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Vusion for Diaper Rash User Reviews

Vusion has an average rating of 10.0 out of 10 from a total of 4 reviews for the treatment of Diaper Rash. 100% of reviewers reported a positive experience, while 0% reported a negative experience.

Vusion rating summary

10.0 average rating out of 10

4 ratings from 4 user reviews.

Compare all 28 medications used in the treatment of Diaper Rash.

  • Anonymous
  • February 2, 2012

"Insurance covered before for the same conditions. It is the best stuff on the market, and I've used a lot of the antifungals. Putting this on my skin was like putting 'heaven' on my skin. Best product ever! Trying to get insurance to cover. It treats other conditions than 'diaper rash' for under breast, groin areas, skin folds, anywhere moisture holds. Using this and unscented soaps, I noticed a big difference overnight! I've used 'other' antifungals and zero help and/or made the condition much worse. Wish it was affordable to buy if insurance will not cover again. I've tried five other antifungals and no help at all."

10 / 10
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9 Report
  • Anonymous
  • February 25, 2012

"I'm an adult using this amazing cream, skin folds, under breasts, between legs, etc., wherever moisture is not exposed to air. Overnight notice of improvement with Vusion. Used other 'antifungals' and made my condition much worse. Vusion is the best product on the market."

10 / 10
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7 Report
  • Jer...
  • July 3, 2015

"I used it on my 92-year-old mother after it cured my 2-year-old daughter. It is the best ever. Dried up the worst C. diff. rash ever in about three days. Other step therapy medications failed. The problem with the insurance says they do not approve it because the components of this ointment are available over the counter. Vusion, however, combines these OTC tropicals in a vehicle that cures at the most remarkable speed. I had to pay $444 for one tube, but it started to dry up mom's fungal within two days, then healed the skin. Miracle topical. Used it for about a week."

10 / 10
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5 Report
  • dot...
  • March 30, 2015

"It worked after some time"

10 / 10
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2 Report
Reviews may be edited to correct grammar/spelling or to remove inappropriate language and content. Reviews that appear to be created by parties with a vested interest are not published. This information is not intended to endorse any particular medication. While these reviews may be helpful, they are not a substitute for the expertise, knowledge, and judgement of healthcare professionals.

Learn more about Diaper Rash

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More about Vusion (miconazole / zinc oxide topical)

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Other brands

Rash Relief Antifungal

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