Multivitamin, prenatal for Vitamin/Mineral Supplementation during Pregnancy/Lactation User Reviews
Brand names: Prenatal Multivitamins, Prenatal 19, Vitafol Ultra, Prenate, Folcaps Omega 3, Prenatal Plus Iron, M-Natal Plus, Trinate, Obstetrix One, One A Day Women's Prenatal, Similac Prenatal, WesTab Plus, Enbrace HR, Alive Prenatal Gummies, Centrum Specialist, Classic Prenatal, Folcal DHA, CitraNatal DHA, Prenate DHA, Folivan-EC DHA, Gesticare, ComBi Rx, Vitafol-One, Vitaspire, PreNata, Zatean-PN DHA, Nestabs, Prenavite FC, Natachew, Ziphex, Prenatabs Rx, WesCap-C-DHA, TheraNatal Lactation Complete, Vitafol Gummies with DHA, VitaPearl with DHA, Azesco, CitraNatal 90 DHA, CitraNatal Medley, Azeschew, Pregenna, CompleteNate, Obtrex DHA, PNV-DHA, ProFe Forte, TriCare Prenatal DHA One Rx, Maternity, Prenatryl, Dothelle DHA, Foltabs, Aminatal Plus, Zatean-PN Plus, Elemental Iron-90, Aminate, Vinate PN Care, Equi-Natal M, Equi-Natal Rx, Equinatal 90, Equi-Natal Z, Atabex EC, BP MultiNatal Plus Chewables, Dualvit OB, Aminatal Plus One, Aminate with 90 mg Iron, UltimateCare Combo, Prenatal Elite, Cavan-Alpha, Nestabs CBF, Vitafol PN, Fem-Natal, Ami-Natal Plus One Improved, Aminatal Plus New Formula, Edge OB, Vinate II, Mission Prenatal, OB Natal One, Natalvit, Folcaps Care One, Mission Prenatal HP, Extra-Virt Plus DHA, Prenatal Rx Low Iron, OB Complete Premier, Prenate mini with DHA, Active OB, Chromagen OB, Viva DHA, Nestabs ONE, Complete Natal DHA, Citracal Prenatal Rx, NatalCare Advanced, Baby & Me, Gesticare DHA, TriStart One, C-Nate DHA, Anemagen OB, Ultra-Natal, Chromagen (prenatal), CitraNatal Bloom DHA, Equi-Natal Care, Choice OB plus DHA, Inatal Advance, Focalgin 90 DHA, Inatal Ultra, Foltabs plus DHA, CorNate-DHA, Focalgin CA, DuetDHA 400, Folet DHA, Ob-20, DuetDHA 400ec, Folet One with DHA, Prenatabs CBF, Foltabs Prenatal Plus DHA, DuetDHA 430, FoliNatal Plus B, DuetDHA 430ec, Good Sense PreNatal, Prenatal Low Iron, DuetDHA Balanced, Virt-Select, Expecta DHA, Mteryti, Virt-C DHA, Vinate M, Mteryti Folic 5, CitraNatal Essence, Vinate Ultra, Mom's Choice Rx with DHA, Virt-Nate DHA, WesCap-PN DHA, Niferex (prenatal), Ferrex PC Forte, Obstetrix EC, Prenatal AD, PNV Prenatal, Virt-PN DHA, One Daily Combo Pack, Prena1 True plus DHA, Primacare, Prenatal 19 (Cypress), WesNate DHA, Prenatal H, Viva CT, PNV Prenatal Plus, PreNatal 19 (Nationwide), Duet, Cavan-Folate DHA, Prenatal Multi + DHA, Duet Chewable, Cavan-Heme OB, Prenatal Plus + DHA Minicaps, Prenate Pixie, Natelle, Prena1 Chew, Cenogen Ultra, Concept OB, Prena1 Pearl, Provida OB, Prenatal-U, TheraNatal Lactation One, Vinate GT, Prenatal Plus Low Iron, TheraNatal One DHA, TriCare Prenatal, Cal-nate, Cavan EC DHA Plus, Prenate AM, Trinaz Cavan One Prenate Enhance with DHA TriStart DHA OB Complete with DHA Prenate Restore Triveen-Duo DHA Novanatal O-Cal Prenatal CitraNatal B-Calm Vitafol Fe Plus CitraNatal Harmony Prenate Essential TheraNatal OvaVite Vitafol-OB Vitafol Strips Duet DHA TriCare Prenatal Compleat VitaTrue plus DHA Prenate Elite Zalvit Icare Prenatal Rx vitaMedMD One Rx Tri Rx Taron-C DHA Vinate DHA Pretrate PrenaFirst TriCare DHA One Trimesis Rx Triveen-One vitaMed MD RediChew Rx vitaMedMD RediChew Rx VeNatal FA Bright Beginnings CitraNatal Rx PrePlus Prenatal Complete with