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Afeditab CR for High Blood Pressure User Reviews

  • Roc...
  • Taken for 6 months to 1 year
  • July 29, 2019

"I have been on Nifedipine ER for a year to treat my B/P, and I take it with Metoprolol & Losartan. The nifedipine has been effective in keeping my B/P stable (the Metoprolol & Losartan by themselves not so much). However, I have to put up with bad side effects - swelling of feet, some heart palpitations, flushing of face (on & off), sleep disturbances, really bad neck & shoulder muscle pain. These side effects will last from 4-6 hours while the nifedipine is working in my body. I’m talking to my doctor about getting a possible substitute to see if it has fewer side effects. I don’t know if these side effects are very common, but this has been my experience."

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