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Morphine for Pain User Reviews (Page 3)

Brand names: MS Contin, Morphine Sulfate ER, Kadian, Morphine Sulfate IR, Morphine Sulfate SR, Duramorph, Mitigo Astramorph PF Infumorph Duramorph PF Doloral Doloral Sirop M O S …show all brand names

Morphine has an average rating of 7.9 out of 10 from a total of 157 reviews for the treatment of Pain. 78% of reviewers reported a positive experience, while 10% reported a negative experience.

Reviews for Morphine

  • tulsa...
  • March 31, 2011

Morphine Sulfate SR (morphine) "As of the results from heavy continued lifting for over 20 years my back was sacrificed. I now suffer from chronic lower lumbar pain due to bulging disc's and stenosis as well as frequent nerve pain. The Doctor prescribed Oxycodone 5/325 4x daily. This worked for relief but only for short periods of time. After talking again with my Doctor. She prescribed Morphine Sulfate SR 15 mg 2x daily and left me on the Oxycodone for breakthrough pain. The Morphine SR started working after about the 2nd day and gave me the STEADY relief I was looking for without making me drowsy. This combination works great and gave me back my life and the chance to be part of the family again."

8 / 10
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  • Water...
  • March 31, 2008

Kadian (morphine) "Great pain medication! My doctor suggested it after taking 8-10 Vicodin 10's per day. I started with 20mg/12 hours, then graduated to 60mgs, after about 8 months. I did not like the "disconnected" feeling assoc. w/Med Increase; at that time, it was a small price to pay for pain relief. I currently take Opana in im and ex., I am having quite favorable results, and when compared to Kadian, they seem quite similar, except Op processes thru Kidney. (good)"

10 / 10
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  • kramer
  • August 30, 2009

Kadian (morphine) "Osteoarthritis in knee (severe under knee cap only - mild to moderate elsewhere). Doctor tried everything, did not believe in "long term pain medicines" would rather do total knee replacement. Since I am only 40 I found another Doctor, he believes people who are in pain 24/7 need pain medicines 24/7. Put me on Kadian, WOW, marathon anybody??"

10 / 10
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Frequently asked questions

  • Scott...
  • October 5, 2009

Kadian (morphine) "I was disabled in law enforcement and have had 27 orthopedic surgeries to my knees and 2 to my right arm and 4 to my right shoulder and 3 partial disc removals from L4-L5 then permanent fusion to L4-L5. I am in constant pain for over 20 yrs. Went to pain management doctor's who did everything from temporary to permanent nerve burns, injections you name it. They finally put me on Kadian and it was the best thing ever. I was finally able to get back to work, stop walking with a cane, and enjoy my life a lot more than what I had over the last 12 years of the 20 in pain. I was to the point of almost wanting to end it. The only drawback is they are no longer going to make the 100mg capsules that I take, and they are expensive."

8 / 10
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  • Chapl...
  • May 8, 2009

Kadian (morphine) "I was injured in a coal mining accident that broke my back. The pain was horrific. The doctors I was seeing first put me on Lortab 5 and that did not do a thing. After several years I was placed in the care of a physical therapist doctor, I can't remember the name. He perscribed Oxycontin and that made me so sick. He placed me on MS Contin and that made me more sick than before, but then he put me on Kadian, the same thing as MS Contin, morphine sulfate, but it was better. It took care of the pain and stopped making me sick. It is a good medication."

7 / 10
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Are you taking this medicine?

  • Anonymous
  • May 16, 2011

MS Contin (morphine) "I have muscle atrophy and have been taking MS Contin for about a year now. I started taking 15mg in the morning and 15mg in the afternoon. That stopped working. So we went to 30mg in the morning and 15mg in the afternoon. That stopped working so now I just started taking 30mg twice a day and so far it's working. I have a lot of pain but we will see how long this dose works for. I think it has a lot of side effects as well. But I couldn't live without it."

8 / 10
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  • ouchnj
  • July 2, 2011

Avinza (morphine) "I never heard of this medicine. After being on every pain medicine (I thought) out there and still in horrid pain, I was about to give up, I couldn't live with the pain. I saw a new PM and he got me off my high dose of Oxycontin which did nothing for me along with Dilaudid and Roxicodone and put me on 240 once a day with 30 MSIR at 4 hrs. The MSIR does not help, I have to get something else, and the 240 has done things nothing ever has before. I can walk again, have some quality of my life back, not stoned feeling, it's amazing. I still have pain, I need to get my dosage adjusted. This is by far a miracle for me and my family. I don't sleep with a foot massager."