DHA Obtrex Vol-Tab Rx Marnatal-F Plus Natelle Prefer Select-OB Citracal Prenatal + DHA Docosavit Thrivite RX OB Complete Petite Duet DHA Complete NovaStart Elite OB with DHA TriCare Maxinate Duet DHA EC CitraNatal Bloom Citracal Prenatal 90+DHA CareNatal DHA Co Natal FA Vitafol-OB+DHA Femecal OB Femecal OB plus DHA Femnatal Folivan-OB Foltabs Prenatal Folivan-PRX DHA Bal-Care DHA Gesticare DHA DR Marnatal-F Cavan-Heme Omega Duet DHA Balanced EzFe Forte Advance Care Plus Alive Complete Prenatal Multivitamin Complete Natal Complete-RF Alive Prenatal Support OB Complete 400 Neevo DHA Se-Natal 16 Macnatal CN with DHA Se-Natal 19 Nestabs DHA BumP DHA Prenatrix Concept DHA OB Complete One with DHA Trinatal Rx 1 PNV-Omega CitraNatal Assure PNV Select Bal-Care DHA Essential Duet DHA with Ferrazone PR Natal 400 Active OB DHA Vinate One PR Natal 400 EC PR Natal 430 Prenaissance Plus Cavan Folate Elite OB 400 Taron-PRX Plus DHA Prennaissance with DHA Prenate Essential DHA VP-PNV-DHA Foltabs 90 plus DHA Folbecal TheraNatal Complete TheraNatal Core Nutrition Virt Advance Triveen Ten Virtprex Baby and Me VitaMedMD Plus Rx RE Prenatal Multivitamin with Iron RightStep Reaphirm Plant Source DHA Folivane-PRx DHA NF Vitafol Nano Equi-Natal Plus PrenaCare Prenate Plus PNV Tabs 29-1 PrenaPlus PreTAB Hi-Nate 90 Vitafol Plus Select-OB+DHA …show all brand names
Multivitamin, prenatal has an average rating of 7.1 out of 10 from a total of 89 reviews for the treatment of Vitamin/Mineral Supplementation during Pregnancy/Lactation. 58% of reviewers reported a positive experience, while 20% reported a negative experience.
Reviews for Multivitamin, prenatal
- Sbr...
- October 13, 2014
CitraNatal 90 DHA (multivitamin, prenatal) "These prenatals are amazing! I took samples from my doctor, and after 15 days my hair was growing so healthy, my nails were growing wonderfully. This prenatal is 2 pills. 1 is the prenatal (it smells and tastes of vanilla) and the DHA tablet (fish oil). Has a positive effect on bowel movements, keeps the baby healthy, etc."
- Tte...
- Taken for less than 1 month
- July 13, 2017
Vitafol Ultra (multivitamin, prenatal) "I had no problems with this medication. It smells good, kind of like a light vanilla scent, and the taste isn't bad at all. I love it. I have a peanut allergy, so I have to be careful with the prenatal vitamins I buy, but my doctor gave me a few packs of these, and it works great. I haven't had any problems at all, so now I just need to find out where they sell these or if I can get a prescription for it. This will be my fifth kid, and out of all the prenatal vitamins I ever took, these are definitely the best."
- zar...
- April 9, 2010
Concept DHA (multivitamin, prenatal) "It really surprises me when I come to know that I have to take it once a day. These have 2 extra enzymes for the baby breast milk, so you can take it during pregnancy and the postnatal lactating period. Thirdly, it doesn't leave any bad taste in the mouth, nor does it upset your stomach. I am happy with it, and the most important thing is that it is FDA tested and their VCAPS are of plant origin. Vcaps shells are manufactured KOsher, HALAL certified, and Vegetarian Society approved. But you can only get them through prescription, not over the counter."
- som...
