Morphine / naltrexone User Reviews & Ratings
Morphine / naltrexone has an average rating of 5.2 out of 10 from a total of 50 reviews on 45% of reviewers reported a positive experience, while 45% reported a negative experience.
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Chronic Pain | 36 reviews for Chronic Pain | 92 medications | |
Pain | 14 reviews for Pain | 1151 medications |
Reviews for Morphine / naltrexone
- Sta...
- Taken for less than 1 month
- September 16, 2016
Embeda (morphine / naltrexone) for Chronic Pain "I have been taking this medicine for only a few days now and have noticed some things that have me very concerned because it was given for pain, but I have been experiencing major side effects. The first thing that started was headaches, then depression, nausea, stomach aches, feeling of swelling of my legs, feet, ankles, hands, and it feels like I'm retaining fluid all over my body. I didn't have these side effects when I was taking Morphine without the extra ingredient like the Embeda has and now I am worried that I am going to be in severe pain as this medication does very little for my pain."
- Mwa...
- March 12, 2016
Embeda (morphine / naltrexone) for Chronic Pain "Being prescribed several opiates over the years after surgical operations. Last medication prescribed was Oxycodone 30 mg. Had to get a new doc at pain management, and Embeda was prescribed to me. I am still having severe pain. I am also prescribed Neurontin 600 mg. Am I the only one who feels bad? Especially switching from a strong opiate to Embeda?"
- DrW...
- July 24, 2010
Embeda (morphine / naltrexone) for Pain "I was taking oxycodone 15 mg every 3 to 4 hours. My doctor tried me on Embeda 20 mg. It lasted about 4 hours, and I still needed about 4 oxycodone tablets per day. He increased my dose to the 50 mg capsule. It works great, and I have not needed my breakthrough medicines at all. I'm a pharmacist, and the Naloxone is not released. It only comes out if you crush the pills. It's to avoid abusers looking for a quick high. Used correctly, you will NOT get any Naloxone (opioid antagonist)."
- gwb...
- February 9, 2011
Embeda (morphine / naltrexone) for Pain "I have L4 and L5 degenerated bone to bone with spurs and stenosis. Definitive nerve damage down both legs. Doctor started me on hydrocodone 10 mg x 4 plus Soma 350 mg x 3/day. Put me on 20/1.2 Embeda for 4 months, then upped the dose to 50/2.0 mg. Very seldom do I take Vicodin or Soma anymore. I can actually work at my job as a fabricator/machinist with little or no pain and no drowsiness or getting angry. Kind of got my life back, and I can ride the Harley with no worry of long-trip pains."
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- Taken for 1 to 6 months
- August 23, 2016
Embeda (morphine / naltrexone) for Chronic Pain "I have numerous spinal conditions, including failed lumbar fusion surgery (L4/L5 fusion), disc collapse at L3, L4, and L5/S1, osteoarthritis throughout my spine, damaged nerves, spinal fontanel narrowing, fibromyalgia, and osteoarthritis in my shoulders, knees, and hips. I'm also taking spinal nerve blocks and nerve root burnings on six levels in my lumbar and sacral spine. I was given this and was told I'd never had anything 'this strong' for pain. I absolutely get no relief from this medication, and I'm not a drug-seeking patient. I am a mom to four children, my youngest is three and has special needs due to a chromosome duplication. All I want is to feel somewhat normal without being so messed up I'm not aware of what's going on around me."
- hor...
- Taken for 1 to 6 months
- March 17, 2016
Embeda (morphine / naltrexone) for Chronic Pain "My doctor changed me from morphine to Embeda, and I hurt worse than ever. It doesn't work for me at all, plus I sweat profusely and have severe constipation and itching. I thought this was going to help me have a better life. Wrong, it's done nothing but make me worse. So good luck, people. I feel for you, chronic pain patients. It seems to help people who have light pain, not chronic."
- Gab...
- Taken for 1 to 6 months
- October 30, 2016
Embeda (morphine / naltrexone) for Chronic Pain "I have been on Embeda for just 1 month, and at first, it was rough, constantly hurting and withdrawing, extremely tired, headaches. Now I guess things are starting to level off, but the headaches persist, but my pain is finally under control with the Embeda 30-1.2 once a day and Percocet 10 mgs 3 times a day for breakthrough pain. I have degenerative disc disease, osteoarthritis in both knees, fibromyalgia, and lupus. I'm hoping I can soon get my life back. I'm grateful for the not-high feeling, and the most important thing is I'm not constantly in pain anymore, so my depression is getting better and I don't have to use the Percocet as much. Now if the headaches leave and the overtired feeling would leave, I will 100 percent."
- Old...
- Taken for 1 to 6 months
- March 30, 2016
Embeda (morphine / naltrexone) for Chronic Pain "Complicated history; 2 different genetic mutations causing multiple disorders, polyarticular gout, pseudogout with calcium crystals in all joints, 3-level neck fusion, 4 back surgeries. The last lumbar surgery caused a blood clot in the spine; loss of bowel and bladder control, severe arthritis with damaged joints, Paget's disease of the bone, etc. Been on MS ER since the 4th failed surgery but had to change doctors. The new doc put me on Embeda, and it is awful. Headache within the hour, withdrawal symptoms within 3-4 hours, sweating and leg cramps, nausea, constipation; but worse of all, no pain relief. After being on a regimen that worked since 2003, with the flap about abuse, doctors are afraid of morphine."