9 / 10
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  • painm...
  • October 22, 2009

Kadian (morphine) "I am 54 years old. Started having back problems in 1985. Have endured 2 lower back surgeries, the latter being a spinal fusion. I've been on Kadian for about 3 1/2 years. Prior to that I was on Darvocet, Oxycontin, and methodone, but had adverse reactions to all of them. When my doctor tried me on 20mg of Kadian it wasn't strong enough. But I slowly elevated to 80mg and it's been better than anything I've ever had."

8 / 10
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  • prg
  • June 6, 2008

Avinza (morphine) "I been on Avinza for about 3-4 months now and it's the only thing makes the pain bearable. I have had 2 neck surgeries and the last one left me with some right side weakness and partial paralysis. The only drawback I find with the Avinza is the constipation but the MiraLax has taken care of that. I almost feel like a real person again."

9 / 10
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  • Anonymous
  • March 1, 2011

MS Contin (morphine) "MS-Contin was good at relieving pain not as strong as Oxycontin which I was used to. They are different and I read in a 2007 Physicians desk reference guide that they are 45-55% or more absorbed by the human body where Oxycodone was 60-85% absorbed in the human body. Also made me more tired than Oxycodone. Secondly, though both medications made me tired it seemed like the MS Contin made me more tired and lethargic than Oxycontin."

8 / 10
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  • neat
  • February 21, 2009

Kadian (morphine) "I have been taking Kadian for a least 4 years (various strengths) now taking 100mg 3 x daily. Also take Hydrocodone and Baclofen. Chronic low back pain. It controls my pain. Wish they could do spinal transplants."

8 / 10
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  • JPM
  • November 25, 2011

Avinza (morphine) "I was on Avinza for about 6 years for chronic pain and so far it has been the best medication that I have ever been prescribed. Unfortunately I have had to switch medicines due to the cost of them. I have still been unable to find a medicine that works as well with my pain. I can manage the pain with MS Contin but I have to take more pills a day than with the Avinza. So anybody out there that truly needs to find some relief, my advice is to try it if you can afford it."

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  • vkaye
  • August 4, 2009

Oramorph SR (morphine) "This medicine really hit me hard at first. Taking it laid me out but it did its job, so now I've been on it for almost 2 years and it's not working as well as at first and my doctor has had to up the dose two times. I'm already ready for it to be dosed up again, scared I've built up a tolerance for it."

7 / 10
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  • kasie
  • September 20, 2009

Kadian (morphine) "I have been on the Fentanyl Patch for 8 years and decided that I was so tired of the brain fog that I had from this drug that I asked the doctor to put me on Kadian and I don't have the brain fog anymore and Kadian keeps my pain level down enough for me to function in everyday life, I have CRPS and spondylosis in my neck with two bulging disc so no surgery for me. My only complaint is constipation."

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  • Toler...
  • March 3, 2009

"I've been on opiates for about 15 years now for a compressed nerve that cannot be fixed. First it was Percocets until I needed more and more, then Oxycodone WITH Morphine ER 60mg which worked well, but since I was getting 900 Oxycodone 5mg per month, the VA was actually having problems keeping it in stock. Now they have completely run out and they have decided to put me on Morphine 15 ER in addition to the 60 which makes it 75mg ER four times a day, PLUS 5mg IR Morphine for breakthrough pain. They said if this doesn't do the job, they will send me to a major pain clinic. I've been to pain clinics and it seems all they want to do is ween you off opiates and don't do much about the pain. I'm 67 and maybe have a high tolerance to opiates."

7 / 10
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  • aaabbcc
  • March 1, 2009

Kadian (morphine) "I have been using Kadian for over 7 years. They started me out on several lower dose type of pain control. None of them even touched the pain. I got a spinal implant and after 2 years of adjusting it they simply gave up. Now it sits in my butt and does nothing (except set-off metal detectors). They finally started Kadian and over the years they have had to up the dose. I'm currently at 600mg - 3 X 200mg capsules once a day. It doesn't remove the pain but keeps it just below the surface so I can still get around. It's expensive and we had problems with the insurance company not wanting to pay for it but my doctor called them and somehow got them to change their policy. Thank God for that. Without this medicine all I can do is lay on my back."

10 / 10
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  • Anonymous
  • May 8, 2010

Avinza (morphine) "I have had chronic pancreatitis for 6 years and have to be careful about taking pain medicines because I'm a recovering alcoholic. In fact have to be careful about taking anything at all. But I was living in pain regularly and needed something for the chronic abdominal pain and the medicines given were a slippery slope for me. I was referred to a pain clinic where they set me up with Avinza. It has been a true blessing! I have no euphoria, drugged feeling, cravings or any problems or side effects with Avinza. It takes care of the pain for the full 24 hours, and I do have Percocet as needed for breakthrough. I have been on the regimen for several years now and have not had to increase the dose. It has given me my quality of life back."