- January 26, 2013
Prenatal Plus (multivitamin, prenatal) "These were covered by my insurance but got taken off. I paid out of pocket just to keep taking them. I had no side effects. They made my nails, hair, and skin better. My iron levels were always great. They are great during pregnancy."
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- Taken for less than 1 month
- December 12, 2017
Vitafol Ultra (multivitamin, prenatal) "These are small, unlike the huge prenatal I was prescribed before. All others made me vomit within 15 minutes of taking them, no matter when, food eaten, etc., but feel fine when taking these. As these are plant-based, there is no fish oil aftertaste, and plant-based nutrients are easier for my body to absorb. Baby and I are super happy with them so far!"
- Mel...
- October 4, 2011
Prenatal Plus (multivitamin, prenatal) "I must admit there were times I was constipated, but take into consideration that constipation is normal during pregnancy! This prenatal is one of the best, in my opinion, and at 27 weeks, my healthy baby girl is kicking like there's no tomorrow! No problems thus far, just a healthy baby and pregnancy to show for it."
- Anonymous
- February 18, 2010
CitraNatal 90 DHA (multivitamin, prenatal) "I went through many vitamins during my first pregnancy because they all made me sick and left horrible tastes in my mouth. This one is much better, and I feel fantastic. I will be sticking with it throughout my pregnancy and during nursing my baby."
- cco...
- July 24, 2008
Duet DHA (multivitamin, prenatal) "I know everyone is different, but this vitamin is by far the best one out there. I've taken many prenatal vitamins, and they've always made my stomach very upset and made me very constipated. Thanks to this vitamin, I don't even have to take it with food. The only complaint I have about it is the taste. You have to swallow it very quickly so the taste doesn't stay on your tongue."
- Anonymous
- Taken for 2 to 5 years
- February 12, 2017
"This is the best prenatal pill I have ever taken. It is great for promoting hair growth for you and your baby. I didn't have any heartburn while taking this particular one. Can be taken on an empty stomach day or night. I have taken this throughout two pregnancies and overall healthy babies..."
- Anonymous
- November 1, 2019
Vitafol Ultra (multivitamin, prenatal) "I was reading previous experiences of Vitafol, some say they have migraines and such on this pill. This is my second pregnancy taking this pill (both pregnancies are very different as far as symptoms), therefore I wouldn’t blame migraine’re pregnant after all, symptoms are overabundant) on this pill because I didn’t with my first child taking this pill, but I’ve had one migraine this second pregnancy. I like this pill because it is compact and easy, smells good, and I do not throw up after taking it."
- bru...
- August 11, 2019
Vitafol Ultra (multivitamin, prenatal) "This was a horrible experience after taking only one. I got a bad headache, stomachache, gas, nauseous, and just all around not feeling well. Just took it today so I will be glad when it goes out of my system. Horrible vitamin!"
- My...
- October 20, 2013
Prenatal Plus (multivitamin, prenatal) "While taking these supplements, I thought that my iron levels would be excellent. However, this was not the case, I am below the recommended iron requirement. I take an extra iron supplement plus my prenatal vitamin. Besides this little problem, I think this is a decent prenatal vitamin."
- Ash...
- Taken for 1 to 6 months
- February 27, 2019
Vitafol Ultra (multivitamin, prenatal) "I wanted to like this pill a lot as it was easily to swallow but after taking for more than a month I missed a dosage and the side effects started: upset stomach, nauseous and stool discoloration. It lasted for days-(..."
- Ell...
- Taken for 5 to 10 years
- June 26, 2022
CitraNatal 90 DHA (multivitamin, prenatal) "These are trash. First of all, folic acid is garbage - you need folate for pregnancy. Nonetheless, I took these for seven straight years and developed high levels of B6 in my bloodstream (B6 toxicity). Google it. Caused limb tingling, pins and needles, skin burning, twitches and spasms, and other neurologic side effects. My neurologist advised I immediately stop these supplements, but not before he had to perform various tests, including MRI, to rule out MS and brain abnormalities. Avoid these."
- Anonymous
- August 12, 2011
Neevo DHA (multivitamin, prenatal) "These are the ONLY prenatals that don't constipate me at all AND don't have a stool softener, which I am glad for. I don't like the idea of relying on stool softeners for such a lengthy amount of time. I don't get any aftertaste, etc. from them. It's tough to shuck out 40 bucks a month for vitamins, but knowing I'll be able to have normal bowel movements makes it worth it."
