Savella for Fibromyalgia User Reviews (Page 3)
Savella has an average rating of 6.6 out of 10 from a total of 314 reviews for the treatment of Fibromyalgia. 52% of reviewers reported a positive experience, while 23% reported a negative experience.
Reviews for Savella
- Anonymous
- Taken for 6 months to 1 year
- April 24, 2018
"I have taken Savella for 6 months. I have some brain fog, but it has decreased from what I originally had. I was suffering from severe muscle pain, and it completely stopped. Another side effect I (did not suffer but loved) was the 20 lbs I have lost over the period. The cost is so much that I cut the dosage from 50 mg, 2 x a day to 25 mg, once a day but still get the pain relief just as much. My thanks to the mfg co!"
- tam...
- May 19, 2010
"Suffered with fibromyalgia for several years. I was asked to try all the antidepressants, etc. Their side effects rendered me more useless, not able to function at all in daily life. I had taken Vicoprofen 1/2 tablet (half by choice) 3-4 times a day for several years and Lidoderm patch every morning on my cervical spine, hips, and knees. I had no desire to live. I was going through the motions. 3 weeks ago I started Savella. 1/4 the recommended dose for 10 days. Then 1/4 the next dose. 1st week I felt a difference. By week 2, my husband said he hadn't heard me mention pain. I cautiously said I'm in no pain and on no pain pills or patches and don't need to nap and can sleep. I'm very active and can do anything. Start VERY slow, with low doses. Now on 25mg once in the morning with a full breakfast!"
- All...
- July 28, 2016
"A Godsend! My pain was down, I had more energy by the time I was on 50 mg. Unfortunately, I could not afford the medication and I didn't receive coupons. I had no side effects whatsoever! I even lost 7 pounds, probably because I just felt like I could move more freely and without as much pain as I had before taking Savella. My insurance covered 1 month prescription only. It was great while it lasted!!!"
- Cla...
- Taken for 5 to 10 years
- June 30, 2018
"Savella was the first drug that really made a difference in my fibromyalgia. It has significantly reduced my overall pain without the sedating side effects of drugs like nortriptyline. Also, no weight gain. I had been taking so much OTC pain relievers I was worried about GI and liver damage. Also, I had been taking so many hot baths and showers that my skin was suffering. After going on Savella, I was able to cut back dramatically on my pain meds and the dermatologist is much happier with how my skin looks."
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Your review helps others make informed decisions.- Ali...
- December 29, 2015
"I was diagnosed with fibromyalgia 4 years ago. I have tried Lyrica, Cymbalta, Flexeril, and all I experienced was nausea and no relief from my pain, itching, and general discomfort. Savella has been the only medication to relieve my symptoms with only mild dizziness. Unfortunately, my insurance will not cover it in 2016, and my cost will be over $130/month."
- tes...
- January 4, 2013
"Some people have commented that their insurance does not cover this medication. I used to have Medicare but don't anymore. I went to the Forest Pharmaceuticals website where I applied for their patient assistance program. I qualified for the medication for free. You have to go through your doctor and you have to re-apply every 3 months, but it is worth it! I was so afraid I would have to stop working because Savella was working so well for me, I did not want to quit using it. Your doctor probably has some samples you can take while you are waiting for approval from Forest Pharmaceuticals."
- Ano...
- November 11, 2018
"It helped with pain, wasn't afraid to get out of bed in the morning because of the severe pain. Helped with tingling in hands and feet. Still have brain fog. I did not have any side effects. Great medicine!"
- Sru...
- Taken for 5 to 10 years
- December 2, 2019
"Started taking this drug 8 years ago. The hot flashes and sweats were really bad at the beginning. Was told by my rheumatologist that I should push through. The good outweighed the bad for many years - it helped with my fibromyalgia pain, anxiety, ADHD, and OCD. But now I have had headaches more often, but I recently noticed my blood pressure creeping up every time I go to the doctor. I’m vegan and am pretty healthy, so this is odd to me. Dr. says it’s not the Savella, but I think it is. GP wants to start me on BP meds - ugh. Should I stop the Savella or just keep taking it and add the BP meds?"
