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Milnacipran User Reviews & Ratings

Brand names: Savella

Milnacipran has an average rating of 6.6 out of 10 from a total of 361 reviews on 53% of reviewers reported a positive experience, while 23% reported a negative experience.

Condition Avg. Rating Reviews Compare
353 reviews for Fibromyalgia 14 medications
Reflex Sympathetic Dystrophy Syndrome Off-label
4 reviews for Reflex Sympathetic Dystrophy Syndrome 2 medications
Somatoform Pain Disorder Off-label
2 reviews for Somatoform Pain Disorder 12 medications

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Reviews for Milnacipran

Commonly mentioned side effects
  • JDC...
  • Taken for 1 to 6 months
  • June 24, 2014

Savella (milnacipran) for Fibromyalgia "I was diagnosed with fibromyalgia after suffering from pains in various parts of my body, exhaustion, and overall lack of interest in most everything. I've now been on Savella 50 mg 2 times a day for about two months. My results are astounding. Significant reduction in pain, no more feeling exhausted, more active, and weight loss which I needed anyway. I do have episodes of mania though. There are times it seems like I can't stop talking. I have experienced no negative side effects and truly feel like after about 8 years I've finally gained my life back. I know this is just my story, but I hope others can get the same positive results from this medicine."

8 / 10
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375 Report
  • Msl...
  • Taken for 1 to 6 months
  • February 11, 2020

Savella (milnacipran) for Fibromyalgia "I've been on Savella for a month now. I had nausea and headache for the first week, but that stopped. Then I noticed that my body isn't swollen anymore (my body has been constantly swollen for 12 years, never knowing why, it was my muscles inflamed), and my muscles aren't killing me to move. In 12 years, I've had zero relief, and this has given me some. Unfortunately, I've had to come down to half dose because I am having heart issues. I already suffer from palpitations, and it seems like my heart just isn't finding the normal rhythm anymore. I don't want to stop taking this as nothing has ever happened to me, and I'm loving not being swollen anymore. It's bliss to not have that severe muscle pain! Oh, and those who want to scare people from taking this, please stop. We are all different when it comes to medication."

5 / 10
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214 Report
  • Sev...
  • January 11, 2020

Savella (milnacipran) for Fibromyalgia "I have been using Savella for over 6 years for fibromyalgia and have had extremely good results. I have absolutely no discernible side effects. It has taken me more than 10 years to finally get the right reuptake inhibitor and dosage correct. I went through years of trying first just pain meds like tramadol, buprenorphine patches, etc., with poor results. I did Cymbalta for years (an SNRI) and got good relief from fibromyalgia, but it wiped out my sexual response. I finally found Savella and this has been the best. I have normal sexual response and everything else is normal."

10 / 10
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209 Report
  • Ama...
  • Taken for 2 to 5 years
  • February 25, 2014

Savella (milnacipran) for Fibromyalgia "I first started taking Savella in May of 2009. It had not been on the market long. I used the starter pack from my doctor and noticed positive results right away. Savella interacts with a lot of other medications, so I have to be very careful, especially with serotonin syndrome, which I did have symptoms of after taking Savella and Tramadol together. I do get the night sweats and remember more dreams and even have lucid dreams now, but otherwise no other negative side effects. Savella does cause somewhat rapid weight loss for me (1-2lbs a week, but I have it to spare). Decreased appetite as well. It really helps control my fibromyalgia symptoms. Savella is my miracle."

9 / 10
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345 Report
  • lwo...
  • October 21, 2013

Savella (milnacipran) for Fibromyalgia "I was put on Savella shortly after it came out and was on it for 3 months and my blood pressure rose. My doctor took me off of it and added blood pressure medication, and I was put on Neurontin. Neurontin did not do anything for my fibromyalgia, I was constantly in pain. Six months ago, I went to my doctor and stated I wanted to try it again because it had worked before, and we had added a blood pressure med. I was depressed and hurting. I told her I did not want to be on narcotics all the time to control the pain. I have been on it now for about six months, we are watching my blood pressure closely, and all has been good. It has helped with my IBS, I have lost almost 40 pounds because I feel good and can move and do simple things again."