- Con...
- January 25, 2016
Embeda (morphine / naltrexone) for Chronic Pain "I have been taking this medicine for several months now, and I have noticed some things that have occurred, which is making me very scared because it is messing with my body in a very bad way! The first thing that started was the headaches, then the rest started showing up daily, like depression, nausea, stomach aches, swelling of my legs, feet, ankles, and hands. It's like I'm retaining fluid all over my body, blurred vision, nosebleeds! I haven't read up on the side effects yet, but I'm sure I'm not going to be surprised if it's on the list. I didn't have these side effects when I was taking Morphine without the extra ingredient like the Embeda has, and now my insurance will only pay for this medication, and it costs $1300 a month!"
- so...
- January 15, 2011
Embeda (morphine / naltrexone) for Pain "I have been very impressed. I was taking 10-12 Norco on a daily basis for pain control. This is my third week, and I am now taking the 30 mg. I am taking very little Norco now for breakthrough pain. I am less groggy and have better concentration. It did take about a week to get used to the new medicine. All I wanted to do was sleep for that week. Now the only issue is the constipation, which is brutal. Although some Senna and Miralax work well. I am actually thrilled with how much better I feel. It is like suddenly waking up and being alive to participate in life again. WOW."
- Bob...
- Taken for 1 to 6 months
- July 7, 2017
Embeda (morphine / naltrexone) for Chronic Pain "I have had chronic back pain for 5 years. After failed surgeries and injections, (and after years of oxycodone) my doc put me on EMBEDA. I take it exactly how it is prescribed. After a month, I have had so many negative side effects. I get severe headaches, stabbing stomach aches, and have been almost zombie-like. As far as the pain goes, it does treat pain fairly well. However, sometimes the EMBEDA cannot touch the nerve pain. I personally would prefer my previous medication because the side effects of EMBEDA just make me feel worse."
- Anonymous
- Taken for less than 1 month
- June 6, 2017
Embeda (morphine / naltrexone) for Chronic Pain "I only took this medication 3 days because of the awful side effects I endured. The feeling of nervousness, unclear thinking. It was as if I were stuck in my body and my heart racing, which made me feel as if I could not breathe. I also broke out in a cold sweat and felt cold. During this same time, I started having tingling sensations in my right arm into my fingers. I did not associate this with the medication until I read other reviews. I had many of the side effects listed. The medication seemed to help with my pain some, but because of the horrible feelings, it wasn't a positive medication for me. I even took it again, thinking maybe I was overreacting or in my head."
- Aum...
- Taken for 1 to 6 months
- July 29, 2016
Embeda (morphine / naltrexone) for Chronic Pain "I've been on this joke for medication for 3 months now because the doctor refused to change me from it while I was going through diagnostic procedures and finally nerve ablation. It's never helped my pain. It's given me severe headaches, made me irritable, I've gained 30 lbs on it, had swelling in my legs and arms, and also really has affected my moods and my patience level. I've begged for a change or an increase but was told he wanted me to stay where I was until after the ablation. Well, had that 2 weeks ago, since then I've had major increases in pain, a headache that hasn't stopped since the procedure, hip pain (that wasn't there before the procedure). I'm on a low dose for this, I don't think I need a breakthrough pain med."
- lig...
- December 31, 2016
Embeda (morphine / naltrexone) for Chronic Pain "I've got chronic pain. Usually not able to move upon waking. I've been on opioids for several decades, starting in the '80s. Tylenol 4. My right jaw at Condyle - TMJ was gone. I'm now on my 3rd prosthesis placed July 2015. My neck / cervical spine from 3-5/6 bulged with 5 sitting on the nerve root. Mid spine was broken and healed, and I've got damaged lumbar spine and nerves, both lumbar and cervical. I was on numerous strengths of hydrocodone, then a combo of hydrocodone and demerol 100 for breakthrough for over a decade. Increased to Percocet 10/325 for about 5 years and upped to oxycodone 20 mg 4 times a day. Embeda 60/2.4, 2 times a day for 4 months. Seems to work now with narco 7.5 as needed for increased pain. Nice to be able to move without pain. Still kinked up / No pain!"
- Anonymous
- November 13, 2010
Embeda (morphine / naltrexone) for Pain "I have had chronic back and neck pain for several years and have tried almost all pain medicines. My last was Percocet 10 mg 6 times a day along with Flexeril 20 mg 4 times a day. Now I take 2 Embeda 20 mg a day and feel great. So far, I have not had any side effects."
- Vip...