- jmm...
- August 27, 2009
"I have just weaned off Cymbalta and started Savella about 3 weeks ago. Be careful of your judgments on side effects of Savella. Many of us are being weaned off medicines like Cymbalta and others, and these can be causing the side effects. Coming off Cymbalta can cause dizziness, feeling 'weird,' and many others. Before you write off Savella, make sure your side effects are not withdrawal from other medicines. I have found if I take Savella on an empty stomach, I am nauseated, so take it with food. I also have moved the second dose of the day to 2 pm, and that helped decrease insomnia. I have more energy than before, but find I am a bit edgy at times, and this is fading. Smaller doses may help with side effects. Insurance should cover, ask for an appeal if denied."
- Slp...
- Taken for 1 to 2 years
- December 11, 2012
"I've tried many medications for fibromyalgia. Most of which made me tired and lethargic all the time. They also made me sick constantly! Ever since I started taking Savella, I've felt much better on a day-to-day basis. Savella doesn't help with all symptoms, but it takes away a lot of the burning feeling/sensation and also helps with anxiety and depression as well. I wouldn't trade it for anything else!"
- Luc...
- Taken for 6 months to 1 year
- January 17, 2019
"I really wanted to love Savella. It seems okay the first 4 to 6 months I was on it until I started getting heart palpitations and shortness of breath, my heart rate would go up to almost 200 with minor tasks. I didn’t realize how bad it was until I had to go to the ER to get checked out. Be careful on this medication, when it works, it works great, but I was only on 50 mg a day, and I’m pretty sure it messed up my heart for good. The reason it hasn’t been approved in a lot of places over in Europe is because the risks outweigh the benefits in most of their studies."
- Lin...
- January 11, 2013
"I have been on Savella 12.5mg for three weeks. The horrible aching in my legs that kept me up at night is gone, however, the pain in my neck and shoulders is still there. I also have degenerative osteoarthritis (herniated discs) in my lower back. The one thing I noticed with this medication is that I sleep better at night. So far, only dry mouth is a side effect, and this is great since I am very sensitive to many medications."
- blu...
- November 11, 2014
"I have taken Savella for just under 2 years, and it has helped my pain and anxiety levels much better than expected. It has caused some weight gain, hot flashes, and swelling, but it is far better than the alternative."
- ndb...
- August 14, 2009
"Have been on this drug for the full four weeks now. I've noticed an improvement in my energy and mood. The muscle pains have all but gone too. I did have sweating/hot flashes with it, but those are better now. Luckily, my insurance covers it, but it's still $60/month. I also noticed the increased heart rate, so I quit drinking caffeine during the day and keep my beer/wine consumption down a lot. Increase your intake of water as that helps with the head-pounding feeling. I also take Ambien so my sleep has not suffered. Consider taking something to help you sleep, at least until you get used to the medication."
- gou...
- Taken for less than 1 month
- March 22, 2015
"I was given a 4-week titration pack to try Savella for my fibromyalgia. I started noticing night sweats and hot flashes. Then on day 19, I was working at a show and had flushing, increased BP, pulse, and sweats so bad that my clothing was wet. I felt like my heart was going to explode. I must have some 'lost moments' where I didn't know what I was doing. It was pretty scary, so I stopped taking them and told my doctor on my follow-up visit."
- Dra...
- Taken for 1 to 6 months
- July 8, 2019
"My neurologist took me off Cymbalta, which was working, and started me on Savella. I worked up to 100 mg. That night, my heart rate skyrocketed to 160 BPM. I went to the emergency room thinking I was having a heart attack. I Googled the side effects of Savella and saw tachycardia on the list. I’m warning myself off. Really scary to think that doctors do not consider the crossed side effects of multiple medications. Learned my lesson."
- Cha...