8 / 10
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306 Report

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  • Anonymous
  • July 22, 2009

Savella (milnacipran) for Fibromyalgia "I've been taking Savella for fibromyalgia for about two months now. I am a healthcare professional and have read many of your posts. It is imperative that everyone remembers the side effects may not be from the drug and it is very easy to become paranoid about things that feel different just because you have started new treatment. I have prescribed it for many of my patients and I constantly remind them of the fact that these side effects were shown to be transient in the clinical trials, which consisted of over 2000 patients and they will go away, it will be worth it. I'm so glad that this medication has made its way to the United States as it is the standard of care in many other countries."

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339 Report
  • suz...
  • July 16, 2013

Savella (milnacipran) for Fibromyalgia "I've been suffering with overall pain for approximately 10 years now. I went to the doctor 9 years ago who said he thought I had fibromyalgia, and I would have this pain for the rest of my life because there is no known medication that would help. Then a month ago, the pain was getting so bad I couldn't sleep. I decided to go to a specialist who told me I do have fibromyalgia. I was given a sample of Savella, and it worked right away. I've been taking it for almost a month now and I have not felt this good for years! After reading all the side effects everyone is having, it has scared me. I don't want to stop taking Savella and get all that terrible pain back. I guess I better count my blessings and enjoy for now."

10 / 10
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246 Report
  • SAV...
  • June 16, 2009

Savella (milnacipran) for Fibromyalgia "Savella works great. But the 1st week of side effects while titrating are uncomfortable. After that, it's great for energy, pain, and brain fog though it takes a couple months to see dramatic improvement. People who stopped taking it after the 1st week didn't take it properly and aren't giving it a real chance. It's not a pain pill, doesn't work instantly. Important to remember: Take it early and with food. I take it at 5 am and 2 pm (7 weeks now). If not taken correctly, it'll cause headaches and nausea. Don't give up, give it 2 months to work. Doctors also aren't telling patients: It's an SNRI so don't take it with other serotonin-affecting antidepressants or it'll make you sick (serotonin syndrome). Give it a chance, Savella helps A LOT."

10 / 10
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268 Report
  • lit...
  • October 28, 2015

Savella (milnacipran) for Fibromyalgia "After years of pain, I was diagnosed with fibro about two years ago. I thought I could change my diet and lifestyle to make the pain go away. Using vitamins, going gluten-free, light supportive yoga, etc. After suffering for about 5 years, I finally broke down and went back to my doctor to ask for medication. She gave me Savella. I have just completed the graduated starter pack, and let me tell you, work through the nausea, insomnia, dizziness, and headaches. I have never felt this good in my life. I still don't have much of an appetite, and get a headache here and there, and from my clothes hanging off of me, I know I have lost weight. (I refuse to own a scale, they are evil!) I start my second month tomorrow, and pray that this continues."

10 / 10
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172 Report
  • Che...
  • May 6, 2015

Savella (milnacipran) for Fibromyalgia "I have taken Savella now, 100 mg 2 times a day for 5 years now, with fantastic results. I have tried so many, including Cymbalta, which worked well also, but I had many side effects. I recently saw a neurologist, and he had never seen anyone take 100 mg twice a day, but it was the only way it worked for me. I was able to stop taking Gabapentin, which I took 3 times a day. My pain on Savella has gone from 10 to zero."

10 / 10
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170 Report
  • Ela...
  • December 12, 2019

Savella (milnacipran) for Fibromyalgia "This medication Savella did wonders for my fibromyalgia for the month I was on it. My muscle and joint pain disappeared, and I had energy and could focus again! The caveat: it made me sweat profusely. Dripping sweat. It made me look like a drowned rat every day. My blood pressure also skyrocketed, and I often felt my heart racing. So I have weaned off the medication, and now I am in pain again. At least I'm not worried I'll have a stroke and I don't look like a drowned rat anymore! On to try something else."

9 / 10
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102 Report
  • Van...
  • Taken for 6 months to 1 year
  • January 30, 2020

Savella (milnacipran) for Fibromyalgia "After an on-the-job accident in 2016, every day was a struggle. I seriously did not want to exist. Any pain or injury I ever incurred in my life seemed to be radiating through my body every minute of every day. I started the meds, and within the first 3 days, I was weeping over the fact I felt alive again. I do sneeze every morning after taking the first one for the day. I take 50mg 2x a day. I also suffer from freezing feet and occasionally some nausea. I cannot exercise as 5 sit-ups cause me to feel like I did 1000, and I pay dearly for it for days, so my course of treatment is no exercise except what I get in my everyday work and personal life. I understand the med isn’t going to work for everyone, but even though it is so expensive, there is no price on the relief from the disease. I wish it was a little more affordable."

