m truly thinking about switching back to my combo pill because these cramps and long periods are killing me!"

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  • Macy...
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • October 24, 2017

"I got on this pill specifically from my doctor because I was still nursing. She insured me this is pill to get on so my milk supply would not dry up. WRONG. I took it for about 6 days -on the 6th day I started pumping and absolutely nothing came out. Just empty. I also started bleeding. Not heavy very light. I got off of it immediately."

3 / 10
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  • roano
  • Taken for 1 to 6 months
  • March 6, 2018

"This birth control was horrible for me. I have NEVER had such a bad experience.. generally I respond just fine to any birth control (and I have been on quite a handful). The only potential factor here is that I am a few months postpartum so it is possible that my body still needs time to regulate, but I have gotten so much breakthrough bleeding on this pill and I really feel like things should be more normal by this point. If you have another option, I highly advise taking any pill other than this one."

1 / 10
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  • Amanda...
  • January 29, 2018

"I was recently switched to Camila because I have a history of migraines and taken off the Nuva Ring that I was on for over 10 years without any side affects. I have been miserable ever since. After just a week or so on Camila, my face broke out like it's never before. I have never had issues with acne until now. After a few weeks, I stopped taking Camila because I could not take it anymore. I haven't taken it in a couple of weeks and my face has still not cleared up. I had read reviews with this complaint, but tried the pill as I had no other option. I regret that decision entirely. On top of the acne, I developed TMJ which the dentist and ENT associated with a hormonal imbalance due to stopping a combo birth control containing estrogen. I am currently not on any birth control until I meet with a Neurologist in hopes to get the ok to resume the NuvaRing again. I wish I could give Camila a zero for rating."

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  • PoohB...
  • December 6, 2017

"I've been on this pill since February. It is now December. My periods are longer, heavier and irregular. I experience bad cramps nausea starting a full week before my period. I was prescribed it because I have high blood pressure. I also believe it has lowered my sex drive. I got on this pill instead of having my tubes tied and now I wish I had done that instead. I can have no bleeding BEFORE taking the pill and a hour after taking it I bleed. ;-( Hubby and I are unhappy because no sex isn't the BirthControl we were trying to have. I think I'm going to just stop taking it."

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  • Jana...
  • January 20, 2018

"I’ve always had a long and irregular periods, so the pill did not affect my period at all. The main change was extremely sore breast and slightly worst cramping. But definitely manageable for me. So the absolute worst thing was the depression. I’m exactly a month and and about three weeks ago I started having extremely bad depression. And breakdowns the point I was having super depressing thoughts. Over the past few weeks I kept questioning what the hell was wrong with me. One morning I forgot to take my pill and then I realized holy moly it’s that damn pill. I’m stopping today. I do not recommend this pill for anyone."

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Reviews may be edited to correct grammar/spelling or to remove inappropriate language and content. Reviews that appear to be created by parties with a vested interest are not published. This information is not intended to endorse any particular medication. While these reviews may be helpful, they are not a substitute for the expertise, knowledge, and judgement of healthcare professionals.