- April 3, 2019
"Almost killed me-literally. I am still not okay weeks later. This medication should not be on the shelf prescribed in too large of dosages and not be monitored daily-yup, that scary, and yup, called the doc, called the pharmacist-this is a very, very serious, lethal, bad reaction drug."
- Cja...
- September 19, 2018
"I was put on Savella 3 years ago. I had some side effects titrating up to 100 mg, but once I got up to 100 mg, they subsided. I did very well on it! But my insurance at the time was a problem. They tried me on Cymbalta, which caused migraines - which I hadn't had since having my last child 24 years ago - and I was prone to migraines for over a year after going off of it. Now they've given me Lyrica, which is very close to Cymbalta - so I'm very hesitant to take it. I'm going to ask to go back on Savella and hope my insurance has changed enough to allow it. It gave me the most relief with the least side effects!!"
- Mas...
- Taken for 2 to 5 years
- February 22, 2021
"This medication is a lifesaver. Have been taking for 4 years, 100 mg, 2 times a day. Pain is gone. The only side effect I had is elevated pulse. Dr. prescribed propranolol and no problems now. Highly recommend this medication. Give it 2 weeks to start working."
- nvj...
- Taken for 5 to 10 years
- February 1, 2017
"I'm reading all of your reviews. Please stay strong and believe in this drug. I was one of the first people on it. I started out on low doses, my doctor slowly worked me up to the max of 100 mg, 2x a day. It has been a lifesaver for me. I am suffering from other problems now, my fibromyalgia had become lupus 4 years ago. And I fear it is progressing to even worse. Savella helps. I had to miss 2 doses for a procedure and thought I was going to die from the pain."
- Mot...
- August 21, 2009
"After taking Savella for two months, I began to notice a slight lessening of deep muscle pain and tenderness of joints. It has not, however, done away with the intense fatigue I am sometimes subjected to. Initially, I did experience my heart racing and feeling jittery, but after a few weeks, this went away. I do sometimes experience hot flashes, but I can live with that. Overall, my doctor and I are quite pleased with the results. I don't know if this is as good as it gets or if the results will continue to improve as I continue the medication. While I am not completely pain-free, I am very happy with Savella. I find it a blessing indeed."
- Anonymous
- July 29, 2009
"Was on my 3rd week of the starter pack and loving the medicine when I found out my insurance wouldn't cover it. Devastated because I hadn't had that much energy in years. I've had chronic pain for 18 years and constant muscle spasms. It didn't get rid of the pain and spasms but it seemed like it was working on it, but with no side effects and the increased energy, I was enjoying the break from an 18-year exhaustion."
- zer...
- Taken for 10 years or more
- January 21, 2021
"I was prescribed Savella for chronic pain in 2009. I took it until 2020. It did not help pain at all. I experienced severe hot flashes, my pain was worse taking it. Once I stopped taking Savella, I felt immediate relief. I would not recommend Savella to my worst enemy. I think it aged my body and skin. I lost out on 10 years of life because I couldn't attend events with family or work. I'm now a 53-year-old female. Savella, to me, was the biggest mistake of my life. I didn't taper off, I stopped cold turkey with no issues. Run, do not walk from this horrible drug."
- bus...
- February 23, 2012
"I have had this condition for thirty years. No one should have to live in that much pain for so many years. The doctor started me on Savella 14 days ago. I pray it keeps up the good work. It's about time. I would love to just take this medicine and vitamins. That would be great. I can get out of bed and walk. First time in 30 years. See, it's not in all our heads."
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- Drug class: serotonin-norepinephrine reuptake inhibitors
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"I have been on Savella for about a month, and I must say there is an improvement in my pain level. The only side effect at first was nausea, and then that went away after the first couple of weeks because the body needed to get used to it. But after you are over that hump, the only side effects for me were hot flashes and sweats. However, to be out of pain is all that I care about. I was out of work for a year and a half, and now I'm able to function and work again. I thank God for Savella and my doctor who suggested it. She has never steered me wrong. To anyone who has Fibromyalgia, please try this medicine and give it a little while to work. Stick out the side effects the first couple of weeks, and the payoff is wonderful."