10 / 10
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100 Report
  • Jal...
  • Taken for 1 to 6 months
  • October 22, 2013

Savella (milnacipran) for Fibromyalgia "I have taken most everything on the market, and we started to think I had been misdiagnosed. My doctor was at a point where she was beginning to think the same thing. Savella was my last hope. I began taking the titration pack with no marked change, so she increased the dosage, and so far I feel better than I have in a long time. The only drawback (other than decreased sexual appetite) is the cost. My co-pay is $45. It may not seem much to some, but when I am taking 9 RXs a month, it is costly but worth it."

6 / 10
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173 Report
  • Tri...
  • April 28, 2014

Savella (milnacipran) for Fibromyalgia "I have been on 100 mg daily for 12 years and have had fairly controlled symptoms compared to others I know with fibromyalgia. I am increasing my dose to 200 mg daily to help control my anxiety and insomnia. Savella has been a lifesaver for me!"

10 / 10
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167 Report
  • Pri...
  • March 28, 2016

Savella (milnacipran) for Fibromyalgia "I had been taking Savella for about four years and had no idea how well it was working until I decided to go off of it because I do not like taking any medication. Within a few days, it was clear that without medication (Savella), I was going to be in pain. I saw my doctor and asked to try something else. I was put on bupropion and then later switched to Adderall for the chronic fatigue and pain caused by fibromyalgia. The bupropion made me dopey and lethargic, even after two months. Then I tried Adderall, which did help with the fatigue, but the pain came back and worsened over the next two months. I am totally convinced that nothing works better than least for me. I started back on Savella and feel great."

9 / 10
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144 Report
  • DIZ...
  • July 16, 2009

Savella (milnacipran) for Fibromyalgia "I have suffered from fibromyalgia for years, long before it was even heard of. I sought relief from doctors, specialists, nutritionists, and others at great expense. I have tried every possible pain medication including narcotics and over-the-counter pain relievers, antidepressants, etc. (even though I am not depressed) all to no avail. I participated in an open-label test program for fibromyalgia medication (not Savella), which helped somewhat but came with side effects. I have now been on Savella for 10 days, starting the pack at 12.5 mg and increasing to the current dose of 100 mg. The side effects have caused a nasty taste in my mouth and nausea. In comparison to the pain, I can tolerate these side effects, which are not as severe as the first 5 days. Although I am still a little stiff when I awake, I mobilize earlier in the morning than before starting the Savella. I am very optimistic that this medication is the real deal. Take it from someone who's been through it all. If Savella is not causing you serious medical problems, try tolerating the side effects for a while before crossing it off your list. I am!"

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215 Report
  • Cak...
  • Taken for 2 to 5 years
  • July 7, 2014

Savella (milnacipran) for Fibromyalgia "I believe Savella has been the most effective out of everything I've tried. I've had no side effects and it works quickly. My only complaint is after a year and a half my body built up a tolerance, and I had to stop taking it for a while. I'm happy to say that I'm back on it and I'm pain-free."

10 / 10
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154 Report
  • Anonymous
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • April 11, 2016

Savella (milnacipran) for Fibromyalgia "I've only been on it a few days. Started slow which was perfect. I had crippling pain for years, but only a few days on it and I've noticed small amounts of relief from pain and a wonderful burst in energy and feeling of happiness. My husband says I'm getting back to my old self, which feels amazing. It's only been a few days, but I haven't had any negative side effects. I expect to continue feeling better each day. I had severe insomnia for 8 months. Even after crazy amounts of sleep aids, it could still take me 4 hrs to fall asleep. The last 2 nights, I was able to sleep with no sleep aids. First time in months! It's only the first week on the medicine, but I've had a great experience so far. I have high hopes that it will continue."

10 / 10
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128 Report
  • mkm...
  • September 6, 2009

Savella (milnacipran) for Fibromyalgia "I have been on milnacipran (200mg) since they first started the study. First of all, the side effects WILL go away. The pain never completely disappears, but is tolerable. I went from not being able to work at all, to managing a drug store and working 10-hour days. You still have to be careful and monitor what your body needs. Rest on a good bed (I use Tempur-Pedic), heat (stay warm so you don't get stiff), take pain medication when needed, DO NOT let the pain run away from you. Force yourself to stay active. Do something every day. And most of all, give the medication a chance. After 20 years, I am very grateful for this medication. I can hug my family more often than not and wouldn't give that up for anything."

