Molnupiravir User Reviews & Ratings
Brand names: Lagevrio
Molnupiravir has an average rating of 7.2 out of 10 from a total of 51 reviews on 53% of reviewers reported a positive experience, while 14% reported a negative experience.
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COVID-19 | 51 reviews for COVID-19 | 14 medications |
Reviews for Molnupiravir
- car...
- Taken for less than 1 month
- September 29, 2023
Lagevrio (molnupiravir) for COVID-19 "64-year-old female. Had COVID 1 year ago and was very, very sick. This time, felt first symptom Monday night and tested Wednesday morning. Started Lagevrio at 8 pm, at which time I had an almost 102 fever. That broke in a couple of hours but could've been Tylenol or both. Slept well that night, getting up a few times, and on Thursday, I just felt lousy all day, coughing up some thick mucus. It's Friday now. Still feel lousy but thrilled not to be flat on my back feeling like I'm dying with a severe chest and head cold like last time. Taking 4 pills twice a day for 5 days. I've been hungry and eaten. Did get full faster. A little constipated this morning. Otherwise, no side effects that I know of."
- ali...
- Taken for less than 1 month
- March 29, 2023
Lagevrio (molnupiravir) for COVID-19 "Just finished 5 days of Lagevrio taken one day after testing positive for COVID. 70-year-old female, with no other health issues. The antiviral began its work after 1 day, with no more pain in the throat or headache, and heavy mucous production stopped. However, it has caused diarrhea and turbulent growling in the intestines and stomach for the last 4 days. No appetite, and only ate two muffins with little butter every day with weak tea or plain water. Kept up fluids as best I could. Little sleep at night and had to rest all 4 days, doing anything has been almost impossible. I read that once the medication is over, these symptoms will disappear, so I am looking forward to tomorrow."
Frequently asked questions
- How do Paxlovid and molnupiravir compare for COVID-19?
- What Drugs Prevent or Treat Serious COVID-19 Cases
- Gao...
- Taken for less than 1 month
- August 18, 2022
For COVID-19 "I started taking it on day 3 of Covid, I’m 45 years old. My first dose was at nighttime, and I saw the immediate effect the next day, barely coughing and mucus, but I felt awful. I felt lightheaded, a metallic taste in my mouth, and sleepiness all day."
- Sin...
- Taken for less than 1 month
- February 15, 2023
For COVID-19 "I was diagnosed with COVID, and my doctor prescribed molnupiravir. After one day, it was tearing up my stomach. Black tar was coming out. Why would a doctor prescribe something experimental when we have no idea if the long-term damage it could cause for an illness that poses less than a 1% chance of hospitalization? So disappointed. I stopped taking it and recovered in only three days. I have asthma. I was fine. If I could, I’d give a negative number."
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- November 9, 2022
For COVID-19 "Began taking Lagevrio 200 mg the Monday I tested positive. After 3 doses (12 pills), I informed my healthcare provider that I stopped taking it. I developed an odd pulling pain on the left side of my stomach, and the diarrhea has been horrendous! No metallic taste, but I have been experiencing random metallic smells. Whether it has actually helped with my symptoms is a complete mystery, as I was 2 1/2-3 days into symptoms before I began taking it."
- Wil...
- Taken for less than 1 month
- November 23, 2022
For COVID-19 "It helped a lot, but oh my god, gas pain and stomach pain. 14 days after I finished the drug, I am still having these side effects. I am sure it has deterred my stomach chemistry. Hope it stops, can’t take the pain or smell. Sleepiness during the day and insomnia at night."
- mar...
- Taken for less than 1 month
- January 16, 2024
Lagevrio (molnupiravir) for COVID-19 "Started Lagevrio on day 4 of testing positive for COVID. Only symptoms of COVID were dry cough, slight fever, and extreme fatigue. Cough was starting to subside when I decided, due to my age (74), I would get a prescription for antiviral meds. My physician ordered Lagevrio. This was day 4 since testing positive. The next day, my temperature was normal, my cough was gone, my fatigue was replaced with extreme energy. I felt perfect and proceeded to work around the house! I never needed a nap, had a good appetite, and felt great all day long and into the night. I was unable to fall asleep, but continued to feel great! And symptom-free!"
- Uru...
- Taken for less than 1 month
- July 6, 2023
Lagevrio (molnupiravir) for COVID-19 "71-year-old female, also an Addisonian. Initial symptoms of COVID were nausea, felt really sick and cold for a couple of hours. This passed. Then the symptoms of a mild cold developed. I had no fever or cough, but severe lassitude and slept a lot. Tested strongly positive the next afternoon. Started Lagevrio on day 2, 87.3000 mg twice a day. Capsules easy to swallow, always with food, along with double my usual cortisone. I did not sleep well. The next morning felt worse, but a little better in the afternoon. Had a hot, red face, but this has now passed. On day 4, I felt well enough to do a little sewing and slept better. Today, day 5, I'm still testing positive for COVID, and I have mild bloating and constipation, as well as some lassitude, but I'm definitely improving. As I have a compromised immune system, I'm glad that the treatment was available, but do wonder about its long-term side effects. I've taken the risk."