- Mar...
- Taken for 2 to 5 years
- February 28, 2016
"I have three little ones. I took these prenatals for the majority of my pregnancies and through nursing. Easy to swallow, and I felt better while on Vita Fol. I have tried OTC and generic prescription... Vitafol Ultra is my favorite. Happy momma. They can be pricey."
- Yov...
- February 6, 2013
"Best prenatal vitamin, hands down. I had a high-risk pregnancy. Both traits of mother which can cause you to miscarry or have a disabled child. While pregnant makes your blood thick, so I also had to take one baby aspirin a day. This prenatal kept me healthy, and I also had a healthy baby boy! I'm still on the vitamin for breastfeeding, and it's THE best, does EVERYTHING it states."
- Ith...
- Taken for less than 1 month
- October 7, 2017
CitraNatal 90 DHA (multivitamin, prenatal) "Have tried several different vitamins, and this one has been the best! No nausea, does slow down my metabolism a bit. My nails are growing so fast, and so is my hair. Definitely recommend these vitamins!"
- m00...
- October 21, 2009
PreNexa (multivitamin, prenatal) "I love PreNexa. I just started trying to get pregnant and have had the vitamin for four days. The only side effect I have seen is I have really vivid dreams. Other than that, there is no sickness, nausea, constipation, etc. It is so far the best I have found."
- Joy...
- Taken for less than 1 month
- October 10, 2019
Provida DHA (multivitamin, prenatal) "This has got to be the worst prenatal ever. I took it at night with food. Woke up 1:45am burping and smelling the taste of burnt dog poop mixed with fish guts coming from my mouth . It's the most repulsive disgusting thing you can ever imagine. Who ever made this must have thought it was funny to mix in nasty foul smelling ingredients. They need to fire whoever made this disgusting prenatal. I got it as a sample from doctor and I regret taking it."
- The...
- Taken for 6 months to 1 year
- November 22, 2016
Natelle One (multivitamin, prenatal) "Every prenatal has gotten me so sick I couldn't take, but this prenatal, I don't get sick, no aftertaste, nothing. The gel-like coating makes it easier to swallow, and it's just so simple and easy. No pain, no problem!"
- Anonymous
- January 28, 2010
PreNexa (multivitamin, prenatal) "I have tried several prenatal vitamins over the past year as we have been trying to get/stay pregnant, and I was either nauseous, extremely dizzy, had a metal taste in my mouth, or all of the above! PreNexa is the first prenatal vitamin that did not have any side effects at all! I feel great and more energized!"
- Anonymous
- August 19, 2021
CitraNatal 90 DHA (multivitamin, prenatal) "I honestly feel as if this vitamin did not do the proper job for myself or for my baby, and I also strongly feel and believe it may have had a lot to do with my miscarriage, because when I was taking over-the-counter prenatal vitamins, I was just fine, and so was my baby. Once I started taking these, there was a big change, and I lost my baby."
- pic...
- November 16, 2009
CompleteNate (multivitamin, prenatal) "I love this chewable prenatal vitamin! I have a hard time swallowing pills, so I found this one at a few pharmacies, Costco and Safeway, and I really like it. It's the same thing as Natachew. It tastes just like a vitamin C supplement. I would highly recommend this!"
More about multivitamin, prenatal
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- Drug class: iron products
Patient resources
- Prenatal Vitamin Chewable Tablet patient information
- Prenatal Vitamin Chewable Tablet with Twist-Off DHA Softgels
- Prenatal Vitamin Chewable Tablet Without Vitamin A
- Prenatal Vitamin
- Prenatal Vitamin Without Vitamin A
Other brands
Prenatal Multivitamins, Prenatal 19, Vitafol Ultra, Prenatabs FA, ... +29 more
Professional resources
Other brands
Prenatal 19, Vitafol Ultra, Prenate, Prenatabs FA, ... +36 more
Vitafol Ultra (multivitamin, prenatal) "It makes me have tremendous heartburn and trouble breathing too. I didn't think it was the pill at first, but when I forget to take it I'm okay, no problems at all. It's definitely this pill that's not good for me. It tastes and smells good, and it's a small blue oval, a very convenient size for a pill, but it just doesn't do what I feel it should be doing. I also get migraines, and I am not your typical migrainer."