9 / 10
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  • 19deb...
  • July 4, 2009

Kadian (morphine) "I have recently had to stop using the Fentanyl patches, after several years of good results. But my body finally said it had had enough. So, I tried Kadian, which stopped working after a week or so. Now I am on Opana ER, which seems to do a fair job, but it feels too much like Demerol. I take 20mg twice a day, and was using 80mg twice of Kadian, 100mg of Fentanyl every 48 yours. I wish they would make Fentanyl in a pill form. I have no "woosy" feeling with it. I have 5 ruptured discs in my lower back, as well as stenosis, etc. I have tried surgeries, stimulator, etc. "

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  • Jrzymom
  • August 20, 2009

Morphine Sulfate IR (morphine) "I have been in severe pain from the age of 12 . I am now 30 and have been on many different medicines. This is the only medicine that lets me live my life with my 3 kids and husband. I love morphine and would never take anything else."

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  • Anonymous
  • August 28, 2008

Avinza (morphine) "I found out about 3 years ago that I had systemic lupus,and it hit me like a brick wall. Besides my joints and muscles hurting, my immune system attacked my blood vessels causing my blood pressure to be uncontrollably high. The Avinza helped bring the blood pressure down as a natural side effect, and has help to manage the pain in the rest of my body. I am currently taking 120 mgs slow release daily, but still have some pain. I would not have been able to function without the morphine. Aside from the pain in general, my blood pressure was never out of the "stroke and heart attack" zone with regular hypertension drugs. The worse side effects are nausea and constipation."

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  • Anonymous
  • October 7, 2009

Kadian (morphine) "I was in a car wreck about 2.5 years ago, which broke the Harrington rods I had in my back for scoliosis since the age of 15. I am now 28 and feel like I am 80! I have been on Tylenol 3s & 4s, Vicodin 10mg, Oxycodone 15mg, and then Kadian finally helped me. I have been on the Kadian 30mg twice a day for about 9 or 10 months. It gave me hope, although it does take a couple weeks to start to really kick in. No high feeling, and really takes the base pain away. Soon I will have the rod taken out and that probably wont help the C2,3,4 in my neck and the L5 and S1 discs that are smashed and pushing into my spinal cord. But I can give my 5 year old a bath, walk the dog, etc. It is about $383 per month insurance covering the cost! Saved my life!"

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  • arfa
  • November 28, 2009

Avinza (morphine) "I have been suffering headaches for three years now. I have been told it is originating from my neck. Arthritis bone spurs and a nerve irritation. I would only need arthritis pain medicines but am allergic to NSAIDS. Tried Tylenol 3 hydrocodone etc. Have have an RFA and injected pain medicines, not much help. Finally put on Avinza 90mg and am happy with results. After three months on Avinza life is much better. I also take Percocet 10/325 for breakthrough pain, but am able to tolerate and work and most of all play golf again. No problem with the constipation as I drink lots of water all day. Love this drug. If you don't already know Avinza offers a discount coupon. New coupon due out in January to help pay. Cut my out of pocket expence by 90%. I pay $17.00."

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  • chronic...
  • September 22, 2009

Avinza (morphine) "I have had chronic pain since 2006. At that time I also had back surgery with bone grafts put into my spine. The surgery was not successful and since then I have also been diagnosed with fibromyalgia. Since using Avinza, the pain has decreased to the point that I can function on a limited basis. The pain is always present, just not as bad as it was. I also take Vicodin every 4-6 hours and the combination of the 2 seems to help. I am glad to know (not happy when anyone has pain) that there are others out there that experience pain the way I do. Sometimes, it feels like I am the only one and that is a very lonely feeling. But with the help of medications like Avinza, I can at least have times when the pain is bearable."

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  • Anonymous
  • June 3, 2008

Kadian (morphine) "Great Medication. Cancer patient. Have had a lot of pain since surgery. Tried numerous medicines. Kadian 100 mg every twelve hours eliminates the pain which was stopping me from having a normal life. "

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  • Capt...
  • January 2, 2012

"For the past 5 years I have been taking Vicodin 7.5/325 and Percocet. I got to the point where I was taking so many Vicodin to try to break the pain cycle that it was starting to cause liver damage. My Doc decided to switch me to the Morphine sulphate. After 2 days I noticed a marked change, I was no longer using the Vicodin or Percocet at all. It has now been 5 months, the pain is still there but I can work and play with my 5 month old baby girl. I'm sure I will have to have the dosage changed soon as I only seem to get about 9 hrs of reduced pain before it starts coming back."

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Reviews may be edited to correct grammar/spelling or to remove inappropriate language and content. Reviews that appear to be created by parties with a vested interest are not published. This information is not intended to endorse any particular medication. While these reviews may be helpful, they are not a substitute for the expertise, knowledge, and judgement of healthcare professionals.