- Liz...
- Taken for less than 1 month
- April 1, 2023
For COVID-19 "I am on day 5 of COVID and day 3 of 800 mg twice a day molnupiravir. COVID symptoms improved after one day of treatment, but the side effects are requiring staying in bed due to dizziness, unsteadiness, plus nausea and vomiting. All made worse by moving my head. Not eaten in 2 days and only had water. Weighing up on stopping treatment today, so was looking for research/reviews to see if my experience is unusual or to stick it out. Think I will risk stopping."
- Pho...
- Taken for less than 1 month
- August 10, 2023
For COVID-19 "I actually picked this up for my husband. We both had COVID, but I caught it first and wasn't given meds in time. He was. He experienced no side effects other than saying 'the meds taste bad'. He recovered much faster than I did with far fewer symptoms. It did take 2 days of taking the meds before he noticed he felt much better. However, that significantly shortened the suffering with COVID. In the past, we would both be sick with a cough that lasted for a month or more. Glad we gave these a shot, and they helped him so much. Next time I'll insist on getting these right away."
- Moo...
- Taken for less than 1 month
- March 26, 2023
For COVID-19 "This stuff is awful! I am immunosuppressed, so I decided to take it even though my COVID symptoms had improved on day 3. I woke up with a completely different set of symptoms: a feeling of general malaise, lightheadedness, diarrhea, and unable to eat. A horrible metallic taste which is constant. Still in bed on day 6 with no signs of improvement."
- raf...
- Taken for less than 1 month
- November 20, 2023
Lagevrio (molnupiravir) for COVID-19 "After testing positive for COVID, I was prescribed this medication. First day, I had a fever of 100.5. Swollen throat and cough. Tylenol broke the fever. My throat has cleared up. Temperature consistently normal. Loss of appetite, however, nausea and malaise. This experimental medication has a 10% chance of rebound. Glad to have finished it and hoping my appetite returns."
- kat...
- Taken for less than 1 month
- September 9, 2023
For COVID-19 "Got Covid last year and ended up with Covid feet, hands, and tongue, not nice and had lots of micro clots, vascular issues, long covid for 16 months and I got it again, so I was offered this drug. Surprisingly felt ok the first day and if anything noticed I felt really hungry. The next few days were a total blur, not feeling like myself at all, spaced out depressed feeling, almost zombie-like. I felt very dizzy and lightheaded and slept for the majority of the day, then experienced insomnia at night or short sleeps with strange dreams. I finished the last lot this morning and have had bad stomach/kidney pains, bad fatigue, loss of appetite, and generally feel weird, but that could be covid too. I can't wait to feel normal again."
- Lyn...
- Taken for less than 1 month
- September 14, 2023
For COVID-19 "I was diagnosed with Covid. 70-year-old male in good overall health. I started taking Molnupiravir on my 3rd day of symptoms, which is the day I was diagnosed. I experienced no effects that could not be ascribed to those of Covid itself. I did not experience the effects listed in the pamphlet that came with the drug (i.e. no diarrhea, gastro issues). My symptoms of Covid that I had prior to beginning Molnupiravir remained as a constant headache, sore throat, upper respiratory congestion, and elevated temperature (generally 100.8°F, but once as high as 102.5°F). The third full day after starting Molnupiravir, I noticed a significant reduction in the sore throat, which was the most annoying and painful of the Covid Symptoms. Also, the headache was gone, and my body temperature returned to its normal 97.4°F. I completed the 5-day course of Molnupiravir per my doctor's prescription. The only issue for the first 3 days was swallowing 4 capsules twice a day (sore throat)"
- Anonymous
- Taken for less than 1 month
- April 2, 2023
For COVID-19 "I am 74 years old. I tested positive for COVID and started taking Molnupiravir on the 6th of March. I take a blood thinner and was told I could not take Paxlovid. I'm about three weeks out, and I am having the following continuous symptoms: nausea (waves of nausea if my stomach is somewhat empty), light cramping, pressure in my large intestine, dizziness. I have not had diarrhea. When I eat a meal, I feel better, but within several hours, I am ravenous again. I have lost 10 lbs. I am, what I would call, nervous on the inside (shaky, weak)."
- JCu...