- September 21, 2016
Embeda (morphine / naltrexone) for Chronic Pain "I had been on Avinza, then insurance changed it to generic about 8 months ago. The option was Embeda. Wow, what a change! Took 2 months to adjust, now the pain level is tolerable, just whacked out of my head, no energy, just don't want to do anything but lay around. The main problem is interaction, it's just not compatible with a lot of medications, including Toradol and allergy medication. I would normally take some 10-325 hydrocodones, but the combination is terrible. Where I live, smoking weed is legal, and it interacts, which tells me this product needs to go. It's the worst med I've had. I'm getting off it for good, it's not a good medication, and long-term, I hate to think what it's doing to me."
- bkp...
- September 8, 2016
Embeda (morphine / naltrexone) for Chronic Pain "This med has worked a lot better than the 10 mg Percocet 4 x daily that I was on before. I take 10 mg Percocet cut in half twice daily with the Embeda, it helps while the med has a slow uptake. The first week or so, I was a little bit dizzy and tired. That went away, and I have no complaints. The meds work. The Narcan in the pills doesn't bother me or affect the way the meds work for me. I have had bad back problems for 25 years. My S spine and my L spine are separated on the right side 4 mm, and the L spine is pushed forward 2 mm. I have had chronic pain half of my life due to this injury. This medicine really helps."
- Anonymous
- April 26, 2010
Embeda (morphine / naltrexone) for Pain "My doctor switched me to a pain clinic after years of treating my back pain. I went from 4 x 7.5 mg Lortab to 20 mg Embeda and 2 x 7.5 mg Lortab today. After reading this site, I realize why my pain has increased, as the Embeda has an opiate blocker. Thanks for the info. I go to the doctor tomorrow and intend to discuss this. I have had two fusions in my lower back that only had limited success. I only want, and this may sound corny, but I need to have my life back with pain control. I have nerve damage along with bone pain (arthritis). I am only 50 years old. There has got to be something out there that will work that will allow me to return to work and manage my pain."
- Anonymous
- October 10, 2010
Embeda (morphine / naltrexone) for Pain "Not impressed. I was on Embeda, but found it had absolutely no effect on me whatsoever for my pain. I have a back injury that I have had for years, and I am in chronic pain. While on Embeda, there was NO relief, except that it would put me to sleep from the drowsiness that it causes."
- Anonymous
- February 7, 2011
Embeda (morphine / naltrexone) for Pain "I have been taking different types of strong pain medicines for years due to a bad neck injury. In October, my doctor put me on this, I had no side effects and feel like myself again. Since 1997, I also was taking antidepressants and muscle relaxers. I am off all that now. I take one 80 mg a day, which I am going to start dropping dosage as the weather warms to see how I feel."
- Anonymous
- August 12, 2010
Embeda (morphine / naltrexone) for Pain "I began using Embeda about a month ago for chronic pain. I have had 2 back surgeries and 2 shoulder surgeries due to a severe case of early onset degenerative arthritis, combined with an autoimmune disorder. Before the Embeda, I was taking Percocet for pain management, but it left me feeling irritable when the medication wore off. The Embeda has worked GREAT for me. I am on 20-0.8 MG every 24 hours. I like it because I don't get a 'high' feeling, and when it wears off, I don't feel irritable. It does cause me increased sweating, constipation, and some mild itching, but the trade-off is worth it. It has worked so well for me that I feel like I have my life back."
- Anonymous
- October 19, 2010
Embeda (morphine / naltrexone) for Pain "Great pain medication. I was on morphine immediate release 6 15 mg a day, am on Embeda 20 mg and now take 2 immediate release. The immediate release was not working for me at all, now I have great pain control. As for feeling tired, etc., took the medicine for at least a week, all those side effects went away for me."
- KyF...
- Taken for 1 to 6 months
- May 21, 2017
Embeda (morphine / naltrexone) for Chronic Pain "The first day I took Embeda, I had no relief and was badly in pain. But the second day, I woke up and felt great. It has really helped my pain. I've been taking IR meds most of my life, leaving me waking up in the middle of the night in huge pain - since Embeda, that's gone away! I feel good, a lot less pain, and am very impressed! Only downside - constipation and face redness. Otherwise, it's great! And I'm only taking 40 mg with 4 Norco for rescue meds."
- Non...
- October 10, 2017
Embeda (morphine / naltrexone) for Chronic Pain "This drug is horrible! Causes severe headaches! Sweating so severe clothes are soaked. Take a shower, and you are drier in the water than clothed and sweating using this dangerous drug. It needs to be pulled from the market, and I will do my best to see it happen. I have been on 24/7 pain management for 17 years, this is by far the worst drug on the market."
More about morphine / naltrexone
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- During pregnancy
- Drug class: narcotic analgesic combinations
Embeda (morphine / naltrexone) for Chronic Pain "This medication has changed my life. I have suffered from osteoarthritis for the past ten years. I had a complete knee replacement 5 months ago, and even though the surgery went well, the recovery is long and difficult. I have taken Narco 5 mg from time to time and Cymbalta, Nucynta, Tramadol, and over-the-counter meds. Nothing helped. I have been on the Embeda for two weeks, and I can finally feel normal. I take the 20 mg Embeda, and I am very pleased."