10 / 10
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191 Report
  • Tri...
  • September 3, 2013

Savella (milnacipran) for Fibromyalgia "I found Savella helpful for my fibromyalgia. I was on 50 mg a day. I was probably on it for two years when I began to get high blood pressure, palpitations, drenching sweats, and a general feeling of unrest. I stopped taking it and all side effects began to subside. I could not tolerate taking it anymore. I did not think it was really doing much until I stopped taking it and noticed flare-ups of fibromyalgia symptoms. I find I am sensitive to Neurontin, Lyrica, prednisone, and many medications."

6 / 10
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148 Report
  • DCe...
  • April 28, 2016

Savella (milnacipran) for Fibromyalgia "I was diagnosed in 1993 with fibromyalgia, didn't believe it was a legitimate condition. With information now available, I have accepted that I do, in fact, have fibro. I don't buy into taking prescriptions if at all possible, this condition has forced me to seek some relief in the form of a prescription. I started Savella a little over a month ago and am thrilled with the results. Trying to not get too excited, but I really do feel better. The pain is better, I have a clearer mindset, the fatigue is less, and I could not be happier. I did have dizziness and heart palpitations, but they have lessened over time. I suggest you try if you want some semblance of a life back."

7 / 10
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115 Report
  • Riv...
  • August 4, 2013

Savella (milnacipran) for Fibromyalgia "I visited a rheumatologist the first time about 3 or 4 months ago because my osteoarthritis appeared to have worsened over many months. I had gone to my family doctor but he couldn't understand the reason for my pain becoming so severe with my osteoarthritis. I was frustrated as a nurse because I walk a lot at the hospital. The pain was more than I could stand, starting at my lower back, down my right hip, and on down to my right leg above my knee. I cried numerous times with this discomfort. I could tolerate the pain with my swollen knuckles, loss of cartilage in the knees or any other pain, but NOT the back pain. I have been taking Savella and the back pain is significantly reduced! I do have heavy sweats and I remember my dreams."

9 / 10
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138 Report
  • Anonymous
  • June 28, 2009

Savella (milnacipran) for Fibromyalgia "I started taking Savella approximately 4 weeks ago. I take it in the morning with food and in the evening after dinner. I have had no nausea, though I do have hot flashes, increased sweating, some panic symptoms, and today had a real strange feeling of my arms and upper body feeling 'tingly' inside. That made me panic, still not sure what that was. I have also experienced constipation (mild), being very tired (before taking I was exhausted, so I was told maybe tired is an improvement over exhausted), and losing weight (though will NOT complain about that side effect). I have lost 6 lbs. in the last 3 weeks. It has helped my pain, and I no longer wake up during the night with the muscle achiness in my outer thigh area."

7 / 10
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173 Report
  • Mic...
  • January 27, 2013

Savella (milnacipran) for Fibromyalgia "I started taking Savella about 7 years ago and still use it today. I started taking it in the drug testing phase before it was released to the public. I started out on only 10 mg 3 times daily and slowly built up to 75 mg in the morning and 50 mg at night. In the beginning, the side effects were nausea, dry mouth, and headache. After a couple of years, high blood pressure too now managed with meds. The benefits far outweigh the side effects. I ride my bike 3 miles a day and work 40 hours a week at a physically demanding job. Stick with it until the side effects subside. It will be worth it."

10 / 10
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142 Report
  • phi...
  • July 1, 2009

Savella (milnacipran) for Fibromyalgia "I have been taking Savella since March and I feel great. This is a drug that reduced pain with minimal side effects. It took about a month to kick in, and unlike Cymbalta and Lyrica, I do not have any brain fog or dry mouth. Still a bit tired, but I attribute that to the fibromyalgia. I did well on Cymbalta, but after 2 years, it stopped being effective. Lyrica made me disoriented and foggy. I recommend Savella, based on my own very positive experience. This is not a classic antidepressant and is specific for fibromyalgia. Glad I found it and will continue using it. I have more energy and no pain."

10 / 10
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168 Report

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