- Taken for less than 1 month
- August 4, 2024
Lagevrio (molnupiravir) for COVID-19 "This is a game changer. This literally stopped COVID in its tracks. Stopped the phlegm production hours after taking it, and by Day 2 I felt significantly better. I have asthma and have some scarring on my lungs from severe bronchitis in 2016. I received the J&J vaccine and Moderna as a booster, but did not follow up with additional vaccines due to the fact that I get sick for 5 days after taking them. I had hesitated taking it due to the fact that the efficacy rate is only 30% and that it's not FDA approved yet, but I wouldn't hesitate again. Haven't noticed any side effects and I'm usually sensitive to medication."
- Anonymous
- Taken for less than 1 month
- August 18, 2023
For COVID-19 "Started making me feel better a day after taking it. Runny nose and mucus gone. Side effects: I can't stand up without getting dizzy and lightheaded. Made nauseous throughout the day. Also had nightmares when sleeping."
- JES...
- Taken for less than 1 month
- August 10, 2023
For COVID-19 "I came down with Covid and my doc had a choice of meds. She selected this med and I have had no side effects and saw immediate response with lowering fever. I am very pleased with the way this med has responded. 200 mg x4 twice a day."
- M L...
- Taken for less than 1 month
- April 17, 2023
For COVID-19 "I am 71.5 with heart disease, started this mRNA drug on day two of COVID symptoms. I took this for 2 and a half days and developed red skin, a stinging rash, and diarrhea. Stopped and hoping COVID doesn't return."
- Mik...
- Taken for less than 1 month
- December 24, 2023
For COVID-19 "I had typical symptoms: fever of 101, sore throat, cough, stuffy nose, headache, etc. Molnupiravir relieved the symptoms in 36 hours— no more fever, headache. However, I felt fatigued all day for five days. I slept 9 hours at night and took a 2-hour nap and still felt very tired. I finished the 5-day prescription yesterday and am starting to come out of this fog today. Molnupiravir does work in that it eliminated my COVID symptoms right away; however, its side effects may force you to alter your routine."
- Anonymous
- Taken for less than 1 month
- January 21, 2023
For COVID-19 "I am a 70 y.o. female with first bout of Covid-19 despite having vaccinations x3. I tested positive 3 days after symptoms appeared. After day 2 of taking Molnupiravir, my head congestion and cough improved; by day 3, my appetite started returning; by day 4, my congestion totally cleared; and by day 5, energy level slightly improved. However, today I began experiencing pruritis/itching all over, chills, no fever, and sneezing! Hoping the Benadryl alleviates these side effects."
- Not...
- Taken for less than 1 month
- December 24, 2022
For COVID-19 "Tough to say whether or not this helped. Took it the day after I tested positive, which was probably 3 days into symptoms. I did feel better after 2 doses of this medication. After the 4th dose, I felt very lethargic and dizzy. Some tummy issues, but better than the awful COVID headache I had."
- Goo...
- Taken for less than 1 month
- September 7, 2024
For COVID-19 "I’m a 50-year-old woman with POTS, EDS, and mast cell disorder. I got this med one day after I tested positive for COVID-19 (my second round). I started feeling better by the next day. I’ve had some minor side effects: diarrhea, headache, and sleepiness. I’ve actually slept better than I ever do, and my mental state is very positive. I’m on day 5 and have no COVID symptoms, I would take it again. No issues with mast cell reactions either."
- mar...
- Taken for less than 1 month
- February 18, 2024
Lagevrio (molnupiravir) for COVID-19 "Amazing med. Symptoms started Fri. Took first Molnupiravir (Lagevrio) dose Sat night. Saw relief the next morning. I was headed for a bad Covid case. My legs hurt so bad I was having trouble walking, fever, diarrhea, horrible cough, violent shaking from the chills. I am certain this med kept me from going to the hospital. The only side effect was a bad taste in my mouth and maybe fatigue. Took the 5-day course. All severe symptoms were gone."
More about molnupiravir
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- Drug class: miscellaneous antivirals
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For COVID-19 "I'm 56, fully vaxxed and boosted and am immunocompromised due to ulcerative colitis. I'm 7 days from onset of Covid symptoms, and I've been on molnupiravir now for 4 days. I've experienced a persistent bad taste in my mouth, maybe on the line of metallic, which I can't get rid of. Could be a lingering effect of Covid, but I can't remember having this particular effect with previous Covid infections (this is my 3rd). Other effects I've been dealing with are headache and dizziness/lightheadedness, as well as a feeling of being kind of out of it. I often describe the whole feeling as heady for a lack of a better word, cause it's my head having most ill-like symptoms of late, like my eyes have felt achy and pressure. Headaches a lot (as stated), head kind of has a buzzing feeling, as well as stomach, some minor confusion as well and upset stomach at times. Basically, an overall feeling of malaise I guess. Not sure how much is this med and how much lingering Covid effects. Hope this helps."